Meanwhile...Elsewhere in the Forests of the Boiling Isles,
Olivier Clawthorne was still leading Anne and the Frog Troupe through the woodlands.
It had been a pleasant hike thus far, with the party not encountering any danger (thankfully.)
But, even the normally energetic Sprig was growing weary of this somewhat boring adventure.
"How we nearly there yet?!" spoke the Pink Frog.
Olivier skipped across a flowing creek. "Almost...We just need to climb that hill over there."
"Can we stop an' rest?" spoke Hop Pop. "Mah' bones are creaking somethin' fierce."
Olivier stopped and ran over to check on the elderly frog.
"Sorry. Here, lemme use a healing spell to alieve you of any serious pain."
Anne and the younger Frogs all watched as Olivier ignited his hands with golden magic,
and cast it over Hop Pop like a brightly colored gust of wind.
The old frog let out a sigh as most of his aches faded away.
He still felt sore in certain places, but now his fatigue was bearable.
"thanks, boy...That really helped." said Hop Pop.
"Just let me know if you have any more flare-ups." spoke Olivier.
"Healing Spells don't take very much magic, So I won't use up that much."
Anne then walked up, and embraced Olivier from behind.
"all the same...don't push yourself TOO hard, Ollie." said Anne.
"I always hate seeing you collapse from using your magic powers."
Anne then frowned. "Every time you cast a spell...I hope and pray that you don't pass out. time, when you healed me and didn't wake up for a whole week.
I, SO Scared that you might *never* wake up again. I never...want to go through that again."
Olivier frowned as he looked at Anne.
"I'm sorry, Annie. If I could stop myself from draining my own strength, I would.
It's physical condition. which...sadly, I don't think there is a cure for."
Anne frowned sadly as she hugged Olivier tighter.
In the back of her mind, she wondered if this must be what it's like back in her own world
for people with loved ones suffering a handicap of some kind, and having to be strong for them.
SOME people in that situation would just give up, and leave their disabled loved ones to their fate.
Feeling that it's easier to just 'not deal with it', then struggle living with it everyday.
But Anne considered that to be cowardly. An admission of Weakness.
She would NEVER, for as long as she lived, EVER abandon Olivier.
As hard as it was for her having a Boyfriend who could die from overexerting himself.
She was willing to endure that anxiety for him. And do her best to keep him alive.
"It's okay...I understand." spoke Anne. "Once I get my 'Blue Powers' under control,
I'll use them to lend to you the strength that you need to survive. I won't give up on you."
Anne then placed her hand upon Olivier chest. She closed her eyes, and focused as hard as she could.
Her hand flickered, and then ignited with blue flame-like energy that slowly flowed into Olivier.
Olivier gasped as he felt his magic grow a little stronger.
Anne then pulled her hand away, and smiled at the Witch Boy.
Olivier smiled...but then blushed bright red as the Plantars started snickering at the two humans.
"Oh, don't mind us. You two have your moment." said Hop Pop.
Now ANNE was blushing. "sorry, guys...Guess I got carried away."
"It happens." said Polly, bluntly.
Olivier breathed out and stepped forward.
"OKAY, We're all gonna take a break until Hop Pop is rested enough to walk again." began Olivier.
"So, we're camping here for now. Which means everyone stay within grouped circle."
Sprig raised his hand.
"sprig, this isn't school. you don't need to raise your hand to speak." said Olivier, bluntly.
"Okay. if this is a Camp, then where are the Tents and stuff?!"
"YEAH!, I wanna lite a Campfire!" exclaimed Polly.
"That isn't what Ollie meant by "setting up camp", guys." said Anne, bluntly.
"We're just resting here for the time being, but not for too long. So don't get comfortable."
Olivier sat down and exhaled sharply. Anne smiled, and scooted over to him.
As Anne took Olivier's hands and held them, Olivier looked up to see Fleetwing flying above them.
"Isn't he gonna come down and join us?" asked Anne.
"naw. Fleet is staying up high where he can see what's ahead, AND what's coming." explained Olivier.
Fleetwing then perched itself onto a high up branch of a nearby tree.
"I feel better with him being up there keeping watch." continued Olivier.
"I do, too!" exclaimed Hop Pop.
a brief silence swept over the which Olivier looked to Anne, and spoke again. "Sooo..."
Anne looked at her boyfriend. "yeah, Ollie?"
"Now that we have some quiet time...tell me: How do you like my world so far?"
Anne took a moment to think of what to say.
"I mean, if you don't like it...I'll understand."
"N-No!, I...d-do like it." stammered Anne, trying to get the words out.
"I mean...YEAH, your world is kinda Bizarre, but in a strangely "beautiful" way.
I still can't believe we're all standing on the decayed corpse of a real life Kaiju."
Olivier recalled how once in Amphibia, Anne explained to him what a "Kaiju" was
when she showed him a Japanese Monster Movie that she had downloaded on her phone.
It looked a little fake, but he got the general idea that a "Kaiju" was essentially the human term for Titans.
(Which made Olivier wonder if there were any Titans in the Human Realm,
and if these simple monster movies were based on them real encounters humans had with them.)
"I guess it all would be fantastic to anyone whose never grown up in a place like this." spoke Olivier.
"I felt the same way when I first came to Amphibia, it was...So Different from my world."
"No argument there, Oliver." spoke Hop Pop, next. "This place is KINDA like Amphibia, and Alien."
"I think it's AWESOME!" exclaimed Polly.
"So many new things to explore!" exclaimed Sprig.
"I feel more at home here." said Maddie. "It's weird...Like ME."
Anne looked at Olivier again. "Looking past the weirdness, this Boiling Island IS a Magnificent place.
It kinda reminds me of those JRPG video games that Mar-DAD always played."
Anne then smiled. "and, besides...This IS the world where you came from.
And any world that made someone like you can't be THAT bad, right?"
Olivier smiled warmly. "I often think the same about your world, too.
Grandma Gwen always said it was dangerous...and, maybe it is.
But it can't be THAT bad if it created a person like you, Anne."
Anne blushed. "I'm...not that good of a person."
Olivier touched Anne's hand, and looked into her eyes.
"you're better than most I have known, Annie...Trust me, you have pure soul."
Anne wasn't sure if that statement was accurate...but, she accepted it anyway.
Olivier then hugged Anne, who smiled and hugged him back.
"I promise...I'll find a way to get all of you home." spoke Olivier.
"I know you will." said Anne. "I still believe in you...and I always will."
Everyone (sans Olivier) became alarmed at Fleetwing suddenly screeching.
"Wa-What is it?!, ARE BE BEIN' ATTACKED!?" exclaimed Hop Pop, worried.
"No, that isn't Fleetwing's Danger Call." spoke Olivier. "But he DID see-"
"OVER HERE!" exclaimed Sprig.
Everyone looked to see Sprig standing a few feet away from camp.
"DANG IT, BOY!" exclaimed Hop Pop. "Yer' supposed to STAY WITH THE GROUP!"
"But, you all REALLY need to see this!" exclaimed Sprig, again.
Anne was the first one to run up to Sprig...prompting Olivier to follow her,
with Maddie and Polly close behind, forcing Hop Pop to relent and see what Sprig wanted them to see.
"OH. EM. GOODNESS!" spoke Anne, awestruck at the sight before her.
Everyone looked on at two strange creatures that were grazing amongst some berry bushes.
The creatures were the size of a Bear, with feline bodies.
yet their heads and front legs were avian, and even had massive feathered wings.
"What are those things?!" asked Maddie, curious.
"Oh, those are Gryphons." spoke Olivier. "They're very common around here."
"woooow...So Cool." spoke Anne, still in awe at what she was seeing.
Just then, a tiny shriek was heard.
The two Gryphons watched as a Baby Gryphon (no bigger than a large dog) waddled over.
"AWWWWW!" emoted Anne. "IT'S A BABY."
Olivier gently grabbed Anne's shoulder. *keep your voice down.* whispered Olivier.
*Gryphons ARE still wild animals, and are even more aggressive when they have chicks.*
*no kiddin!* spoke Hop Pop, quietly. *with beaks like those, they could tear us to shreds!*
*even so, they're STILL beautiful creatures.* spoke Anne.
*Up until now, I thought they were make-believe and only existed in my old storybooks. see it HERE. a living, breathing creature...I almost don't believe it's real.*
Olivier looked at his girlfriend and smiled warmly.
It pleased him to see Anne so happy about something in his world.
Despite the tense situation they were in...Olivier made a promise to himself to find some time
to show the girl he loved all the things that was wonderful in the Boiling Isles...
...and to shield her from all it's dangers as well.
Anne eventually held up her phone like a camera, and captured some photos.
And just in time too, as at that moment the Gryphons spread open their wings and flew off into the sky.
Hop Pop breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank FROG they left without noticing us."
"THAT WAS AWESOME!" exclaimed Polly, joyfully.
"Yeah!, I wanna see MORE of this place!" exclaimed Sprig, hyperactive.
Hop Pop was about to say something when Olivier spoke up first.
"If we can find the time to do so, I will certainly give you all a grand tour." began Olivier.
"But for now, we need keep moving and hide out in a safe place from the Emperor's Coven Scouts."
Anne then smirked like a cat. "While I agree with you, Ollie. I think we can handle those
'Imperial Stormtroopers' if they show up again...They were pretty easy to knock down."
Olivier smirked, catching the pop culture reference that Anne was making.
"Agreed, but even idiots that can't shoot worth a snail can be dangerous in large numbers."
Anne and Olivier looked over to Hop Pop.
"I think we should git goin. We won't get where we need ta' be just standin' around."
"You SURE, Pops?" inquired Olivier. "Because I can carry you if you're-"
"hey!, I may be Old: But I ain't THAT old!" responded Hop Pop, defensively. "This "Pop" still has plenty of "Hop."
Sprig, Polly, Anne and even Maddie couldn't help but snicker at this.
"Okay, then. Let's get moving, Everyone." said Olivier, clapping his hands.
Fleetwing screeched, and flew on ahead of everyone.
Anne took Olivier's hand, and the pair looked at one another for a moment.
The two teens both smiled and blushed, barely able to contain the love they felt for each other.
Anne finally gave in, and leaned forward to give Olivier a kiss.
Olivier caressed her cheek as he returned the kiss, before finally parting.
The group then finally resumed hiking, headed towards the far off hill ahead of them.
In another part of the forest, some miles away from where Anne, Olivier and the Frogs were.
Edalyn Clawthorne was leading HER troupe consisting of King, Luz, Willow and Amity...
...and Owlbert, who was in staff form.
"Hey, Eda?" spoke Luz.
"Yeah, kid?"
"If you know where we are going...Why don't we just fly there?"
Eda stopped and turned to her apprentice. "Well, APART from the fact that Owlbert can't carry all of us at one-"
"oh, right...I forgot." muttered Luz.
"I'd rather not draw any attention from the Emperor's coven scouts, So we're staying on the ground." finished Eda.
"That ALSO makes sense." said Luz.
"Walking isn't so bad..." spoke Willow, as she pranced around like a deer.
"I love to explore the forest, and look at all the different plants and trees."
As Willow stopped and smelled a nearby exotic flower...Amity took a moment to watch her friend.
She cracked a smile, remembering her early childhood when she and Willow used to explore the woods.
AND once Olivier became the third in their group, It was like they were 'The Three Hexeteers',
Going on an adventure into the wild unknown, fighting monsters and helping people
(of course, all of that 'Adventure' were just harmless make believe.
But it was real enough for them, and they always had fun.)
Amity then frowned, missing those happier days.
...before they all grew up...and BROKE up.
"HEY!, Look at that!" exclaimed Luz, pointing at something.
Everyone looked...and saw a far off Treehouse just off the path they were walking.
"Cool!, It looks like an old Treehouse!" spoke Luz.
Both Amity and Willow froze as if they were staring at a Ghost.
"HEY, I remember that..." spoke Eda. "That was Olivier's Tree House.
I built that old thing for him so he could have his own place to hang out with his friends.
He used to go there all the time. but then...he was-(*pauses*) well...he eventually stopped coming here."
Amity and Willow finally willed themselves to approach the old tree house.
Luz followed them, along with Eda, King and Owlbert (who perched on a nearby branch.)
Approaching the tree, the first thing they examined were the three names carved onto the trunk.
Both Willow and Amity already knew what the names were before even attempting to read them.
It was THEIR names: 'Amity Blight', 'Willow Park', and 'Olivier Clawthorne.'
Olivier's own name was faded, and barely visible (as if Time, and the Elements was trying to erase it.)
However, Willow and Amity's names showed clear signs that 'someone ELSE' had been to this Tree recently.
Willow's name had been cleaned up and re-carved.
Amity's name, however...had been slashed out. making it even harder to read than Olivier's own name.
Amity's heart sank as she looked upon the sight before her.
It was like a representation of how things are now, compared to how they used to be.
a Once pleasant and happy memory of the past, now tainted by the awful present.
"he was here." said Amity.
"huh?" inquired Luz.
"olivier...he came this way recently."
"How can you tell?" asked Luz, again.
Amity paused as she touched the carved names.
"this was...OUR place. Apart from Miss Clawthorne, only Me, Willow and Olivier knew about this place.
Not even my own parents, or both my siblings knew about this Treehouse. It was my...OUR Sanctuary."
Willow leaned in closer, and blew some magical powder from her hand.
The group then saw a glowing 'phantom' that vaguely resembled a teenage boy with messy hair.
Eda covered her mouth, stunned at seeing the remnant that all but confirmed that her son
really HAD returned after nearly four months, and was somewhere in the woodlands.
"olivier..." spoke Eda, her voice weak.
"He really was here." spoke Willow.
"Which means we're on the Right Track!" exclaimed Luz, happily.
King looks at Eda. "Guess that ALSO means you are right about where he's going."
Eda smirked, feeling a little pride. "Of course! when have I *EVER* been wrong about anything?!"
"don't you dare answer that question, cubone." spoke Eda, sternly.
Amity looked over at the some wooden planks aligned along the tree trunk like a ladder.
Swallowing hard, she approached the planks and reluctantly reached out to them.
Her hand trembled, feeling a chill as she finally touched the aged wood.
She hadn't touched this treehouse in years...and it felt surreal being back here again.
"Amity?" spoke Luz.
Amity breathed out sharply. "i'm sorry...but I need to go up there."
"There's no TIME for that!" exclaimed King, annoyed. "WE NEED TO FIND-"
"It will just take a moment." spoke Willow. "...PLEASE?"
King looked to Eda...who sighed, and crossed her arms. "make it quick."
Amity nodded as she began to climb up the ladder, and up into the Treehouse.
Upon climbing in, Amity stood and gazed at the dusty interior of the structure.
Willow and Luz soon climbed in as well...and while Willow also gazed in silence,
Luz was more excited and began to frantically run around, examining everything.
"This is SOOOO COOL!" exclaimed Luz. "It almost reminds me of the one that *I* had when I was little!"
Amity briefly smiled at the thought of Luz as a little kid with her own Treehouse...
...BUT, her smile quickly faded as she drank in the somber atmosphere.
Old memories that had once been buried DEEP within Amity's mind gradually began to resurface.
Her eyes grew moist as 'Ghosts' of the Past that only she could see appeared before her.
She saw herself...Back when she was a happier, more optimistic child.
sitting in a circle with Willow and Olivier as they laughed, told stories and practiced magic.
Amity smiled weakly. she then looked in another area...and another memory.
She saw herself dressed like Azura, fighting a plant monster that Willow conjured up
in a Make Believe mission to save "Princess Olivia" (which was just Olivier glamoured to look like a Princess.)
Amity chortled at this memory. She STILL couldn't believe that Olivier
agreed to take part in her Cosplay fantasy, and play the part of the Damsel in Distress.
If he DID dislike it, he never showed it openly.
Amity then looked, and spotted something that gave her chills.
It was the remains of an old plush toy that looked almost withered to nothing.
However, it's head was mostly intact...which Amity recognized as Otabin, the Bookmaker.
one of her favorite characters from her childhood.
Amity picked up the withered remnant of her once favorite toy...which made her heart ache.
Looking at it was like looking at the symbol of her bonds with Willow and Olivier.
Something that was so pure, and cherished...left abandoned, and forgotten.
And now...was nearly withered away into nothing, with barely anything left of it.
As Amity stared at the toy's frozen face...a verse from the Otabin book echoed in her ears.
(("Otabin spend his days alone, amongst the many books he'd sewn..."))
Amity then saw a memory of his room, surrounded by various books.
(("With needle and thread, the pages he'd mend.
But all the while he longed for a friend..."))
Amity's eyes then shot wide as the last verse repeated on loop,
Echoing as memories of her time with Olivier flashed in her mind.
(("...he longed for a friend...longed for a friend...friend...Friend...FRIEND."))
(("Amity...WHY?!")) spoke Olivier's voice in Amity's head.
(("I thought...WE WERE FRIENDS!")
Amity squeezed the Otabin plush remnant...tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Amity?" Amity looked to see Luz and Willow looking at her. "Are you okay?"
Amity looked away, walked over to a pillow on the floor...and laid the plush remnant upon it.
"we should...go." spoke Amity, somberly. "Miss Clawthorne is waiting for us."
Luz looked at Amity with soft eyes. "amit-"
But before Luz could finish what she was saying, Amity was already scaling down the ladder.
Once her feet touched the ground, Amity was quickly met up with Eda and King.
"Did you find what you wanted up there?" spoke Eda, impatiently.
Amity exhaled sharply. "no...there was nothing up there but "Ghosts."
As Luz and Willow climbed down, Eda quickly turned away.
"Let's go...we've wasted enough time here." said Eda, her tone oddly stoic.
As Eda walked away, King cast a glare back at Amity...which made the witch girl shiver.
Luz and Willow then approached her.
"Amity..." Amity turned to look at Luz. "If you need to talk about this...I-"
"Later." said Amity. "Miss Clawthorne is right: We're wasting time, and need to keep moving."
Once again, Amity had walked off before Luz could finish what she was saying.
Luz then turned to Willow. "this...Thing that happened between you two and Olivier. Was it really that bad?"
Willow shut her eyes and turned away. "you already know that I have many awful memories that haunt me, Luz."
Luz nodded, recalling the time she and Amity ventured into Willow's mindscape to repair the damage
that Amity unknowingly caused when she burned a memory of her past friendship with Willow.
"But out of all of them..." continued Willow.
"the memory of what happened to the one I WISH I could erase from my mind."
"How come I never saw it when I was last in your Mindscape?" asked Luz.
"Because it's a memory so awful, that I buried it DEEP in my mind." answered Willow.
"So deep, not not even the damage done to my mind back then could reach it."
"whoa." said Luz, astonished.
Willow inhaled deeply...fighting to repress any recollection of the memory she was discussing.
"Let's go...the others are waiting for us."
As Willow departed, Luz lingered for just a moment to look back at the Treehouse.
She frowned...but then sprinted away to rejoin the others.
[End of Part 20]