"Jiu, do you know why this place is called the Bridge between the two Worlds?", Lei asked him.
"Isn't it funny to give this such a long name? Back then this wasn't part of the Wilderness but more like the Border of Human World.
Human, and Demons spirits used to come here. Lived in Harmony and never engaged in any conflicts. It was indeed a beautiful place.
But the time was cruel towards this place yet there was a tale, which kept this city alive.
It was the tale of the first Demon who fell in love with a fairy.
As the War between Heaven and the Wilderness started, she decided to kill herself to save him and the
World he cared for. He was able to bring her back just realized that she lost all the memories of him and their time together.
But you can't force anyone to remember, even perhaps it's a selfish wish.
So he brought her over to that bridge and told her about his feelings and that place wasn't to reunite with loved one and never lose them again.
Even though it's a simple story, many of us believe in it.
And whenever there is a Full moon, they would come and wait for their beloved one."
"It's indeed a nice story."
"I thought it was a stupid story, I mean why would you meet your beloved out of every place in this town on this bridge?
But then I saw you. Out of all a human who would never step voluntarily on this Bridge.
But the one who was standing in front of me wasn't that little boy anymore but a young man who was far away from the past.
All I want to say is Jiu. I always trusted. I would never doubt you even if I was by the lighting.
I would rather believe in your words than listen to others. But we are not Kids anymore. There are things that I can't do and won't do. And one of them is not to allow anyone
inside this world. I can get you anything you want, except this.", stated Ying Lei and put down his cup. "I think, it's time for me to leave," he said as he stood up.
Bai Jiu didn't move at all, he didn't even dare to look in his eye.
"Jiu, it was nice to meet you again."
"Then….." Jiu began. "What about a deal."
" You may be a God but you're also a Demon. And a Demon is bound to make a deal."
"What are you talking about!"
"I can give you, your memories back. The Memories you lost and you're looking for.", Jiu said as he went on his knees before him.
"' I'm willing to help you to bring all your memories back and if fail I should be hit by seven lighting of the heaven and my soul will be shattered into nothing." and bowed down.
"Sweet words, Sweet words my dear little Bird. Do you think he will fall for it….?"
"He may be a God but he has still a heart of a boy."
"Oh…. are you sure about it?"
"If it fails, I still have the deal!"
"Oh…. the deal. The deal….do you want to give him memories back? The memories you decided to take away from him in the first place….?"