Chereads / I was abducted by aliens / Chapter 12 - Assault on the rebels' camp

Chapter 12 - Assault on the rebels' camp

Huh? No plan??

Luther was stunned. As a military unit, wasn't the Crimson squad to carry out tactical maneuvers or something instead of rushing into attack like barbarians?

The squad thought otherwise though. Around him, they literally leaped into action.

Naz's fists glowed with violent red light, a sign which gave away the fact that he was a Pugilist. He leaped off the cliff, roaring all the way to announce his presence.

Confused nomads looked up, wondering what was happening, only to be blasted away by shockwaves created by Naz's fists.

The vice-captain leaped down with him, diving into the canyon, and suddenly, he ascended into the sky with huge bat wings on his back.

He took out a long, mean looking electromagnetic sniper rifle and opened fire.

'So the vice-captain is an Esper with flight powers… it could also be a racial talent but I'm more inclined to believe he's an Esper…'

The two ladies, CS-03 and CS-04, pixie hair and brunette, didn't lose out to the two men either.

Pixie hair's hair stood like sharp razors and while she leaped down onto the nomads, her hair shot out like porcupine quills equipped with tracking.

When she landed, she let out a whooping war cry and drew her curved scimitar.

The brunette driver descended into the rebels' camp with the help of the cliff; a slide of brownish red rock formed, which she rode on into the rebel nomad's camp.

Brownish red spikes rose from the ground, impaling nomads wherever she passed.

'Kid, what are you waiting for?!' Naz's voice boomed from below as he pulverized another nomad's head into a mess of blood and gore.

'This virtual world is truly realistic, they don't censor the blood and gore at all! Anyway, I guess I've to go now…'

Luther took a deep breath and instantly opened the Fifth Gate!


The rocky ground crumbled underneath him even as he jumped off the cliff. With the Fifth Gate open, he didn't fear being injured from that fall.

Even if he broke any bones, the rapid recovery he enjoyed would heal him instantly.

'Do I pull out a weapon? I don't know how to use them… I guess I'll use my fists then,' Luther muttered.


His landing formed a deep pit in the already sunken canyon!

With a wild cry, Luther dashed forward to the nearest nomad and punched out. He was too fast for the nomad to react and before the nomad could shoot, he was sent flying into the distance.

'This is just a game, I've not really killed anybody,' Luther said aloud, trying to let go of his inhibitions.

The extremely realistic blood and gore had made him feel a bit queasy but the knowledge that he was only in a virtual world prevented him from vomiting.

A second later, he was on his next target.

'Let me try something new… I call this move, drain!'

To slow his energy consumption, Luther switched to the Third Gate, and tried to sense the frequency of his enemy.

Surprisingly, despite it being a virtual world, he sensed the frequency in milliseconds and his eyes lit up.

With a thought, he slowed the metabolism and cell activity of the gray clothed nomad, making him slow and sluggish.

Supreme shock reflected in the nomad's eyes as he struggled to deal with Luther's punches.

'Why do I feel so weak?! What has he done to me?' he wondered. Luther gave him no time to think though and directly blasted him into oblivion.

'That's more like it!' Naz bellowed in encouragement, ripping off the arm of another nomad.

'Sheesh, was that really necessary?' Luther winced at the brutal acts of the Crimson Squad leader.

He was a true menace to the rebel nomad's camp.

Every punch he threw claimed a life, every stomp caused fissures in the canyon, and every bellow made the rebels retreat in fear.

The rebels were rather weak.

Or rather, the Crimson Squad was very strong. Luther had noticed that based on Naz's power fluctuations, he was definitely at the Energy Core Formation Stage.

The vice-captain was also at the peak of the Energy Condensation Stage, half a step into the Energy Core Formation stage.

The two other squad members were solidly in the Energy Condensation stage, while Luther was at the initial level.

The nomads on the other hand had a numerical advantage but in terms of personal strength, they were lacking.

There was only one Energy Core Formation expert and he had already been killed by Naz.

The rest were at the Energy Condensation and Awakening Stage, with some even being normal, regular people without superpowers, relying on guns and other equipment!

'With the battle being this relaxed, let me try out other ways in which I can use my power in a fight,' Luther thought excitedly, his eyes glinting.

What would happen if he touched an enemy and released intense vibrations?

Soon enough, he had an answer.

Agonized screams filled the desert canyon as the unfortunate desert nomad literally crumbled into bloody bits.

The intense vibration shredded his skin, destroyed his bones and turned him into mush!

Luther's nose wrinkled at the unpleasant, bloody stench.

As expected of the virtual world, his sense of smell was enhanced too and with him having opened the Third Gate, his senses were sharper than before!

Dropping the bloody corpse, Luther turned to the nearest nomad who was looking at him, shivering with fear.

'Hmm, what would happen if I enhanced some of his senses?'

Luther enhanced the already heightened state of fear the rebel nomad felt and in seconds he too was shrieking and stumbling, trying to get far away from the demon.

The smell of piss wafted in the hot desert air as the poor nomad even lost control of his bowels.

Seconds later, his fear was surprisingly suppressed and he burst into laughter, attracting glances from everyone.

Who was so free to laugh in a heated battle, especially when he was on the losing side?

'W-Hahaha- why can't I- Hahaha st-s- stop hahaha laughingg Hehehe?!' the nomad clutched his stomach and rolled on the floor, laughing and crying simultaneously.

He was in battle for fuck's sake!

How was he even laughing?

Looking at the accusatory glares his comrades shot at him, the poor nomad felt aggrieved. He didn't even know why he was laughing!

What was funny?

It had to be the work of that demon!

Soon he began to wheeze for breath but he just couldn't stop laughing. Indignantly, he breathed his last with wide-eyed despair and an even wider smile.

'So it's true laughing can kill… turns out the tickle torture isn't fake,' Luther observed.

What else could he try?

Luther looked around and noticed all nomads in his surrounding vicinity had drawn far away, treating him like a plague.

Luther smiled wryly and scratched his head.

'Am I really that scary?'