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La Nevada Roja y las 19 ciudades

Sinopsis Oficial: Zhou Shu Xin, una joven con problemas cardiacos, ha sido forzada a ser una villana y cazadora de inmortales por su cruel familia Zhou y el clan de cazadores de inmortales. A lo largo de sus vidas, lleva consigo una maldición que la hace reencarnar y recordar sus vidas pasadas pero no todas precisamente y su enfermedad cardiaca. Sin embargo, siempre enfrenta el mismo trágico destino: morir a manos de su propio clan o por su enemigo. Al morir, Shu Xin despierta en la ciudad Yuehimei, en su nueva vida como Chu Shan Shan, la hija menor de la poderosa familia Chu. Sin embargo, el destino le juega una cruel jugada: descubre que su familia está estrechamente vinculada con Jiang Yang, un inmortal demonio sediento de venganza contra los cazadores de inmortales y, en particular, contra la familia Zhou. Este hombre, a quien conoció en su vida anterior como Shu Xin, es ahora el prometido de su hermana mayor, Chu Bai Zhi. Shan Shan teme ser reconocida por Jiang Yang debido a su rostro idéntico al de su vida pasada, por lo que evita todo contacto con él. Sin embargo, es Obligada a asistir al banquete de compromiso de su hermana. sin embargo, el banquete termina en tragedia cuando una explosión, organizada por el clan Zhou de su vida pasada, arrasa con todo, matando a todos los presentes, incluida Shan Shan. Al morir, Shan Shan despierta en un espacio estrellado, donde una voz misteriosa, el Sistema, la observa. El Sistema le entrega una máscara capaz de cambiar su rostro. "Pequeña anfitriona, has muerto por tu clan Zhou en tu vida pasada y en esta vida igualmente. Ahora debes regresar a tu vida como Shan Shan y renacer un día antes de la explosión y con otro rostro para romper el ciclo." El Sistema le revela un oscuro secreto: todas sus vidas pasadas fueron una mentira. Su verdadero nombre es Qin Shi Yue, y ella proviene de un mundo real, pero ahora está atrapada en un mundo de fantasía oscura. Con la nueva máscara, Shan Shan renace un día antes de su muerte y del banquete de compromiso de su hermana, pero pronto pierde la máscara, y su rostro original regresa. Ahora, los cazadores de inmortales desean capturarla para infiltrarse entre sus enemigos, mientras que Jiang Yang busca venganza, creyendo que Shan Shan es responsable de la muerte de su familia. En su huida, Shan Shan se ve obligada a recolectar fragmentos de corazón de la leyenda de las 19 ciudades y se encuentra con otros trasmigradores para romper el ciclo y encontrar su verdadera libertad. A medida que recolecta más fragmentos, secretos de sus vidas pasadas comienzan a salir a la luz, revelando secretos ocultos que podrían cambiarlo todo.
Nia_Luz · 663 Views

La Criadora de Alfa Damien: La primera noche

Ella era una simple humana que solo quería vivir una vida pacífica en el campo cuando encontró a su compañero. Él era el Alfa workaholic que nunca se entregaba a los placeres mundanos, en cambio, obtenía alegría de ser poderoso. Su destino se entrelazó cuando ambos poseían lo que anhelaban, paz y amor. __________________ Antes de cumplir la edad de 18 años, Alfa Lucas de la manada de Amantes del Payaso afirmó ser el compañero de Aurora y quiso hacerla su Luna. Lamentablemente, fue acusada de infidelidad el día de su boda y fue rechazada por el hombre que afirmaba ser su compañero y la amaba. Tuvo que presenciar la muerte de sus padres y cómo le arrebataban su herencia. —Yo, Lucas Dominion, te rechazo, Aurora Madison como mi compañera. ……………………………………….. Después de ser vendida como esclava, fue comprada para ser criadora para el Alfa de la manada Crescent Red, la manada más influyente y grande del país. Damien, que era el Alfa de la manada de la media luna roja, no le dedicaba ni una mirada a Aurora, y ella fue arrojada a la parte más profunda de la mansión para trabajar con los omegas. Cinco años más tarde, había planeado meticulosamente la muerte de sus padres, lista para poner su plan en marcha. Desafortunadamente, Alfa Damien, que la había descuidado durante años, de repente se interesó y no la dejaba fuera de su vista. Aurora, que nunca creyó que podría ser bendecida con otro compañero, decidió no volverse a enamorar. Viendo cómo el Alfa la favorecía, decidió aprovechar su ayuda y vengar la muerte de sus padres. La situación cambió cuando descubrió que él era su compañero, ¿otro compañero? ………………………………………… —¿Compañero? No tengo tal cosa —dijo ella, negando la chispa que sentía entre ella y Damien, aunque era evidente. Su corazón se calentaba con su voz, su rostro se calentaba con su toque. Él ya había destrozado su resolución, pero ella juró no ser débil otra vez. Sin embargo, ¿cómo podía negar que no sentía nada por él cuando tenía tales efectos sobre ella? ¡Pero tenía miedo, aterrorizada de ser traicionada por su compañero otra vez! Los casos de tener dos compañeros eran raros, ¿por qué la diosa de la luna le había otorgado tal destino? —No puedes negarlo por siempre, y no tengo ninguna intención de dejarte ir —dijo él, sus ojos llenos de ira al ver cómo a ella le disgustaba tanto la idea de tenerlo como compañero. —No tengo nada que ofrecerte —trató de convencerlo para sacarlo del trance en el que estaba. Si tan solo supiera que él estaba en su sano juicio. —Solo necesito a mi compañera —diciendo eso, dio grandes pasos hacia la puerta y la cerró de un portazo al salir. Después de encontrar la fuerza para liberarse de su doloroso pasado, Aurora se enfrenta a su primer compañero, Alfa Lucas, quien busca reclamarla. Frente a una elección, ¿volverá con quien la traicionó, o permanecerá con Alfa Damien, quien no le ofreció nada más que paz? La portada es para el autor, ¡no usar! ```
Trishybaby · 392.1K Views

La Mordida del Alfa Entre Mis Piernas

``` —Si te vuelvo a ver, me saciaré con tu cuerpo mientras sangras, ¡príncipe! —Rosina, una mujer atormentada por un oscuro pasado, desarrolló una peligrosa obsesión que llevó a una estela de sangre y cadáveres. Una depredadora que disfrutaba de su presa antes de quitarles la vida. Siempre había despreciado la idea de tener una pareja hasta que se vio obligada a asistir a la temporada anual de apareamiento. Albergando un profundo deseo de libertad, detestaba cualquier asociación con la realeza. Durante el evento de apareamiento, se encontró con un hombre misterioso que llevaba una máscara roja sangre. Draco fue retratado como un despreocupado Tercer Príncipe que buscaba solo diversión y evitaba las responsabilidades que conllevaba la corona. Sin embargo, su encuentro con Rosina provocó un cambio en él. Se da cuenta de que para ganarse su mano en matrimonio, debe convertirse en rey. Esa transformación puso a Draco en un camino de auto-descubrimiento y crecimiento mientras se esforzaba por demostrar que era digno del amor de Rosina. ¿Su encuentro cambiaría su destino o los llevaría a la ruina? _____ Volumen 2: —Mi deber es encontrar a un noble para liderar mi manada, pero conquistaste mi corazón, plebeyo —Felissa era responsable de buscar una pareja digna de estatus y cumplir con su deber como la única hija de un Alfa, lo que la llevó a girar su vida para convertirse en una perfecta futura Luna de la manada Medianoche. Era conocida por ser tan delicada como una flor frágil, o eso creían. Detrás de su alegre sonrisa se ocultaba la oscuridad que quería ascender y apoderarse de su cuerpo. Una personalidad nacida debido al uso de la magia. Mientras Felissa buscaba a un compañero noble para satisfacer a sus padres, conoció a un plebeyo con dos identidades. Vicenzo era un hombre que vivía diferentes vidas para mantener a su madre a salvo de la manada abusiva. Estaba dispuesto a sacrificar el vínculo con su pareja para destruir al Nuevo Monarca como su tarea, pero su corazón se rompía lentamente y ansiaba el toque de su pareja. ¿Priorizarían su deber o cederían a lo que sus cuerpos deseaban? _____ Volumen 3: —Te aceptaré a pesar de todo lo que has hecho, mi querida —Gastone vivía en el mundo humano como castigo pero fue llamado de vuelta al reino de los hombres lobo por Rosina para encontrar a su pareja. No quería una debido a su situación de vida y orgullo como Príncipe caído. En el camino, salvó a una mujer problemática llamada Lucía y la llevó al reino después de que ella le suplicara que la salvara. Eso causó problemas ya que los hombres lobo eran mitos para los humanos. Con la ayuda de Draco, Gastone y Lucía se instalaron temporalmente en un lugar aislado por seguridad. Lucía había escapado de un Orfanato que trabajaba en el mercado negro. Su objetivo era detener su negocio para salvar la vida de muchas chicas pero falló después de años de planificación. Después de conocer a Gastone, tenía la intención de usarlo a su favor ya que necesitaba su esencia para sobrevivir a la maldición. ¿Florecería su amor después de descubrir grandes diferencias entre sus razas? __ [ ¡WPC #301 - Ganador del Lugar de Oro! ] . . Portada Oficial Encargada. __ Contáctame: IG: mona_milku Discord: __ ```
youneedsomemilk · 231.4K Views

Esclava de la Oscuridad

El mundo pertenece a los humanos, pero lo que ellos no saben es que en las oscuras horas de la noche hay un mercado de esclavos que ocurre en el bosque. Nadie sabe de él excepto aquellos que son ricos y pagan una cuota por la membresía. A medida que el mercado de esclavos se traslada de ciudad en ciudad, finalmente alcanzan su destino donde llaman al comprador para hacerle saber que han llegado con algunas mercancías intrigantes que podrían interesarle. La esclava que fue comprada del mercado de esclavos en medio de la noche fue llevada a su nuevo hogar por su primer Amo. Se siente segura con él pero no recuerda nada de su pasado y no sabe qué secretos acechan en su mente. El Amo que compró un nuevo juguete pensó que ya que ella era lo que estaba buscando. Esperaba que ella durara más que las demás, pero lo que no esperaba era que el pasado volviera a él después de cien años sin él. Con sus nuevos recuerdos se ablanda, pero solo por ella, ya que ahora ella es todo para él, no se detendrá ante nada para protegerla y ayudarse mutuamente a recordar su pasado juntos. Extracto —¿Quién te crees que eres? Te haré echar de esta zona si sigues merodeando por aquí. Justo estaba charlando con mi futuro hombre cuando tú me interrumpiste —la chica señaló a Yuki culpándola. —Cariño, ¿ibas a buscar a alguien más cuando ya me tienes a tu lado? —Yuki se giró y presionó su cuerpo contra el suyo. Restregó su pecho en su costado para mostrar que él era de ella. —Sabes que no puedo reemplazarte, Liliana. Solo les estaba diciendo a estas señoritas que no podrían tener el bolso que encargué especialmente para ti —movió su mano a su trasero y apretó. Las damas parecían avergonzadas por un momento. —¡No, conseguiré lo que quiero! ¡Quiero a ese hombre y ese bolso! —La dama gritó y su cara se volvió roja como un tomate. Yuki giró la cabeza. —No puedes controlar los sentimientos de alguien. No puedes compararte conmigo de ninguna manera, forma o figura —Yuki giró la cabeza con elegancia. —Ah, ¿es así? ¡ENTONCES TE RETO A UN CONCURSO DE BELLEZA! Hoy hay una competencia por la reina de la playa y si ganas te dejaré en paz y me inclinaré ante ti, pero si gano yo quiero ese bolso y a tu hombre! La portada es un Producto encargado y todos los derechos pertenecen a mí y al artista que lo creó para mí.
Shirokitsune · 90.4K Views

When Two Broken Hearts Collide [Filipino] (EDITING)

This is the tale of a genuine love and friendship. True friends will stick by you through thick and thin, offering you advice and support. Some people come and go but true friends never leave your side no matter what it takes. Lhaiel San Diego was devastated when his girlfriend married someone else and his marriage proposal went awry. His love for her remained constant despite his belief that his life would be meaningless without her. He started drinking. In the hopes that the bitter taste of the alcohol would wash away all the pain, he drowned himself in it. When he thought everything was over, his friends proved that life was not all about hurt and pain, as he had assumed. Despite his being a jerk, his friends never leave his side. Then there is Alleya Rojas. Alleya, like him, had a broken heart. She was dumped by her boyfriend. She was equally devastated, feeling as though something was lacking. It was as if someone had ripped half of her heart out of her. But then an unexpected thing happened: she met a guy in an unexpected place, and she almost passed away with this guy who had supported her after being publicly humiliated by her ex-boyfriend and his current girlfriend. She did not think much of it, but this guy kept appearing out of nowhere to help her deal with her ex-boyfriend. Suddenly, a "deal" was made. What will happen when two broken hearts collide? Is it possible for one broken heart to mend another? Or, similar to their history, this will shatter them into tiny fragments once more.
Avvynibini · 51.5K Views


A Few Warnings for the Reader: This short novel is written for people who appreciate Japanese anime – a worldwide community numbering in the hundreds of millions. It's important to understand from the start that anime is not just "children's cartoons," as animation is often perceived in places like Europe and the USA. Anime represents a distinct form of animation and a significant cultural force, almost like "super-cinema." It can be incredibly dynamic and explore serious themes. Now, let's be honest, a large portion of anime is… not great. Maybe around 90% could be considered simply "okay" or even, let's say, "trashy." It can be blatant, silly, and not particularly engaging. Many viewers watch one of these less impressive shows and then assume all anime is similar. But that's a mistake! Understand this: by doing that, you're missing out on potentially the most captivating entertainment of your life. That's not an exaggeration – it's a genuine perspective. But the remaining 10%? That's where the true "super-cinema" lies. Good anime is unmatched in its ability to tell emotionally resonant stories and deliver dynamic action. Anime creators are free to push boundaries. Their imaginations delve into the complexities of the human heart, challenging the common "European view" that restricts animation to children. This story(it's not a Fanfiction!) is a tribute to a classic anime called "Fate." Fate is not my personal absolute favorite – there are masterpieces which incredibly hard to surpass. But still, it's a powerful example of the story started as a simple eroge and converted to a deeply emotional cult film.
AlviChanti · 4.6K Views

Beyond Imagination: Journey to the Dark

Oh hey there! Welcome to my totally not your average novel. I'm Natsuo, your humble guide (well, maybe not that humble) through this wild rollercoaster of a story. Buckle up because things are about to get real. So, picture this: I was just your regular guy—well, if by regular you mean born into a family of portal-hopping "Dimension Walkers," betrayed by a kingdom, and accidentally sold my soul to Lucifer. Oops. Now I’ve got these wicked powers like gaining all knowledge (yes, I’m a genius), multiplying anything by a trillion (imagine a trillion-dollar pizza), and copying abilities (basically, I'm like the ultimate cheat code). Oh, and did I mention I’m emotionless now? Yeah, turns out selling your soul has some side effects. Who knew? Anyway, things went downhill real fast when the Night Commander decided to try and kill me and my best friend Minami. Spoiler alert: didn’t work. But, in a twist of fate (and some magic portals), I ended up in a new dimension where I ran into some really "interesting" characters, like a dude in a red suit named G.W.A.K.(Guy with a katana) He’s kind of like a talking cartoon with a katana—breaks the fourth wall and cracks jokes like there's no tomorrow. Honestly, he might be funnier than Luci, my annoying floating eyeball companion. Now, with these crazy new powers, I’m hopping between dimensions, stealing abilities from other powerful freaks, and maybe trying to find a way to reclaim my soul before Lucifer decides she wants more than just a one-time deal. Did I mention I don’t play nice? Yeah, if you’re looking for a hero, you’re probably in the wrong place. But hey, stick around! There’s betrayal, epic fights, fourth-wall-breaking shenanigans, and enough sarcasm to fill an entire kingdom. Oh, and if you’re reading this, you might want to keep your eyes peeled—I might just be watching you. discord server:-
AD_Ahad · 10.6K Views

Seduction in 31 days

(warning:r18+ and strong mature content) In a world shrouded in darkness, two souls collided in a dance of destruction.Each harboring secrets that could annihilate them, found themselves inexplicably drawn to the very flame that could consume them. Their lives are a labyrinth of shadows, woven with deceit and bloodlust. Yet, amidst the chaos, they discover a glimmer of light in each other's eyes. A spark that ignited a passion so fierce, it threatened to incinerate them both. Shante Jarret,a siren of seduction,had built a fotress around her heart. But Madden,a maestro of control had a way of dismantling her defenses. With each whispered promises,he chipped away at her armor, exposing the vulnerable soul beneath. Madden Banks,a billionaire with a taste of darkness,had grown accustomed to shadows. But Shante,a female fatale with a kiss that could kill, awakened a hunger within him. A hunger that drove him to crave her touch,her taste,her very essence. As they navigated the treacherous landscapes of their desires,they found themselves bound by an unbreakable thread. A thread woven from the fabric of their own darkness,yet illuminated by the light they discover in eachother. Shante's past was marked by the brutal murder of her parents and her own rape at the age of five,perpetrated by the gangsters she has now taken care of. She has risen from the ashes,forging a new identity as the enigmatic leader of an underground club society. The club,a deadly society of dangerous seductress and evil gigolos,was built on a foundation of darkness and deception. Their mission was clear,hunt,seduce,manipulate,play and take down their targets within three days. The penalty for failure is death and the cardinal rule is simple: NEVER FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR PREY. Shante received a mission,one that will test her skills and push her to a limit of sanity. Her target - Madden Banks,the same billionaire who awoke a hunger within her. As she delved deeper into his world,she found herself torn between her loyalty to the club and her growing fasination with Madden. *** Excerpt "Hello, I'm Te," Shante purred, her voice dripping with seduction as she extended a manicured hand. Madden's gaze narrowed, his eyes lingering on her face before responding, "Te, as in Tea?" Shante's smile faltered for a moment, her anger simmering just below the surface. But she quickly regained her composure, her voice taking on a husky tone. "No, as in Teeeeee... Short for Shante." Madden's expression remained impassive, his voice curt. "Madden." He turned his attention back to Tyra, dismissing Shante altogether. "I'll be on my way now sissy." He smiled softly. Tyra was about to whine but Shante did the whining instead. "C'mon, it's not so gentlemanly to go without at least taking us on a date." Madden's gaze was fixed on Tyra like she was the only one there and no one said a word. "Later,sis." He winked at Tyra. "What the f..." She scoffed,her eyes flashed with anger, her face burning with indignation,she had never been ignored all her life. That bloody bastard, it's not his fault,not his fau... === "Madd..." Shante hollered as she stormed into his glistening study,her eyes blazing with fury. Madden looked up from his desk, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes and a sarcastic smile on his lips. "...are you fucking running mad,how dare you change my project to cartoon,you have any idea how many nights that took me?" She spat angrily. "Leave my fucking space,get the hell outta my house and I won't be able to irritate you again." He spoke nonchalantly. Shante's anger boiled over, her palms slapping against his desk. "You can ask well bring it on, cause I'm not leaving even if it's burning to ashes..." *** In the twisted game of cat and mouse, they're both predator and prey. Each move calculated,each kiss a gamble. But as the stakes grew higher,they realize that the greatest danger isn't the secret they kept,but the love they couldn't deny.
Fortune_Oke · 12K Views

Their Desired Ending

It wasn't on purpose. When Maria stole a peculiar book from one of her classmates, she thought nothing of it since her classmate didn't seem too fond of reading; Maria thought she could get away with it, however, she never expected the book to hold such secrets. Working as a barista in the city of Quezon, Maria discovers that not only was the book she had once read predicting the end of the world, but her old pocket watch was the key to figuring out its secrets. Before she knew it, chaos started to unfold, claiming the lives of thousands as deadly games began to appear all over the world, forcing humans to become players to survive. Maria never imagined that an old book series could lead to such catastrophes. Can a book with hundreds of pages stacked together— really be the sole reason for the end of humanity? Left with no other choice, Maria uses her knowledge from the books to navigate through the looming perils before her. With the desire to meet the beings that heralded the world's end and uncover the mysteries shrouding her books, Maria strove to survive and adapt to her new reality, even if it meant being tangled between life and death. In a world brimming with tales, akin to the multitude of stars gleaming in the nocturnal skies or the depths of the vast ocean yet to be explored, the story of searching for one's ending begins... * * * TL;DR: What to expect: -Slow Paced Story -Character Development  -A Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic World -Mysteries! -Diverse Characters  -Family Conflict and Comradeship  -Sub-Plot Romance between Two Women -3.4k-3.8k Word Count per Chapter -Mistakes in grammar or prose since English is not my Native Language What NOT to expect: -Overpowered MC -Reverse Harem -LitRPG * * * Before reading this story, please note that this story will not be a short one. This story is inspired by many unlimited-flow Chinese novels I often read, Alice in Borderland, and my childhood favorite cartoon show, Adventure Time. Although this is my first time writing a story and may be an amateur, there would also be some terrible grammar, prose, and repetition of words since English is not my native language, I still hope that some of you will be able to enjoy reading this story I created during quarantine.  This story may also be slow in terms of updating, but I'll try my best to upload frequently or find a schedule to upload the chapters. I accept any form of criticism, tips, and advice!
T3CHN1CREADER · 2.7K Views


In the vast multiverse, a legendary being named Sahil Patel stands at the pinnacle of existence. His status transcends the boundaries of mere mortals, as he possesses unimaginable power and a plethora of talents that defy comprehension. Sahil is not bound by conventional limitations; he is a master of reality itself, equipped with a system that grants him the ability to edit anything according to his desires. Upon the moment of his birth and integration with the system, Sahil and his boundless capabilities become intertwined, forging a connection that ensures their lives are inseparable. The system, sworn to never harm its master in any way—physically, mentally, or otherwise—exists solely to aid Sahil in his adventurous journey through life. Sahil Patel's attributes are beyond quantification, with levels exceeding 999 in every conceivable category. His eyes possess unparalleled vision, including the Eye of Heaven, All-Seeing Eyes, Eye of Technology, Eye of True Vision, Eye of Insight, Pupil of Time and Space Nirvana, Omniscient Eye, and more. As for his class, occupation, and talents, Sahil boasts an extensive array of SSSSS+ level abilities, including Endless Extraction, Multiverse Extraction, Dream Maker, 100% Drop Rate, Elemental Control, Game Clone, Permanent Buff, Illusion, Monster Merging, and countless others. These talents are locked, waiting to be unlocked at Sahil's whim, offering a vast array of possibilities for his journey. His bloodline remains shrouded in mystery, and his mana/Qi is limitless. Sahil possesses an innate Dao Body, a Gamer Body, a God Emperor Glazed Body, and various other divine physiques that make him an immortal force to be reckoned with. Sahil's Dao is an Ultra-Ancient Supreme God-Level Dao, and his aura is that of the Lord of Aura, complemented by the Banished Immortal Aura emanating from the Ultimate Star. Halo-wise, he is the Lord of Halo, while his charm level stands at an astonishing 999+. Titles such as Undeniable Charm adorn Sahil's legendary persona, and his magical prowess is infinite. His skills include Instant Mastery*100 million, Magic Barrier, Soul Detection, Calm Aura, Absolute Control, and many more. Martial arts and soul weapons are in abundance, with an infinite variety at his disposal. The powers and abilities bestowed upon Sahil include the reality-editing prowess of the Reality Editor, the vast knowledge of the Digital Library of Heaven Path + Ai, and the omnipotent skill of All-Creation. His inventory consists of enigmatic items such as the All-Rounded Void Camera, King Treasure, and Quantum Smart Phone. Sahil's personal shop transcends imagination, containing everything from movies, TV series, novels, games, comics, cartoons, anime, and more. He even possesses a Minecraft world with creative and survival modes, a world-travel ability, and a pocket world under his absolute control. In summary, Sahil Patel, the Perfect Embodiment with Meta Probability Manipulation, stands as an unrivaled force in the cosmos, wielding the power to shape reality itself and embark on an adventure beyond the limits of imagination. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN OVERPOWERED CHARACTER THT YOU CAN WISH
BlastterAngel · 2.2K Views


Eva Collins was your everyday average elementary school teacher, she was beautiful, kind and had her way with children. She works a full shift at a prestigious elementary school for the rich and has her life easy until that one day. Eva has the chance to acquaint herself with the sibling of one of her pupils but this encounter forever changes her once simple but plain life. "God...when are they coming for little Avry....the caretaker who usually comes for her has taken far too long now" Eva wonders as she looks at the six year old little girl beside her. The little girl yawns from tiredness. Eva sighed heavily and looked at the little girl beside her with a light smile. "Hey Avry.....can I ask you something" Eva asks gently. Avry nods her head softly as her big adorable eyes stare at her teacher. "Do you wanna come home with's getting pretty late and I can't leave you here" Avry's eyes sparkled from excitement. "Yes Miss Eva....I wanna come with you" Eva smiles brightly but she can't help but scowl inside "What kind of people forget about a little girl at school to such hours" Eva checked her watch and saw that it was eight thirty pm and the school had practically closed. 'Huhhhh...' ...................... But little did Eva know that this little action of care and responsibility had already changed her life. Eva sat quietly in her living room and checked her watch. It was nine twenty and no one had called about Avry Walker from the school yet. She had informed the school that she would take Avry home to atleast have something to eat and rest. They had allowed her since she stayed quite close to the school and had a respectable personality. Suddenly Eva heard a knock on her door and glanced at Avry who was watching cartoons slightly. She got up and walked towards the door. She peeked through the peep hole of her apartment door and saw a man. He was completely shrouded in darkness and beside him stood another man. Eva couldn't make out their faces at all since it was dark outside. Eva picked up the baseball bat next to the door and slowly opened the door. A chilling gush of cold wind immediately brushed against her skin. Eva didn't know whether it was because of the cold rain outside or that indifferent cold stare that the man with the black investigator hat gave her. And still Eva couldn't make out his face since he held his head low. Eva glanced at the other man who stood their calmly like a faithful assistant. He was quite good looking. "Who are you" Eva asked as her grip on the bat tightened. The assistant like man smiled calmly but didn't answer her question "We're here for Miss Avry" Eva looked at them suspiciously but suddenly Avry's soft but tired voice came from behind. "Big're here" Eva glanced at the man whom the words had been directed to and she saw the man who had been holding his head low lift it up. Since the light from the living room could now fall on his face, Eva saw him clearly. Eva immediately froze in amazement and her heart had slowed but it beat hard as she looked at that ethereal face. .............. From that day, Eva had a feeling that nothing in her life would remain the same. Join Eva as she unlocks dark and dangerous secrets about this mysterious man. But her curiosity to know this man brings her deeper into a world she knows nothing about. She is soon faced with something even more dangerous and she can nolonger turn back. She wants to run but her emotions and heart have already been captured by him and she is faced with a dilemma. Their love was forbidden and she was in danger from things she had once thought were fairy tales.
writerxs · 6.3K Views
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