After dealing with the child of destiny Kiroshi and Arima was relaxing in the seniority class of legend Kiroshi was training in the classroom while Arima lay on top of the tables.
Kiroshi let's do something besides your training. *Said Arima*
Not a chance Arima we need to keep our honour as student of seniority class of legend
*Said Kiroshi*
Suddenly a phone was ringing Kiroshi heard mahiro tendo voice when he picked up.
Educator the leader of my school wants to meet you. After that tendo hangs up without giving a chance for Kiroshi to speak.
Well we got something to do now let's go Arima. *said Kiroshi*
Arima nodded as they both went correction of behavior and enter they're territory. As they walk by not a single soul is insight they both pondered where did everyone go. A woman appeared behide them and said.
Nice to meet you mister educator and miss assistant my name is mina mitsuki gender female and I'm a third year. As of right now the place you are in right now is my domain
After all my power is 7th dimensional shapes aslong I see you. You would be in this dimension aslong as I want therefore I am the very perfection to trapping someone or making arena for highly dangerous fights or people Follow me.
A portal appeared Infront of mina and went inside they both followed her inside to lead a room of 7 chairs inside and 6 chairs are seated with respective school leaders Mina seated on one of the only empty chair.
Please introduce yourself your gender your age and your powers. *Said mina*
Suddenly cheerful person speak ups. Name Koshita Shiba gender male third year and my powers are perfect accuracy enchant and buff you should go next pope sir.
No need to be so formal Koshita after all were friends my name is Jin lintan gender male third year my powers are everything when it comes to blessings healing or buffs there are to many to remember next.
A woman speaks up. My name is Sylpha taska second year my powers are mostly ice next.
Another woman speaks up. My name is ruby oyama third year my powers are perfectionist of the sword true instincts and perfection of swordsmanship next.
A woman speaks name is shiro Kafka
Third year and my powers are speed of sound next.
My name is Roroka Mano third year gender male my powers are can basically do anything that a dragon can do.
That's all of them mister educator. *Said mina*
We only wanted to introduce ourselves to one the students of seniority class of legend.
*Said Koshita*
Let's get out of here Kiroshi*said Arima*
To be honest with you I want to see if your worthy of being our educator let's start by seeing if you can survive this fall. Said mina*
Suddenly both Kiroshi and Arima fall out of the room and went outside. Falling at 10'000 meters above ground.
So how about getting out hmm? *Said Kiroshi*
Oh shut up I didn't expect to fall like this *said Arima*
When they both reach the ground without realizing that another person stopped the our impact from dying.
Goddamn yo bro you good there don't sleep on me bro *said his friend*
Oh my god I'm so sorry *said Arima*
When the person finally stood up he said.
Oh educator sir what happened to you why were you falling up there? *Said the tall boy*
It's complicated uhmmm what's your name
*Said Kiroshi*
My name is Rollchu Dan sir *said the person*
Kiroshi suggest that all 4 of them should go eat Rollchu agreed.
While at one of the shops they properly introduce themselves.
My name is Rollchu Dan sir second year and my powers is fusion strength and endless growth.
And my name is Brian esta second year and my powers are perfectionist of martial arts and fusion.
After the boys introduce themselves they eat and went followed Kiroshi to a place called scar essence.