Chereads / Into The Vacant Book / Chapter 23 - Chapter 23. Andra (Finale)

Chapter 23 - Chapter 23. Andra (Finale)

Kim look at him bewildered. What was the man planning? Kim tilted his head toward Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal.

"Guys huddle up, I got a plan!" Kim explained that Luc Mugen will set up barriers around those that are collapsed. Kim stared at Uma Micheal, she waited for her turn but Kim said,

"I'm sorry Uma, but I don't really know your magic that well… I know that you're a smart girl so you should use your magic when you think you should!" Uma Micheal for a moment was bewildered but nodded at Kim.

Vas Allen glanced toward them, "You really going to leave me out of the plan?"

Kim replied with, "You're smart enough to figured out what I'm thinking of!" Vas Allen smiled and said to Kim, "You know me so well!"

Kim chuckled. He got up, ready himself. He signal Luc Mugen to put up his barriers magic around the collapse people. Luc Mugen barriers was all over the ruin bunker, protecting those that were under Ulyss Thym power's.

Ulyss Thym look at them in amusement, wondering what they were planning. "Barrier magic huh…" Ulyss Thym blood boiled, he was excited to be the one to mess up their plan. Oh how thrill he felt thinking about it.

Kim glanced at Vas Allen without saying anything, Vas Allen looked at him and nodded, he got Kim memo. He launch a powerful spells at the barrier. The spells ricochet as it bounced off the barriers, the momentum of the spells begin to sped up to the point where it was hard to tell where it's going next.

The spells was moving so fast even Kim was having a hard time following it, no he couldn't keep up with it. "This attacks will hit him!" But Kim knew that this won't be easy which is why Vas Allen will cast out an unexpected spells at him once the man dodges the first attack.

But their plan didn't go exactly as planned. Kim sees Ulyss Thym smiling, the man glanced over toward Filo Noa. There he teleported in front of her collapsed body, well what seemed to look like he had teleported was just him being so fast, you might've as well call it teleporting.

With a strike toward the barrier, he shattered it with ease. This surprised the whole group "What?! But even Vas magics couldn't even break it let alone make a dent on it… just how did he-?" Kim seeing the spells trajectory changed, instead of the spells heading toward the man, it was heading toward Filo Noa collapse body.

Kim with no time wasted, ran to her, putting both of his arm up, hoping for it to block it. Ulyss Thym seeing this, chuckle and uttered one word to Kim which horrified him,


Kim body begins to collapse, he couldn't move his body anymore, he was under the man power. His body flop to the grounds next to Filo Noa body, every part but his left arm was on the ground. Kim left arm was still trying to block the spells.

"KIM NO!!!" Vas Allen shouted out. Luc Mugen tried to put the a barrier around Kim and Filo Noa but the recoiled of all the tragic things that had happen to him in the past had hit him like a truck, his body begin to refused to listen to him. Luc Mugen couldn't put up any barriers.

Uma Micheal not knowing what to do ran toward Kim and Filo Noa but it was too late, the spells have almost reached them…

Dammit!! I didn't know he could break Luc barriers… Kim knowing that he can't do anything but watch… he just waited and accepted that he was going to die.

The spells moving at such speed and force, blasted Kim and Filo Noa, the aftermath was just fog of smokes caused by the spells blast.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" Vas Allen, Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal shouted out. They dropped to their knees, "… They're dead…"

They all thought in sync… Vas Allen for the first time having being able to relate to someone… had just died…

Luc Mugen who couldn't see anybody faces… sees the face of Kim, his savior… whose life just perished in front of his eyes.

Uma Micheal, who lost all of her family due to a war… had just lost her very last family member…

The three of them began to tear up, as the smokes faded away, they heard coughing at the place the spells have just exploded.

Kim couldn't believe his luck… his heart beating very fast… he begins to breathe in and out very quickly… puzzled by what just had happen.

I saw it with my own eyes… just as the spell was about to hit us, it has been sucked up by my left arm… meaning that it has been absorbed. I may have absorbed the spell but not the force of the blast… which is why it still exploded.

Ulyss Thym look at them with surprise … "This boy have escaped death not once… not twice but three time…" he thought to himself. He beginning to think that he should kill the boy and the ten noble family member which he think is Filo Noa… He begin to have this dark expression on his face, "I just have to kill him and the girl…" he muttered under his breath.

Before Vas Allen and the other can piece back their emotions. Ulyss Thym dashed toward the two, he ready up his weapon beginning to strikes at them, there he released his power, striking down at them before they could react… but Filo Noa pushed Kim away from the strikes, there Kim heard what Filo Noa had just said to him before she got sliced in two..

"Tell Uma Micheal… I loved her… and thank you… Kim Mugen.." Hearing these words, Kim couldn't do anything but break down. He looked at Ulyss Thym with hatred expression, he raised his arm up, hoping for the spell to shoot out of him.

Why? Why won't it come out? I'd absorbed it… so why won't it shoot out?

All Kim could do was wish Ulyss Thym a painful death.

Ulyss Thym didn't even try to put Kim under his power, he slowly walked toward him, ready to strike again… but before he could act upon it, he stared up at the sky… he stares at it for a moment and nodded while murmuring something to himself.

He looked back at Kim with a amused expression and said to him, "Look like the fun is over, I sadly have to go…" he chuckled a bit before continuing, "Look like you didn't just escaped death three time… but four time… next time I promise you… I WILL KILL YOU!" He said with a grin on his face. Ulyss Thym waved goodbyes to Kim and his friends before vanishing into thin air.

"COME BACK!!! COME BACK HERE NOW COWARD!!!" Kim yelled but it was no use, the man was already gone. All he could do was punch the ground, trying to get rid of all of his anger.

Kim was kinda glad the man didn't come back because he know that… They would not be able to defeat him, he screamed out due to his anger toward the man…

Vas Allen ran toward Kim trying to comfort him, but Kim shakes his head and tell Vas Allen that he need to comfort someone other than him. He pointed at Uma Micheal, who was already sobbing, pools of tears was surrounding her… before Uma Micheal could be comforted by Vas Allen. She blacked out…