Chereads / The Owl House: Son of Edalyn (Owlphibia AU) / Chapter 14 - The Conformitorium

Chapter 14 - The Conformitorium

Somewhere in the Woodlands, Luz Noceda was running down the path to town

with King clinging to her back like a re-enactment of a sci-fi space opera.

"HURRY LUZ!" exclaimed the tiny creature.

"I'm going as fast as my weak nerd legs can take me, King!" responded Luz.

"Are you SURE that weird lightning storm is the same kind of magic that made Eda's son disappear?"

"I'm POSITIVE!" said King, confidently. "I'll never forget the day he disappeared.

That rainbow magic that crackled and flashed white when he opened that ding-danged Music box!"

Luz shrugged. "Well...if you say it is, then I believe you."

As Luz ran down the dirt path, she passed by someone who recognized her. "HEY, LUZ!"

Luz stopped, and looked back at who was speaking to her. "WILLOW!, Hi...What are you doing out here?!"

The stocky witch adjusted her round glasses and smiled.

"Just Practicing my plant magic. I am working on a new technique."

"That's great!" exclaimed Luz, happy.

"Wanna help me out?" asked Willow.

"Oh, I would. I really world, but I need to check something out first." said Luz, frantically.

"You mean that weird lightning storm?" inquired Willow.

"You saw it!?"

"Of course. I think everyone in the whole Isles saw it." said Willow.

"LUZ!, WE GOTTA GO!" exclaimed King, getting antsy.

"What's wrong with the little guy?" asked Willow.

Luz grimaced. "Willow...You know how at school, there is a memorial for Eda's son?"

Willow's expression instantly change from happy, to somber. "yeah...?"


Somewhere in Bonesborough, Olivier Clawthorne and Anne Boonchuy were leaping

from rooftop-to-rooftop with the Plantars and Maddie hopping along after them.

"How...much...Further?!" spoke Hop Pop, getting out of breath.

"Not long now...The Conformitorium is just over that rise." said Olivier.

"I don't mind at all." spoke Anne, smiling as she hopped along with Olivier.

"I kinda feel like Juniper O'Neil from the Teenage Mutated Shinobi Turtles!"

"I don't know what that is...but it sounds kinda cool." spoke Olivier.

"IT IS!" exclaimed Anne. "It was Marcy-"

Anne then stopped herself, suddenly remembering Marcy...and what happened to her.


"STOP!" exclaimed Olivier, suddenly.

Everyone stopped, looking ahead at a very large building with a tall spire that was up ahead.

"Is that it?!" inquired Sprig.

"Yep." answered Olivier. "The Ol' Conformitorium. Been here so many times, I often considered having my MAIL forwarded here."

Anne stared at the building that almost reminded her of Toad Tower

(and, Anne hoped that this time around the place wouldn't blow to kingdom come.)

"And, HOW are we going to break into that place?" asked Anne. "Let ourselves get caught!?"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" exclaimed Hop Pop.

"Not to worry." said Olivier, calmly. "I knows ways in and out of here

that even the head of the Construction Coven has forgotten about."

Before Olivier could say another word, he drew out Fleetwing in staff form and leapt from their hiding place.

Maddie drew out her own staff, and followed. With Anne and the Plantars trailing behind the duo.

The group soon circled around the Conformitorium, eventually reaching the less guarded rear of the building.

Olivier advanced towards a wall with the others close behind him.

"now, let's see..." Olivier began tapping areas of the wall with his staff.


"Ah-Ha!, there it is." said Olivier, as he tapped specific areas in a certain order.

With a loud click, the wall then opened up. Revealing a hidden passage.

"Dude, that is SO COOL." said Anne, impressed.

"Quickly!, before we're spotted!" said Olivier, with urgency.

Anne, Maddie and the Plantars all rushed inside with Olivier going in last.

The false wall then closed back with with a click, becoming hidden once again.

"I CAN'T SEE!" exclaimed Hop Pop.

Maddie sighed as she conjured a light orb.

"Good work, Maddie." praised Olivier (who also conjured a light orb.)

Maddie beamed at this.

"Okay, everyone. Behind me, single file." said Olivier.

"Assuming there have been no recent renovations, I should know where to go."

Anne nodded (as did the frogs) "Lead the way, Dude. This is your world."

Olivier nodded back, and proceeded to walk down the long, dark tunnel.

Anne stayed close behind, with Sprig, Polly, Hop Pop behind her and Maddie covering the rear.

In the back of Anne's mind, she recalled how this felt a lot like that 'epic sleepover'

that she had shared with Marcy the first time they were in Newtopia.

BUT, with those old memories came more recent ones that she really didn't want to remember.

How King Andrias deceived and manipulated her (and thus proving right everything that Grudge had said.)

And while Sasha's betrayal was no surprise to her, the fact that Marcy had ALSO betrayed her trust really shook her.

But as angry as she was with them both...she still couldn't help but worry about them.

The last she saw Sasha, she was fighting off Andrias' Frobots to buy them all time to escape.

And, Marcy-


(("look what you made me do."))

(("ah-anne...oh-olivier. i', ANDRIAS YOU FOOL!"))

Anne shook her head, banishing the images from her least for now.

Eventually, the group reached yet another stone wall.

"Knats!, a dead end..." scowled Sprig.

"No, this is just another hidden passage." said Olivier.

As Olivier began to tap as specific areas of the wall again, Sprig began to hop in place, growing excited.

"This is so cool! No sooner did ONE adventure end, WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER ONE!"

"I wasn't big fan of how the last one ended, Sprig." said Polly, mildly annoyed.

"Polly's RIGHT, boy. Take this more seriously." said Hop Pop, sternly. "We all could DIE!"

"And, THAT is what make it fun!" exclaimed Sprig.



The Wall opened up with a click...revealing the interior of some kind of closet.

*okay, everyone stay quiet...If we get caught now, it's all over.* whispered Olivier

Everyone nodded and proceeded to follow Olivier into the closet.

As Olivier neared the door, Maddie walked past the others and to Olivier.

*I have an idea.* spoke Maddie, tugging at Olivier's pants leg.

*let's send Fangora out there to scout ahead. she's really good at staying hidden.*

*that's a very good idea, maddie.* said Olivier.

Maddie's staff came alive once more, and Olivier scooped the large spider up.

cracking open the closet door, he let the spider out and quickly closed the door.

*okay, Maddie. do your thing.* said Olivier.

Maddie's uncovered yellow eye glowed bright green as she synced with her Palisman.

After awhile, her eye became yellow once again. *don't see anyone out there.*

"Good. we can keep moving." spoke Olivier, normally. "But all the same: Stay Quiet, and out of sight."

As the group finally exited the closet, and walked into the room...they froze upon seeing a disturbing sight.

The room was a long hallway, lined with stone statues standing atop platforms.

Each statue depicted a different individual, some humanoid, others more non-human.

But they all had either a terrified, or somber expression on their faces.

"Did we break into the most depressing art museum ever?" spoke Anne, thinking aloud.

"these are not chiseled stone, anne...they were people once." said Olivier, an edge in his voice.

It was then that Anne suddenly remembered something Olivier once told her about his world.

How Emperor Belos was a tyrant, who petrified innocent people to stone as a form of execution.

A quick look at what was written on the statue's platforms confirmed this.

"oh, god...I am SO SORRY, I completely forgo-"

"It's okay, Annie...a lot has happened recently, so I don't blame you for forgetting." said Olivier.

"I don't like this place. It's creeping me out." said Hop Pop, feeling uneasy.

"I'm feeling a little uneasy too...and that's no small feat." said Maddie.

"then keep moving. and, try not to look at them." said Olivier.

Despite Olivier's advice, Anne couldn't help but to look at the statues.

Knowing these were all once living people made her skin crawl.

She then stared at one of a human-looking girl with elven ears,

who looked no older than she was and wearing a uniform like Olivier's.

Anne felt her stomach turn as she stared at the terrified girl's stone face.

She was only a HER. Yet, she was practically 'put to death' like a criminal.

Anne's imagination then painted a very disturbing image in her mind.

This...this could be HER. or any one of her friends! Sasha...Marcy.

And then Anne winced as a horrid thought popped in her head: 'This could happen to OLIVIER!'

"ANNE." Anne jumped, and looked back to her boyfriend. "keep moving...don't look at them."

Anne silently nodded, and proceeded to follow Olivier down the hall.

Everyone tried to not look at the stone statues, but it was impossible not to cast a glance.

The fact that they HAD to walk slowly and not sprint out didn't make things much easier.

Olivier tried REALLY hard not to look. Dreading he just might see his mother among the statues.

He kept telling himself she wasn't...Afterall, she was 'Eda the Owl Lady'. she was too good to get caught.

STILL, though...that fear remained.

And, if he DID see his mother among these poor souls...he wasn't sure what he might do.

Eventually the party made it out of the hall, and into another room.

They quickly hid back at seeing a lone Coven Guard sitting at at a table

and eating a sandwich in what appeared to be some kind of break room.

"ah, forget those guys. I don't need them." muttered the masked figure.

"Coven Scout Steve can have his own fun...although I really did want that Pizza."

*oh, we can totally take this guy.* said Sprig.

*I'll snap his neck.* said Polly, with a grin.

"STEVE?" spoke Olivier.

Everyone froze as Olivier stepped forward and the Coven Guard looked back at him.

"Oh-Olivier!?" exclaimed the guard (AKA 'Steve'), sounding stunned. "b-but, HOW?! You're suppose to be DEAD!"

"Dead!?" exclaimed Olivier, surprised.

"Well...YEAH. No one has seen or heard from you for MONTHS." said Steve.

It was then that Anne and the Frogs emerged from their hiding place.

"Whoa!, and who are THEY!?" exclaimed Steve.

"It's a long story." said Olivier.

"Well, I got time." said Steve.

[One Explanation Later...]

"...And now we need to find Frobo's head before he's shipped off to Emperor Belos." finished Olivier.

Steve whistled. "Sounds like you had one awesome adventure, Ollie."

"It had it's moments." said Olivier.

"Oh-kaaay...Since you appear to not be a bad guy, do you think you could help us, ehh...Steve?" spoke Anne.

"ooh...I'd love to, I really would. BUT I can't just hand over confiscated evidence." explained Steve.

"Too many questions would be asked, and Coven Scout Steve can't afford to get in any more trouble."

"Come on, Steve...I'm asking as a friend." said Olivier.

"I tolerated hanging around your weasley nephew when you asked me, remember?!"

Steve groaned as he tried to think of something.

"well...there MIGHT be a way I can help without getting into trouble." began Steve.

"Legally, I can't be held responsible for missing inventory during a breakout."

Polly grinned like a goblin. "Me likey where this is going."

"If you release all the prisoners, it will start a riot that most of the guards will have to contain.

Nobody will pay any mind if I lift that Frog Helmet, and I won't be blamed if you take it from me."

"A PRISON RIOT!?" exclaimed Anne, dumbfounded at where this mission was going.

"Sounds like another Friday Night with mom." commented Olivier.

Steve stood up. "I'll head over to Contraband, and get the thing.

There are some spare uniforms over there for you to disguise yourselves with."

Olivier, Anne and the Frogs looked over at some open lockers with unused Coven Guard Uniforms

(which fortunately, came in all sized with an assortment of masks for non-humanoids as well.)

"Is the Cell Release Lever in the usual place?" asked Olivier.

"Yep." answered Steve.

"Then this shouldn't take too long..." said Olivier. "better book it."

"Got it!" said Steve, as he ran out of the break room.

"Well, that sure was convenient." commented Hop Pop.

"Yeah, Steve is one of the good ones." said Olivier, as he put on a Coven Guard Uniform.

"He was Aunt Lily's personal guard, and we used to hang out when I was little."

"Any other "Good Guards" we should know about?" asked Anne, while putting on uniform.

"WELL, there is Severine. But I doubt she'd be here." answered Olivier.

After a minute, everyone was now fully disguised.

"Okay, everyone follow me as usual." said Olivier. "And try not to draw any attention to ourselves.

If we come off as too strange, or out of place. then these disguises will be pointless."

"Oh, you don't have to tell ME twice." said Hop Pop.

"I can't see a thing in this stupid mask." said Polly.

"WOW. now I really do feel like a Stormtrooper." commented Anne.

"QUICKLY!" exclaimed Olivier, with urgency.

The group all ran out of the room, and deeper into the Conformitorium.


Eventually, the party reached a cavernous rotunda with levels of walkways and long corridors.

Anne and the Frogs gaped at the hundreds of prison cells, each filled with shadowy figures of all shapes and sizes.

"uhh...Oliver?" spoke Anne.


"I'm not sure about this...Now, I am sure most of these people are innocent like you said,

But I don't want to release any REAL criminals that should be in here into the world."

"I understand that...But we can't pick and choose who we release." said Olivier.

"Besides, any real criminals will be recaptured really quick since they'll stay to fight the guards."

Anne paused to ponder this. "I guess that makes sense."

"Trust me...What we do is for the greater good." said Olivier.

As the group walked, they soon came across a pair of guards.

"Are these the only guards here?" inquired Anne.

"Warden Wrath isn't know for his intelligence." commented Olivier.

"I bet we could take 'em!" said Polly.

"I'd rather not take our chances." said Hop Pop.

"Agreed. Let's try another approach." said Olivier, as he approached the guards.

"Warden Wrath sent us to relieve you." said Olivier (trying to disguise his voice.)

"And who the Inferno are you?!" spoke one of the guards.

"Who am I!? well...I am-"


The two guards NOW looked at Anne. "and, WHO the heck are you to speak to us that way!?"

"I am...LONDON TIPTON!, and my family is VERY WEALTHY!" exclaimed Anne, shaking her arms. "YAY ME!"

"Ah...That figures." said one of the two guards.

"And, to answer your first question. This is...LUKE SKYWALKER!" proclaimed Anne, pointing at Olivier.

"And his father is DARTH VADER!, a powerful Dark Lord will will kill you all for disrespecting him!"

"It's true." said Olivier (playing along with what Anne was saying.)

"he'll strangle you both to death without even laying a finger on you."

The two guards stared at each other. "Wrath isn't paying us enough to deal with this crap."

The two guards finally turned, and walked away.

"ohmygawd, I can't believe that worked!" said Anne.

"I didn't understand ANY of what you just said." spoke Hop Pop.

"All that matters is that THEY didn't, either." said Olivier, as he removed his uniform.

Once everyone else discarded their disguises, they saw a familiar spider crawl over to them.

"Hey, Fangora!" exclaimed Maddie, grasping her Palisman and hugging it.

"So, where is this Prisoner Release Switch?" asked Sprig.

"Just up ahead." answered Olivier.

As the group walk down the walkway, one of the prisoners spoke up.

"How'd you guys get out of your cells?"

Anne looked to see a girl her own age. "Uhh...We didn't. We broke in here."

This made the girl laugh. "You broke INTO this place!?"

"Well, Something that belongs to my friend was taken by these guys." explained Anne.

The girl nodded. "I hear ya. The stupid warden took one of my books when he locked me up in here."


"Yeah! I like to write fanfics of food falling in love." continued the girl.

"I like food, I like love. (*shouting*) JUST LET ME WRITE ABOUT IT!"

Anne grimaced. " kinda weird. But, it isn't a crime."

"I'm here because I like eating my own eyes." said a bizarre looking creature in another cell.

"ew." said Polly.

"COOL." said Maddie.

"We are agents of free expression!, They will never silence us!" said another prisoner.

Anne stared at the creature that looked like a giant nose with eyes.

"Don't mind her." said the girl Anne was talking to before. "she's really big into conspiracy theories."

"THE WORLD IS A SIMULATION!" exclaimed the Nose Creature. "We are but playthings for a higher being!"

"I have no head...I have no head...I have no head..." said a three-headed creature.

Anne stared with wide eyes. "oh, wow...Ollie was right.

You guys aren't hardened criminals at all. You're just...really odd, innocent people."

The girl raised an eyebrow. "Ollie? in Olivier, the Owl Kid?!"

Olivier stepped into view. "hiya, Katya...See you got caught again."

Katya stared with wide eyes. "YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE DEAD!"

Olivier rolled his eyes. "So I keep hearing...Anyway, how is that story of yours going?"

"I'm up to Chapter 40, and writing a Prequel and Spinoff on the side." answered Katya.

Olivier whistles. "Wow, I have been away for a long time. That's impressive."

Katya then looked at Anne. "wait...are you a human?!"

"Yep. Just an ordinary girl trapped in another world." said Anne, proudly.

"You friends with that other human that hangs around The Owl Lady?"

"You mean Luz Noceda?" spoke Anne. "I met her once, so...Yeah, we're friends."

"She broke us out of here once." said Katya.

"What a coincidence...Because we're here to do the same thing." said Olivier.

"Well, then I'll just put on my boots then." said Katya.

Olivier resumed walking down the walkway...until he finally reached a Lever.

Anne and the frogs looked at the level, and read what was written on a plaque above it.



Attached to the plaque was a sticky note that read:


"no. it can't be *THIS* easy." said Anne, in disbelief.

"Like I said: Warden Wrath isn't very smart." said Olivier.

"WE DOING THIS, OR WHAT!?" exclaimed Polly.

Olivier grabbed the lever nonchalantly...and threw it.

An alarm then blared, and all the cell doors opened at once with loud, collective clanking.

"Showtime." said Olivier, with a smug grin.

[End of Part Fourteen]