"This is very unexpected. Who knew I would break my limiters for weaklings like you." Blue lines began to spread from his chest and then throughout his entire body. "Its been so long since I last used this, feels strange." A blue light began pulsing in his chest. He got into a shooting stance and two machine guns materialized in his hands.
"It's been a long time, codex." He smirked and vanished from view.
The air crackled with energy as he reappeared behind Suzy, the twin machine guns roaring to life. She barely managed to dive away, but the enhanced bullets still grazed her armor, leaving smoking trails.
"Impossible," Lucia's scanner sparked and died in her hands. "Your mana readings were depleted! How are you-"
"Analyzing again?" His voice came from everywhere at once as he phased in and out of view. "Let me give you some new data."