Chereads / star wars:rise of the star union / Chapter 3 - freeing the togruta slaves

Chapter 3 - freeing the togruta slaves

Author:an little info about the Ekot they are amphibious fish humans are the second least advanced speices only using titanium steel and goldium they reproduce by laying and orb of reproductive fluid which females absorb then lay egg of up to 5 to 10 in an clutch and for any of my readers who want to be in the story just send me an OC in the comments

Last time we left off our young hero belon had just landed on his new planet named fluxar let,s pick up were we left off. As belon,s star cruiser touched down onto the mineral rich black ground as belon exited he seen green sky yellow leaf,s and purple tree trunks. Belon:its safe!. As he said that the civilians being purple or pink and the rare yellow color stepped out of the ship as they were followed by the Royal guards who set up a 65 meter wide perimeter

as belon gather the civilians into group,s five of them were miners and five of them were builders and five of them five of them were engineers and five of them were younglings. Belon had five of his guards guard the miners while the rest of the civilians began building their homes.5 days later:belon civilians had built their homes in the barrier made of tree trunks the engineers had to use the metals that the miners had collected to make heavy turrets that used titanblux bullets and belon had already told people about the force and how we can use it therefore starting a religion about it known as the silver angels but meanwhile as a royal guard was patrolling outside the wall he heard rustling in the trees Royal guard:Ekot ATTACK! He shouted as a 7ft humanoid amphibious fish man jumped from the tree about to kill the royal guard by cleaving him in half with his bone sword the guard pointed his blaster spear as it shot a streamlined beam of concentrated energy hitting the Ekot in the chest blasting a hole in its chest soon reinforcement,s arrived it was the captain of the royal guard and her squadron.

meanwhile with belon he was doing paperwork approving buildings and New tech by the engineers and builder,s until the system appeared system:•quest: giving freedom to the enslaved:free the togruta slaves reward:2 clone cultivate 35+ togruta population 3 lightsaber kit• as belon got up from his throne and walked out towards the balcony as he summoned his royal guards in the courtyard as he spoke. Belon:the Ekot have been attacking us for to long it's time we find their base and eliminate them for good. Royal guard:YES Sir.

belon: and to support in our technological advances and military weaponry the engineers have built these belon said. as he extended his hand to the left revealing a hoving motorcycle like vehicle that had 2 high power blasters in the front belon:I present to you the creast. A high power hover mobile we only have 4 of them and it only seats 2 each so 8 of you will need to go out and find their base. Royal guards:yes Sir. They said as the captain and the lieutenant got on the first one and sped off into the distance meanwhile in an ancient tree in the forest the Ekot leader watched as togruta slaves matched refining steel and titanium and goldium and weird crystals they found.untill an Ekot subordinate ran in Ekot 4#:sir our scout hasn't returned any the slaves are getting tired. Ekot king: fine the slaves can have an 25 minutes break and as for the scout forget about him Ekot 4#:yes sir.

Back with the royal guard captain they had been riding the creast for an hour before the stopped at an large tree covered in moss and when they looked down they seen an quarry that was being mined by togruta who are getting whipped brutally if they didn't stop mining the captain asha an beautiful red haired yellow skinned woman reported to belon as she and the lieutenant got on the creast and rode back to the new capital having the whereabouts of the Ekot lair as all the scouts returned with their creast,s they met in front of Belon captain asha: your majesty we found their lair and they are using the slaves as workers. Belon:I see some races to haven,t moved on from slavery your new objective is clear you shall mobilize free the slaves and and take Ekot eggs if you find any and you will not be alone because I will be joining you in this raid so ready up we move at Dawn!.

Author: I bet you viewers are wondering what's happening with his cousins well let's take a look. As for garon he was filling out construction papers as he glanced outside his window only to see 2 headed giants doing labor of course garon wasn't that type of person he had given the giants rights but some reason they enjoy labor some of them were undergoing military training as for Teresa and tilla went with the less Democratic route and went for dictatorship only people they knew were allowed to do what ever they wanted as for the regular citizens they had to pay for anything they wanted to do the only place that it was a free zone was the bar of course they had problems on their planet to it was filled With scuttlak an hostile speices of bug. They attacked every 8 days.

Back with belon he and his elite force were riding on an hover tank/ transport vehicle it had an tank barrel that fired plasma rounds and it had 3 compartments the first 2 comparments carried 25 seats each for infantry and the final compartment store up to two vehicles it was used to store the creasts and it was heavily armored being capable of taking 25 full power blaster shots and it had two gun seats each with an 8X4.5 blaster turret the humava engineers it was a the only one of its kind which technically made it an prototype.

The assault squad that consisted of 25 royal guard including Captain asha and belon himself it was a total of 27 they stopped just an few meters away from the Ekot lair but they were ambushed as 8 barley working speeders carrying 24 green skinned Ekot the bike and point to their blasters. The largest one standing seven foot of approached and belon did the same as they met in the middle and stared into each other's eyes until the Ekot got on one knee Ekot rebel:we pledge our loyalty to you master belon. Belon was confused belon: master?. Ekot nodded Ekot: yes we have been spying on you and watching you seemed like a fair ruler someone who speaks for good and keeps their word true our king is an tyrant we wanted to over throw him but we were to weak so we started a rebellion we are 35 strong if you can defeat our leader we will serve you. Asha:your majesty they could be lying. Belon:it's ok asha they seem to speak the truth I will help you.

As belon walked towards the shock tank he opened the compartment letting the 24 Ekot get in as they got in with a little hesitation in a few minutes they reached the ancient tree as belon got in the front aimed the barrel of the cannon and blasted it towards the barracks.

Meanwhile instead the ancient tree the Ekot king was eating flurr fish when an explosion rang out as he dropped his meal just as he got up and turned around and Ekot servant entered an looked panicked. Ekot king: what happened!. He questioned fury in his eyes Ekot:sir we are under attack an energy blast destroyed the barracks killing half our men. he said fearfully the king angry but still focused called his guards to guard his Chambers.

As belon got out of the shock tank and slid down the ravine and watched as his soldiers dominated the battle as he aimed his plasma blaster at an turret setting it to full charge as he pulled the trigger as an greenish blue ball of energy flew towards the turret blowing it up 15 minutes that's how much Time it took for the battle to be over and done as belon marched into the ancient tree,s halls shooting stray guards and using his force push to knock them down and shot them in the chest as belon approach the large door the Ekot king grabbed his plasma blade.and stud up and waited for belon

Ekot king: finally an worthy foe our battle will be legendary!. As he said that belon began using force push against the door causing it to dent in before it flew off the hinges belon:we meet at last Ekot king you will pay for your crimes. Belon said as the Ekot king turned to him Ekot king(kularta): you may call me by my name kularta it means killer in Ekot language this will be your doom. he said as he laughed before rushing forward trying to cleve him in half belon rolled to the side and fired 3 blaster shots at kularta but they were blocked as he spun his plasma blade blocking the first two but the third hit him in the shoulder.

Kularta: you will pay for that with your blood!. He said as he swung his blade diagonally promting belon to side step and shoot 4 more shots but kularta(Ekot king) blocked all of them kularta rushed forward without even thinking but kularta face turned from focused to curiousness as belon smirked as kularta brought down the plasma laced blade on him he extended his hand and used force push causing an barely see able power to knock the sword from kularta hands causing it to plunge into the ground.

Kularta regaining his focus ran forward swinging his fist towards belon as belon jump to the side as kularta fist impacted the ground causing it to crack he turned and rushed towards him once more belon then pulled out his plasma blaster and begin firing 8 shots one hit him in the leg another hit him in the other like another in the arm and in the shoulder and the other shot in the other arm two in the chest another shot him in the chest and the final shot hit him in the heart.

Kularta was about to swing but his eyes rolled back into his head as he collapsed on the floor dead belon left the ancient tree as his soldiers regrouped the togruta gathered around them the chieftain who seem to be female bowed before belon and offered him all the ores they had collected for the EKOT over the years as the chiefteness whose name was zaria kissed belon on the lips.

and gave him an ring made of silver declaring him her husband which shocked him belon: hold on we don't even get a ceremony we haven't even got to know each other. Before he can continue speaking all the togruta began shouting matriarch matriarch matriarch! Zaria: since you are the matriarch now we must follow your rule. Belon was he told all of them to get in the shock tank as they rode back to the star union about 25 minutes later belon and his team had returned to the star union with a population of 45 Ekot and 35 togruta to surprise in the back of the castle the togruta had planted trees that they carved out and built homes out of the biggest one belonged to him and Zaria apparently it was some sort of right that the leaders had the biggest tree.

They had a party to celebrate eating different meats fruits and vegetables after the belon went to an secret chamber in his palace as he redeemed the system rewards placing the two clone cultivates in the corner they were greenish blue with little babies growing inside and right next to them two kits spawned each containing the parts to build a lightsaber but no Crystal. Belon was confused until he remembered the kyber crystals that the togruta that mined in their slavery years as he took a few turns he arrived at the storage area as he walked towards the cart with the kyber crystals in it he remembered from fallen order the crystal has to choose you as he closed his eyes.

And held out his hand one orange crystal and one yellow Crystal flew to his palm belon then returned and placed 2 kits on his desk as he open them and used the force as he closed his eyes to pieces levitated combining together with the crystals making two lightsabers but belon wasn't done as he continued to focus both hilts of the sabers combined making a dual lightsaber as he grabbed the hilt you press the button causing both the orange side and the yellow side to activate as he spun it around thrusted forward and behind him he felt powerful he held it diagonally he broke the hills apart turning them into duel lightsabers I think put the hilt back together turn you back into a double sided lightsaber deactivated it and put it on his waist. Belon: tomorrow great things will happen and I will rule this universe and then I'll move on to others until eventually I have the whole galaxy underneath my foot today marks the day of the gray Jedi order watch out empire in the Republic I'm coming for you.

Author: that was it for the chapter I hope you guys like it also I have somethings I wanted to share with you guys I wanted your opinions

Zaria I was wondering a few things 1. Should she be a yandere like she's willing to share but if someone threats the protagonist or tries to charm him without her permission she'll go yandere mode.

2.: should she be force sensitive so that way in the next chapter she can become an grey Jedi Padawan and secondary main character.

3.: leadership later in the story do you guys think that when the main character moves to a bigger planet of his own should she govern over the current planet.

4.: rancor riding do you guys think in the future that are MC should send some of his people to dathamir to pick up some rancor pups to be tamed creating an unstoppable armored Force.

5.:raid do you think the protagonist should either raid or help a planet in the next or future chapters gaining more subordinates and resources to aid him in his conquest.

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