Chereads / Echoes Of A Dream / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Mr. miracle

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Mr. miracle

Miracles They are Miracles are extraordinary events or phenomena—things that shouldn't happen—surviving moments in life where you should be dead—that's what people call a miracle. People see them as acts of true divine intervention. People see them as acts of the gods blessing them, saving them, and giving them a chance. A chance that wouldn't be possible without God. A truly kind act from him. Some people don't believe in miracles; they say they simply lucked out. But as everyone knows For every good thing that happens, a bad thing must happen to balance the world out—the light and the dark. For every miracle there must be a curse. But God was not giving these miracles out; it was someone else, a man, who claimed he was a god. The story of the man who gave out miracles. 

As the world knows, there were 5 rejections from the thing called the Absolute. He rejects" what's going on at the current time to lead the universe in the right direction. After The events of the third rejection were the 3-way war of demons, angels, and humans. The angels had been wiped out. The demons had been forced to flee into an unknown realm and seal themselves off completely to avoid getting wiped out by the humans, and humans walked out victorious in the war. However, not with massive damages. 97% of all humans died during war. Families suffered bloodlines had been wiped out. Even though they had won, they had nothing to show for it, just a bleep of victory. A boy named Roman had lost his entire family during the war. He was about 9; he had lost everything due to the great war; he had suffered a great deal. He had joined a foster home. But no family can replace the one he had, and he knew that nothing he could do could change that, after all, dead can't come back to life. So one night he walked out of his village into the forest. The night was bright; he could see many stars there. Roman had walked out of the forest and had seen an amazing big ocean, and as he walked towards it, he could see the light of stars radiating and bouncing off the water. He dipped his toes inside the water. 

Roman: I wish mom and dad could be here to see this night. It's so beautiful. I can see all the stars in the sky. I feel like I could count them all! 

Roman: I wish we could all sleep in bed together, all dreaming again like we all did before. If I could ever dream again, I would dream about being with you, mom and dad, together hunting and playing in the ocean. Starting fires and riding horses across the bright summertime.

As Roman was looking at the bright starry night sky, he said something bright. He had seen a shooting star. He heard when you see a shooting star, you make a wish.

Roman: I wish my mom and my dad could all dream together again in our house every night again.

His mom had taught him a prayer for God that would give him and his parents good luck and good wishes. 

Roman put both his hands together and started praying. 

Roman: May the man who shines light and purity and grants miracles be with you.

Roman walked up and saw a man with black hair and dark, deep purple eyes, almost as if it were glowing and radiating with the starry night sky. This man felt powerful but not hostile. He walked to the boy and said, 

???: May your deepest wishes come true. 

Roman: Who are you?

???: If I told you wouldn't believe me 

Roman: I will, I pinky promise. 

???: Im the god of miracles

Roman: god of miracles?? but thought there was only one god. 

???: Yes, of course, there's only one true god in this world, the one above all, but god, no matter how strong he was, couldn't do everything himself, so he made 12 real gods and made many more lesser gods, and I'm one of them.

Roman: Oh wow, I never knew that. Im sorry.

Roman bows down to the god of miracles

???: Please, please, it's okay, and just call me Mr. Asmodeus.

Roman: Okay, Mr. Asmodeus, Well, why are you here? 

Mr asmodeus: To grant your wishes, of course you want your mom and dad back, right?

Roman: Yes, can you really do that?

Mr asmodeus: Of course Could you please show me where you buried your mom and dad?

Roman: Yes, follow me this way. 

Roman walked through the forest back to his village with the man right behind him.

Roman: Here's my village. 

All the villagers were staring at the black-haired man with his deep purple eyes.

Villagers: Who is this man right behind you, Roman?

The villagers were on edge because of the war and didn't let anyone in the village. 

Roman: This man said he was the god of miracles and he could bring me back my mom and dad!

Villagers; Roman We understand how much you miss your family, but everyone here is dealing with a great loss. We can't let strangers into our village. We understand how much you miss them, but there is no god of miracles. If there was, he would have answered our prayers a long time ago. You do understand that, Roman. This man cannot bring them back to life.

Roman: Please give him a chance! What if he can bring them back, please?

Roman had tears down his eyes. A chance A glimmer of hope, a mirage that they could be back

Roman: There's a chance that he could save all your family members as well.

Roman: Could you, Mr.?

Mr asmodeus: Of course I can

Villagers: Fine, let's see you work your "mircale" god.

Roman brings out the casket of this mom and dad and opens them, exposing their dead bodies.

Mr. Asmodeus Waves had, in one sweep, with it glowing yellow, a yellow strike happen over their dead bodies. And they were awake.

Roman parents: hello?

Roman quickly ran towards his parents bodies and hugged them.

Roman: Thank you, Mr.!

Mr. Asmodeus: There's no problem; all I want to do is help people. 

If you could save one person that you loved but you had to sacrifice the entire universe or sacrifice the entire universe, what would you choose? 

Mr. Asmodeus then jumped on top of a tree. 

All the villagers watched him in disbelief. 

Mr. Asmodeus: Imp the god of miracles, the man who challenged the cursed traitor, the man who wishes for the light to shine on everyone for purity for ever being in this entire universe.

Mr. Asmodeus: Vision on 

His eyes were glowing. Yes, this was the power of a god—a man who could dreamwalk. 

Mr. Asmodeus: The Miracle 

Mr. Asmodeus always wished to save people to protect the ones dearest to him and help people to correct his mistakes and errors.

A bow would form in his arms; it would be made of yellow-looking energy with the power of a bunch of miracles. The string of the bow would be blue, and he would pull back and form a powerful blue arrow.

Mr. Asmodeus: For everyone, my followers, my blessed one, this is for you.

Mr. Asmodeus would shoot his arrow in the sky; millions of bright blue arrows would appear in the sky. He would use one of his abilities. 

Mr. Asmodeus: muʿjiza lil-jamī

Mr. Asmodeus: A miracle for everyone!

Mr. Asmodeus smiled

Mr. Asmodeus: I would save everyone.

Chapter 6 ends.