"Come on, crack the code already we dont have much time," a masked robber snapped. Pistol in his hand, his black attire covered in blood. "Everyone's all happy because they get to go on a metal can of trash that can fly. Hurry this is our chance," he continued hitting handle of his gun on the wall.
"Shades right, you said youd be able to crack this safe in five minutes," another male robber added. Larger in stature he was suprised when Shade shoved him off balance.
"Didnt we agree on not saying our fucking names. When i said use your head i meant, use your head," Shade said pointing at the larger robbers head.
3 Masked robbers peered into a dark vault.
"anybody home," the third masked assailant called. She flashed a light into the darkness and there it sat. The briefcase, the answers as to why the price for water is so high? Why is there talk of the ocean receding? The answers to what is happening on the other stretch of land, the answers are here. The second assailant steps his foot into the darkness and the room erupts into a bright light.
"We don't have time for the sneaky route," Shade said," Since we had to deal with those two unexpected guards," he continued.
The second assialiant ran inside the vault, grabbed the briefcase and the trio ran towards the enterance, Shades phone ran off, they slid to a stop and hid behind black pillars, opposite of the main entrance.
Shade pulled his phone from his pocket
"Do not go out that front door," a woman said on the phone.
"Why, we havent alerted any cops, the vault was cracked and done with under the ground." Shade said looking at his two teammates, putting his phone on speaker.
"If you and your team go outside, youre done. I am here on behalf of the Losers Club," the woman retorted. "Traffic is messed up and cops are scrambled everywhere thanks to you guys stunt. So the Losers Club is giving you 30 seconds to agree to be picked up by them," she continued.
Shade peered his head towards a window, his heart sank.
police cars covered the streets of the bank, making any car entrance impossible
policemen had their weapons drawn, hidden behind their cars, atleast 12 vehicles.
swat members positioned on different roofs
Slade turned back to his team.
"Should we trust the Losers Club with a driver." Shade asked, slight concern written on his face, despite the mask.
"We're in a tight spot right now, Jesse would be good-
"But hes dead." the female assilant continued.
"22" the woman on the phone continued
"You know their reputation is questionable, right," the woman assailant mentioned
Shade confirmed, nodding his head.
The two other assailants nodded in agreement.
"We accept," Shade said into the phone.
"Good, as you know Loser Clubs Rules," Her voice sounded void of life, a description of nails to a chalkboard. I am paid by the Losers Club to drive you from Point A to Point B and get you away from the authorites. I have ammuntions inside of my vecihle, but use must be granted permission by said Losers Club driver. Failure to follow these rules will result in ride being terminated, and if refusal to exit car, safety percautions will be activiated.
ETA 5minutes," the phone hangs up, as its light flashes to a GPS app.