"Beck, where are we going?" Veronica asked, feeling tired already, "We've been walking for hours now, and the full moon festival is about to start."
"We're almost there, it's not really far anymore." He said, still walking further into the woods.
They kept walking for twenty more minutes until he stopped walking and turned to look at her, who was already exhausted, "Is this where…where we are going?" She stuttered.
"Well, I don't know." He responded.
"What? What do you mean you don't know? We've been walking for an hour and a half, and you're saying you don't know where we are going?" She said, almost screaming.
" Well, I mean, yes." He finally answered.
"You are really something, so what are we doing here?" Veronica asked him.
" You know I love you, right? And I will always love you." He began.
" Yes, I do, and I love you too, but that doesn't give enough explanation for us to be out in the woods this late." She said, looking around.
He didn't say anything, but just stared at her with a blank expression.
She raised an eyebrow and looked at him, "Something about you seems off today," She said, breaking the silence they were in.
" I'm breaking the mate bond between us tonight," He said, leaning on a tree with his arms folded across his chest, surprising her.
" What do you mean? Is this a joke? If it is, please stop, because it's freaking me out," She said, searching his face for any giveaway that he was joking, or maybe he was trying to get a reaction out of her?
His face was devoid of emotions, and her smile disappeared as she realized he wasn't joking.
" Using the power of the sky and forest as my witness, I Beck Goodman hereby break the bond with you, Veronica Silver." He declared.
" What are you doing, Beck? You're going to be Alpha in three days, and I thought I was going to be the female Alpha and your wife." She said, her voice shaking.
"Say that you accept the rejection," He said, ignoring her question.
" Why?" She asked, close to tears.
He answered her with a growl, his eyes changing from the familiar green to a darker shade.
" Veronica, say that you accept the rejection," Beck growled again, his voice sounding icy.
His words were like daggers that pierced through her heart. As far as she could recall, everything was fine between them, so why did he suddenly want to break the bond?
" Beck…" She managed to call out, her heart clutching with pain from his rejection, making it hard for her to breathe or talk.
" You are nothing but a weak omega, and I can't be with a weak omega who can't even defeat the weakest wolf of our pack, as the Luna of this pack." His words picked at her weak spot, her biggest insecurity.
" Why? I don't understand," Veronica struggled to say.
" You don't, or won't? Just accept the rejection and let's leave it like that." He yelled at her.
" But it's been three years, three whole years, I know it's because I'm an omega that's why you're saying this, if I wasn't an omega you…" She said but he cut her off before she could finish her statement.
" I would do the same thing, as long as you are weak, I would do the same thing." He said, with no remorse.
It broke her heart hearing what he said,'' Beck please, don't do this," She pleaded with him, hoping he would change his mind.
"I can't let a relationship of three years go down the drain like this, please." She begged but he turned dead ears to her plea.
" Veronica, don't you get it? I risked dating you for three years, no one wants you as their Luna!" He thundered.
" It's because I'm an omega, right?" She asked, amidst sobs but he didn't say anything for a while.
" Just accept the rejection, and let's get this thing over with." He finally spoke.
She tried to talk, but Beck grabbed her by the neck, slamming her back hard on the nearest tree, leaving her shocked because she had never seen that side of him before and this was something he had never done to her.
" You have risked so many wolves' lives trying to save you whenever you were in danger, you can't even save yourself. Put yourself in my shoes, would you pick you as your Luna?" He asked, as he shook her, still with his hand in her neck.
" I would only say this one more time, Veronica, accept the rejection, I'm done being your mate." He said.
Veronica's eyes got blurry from the extra tears that were building up. Staring into his eyes that were filled with scorn and irritation while his hands held her up, she gave in to his wishes.
" Beck, please," She tried pleading with him one more time, but his hold on her neck got tighter.
" I… Veronica Silver accepts your rejection, with the Moon goddess as our witness. As of today, the mate bond between us is broken." She finally said.
Right after she said that, Beck's hold on her neck loosened, and she fell to the floor, gasping for air, while he fell backward, clutching his chest and groaning miserably from whatever pain the bond breaking was causing.
" Good for him," Veronica said in her head.
If it wasn't for the fact that he was the future Alpha of this pack and how much she still loved him, she would have wished that he died of the pain the mate bond was causing him. The pain he caused for both of them.
Veronica didn't even know where exactly her pain was coming from. She struggled to stand up, but her knees failed her, and she fell back to the ground.
Tears she had been struggling to hide for Beck burst out as she struggled to get back on her feet once again, ignoring the pain she was feeling in her knees.
More than anything, she wanted to be away from Beck at that moment and so, she wobbly held on to a tree until she was balanced on her feet.
Earlier, Beck and Veronica had walked into the woods, which was far from her house and the pack house. She silently cursed him for making them walk that long distance just for him to reject her as his mate, right after saying how much he loved her.
" What a jerk!" She said, not minding If he heard her, and left him in pain.
She looked up to the sky and the full moon was already peeking out beneath the night sky. It had everyone upbeat to celebrate the first full moon they were having in months.
No one noticed as she trudged ahead and finally arrived at the front of her home. Seeing that she had finally arrived home, she heaved a sigh of relief.