"So this is a fracture huh? What's so different about it, looks just like a dungeon." Ruby said while sniffing the air.
"Look at the sky, it's warping and unstable. Although it does look like a dungeon, this place is way more unstable." Vell said, touching the soil that turned black. "Such strong corrupted mana in here."
They all agreed that corrupted mana was strong in here, Regina was the only one left out since she can't use corrupted mana.
"The concentration is much higher than what we encountered before," Wren noted, mana dancing around her fingers as she tested the air. "It's like the corruption has been compressed, distilled."
Vell nodded, watching as the blackened soil seemed to pulse beneath his touch. The sky above them continued to twist and fold in on itself, creating patterns that hurt the eyes if you looked at them too long. Reality itself felt thin here, like tissue paper ready to tear.