Chereads / The Charter Of Beasts / Chapter 7 - The Fearsome Brotherhood Of Steel Isn't here.

Chapter 7 - The Fearsome Brotherhood Of Steel Isn't here.

"Let's chat." Felix said with a light smile.


In the dense, shadowed forest far from the Wilderhaven campsite, two cloaked figures moved toward each other with light, soundless steps. The darkness was so thick that seeing even a few feet ahead was impossible, yet they navigated it with ease. 

"Sir." The first figure greeted, quietly.

The second figure, the 'Sir,' inclined his head. "Did you put her there?" he questioned in a somber tone.

"It's done." The first figure affirmed.

"And no one saw you? No suspicion?"

"No, I made sure to be discreet. I've even set up a foolish guard on patrol who'll act as a witness when he finds her."

"Good job, he'll reward you handsomely." The 'Sir' added.


A sudden gust of wind tugged at the commanding figure's hood, briefly revealing a broad face with folds of fat and sharp, cold eyes that glinted. He had an eerie smile before he quickly pulled the hood back into place.

He leaned closer, and with a cold whisper he said "Let's go now. Before anyone stumbles on her too soon. I'll send the signal to our 'leader.' Wilderhaven, unfortunately, will have to be the sacrificial lamb."

At the mention of Wilderhaven, the other figure's face tensed, and he murmured under his breath, "Just the beginning, isn't it?"

The commanding figure nodded calmly. "Only the first step. We've acquired something valuable of 'his'. It wasn't easy to steal it under the nose of a Rank 3, and it cost us dearly. But we succeeded."

The other figure's face was not seen clearly but his heavy breathing and his trembling hands were signs of the unease he felt.

Seeing this, the commanding figure stepped closer and patted his back. "The wasteland is harsh," he said softly. "And remember, he's not your family. Your actions tonight will ensure your family's survival. They might even lead a good life when you're settled in the Harrowhold Kingdom. The choice is yours, my friend. Even now, if you wish, you can stop this with a single word. But… what would happen to your family then?"

"NO!" The voice of the first man sounded out, agitated. 

"He could only help me so much… The rest is up to me. And I know that Wilderhaven will thrive under you, Sir. I'm sure you'll be the leader one day."

The commanding figure faced his back towards the first man, he sounded pleased as he said, "Good. Good. Now go." and walked away.

The first man clenched his fists tightly and he asked, "Sir… Will he die?"

The commanding figure cooly just vanished into the darkness and said "Perhaps."

The first man sighed deeply. "I'm sorry, Leader. I hope someday you'll understand." A soft murmur broke through the stillness of the forest.

With that, they vanished into the night, their steps as silent as the forest, leaving only the rustling of the leaves and the moonlight behind.


Back at the Wilderhaven campsite.


The big bonfire crackled in front of Theo. There were many skewers set near the fire with mysterious meat on them.

Above the bonfire was a huge boar on a rotisserie. The gamey and charred smell of the meat wafted in the air. Theo had not eaten properly in days, The last time he had proper meat was on his planet, and as for the last time this body had some proper food? He didn't even know.

He salivated while looking at the boar.


He gulped audibly.

Felix, the leader, looked at Theo with a soft smile and laughed.

"Hahaha, Dontcha worry kid, There's plenty more from where that came from. There's enough for all. Just let it cook for 40-50 minutes more."

Theo, with an embarrassed look, lowered his head and sighed.

"Thank you…"

"Ask away." Felix gestured.

There were thousands of questions he wished to ask but he wanted to clear one thing. Was this the fallout world or not? 

What was one thing that would make it clear if it's the fallout world or not? He wondered

There weren't many things he remembered but he did remember a faction from Fallout 4. 

One of the biggest factions of the post-apocalyptic world of North America.


"Have you heard about the Brotherhood of Steel?" 

"The Brotherhood of Steel?" Felix repeated with a puzzled tone.

Even Cyrus, who was eavesdropping in the background, furrowed his brows.

They had clearly never heard of it.

"Ah…" Theo had a bitter smile. Did they not know of this, were we not in America or was this not the fallout world?

Noticing Theo's bitter smile, Felix said "It's possible I know about it but with a different name. Many factions are called with different names in different regions. It may differ because of what they think about the faction, their accent, their language and other such reasons. Tell me a little about it."

Theo's eyes lit up. That made sense.

"The BHOS… The Brotherhood of Steel. They are born from the technology that remains of the old world. A faction full of knights and ruthless zealots. They have …power armor, guns, mechs, and flying ships…stuff like that."

Theo had his eyes closed as he was chatting about his favorite topic. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was met with the wide eyed and mouth gaped Felix.

He turned back and saw even the usually calm and composed Cyrus, Even he was showing signs of surprise albeit less than felix. Cyrus looked a little pale and he had a frown on his face.

"What happened?" Theo scratched his head.

Felix was the first one to react and he asked with a slight tremor in his voice. "D-Did you say they have mana armor, guns a- a- and flying ships..? Does such a powerful faction truly exist…?" With his fake accent long gone.

Felix gulped and glanced at Cyrus.

"Only the biggest factions even have guns and as for flying ships….." Felix glanced around, ensuring no one else overheard, before lowering his voice. "Only the Kingdom has that forbidden technology. If a new power emerges in the wasteland with such technology then…." His voice trailed off. Clearly, as a settlement leader, He truly knew the advantages of having such powers.

"Forbidden technology? Why is it forbidden?" Theo questioned.

And for the first time in this conversation, Cyrus interrupted.

"Because after the war, the skies belong to the beasts." he said in a solemn tone.

Theo's face fell, his hopes destroyed. The idea that this might be the Fallout world crumbled in an instant. Still, he knew he needed to learn more about this world and the mysterious 'war'. Yet the solemn atmosphere around the topic made him hesitant to press this topic further, so he decided to shift the conversation.

"Why are you guys waiting here? I heard that the settlement in the front was only 5 minutes away. Why don't you go in now?" Theo asked while trying to look down, He was avoiding the suffocating gazes of Felix and Cyrus that seemed to be asking him to talk about the BHOS.

Felix looked a little better and answered "it's because they can't let people in the night. It's easier for threats to sneak in—…" as he said that he looked at Cyrus.

Theo also turned back.

Cyrus' eyes were fiercer than ever, his teeth and fists were clenched. "And sneak out.." he grunted.

Theo was still glancing at Cyrus as he repeated what Cyrus said, "Sneak out…?"

Cyrus looked the same but he clenched his fists even tighter.


Theo heard Felix sigh.

Felix shook his head and just said a single word.


'Oh.' Theo's heart sank, understanding the grim reality of this world. 

Slaves existed here. 

The settlement is afraid that the slaves might sneak out in the night or something else might sneak into the settlement. Theo breathed out while pondering.


"Mr. Felix, what war did Mr. Cyrus talk about?"

At the mention of the war. The atmosphere became a little colder.

Felix smiled bitterly, "The beast war…. the reason the world has become like this…."

Theo waited patiently. he was disappointed to know that it truly wasn't the fallout nuclear war but he gestured for Felix to continue.

"The Evil Beasts fought humanity tooth and nail… Humans didn't really have access to mana back then, I don't know why war started but I'm sure it's due to the beasts wanting to end humanity as always, The Apex of humanity. The Seven Leaders of Humanity sacrificed a lot and humans finally gained access to the blessing that only belonged to the beasts." He paused and said a single word, "Mana.",

"People say the world itself started to reject humanity after the war, The mana only belonged to the beasts yet humanity coveted it to protect itself and that's why everything is so corrupted with chaotic mana. It's because humanity is against nature itself." 

Cyrus was downcast and held his arms on his thighs.

Theo couldn't see Cyruss' face properly, as he had bent his head down.

Cyrus hummed a little tune,

And before long, he started to recite a poem, 

"A world once pure, now tainted, dark, and cold,

Where beasts unleashed, their fury uncontrolled.

A war of ancient grudge, a bloody, endless fight,

Humanity's last hope, a fading, dying light.

A sacrifice supreme, a power dark and deep,

To stem the tide of evil, humanity to keep.

Yet, shadows linger, a haunting, chilling fear,

A world forever scarred, a future bleak and drear."

"A song made by a towering metal creature, like a knight clad in steel but inhuman, an ancient guardian of the Old Humans, The Legends say that the creature walked on two legs and was as tall as a building, they said it had lost all hope and recited this poem before flying to the source of the moonlight." Felix explained.

Then, silence.

Felix was still thinking about the BHOS that Theo talked about, Theo was overwhelmed by the flood of new information he had just gotten and was sorting it in his head. While Cyrus's face couldn't be seen, he was quiet for some odd reason after singing that poem and humming that tune.


Everyone looked around to find the source of the rumble and,

Theo looked at his stomach. His face-tinged red with embarrassment. 

Felix broke into laughter while Theo looked even more embarrassed.

Cyrus, who had his head down, finally lifted it up and showed a small cheeky grin.

The rumble of Theo's stomach destroyed the silent and oppressive mood of the group.

'Such a stubborn and strict looking man can even make such a face?' Theo was amazed.

Felix stood up and clapped his hands, "Let's eat~"