"HA!, HA-HA-HA, HAH!" Eda was laughing hard at what her father had just told her.
"I can't believe my Ollie said all that to you in a single breath!"
Dell chortled. "He is most certainly your son, Witchlet."
Once Eda stopped laughing...she became somber again. "So...what happened next?"
"Well...I showed him your old room, and-"
Little Olivier is jumping up-and-down upon a small bed in a small room.
For Olivier, everything around this room looked amazing.
Old toys were scattered on the floor, and interesting books were stacked.
(The fact that this room had belonged to his mother was icing on the cake.)
"NOW, Olivier. Calm down..." spoke Dell, entering the room.
Olivier finally stopped jumping and sat still. "s-sorry, grandpa."
"It's okay. Now, come...I have something I want to show you."
Olivier got off the bed and followed his grandfather out of the room.
As he walked with him, he gazed at the interior of the Clawthorne Mansion.
While nowhere near as big as the Blight Mansion where his best friend, Amity Blight, lived.
It was still a lot bigger than The Owl House was, with less mess and clutter than he was used to.
(In fact, it was completely organized with no mess AT ALL.)
"This place is Amazing!" exclaimed Olivier. "and, Mom and Aunt Lily used to live here?"
"For a time, Yes." spoke Dell. "Now, come along now...don't dawdle."
Olivier continued to follow his grandfather over to a workshop of some kind.
The table was covered in various wood chips and shaving, as well as some wood sculptures that looked half-finished.
"This where you carve Palismans?" asked Olivier.
Dell smiled as he nodded. "Yes. It was here where I first taught your mother, and Aunt Lilith.
And while my old, weary hands aren't what they used to be...I can still teach you, too."
Olivier made the widest grin possible, feeling excited to learn something new.
"Really!?, THANKS GRANDPA!" exclaimed Olivier, hugging the old man.
Dell smiled as he sat down at his worktable, and then picked Olivier up
and sat the small child upon his lap where he could look at the tabletop.
Olivier looked at an unfinished sculpture...which Dell set aside.
"Let's start with something small." said Dell, as he placed a small chunk of wood before Olivier.
"Now, before we begin...take some time to think of what you want to carv-"
"I WANNA CARVE A BIRD!" exclaimed Olivier
Dell chuckled. "That is a favorite in our family."
Olivier smiled as his grandfather brought out a simple wood carving knife.
It looked aged, like it had seen some use for many years.
Yet, despite this the blade looked quite sharp, with only a few chips along it's edges.
"careful, now...this isn't a toy." spoke Dell, as he handed Olivier the knife.
"Ooooh..." cooed Olivier, fascinated by the tool.
"This blade was made to carve the finest of wood." spoke Dell. "...so it wouldn't take much to cut yourself on it."
"Don't worry, Grandpa." spoke Olivier. "Mama taught me how to handle dangerous things."
Dell nodded. "Good to know...Now, let's begin."
Olivier gripped the handle of the knife tightly, while Dell help the wooden block in place.
"Now, start by placing the blade right here."
Olivier did as he was told, and placed the blade down against the wood.
However, he got a little ahead of himself and tried to scrape off some wood.
But all he did was scratch the surface of the block.
"Slow down, boy. Not so hard." said Dell. "You need to be more gentle with it. Slow and Steady wins the race."
Olivier blushed awkwardly. "s-sorry, grandpa."
"It's alright. Eda was like you too when I first taught her."
Dell then grasped Olivier's knife hand. "now, do as I do...like this."
The Elder Clawthorne then started to puppeteer Olivier's hand,
moving it (and, the blade he was holding) in a swift, yet gentle motion.
This brought the desired effect of slicing a ribbon from the wooden block.
"See?, like this. "Slow...and Steady." repeated Dell, as he repeated the action.
Olivier smiled...but then flinched as Dell's gripped tightened. "G-Grandpa?"
Dell quickly removed his hand, and gripped his wrist with his other one.
he groaned as his hand tensed up, his fingers unable to bend properly.
"I'm...s-sorry. I...I can't-"
"It's okay, Grandpa...I think I got it, now." said Olivier.
As Dell proceeded to massage his hand, he watched as his grandson began carving the block.
He now did it as he had shown him, making more gentle slices that removed ribbons from the block.
Dell smiled at this...and for a moment, ALMOST thought he saw his little Edalyn in Olivier's place.
(Perhaps his age was catching up with him.)
After about an Hour had passed, the block of wood had now taken
a vague enough shape of what resembled a bird...albeit a crooked shape.
Needless to say, Olivier was disappointed in his work.
"This is gonna be one ugly bird if I ever do finish this." mused Olivier.
"Don't be too hard on yourself, ma' boy." spoke Dell.
"First Time Palismans rarely come out looking perfect. Some don't even come to life AT ALL.
But, with enough practice...you WILL create wonderful. And they will be a life long companion."
As Dell said this, his own Palisman flew down and perched onto Olivier's shoulder.
The Yellow Bird looked at the crooked sculpture, and made a shrugging gesture.
Olivier smiled...but then noticed something. "hey...where's Owlbert?"
Bagel began to twitter something.
"Bagel says that Owlbert left the house about half-an-hour ago." said Dell. "Says he went looking for-"
Just then, a gust of wind kicked up and Owlbert flew into the room.
He was in Staff Form, AND was carrying a passenger.
"MAMA!" exclaimed Olivier, happily.
Eda groaned as she literally fell off her magic staff, and dropped to the ground.
"I'm okay...Mama just...left her stomach a mile or two behind. Ughh..."
As Eda struggled to get up, Another witch entered the room normally.
Olivier stared at the older woman who kinda looked like his mom,
Only she had shorter hair and looked much older (despite both having silver hair.)
"oh, finally..." spoke the older woman. "Now, Edalyn. Will you tell me NOW who this Olivier is-"
It was at that moment that the older woman noticed Olivier with Dell. "Who is that child you are holding, Dell?"
Olivier looked up at his Grandfather. "Do you know this old lady, Grandpa?"
This statement made the older woman's eyes nearly pop out. "GRANDPA!?"
Eda rose up...and groaned at the situation she was now in. "guess the jig is up."
Eda exhaled in defeat and walked in the center of the room.
"Okay, to answer questions ONE and TWO: That is Olivier...My Son." began Eda.
"(looks to Olivier) This "old lady" is Gwendolyn, My Mom. and your...(*ugh*), "Grandma."
And, it seems you've already met Dad, since you're already calling him-"
"Grandma?!" spoke Olivier, looking at Gwendolyn.
The second Olivier spoke that word, something 'triggered' in the Clawthorne Matriarch.
She then sprinted at super speed, and snatched the ten year old child out from her husband's grasp.
"I HAVE A GRANDBABY!" exclaimed Gwendolyn, spinning around while holding Olivier in the air.
"CAREFUL, MOM!" exclaimed Eda, concerned. "Olivier is VERY fragile!"
Gwendolyn finally stopped spinning, and (while holding Olivier) began to barrage Eda with hundreds of questions.
Eda groaned as she stretched her lower eyelids stressfully. "oh, f**k me."
Gwendolyn gasped as she covered Olivier's round ears. "NO SWEARING IN FRONT OF THE CHILD!"
"I was not a big fan of answering mom's many, MANY questions that day." said Eda.
"Yes, but it was a good day for us." said Dell. "I had never seen Gwen so happy in many years."
Eda frowned as she looked at the offerings at the base of the Olive Tree.
"I guess mom didn't take the news of Olivier's disappearance very well." spoke Eda.
Dell frowned. "no...she didn't. She actually took a break searching for cures for you
and began looking up any Oracles she could find, hoping one of them could tell her what happened to her grandson."
"They all told her the same thing: "The Youngest Clawthorne Wanders the Amphibilands." said Dell.
"Gwen thought they meant the Sunken Isles where the Frog Demons dwell,
But after searching every inch of that marsh, she couldn't find anything."
Eda smirked knowingly. "Well, she had the right idea...she was just looking in the wrong place."
Dell eyed his daughter. "what do you mean?"
"You know Luz?, that human I am looking after."
"She tried to to create a portal back to her own realm using Glyph Magic." explained Eda.
"But I messed it up, and it temporarily sent us into a whole new realm called "Amphibia."
It was there we met this family that looked like frog demons, and a human girl who was ALSO stranded there."
Eda looked at her father. "She told me she was Olivier's girlfriend."
Dell widened his eyes. "Are you sure she meant OUR Olivier?!"
"She showed me a picture on her phone...It was HIM." Eda then teared up.
"My Son was still alive, and living in some Frog Village all this time.
I wanted to see him, but Luz' spell wore off and we were sent back to the Boiling Isles."
Eda let out a sharp sigh. "If I only had MORE time...I could've seen him again. if only for a moment."
Dell smiled, and put his arm around his daughter. "The important thing is that we NOW know that he is okay."
Eda smiled. "yes...and more importantly: He isn't alone, and has good people looking after him."
In her room in the attic of the Owl House, Luz was laying beside the eye-shaped window.
She had her phone on, and was staring at a picture that she took while she was briefly in Amphibia.
She took several, but the one she was looking at was of herself,
and her fellow human girl in another world' Anne Boonchuy.
Despite having only known her for a short time, she missed Anne a great deal.
She hoped she was okay, and perhaps even returned home like she wanted.
(Which was just one more reason Luz wanted to find a way back to the Human Realm.
If nothing else, than to check up on Anne and have that sleepover that they wanted.)
Luz looked to see King approach. "Watcha' doing?"
"oh, not much. just...Reminiscing."
King looked at the photo on Luz' phone. "Is that the girl who Olivier is with?"
"yeah...his "awesome girlfriend." said Luz.
"She seems...Nice." mused King.
"Oh, SHE IS...Trust Me." said Luz. "and...I miss her so much."
King looked down sadly. "I still miss Olivier, too."
Luz looked at King, and then picked him up. The Hispanic Girl then hugged the furry creature like a teddy bear.
"It's okay...we can miss them together."
King snuggled up in Luz' embrace, and started to relax.
Luz smiled, and then opened up the stained glass window to gaze out at the Boiling Isles.
Suddenly, the tranquility was disrupted by a flash of light in the sky.
"WHOA!" exclaimed Luz, jumping up with King as they both looked out the window.
The pair gazed in awe as three bolts of lightning shot from the sky, Each bolt a different color.
One was Sapphire Blue, the other was Rose Pink, and the third was Emerald Green.
The trio of lighting struck somewhere within the city of Bonesborough.
And just as suddenly as they appeared, they suddenly vanished as if nothing had happened.
"what...was...THAT!?" exclaimed Luz, flabbergasted
King had a stern look on his bony face.
And, unlike Luz...he knew EXACTLY what this was.
[End of Part Twelve]