Chereads / Echoes Of A Dream / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11: The Start Of A Dream Part 3

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11: The Start Of A Dream Part 3

Mr. Arakin: "The Shattered Dream."

Vera: The shattered dream...?

Vera had a very confused face.

Anima: What are you talking about?

Eros: Like a broken dream?

Mr. Arakin: All your questions will be answered first. Let me explain what I mean by the "5 Realms" and the "Shattered Dream."

Eros, Vera, and Anima also sat there tightly and patiently listened.

Mr. Arakin: Wonder what happens to dreams after they end. What happens to them? A lot of times dreams fade into the nothingness, into the deepest corner of our mind. Most of the time we don't remember our dreams, they just disappear. We can barely remember what happened. Some dreams are more vivid than others. Some dreams just feel more real, feel more personal than other dreams, but nonetheless, in this world, dreams don't disappear into the nothingness in our mind. They actually go somewhere, into a realm called "The Shattered Dream." A place where all dreams that end go. They get broken up into pieces. Then those broken pieces form new dreams. What we Dreamwalkers call it "Corrupt Dreams." But these dreams form monsters, none that you can imagine, and only can be entered when you hit Level 4. It's one of the realms that hover over our world.

Vera raised her hand up.

Vera: I have a question. You said 5 realms over our planet (Earth). Just how big are these realms, anyways? How big are these realms, anyways? Like they're big as a planet or what?

Eros and Anima also seemed intrigued by this question.

Mr. Arakin: Good question. The 5 small beams of lights that hover over our Earth are simply "Gateways," just portals to access these realms. The actual size of these realms is 5 universes entirely.

Vera, Eros, and Anima were both shocked.

Anima: Damn, that shit's insane. So like, why do we have these gateways hovering over our Earth anyways? And if these bulbs of light are simply gateways to different universes, where are these universes located anyways?

Mr. Arakin: Well, these universes are located on our 5th plane of existence.

They all sat there very confused.

Anima: Our fifth plane of existence...? This shit is all too confusing, Mr. Arakin.

Anima sat there frustrated.

Eros: Listen, I think this loser is dumb as bricks, but even I can agree we have no clue what you're talking about.

Vera: Yeah, I kind of understand the gateway and universe stuff, but the plane of existence stuff is very confusing, Mr. Arakin.

Vera also sat there very frustrated and confused.

Mr. Arakin: Okay, I'll slow down a bit. Think of it like this: we live in a 7-layered pyramid. We live on plane 6. There are 7 planes that exist, each with multiple universes and higher-dimensional structures. We simply have gateways to 5 universes that we need as Dreamwalkers to survive and get stronger. Out of the infinite universes in each plane, those 5 essential universes we needed happened to exist on the 5th plane. So Dreamwalkers made gateways above our Earth to access these universes. Note, since these universes are connected to our plane of existence, anything that happens in those universes will directly affect our universe and especially Earth, as it's directly connected from there. Now about the 7 planes, we'll discuss that on our camping trip, as it's complicated and deep. I'll explain it then. Anyways, we simply refer to them as realms for short. Is that a bit more simple?

Vera, with a very cheerful and excited expression, said:

Vera: Thank you, Mr. Arakin. That was so much more helpful.

Eros: Okay, I think I understand it a bit better.

Anima: Yeah... I get it, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Vera laughed.

Vera: You're such a dumb-dumb.

Vera laughed.

Eros: You know it's bad when Vera is insulting you.

Anima: Come on, guys.

Mr. Arakin: Okay, guys, settle down. Let's continue with the lesson.

Mr. Arakin would continue on with the lecture.

Mr. Arakin: Hmh, mhm, mhm.

Mr. Arakin cleared his throat.

Mr. Arakin: Anyways, we Dreamwalkers need the Shattered Dream, as it's the only way to get high enough level dream fragments if you wish to continue from level 4. Once you enter this plane of existence, it will play with your mind and try destroying it. You will fight high-powered monsters. Once killing them, you will get dream fragments.

Vera: Wow, scary...

Eros: Maybe we should send that loser there. Maybe it will fine-tune his brain or some shit.

Anima: I should really beat your ass.

Vera: Guys, come on, stop!

Vera cutely screamed at them.

As they were scuffling, Mr. Arakin sensed something wrong. Something strange, an uneasy feeling he couldn't shake off. Unfortunately, he would have to end this lesson early today.

Mr. Arakin: Unfortunately, I will have to end this lesson early today. We will continue on our camping trip, but for now, everyone head off home.

Vera: Whaaaaaat? But I was excited.

Eros: Well, have a good day, Mr. Arakin.

Anima: Oh, no, how unfortunate.

Anima, under his breath: Thank god.

Vera would bonk his head.

Anima: Owwwwwww.

Vera: I heard that, you know.

Eros: Anyways, same time tomorrow, we're meeting up at Anima's place, right?

Anima: Yeah.

Vera: Okay.

Eros: Next time I come here, I'm picklocking the shit out of this drawer and show her what's inside.

Vera: Yeah, what's inside of there, Anima?!

Eros: Maybe I should just tell her--

Anima: If you dare even tell her or even hint what's inside that drawer, I promise that's the last word you utter.

Anima, Eros, and Vera all laughed.

Eros and Vera were both leaving. It was the weekend tomorrow.

Vera: Bye, Anima.

Eros: Bye, loser.

Anima: Bye, guys!

They all waved at each other, and Eros and Vera left together.

Anima, Vera, and Eros were all best friends since childhood. They all laughed, shared all their secrets together. They were destined to have amazing and good lives.

All destined to be gods.

But unfortunately, for another group of friends that also went to Central School in Miami, Florida, Fate did not have the same plans for them.

These group of boys liked to go to dangerous areas. On their bikes, they discovered closed-off areas. They were not Dreamwalkers, simple normal boys.

John: Look, I found the place. It's the ravine called God's Valley!

James: I think we should turn back. This place gives me the creeps.

Timmy: Stop being such a pus.

The ravine, large in length but short in height, was all three could jump in, and they did.

Timmy, not so bad after all:

Timmy: Why is this place closed off? There's jack shit here.

James: I think we should turn back. Something feels off about this place.

John: Timmy, it's fine. We're good here.

James: Damn, James, why are you always such a pus--

Before they knew it, two pillars of light that were shaped in a cross were through Timmy and John, and a white hand appeared. It was massive, 10 feet in size, gold stripes, and a large eyeball with the pupil being red.

James: Wha, wha- what's John-Timmy?

???: You, I need you. You will be my--

James was frightened to his very core.

???: That angel must pay.

Night had come, and Mr. Arakin and other detectives investigated the scene.

Mr. Arakin: What in the world happened?

Detective: We have no idea. From the footage from the street cameras, these boys came here. We identified them as Timmy, John, and James. Timmy and John are dead; the missing boy is James.

Mr. Arakin: Oh well, update me if you find out anything more about this.

Vera, Eros, and Anima were queuing up a match in Valorant, all in their rooms, playing and talking together.

As Vera was queuing for another match of Valorant, Vera checked Instagram and was shocked.

Vera: Guys, check the school group chat.

Vera said it in a worrying voice.

Anima and Eros checked the group chat and were surprised to see the news.

Vera: The entire GC is blowing up. Looks like 3 boys from our school, 2 are dead, and 1 is missing.

Eros: Damn, shit's crazy. I guess shit like that happens like that.

Vera: Yeah, I feel bad for their parents. They must be heartbroken...

Vera did a prayer, hoping their souls go to heaven.

Anima: Well, it is what it is. Probably just some freak accident that happened, like James pushing those two off or something and running away. Well, let's hope they figure out what in the world happend

Chapter 11 end 

Prologue end