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Naruto: Brain of Bulma And Eyes of the Supreme King
Naruto: The Will Of Root
Naruto: Uchiha Sasuke The Prince of Otogakure
Naruto: The Viking Thorfin Becomes a Inuzuka In The World of Shinobi
Naruto: This Time, I, Kotetsu Hagane, Will No Longer Be Lazy
*Naruto POV*
What's with him acting so cool!? Damn it! I'll take down the Golden Boy and show Sakura who she should be looking at!
"I'm not going to lose Sasuke! No Way! Come on you idiot." Naruto says while pointing at me.
This guy is really trying to provoke me for Sakura but doesn't notice an absolute gem in Hinata. Madness, not to mention their were other civilian girls who like Naruto in the academy, but they got overshadowed by my fangirls. Now that I mention that our class had a lot of girls, it makes me think there's more females to males in this world. No matter, that's good for me, since I need to impregnate a bunch of girls, if I want to revitalize my clan within one generation.
"Naruto, do you want to spar? I could use a punching bag."
"Ahhhh!" Naruto runs at me, wildly throwing out punches.
I remember my training as a kid and just try to dodge, then eventually I start to counter but hold back my punches to get used to fighting. The fight continues in this pattern for 15 minutes.
Huff Huff Huff Naruto is visibly a little battered with cuts and scrapes but relatively fine, mainly tired as he can't land a single punch.
I think I see it now, the reason why Sasuke lost to Naruto was because he let his emotions get the best of him and made mistakes. Even now I have the overwhelming heat telling me to beat the shit out of Naruto. Making me use a great deal of will power to hold it back. Must be Indra.
Sasuke's biggest problem is his attempt to outpace Naruto Fucking Uzumaki in endurance "wanting a fair match." Which is utterly stupid, Sasuke might have been a masochist that had a crush on him.
"That's enough Naruto we should stop here." I say dropping out of my stance.
What…hufff…I'm not done with you yet.
"Look Naruto stop being selfish I'll come give you some attention later but not right now its Sakura's turn." As I walk towards the pinkett not caring about being attacked again.
"Huh!?" Both genin shout while staring as if I've grown a second head.
"Sasuke?" He's paying attention to me, Sakura fist pumps not realizing what Sasuke needs.
"Sakura at the academy they rarely paired the boys up with the girls which is utterly stupid, you're going into a line of work that's unpredictable. Where Naruto, Kakashi-sensei, and me won't always be there to protect you. So, you need to grow into a shinobi, or you will die a nobody."
Sakura steps back from the words he said with a chilling tone. What do you mean Sasuke?
I mean we're going to spar, the three of us will take turns fighting each other, only using fighting in hand-to-hand combat. We're going to be stuck with each other, did you really expect that we'd never come to blows with each other.
Honestly this is more for me and Sakura. Naruto goes from genin to high chunin in taijutsu based on the plot. As for Sakura, this is to make sure if she has to fight Ino in the Chunin exams again I won't have to watch such a boring fight. Like seriously losing to Ino is just pathetic even if the girl claims her family makes her train everyday.
It takes more convincing but she laments and we start our match.
I let the girl come to me and counter all her moves. The girl is still using the basic Taijutsu taught at the academy, I make sure to make a mental note to take her to the library to get a new style. After 10 minutes she drops down to her knees as her stamina isn't terrible for an academy student but is definitely the lowest in the group, as I didn't even attack her.
Okay that's enough. As soon as Sasuke says that she lays on her back exhausted.
Your stamina is terrible, we'll make sure to work on that in the future.
Naruto continues to glare at me. During the fight Naruto was mad as he thought I was taking it too rough on her. He's still a child who hasn't realized we're ninjas yet.
After another quick spar between Naruto and Sakura, and me against the dobe I call for us to take a break.
Oi who the hell made you the leader teme! The walking eyesore said.
Lets see, my grades, my good looks, my skill, money, I know more Jutsu then you, all the teachers and village knows I'm better than you, I also be you today, not to mention I did feed you today. Really if you can name a single reason why you should be leader than its yours. Sasuke says with a smug smile.
Each comment hits Naruto like an arrow to his chest as he gets a tick mark.
Okay enough of this lets rest until Kakashi-sensei gets here. I then pull out some energy bars they use to hand out back at the academy. I toss both of them at my teammates and the two eventually do as I say and eat them in silence.
But I also take a chakra pill and decide to hand one over to Sakura, remembering she has close to no chakra to begin with.
Thank you, Sasuke, what is it?
"It's a soldier pill designed to restore chakra. You have the lowest chakra amounts out of all of us meaning by Kakashi comes around you'd be unable to move and would probably pass out." Sasuke explaining the reasoning for giving her the pill.
The girl blushes happily accepting it. Which makes Naruto think Im showing off again and mad at me. I ignore him and go back to the top of a tree to sleep until Kakashi gets here.
10 am at Training Ground 7*
Yo! Hey guys good morning, sorry I'm late, afraid I got lost on the path to life. As kakashi body flickers in
Huhh!!!!? YOUR LATE! Says two angry genin at the same time.
These two really are like the same person. Sasuke thinks.
For the next 2 hours Kakashi teaches us team formations and codes to better coordinate in the field. Honestly wouldn't be so bad, you know if we were ordinary run of the mill Chunin characters. But we're going to be Otsutsuki killing, god spanking, SUPER ninjas in the future. So this is pointless.
After training is over we go take on a D rank mission at the missions assignment office. And there sitting at a long table in the center, drinking tea with a kind grandfatherly smile is the man I fear and hate the most.
Hiruzen Sarutobi
*Don't think about the massacre.* *Don't think about the massacre.* *Don't think about the massacre.*
Maybe fear isn't the word seeing as he's already won but I just know if I was a ninja 10 years ago I found of have to bow my head when walking past the man. Even as he sits their I can tell he's far stronger than my sensei Kakashi. Even if he doesn't press out his aura it doesn't mean the man isn't intimidating. The man can break Jounin level ninja's just by staring at them. Not to mention I bet Tobirama passed on secret techniques specifically aimed to neutralize my clan.
Rest in piss. Racist bastard.
Kakashi sensei gets us a mission to catch Tora after naruto is done complaining to the Hokage for a better mission. Truly he's the only one in the entire village with the balls or intelligence to disrespectfully call the Hokage old man to his face.
The mission is tiring but we bring that demon cat back to the fire daimyo's fat wife. I wonder if the man got a new wife and she came running here? Whatever is not my business.
While walking we follow our Sensei, Kakashi closes his book and turns sideways to briefly look at us. Alright team 7 lets call it a day. Jaunin! Then, Kakashi body flickers away.
When Sakura turns to talk to me she notices that I already ran away the moment he said Jaunin.