In the scar essence Kiroshi asked them.
What's your purpose here? Is it for something you desire or were you a puppet that followed orders from a master like the rest of the students.
Rollchu and Brian shocked at his questions and thought of an answer. Without an answer
They both stayed silent.
It's alright to not have an answer after all Kiroshi ask asked hard question. Anyhow let's start by seeing your weakness. *Said Arima*
Kiroshi pointed a sword at both of them.
Show me what you got. *Kiroshi said*
Kiroshi slashed at the both of them in time they're were able to dodge. Rollchu punch him but it didn't do anything due to his good nature of not trying to hurt someone.
Brian told him to stay back. All sorts of technique of martial arts was throw at Kiroshi.
You hit me but it didn't hurt as much. Must be due to your martial arts technique that gives you limited strength after all everything must have a weakness but there still things in this world that doesn't have a weakness. *Said Kiroshi*
Rollchu let's show our educator what we got.
Rollchu agreed they ran to each other and dap each other up with perfect accuracy.
Suddenly the two students became as one
And threw Martial arts technique at Kiroshi with strength like never before. Kiroshi impressed by they perfect harmony Kiroshi said.
Good trainings. Both of you are worthy to fight against them.
Suddenly disappear Kiroshi and Arima and student was released by the fusion and was outside of the scar essence.
Good work Arima now we have at least 12 student's to fight with us. Let's go to the cathedral of fate one of the students we need are in there. *Said Kiroshi*
When arriving to the place they met one of their juniors named hiruka haruka.
Ah Kiroshi and Arima what are you doing here? *Said hiruka*
We need you in the a battle in a few days...
*Said Kiroshi*
Hiruka understood what they meant but was still afraid of what happened that but still agreed. Kiroshi thanked her for complying.
Walked away to the city of idols and respective School within named fame of devotion.
16 including you and me Arima I wonder if we will win against them. *Said Kiroshi*
Suddenly a person was shining so brightly on the television store besides them. Everyone looked at her with devotion and honesty.
*Kiroshi chuckled* perfect timing miss idol you happened to handle the worst problem with just your presence. There's another student here I need.
Hm another one student? *Asked Arima*
You forgot about the motto that our sniper seniority class of legend said. In the field of colours they will always a black colour we need at least 100 snipers to fight her.
Kiroshi type a phone number on his phone and called to hear shocked Koshita Shiba.
Educator your alive? How did you get my phone number.
Koshita I'm coming to your place I'm making a deal with you. *Said Kiroshi*
Reluctant Koshita still wanted to know what Kiroshi offered.
Fine go ahead it's better be worth my time.
*Said Koshita*
Koshita hangs up and shouted everyone to wear their uniform to show them the upmost respect.
Kiroshi and Arima went to the building at the middle of the school and went inside.