Chereads / The Last Thunderborn / Chapter 69 - Dance Lesson

Chapter 69 - Dance Lesson

That afternoon, Ranav and Paramita attended their usual etiquette lesson. After covering tips and tricks for meeting, greeting, and conversational etiquette, Miss Etiquette shifted her focus.


"Today," she began, her voice clear and melodic, "we shall master the Royal Court's Dual Dance. This is not merely a performance but an expression of harmony, poise, and respect between partners. Listen carefully and follow my instructions."


She continued, "The dance we'll learn is a formal, elegant style often performed in royal courts or noble galas. Stand facing your partner at a comfortable distance… about two arm-lengths apart. Stand tall, shoulders relaxed, and chin slightly lifted. Extend your right hand forward, palm facing up. Your partner should place their hand lightly on yours. This gesture is both respectful and inviting."


Miss Etiquette demonstrated the movements, adding, "If you're leading, bow by lowering your torso slightly while keeping your back straight. If you're following, perform a graceful curtsy by bending your knees and slightly lifting the sides of your dress. Once the greeting is complete, step closer and take your positions. The gentleman places their right hand on the lady's left shoulder blade, slightly below the shoulder. The lady places their left hand lightly on the gentleman's upper arm. Both partners raise their free hands, clasping them gently at shoulder height with a soft but firm grip."


She demonstrated each movement gracefully, correcting any mistakes. "Not bad, Lady Rawat," she said approvingly to Paramita. Then, turning to Ranav, she added, "Young Master, relax your shoulders. You look as if you're holding a sword, not offering a greeting."


Ranav stepped closer, placing his right hand tentatively on Paramita's shoulder blade. Paramita rested her left hand on his upper arm, her movements fluid and practiced. Their free hands met at shoulder height, fingers lightly clasped.


"Very good," Miss Etiquette praised. "Now, begin with a slow box step. It's the foundation of many courtly dances. Gentleman, step forward with your left foot; follower, step back with your right. Then to the side, and finally, bring your feet together."


As she demonstrated, she added, "Lady, step back with your right foot, then step to the side with your left, and bring your right foot next to your left. Repeat after me."


Ranav attempted to mimic her steps, but his boots scuffed the floor loudly, earning a stifled laugh from Paramita.


"Keep your movements smooth," Miss Etiquette said. "Glide, don't stomp."


Ranav tried again, focusing on his movements. This time, his steps were less clumsy. Paramita followed his lead with practiced grace, her movements light and fluid.


"Better," Miss Etiquette said with a nod. "Now, let's add a rotation. Gentleman, pivot slightly to your left after the first step. Lady, adjust to the right. This creates the turn."


They practiced the pattern, moving slowly to the rhythm of imagined music. The turns were hesitant at first but became smoother with repetition.


"Excellent," Miss Etiquette declared. "Now for some flourishes: a spin and a dip. The gentleman releases the lady's hand briefly, guiding them into a gentle twirl. The lady turns gracefully and repositions their hand in the clasp. The gentleman then steps forward and slightly to the side, offering support as the lady leans back lightly."


Ranav followed her instructions, releasing Paramita's hand and guiding her into a spin. Paramita twirled effortlessly, her gown flowing like a wave. The dip was slightly awkward but successful, earning a nod from Miss Etiquette.


"Adequate," she remarked. "With practice, it will become graceful. Continue moving around the room, ensuring smooth transitions between movements. The gentleman should guide with subtle pressure from their hands, while the lady remains attentive and responsive. Maintain a steady pace and an appropriate distance from other dancers."


She concluded, "As the music slows, return to your starting position. Perform a final box step to center yourselves. Release your partner's hand gracefully. The gentleman bows deeply, and the lady curtsies. Step back and exchange a parting smile to acknowledge each other's skill."


After demonstrating the complete routine, she instructed Ranav and Paramita to repeat the sequence. Once satisfied with their progress, Miss Etiquette announced, "I have some errands to attend to. Please continue practicing on your own. I'll take my leave now."


She curtsied and left the room. Ranav and Paramita resumed practicing as instructed, working tirelessly until their movements were synchronized and smooth. By the time they finished, the sun had already set. Drenched in sweat despite the chilly weather, they rushed to their rooms for a shower.


After freshening up, Ranav went to the dining room for a quick snack. Refueled, he returned to his room and focused on strengthening his darkness stars. By the time a maid called him for dinner, he had solidified his darkness star circle and felt confident casting darkness spells effortlessly.


After dinner, Ranav shifted his focus to summoning magic. He spent the entire night attempting to control the silver stars. When fatigue set in, he used Regenesis to recover quickly and continued meditating. Despite his confidence from mastering the darkness star circle, summoning magic proved far more challenging. By the time Jessica informed him it was morning, he had only managed to control three stars. Sighing in frustration, he freshened up, changed his clothes, and headed downstairs.


In the waiting room, Paramita sat in a chair, waiting for him. Together, they went to the ranch to fetch their horses and headed to the racecourse.


Ranav wasted no time, training with Midnight repeatedly on the obstacles. When boredom struck, he challenged Paramita and Lucky to a race but lost miserably.


As they turned toward the gate, Ranav noticed the count standing nearby. Paramita dismounted from Lucky and greeted him, and Ranav followed suit.


The count observed Midnight thoughtfully. "I came to see how the black horse is faring as a mount. I thought it would take a long time to train him, but you've made it look effortless."


Ranav replied modestly, "I was just lucky."


Hearing his name, Lucky neighed grumpily, prompting everyone to laugh heartily.


Paramita pointed to the black horse. "Dad, his name is now Midnight."


"I heard from your mother but forgot," the count said. He turned to Grandpa Khan, who stood nearby. "How is Midnight doing in training?"


"The progress is promising, considering the young master is both a rookie rider and trainer. They're learning together," Grandpa Khan replied.


The count nodded. "Assist Ranav in any way possible. He's a distinguished guest of our house."


Turning back to Ranav, he added, "Try to communicate with Midnight more. Understanding his preferences will help us provide better conditions. Now, I must head to the office."


Paramita chimed in, "We should return too. It's already late for breakfast, and Mom will scold us if we're delayed. Let's go, Ranav."


She mounted Lucky, and Ranav followed, mounting Midnight. They returned their horses to the ranch and headed back to the house.