Blue skies, fluffy clouds, strange bird things, a river flowing through the clouds and air. 4 chariots speed by in a race, "YAGH YAAGH!" they continue to who knows where. The riders of the chariot are what makes this place unique, the riders are by no means humans or mortals. In fact, they are gods and this is the DIVINE REALM. Mountains can be seen with ancient building.
The buildings have a domed one at the center acting like a base as the rest all have unique designs as they number around the central building. Thie central building is a Pantheon and the gods ruling it gather there for meetings or whatever gods do.
Standing before the pantheon, you can see the massive pillars supporting this building. Going straight into it taking multiple turns with torches hanging down the walls, we come across a staircase leading down. The stairs lead down to a place like a basement with a big heavy door, this basement is opened as prison cells are brought into view. Moving through the cells leads to another door at the far back with stairs again going lower.
Following the stairs down to a place with the smallest amount of light and little to no torches, a wooden door comes into view. The wooden door seems old and worn out but it's still under the pantheon, the coldest place is behind the door. *CREAK CREAK CREAK* the wooden door creaks open as the room lights up a little just enough to see what's inside. *CLANG CLANG CLANG* chains hit each other as a figure comes into view.
The figure is an old man with a beard reaching his chest, the old man looks weak, frail, starved. He's in a worn-out white tunic, his eyes often flash with lightening. The old man raises his head and looks at us, "Why have you come? Nalassa." The view changes as 2 figures are brought into view, the old man and a small figure in a dark cloak.
The figure takes the cloak off and bows, a female voice comes from it. "My lord, the champion you selected in the Abyssal Sanctum is still alive."
The old man is shocked, "What?! Nytri is still alive? How?" he tries to sit up but lacks the strength to even sit straight.
Light falls on the figure displaying more of its features. The figure is female with green skin and long ears, freckles below the eyes but not past the nose. This small figure is actually a goblina but it looks more like a human child though it's as adult. The figure has black hair that is just below its shoulders.
The goblina raises its head staying low as it answers. "My lord, I have seen a human on the lower floors of the dungeon. She wields the Abyssal magic you sent the Abyssal serpent, Serpa to choose a candidate."
"Ahh Serpa." The old man chuckles. "It was defeated by the champion. This is good news, I'm glad she survived encountering that brat Zareth." He has a look of disgust on his face as he mentions that name. He looks at Nalassa, "Nalassa, I haven't been able to assist my champion because of these blasted chains." He pulls on the chains but has no strength. "Go to my dungeon and protect her anyway you can. Do not let her be discovered by the other gods."
Nalassa bows, "Yes my lord. I will fulfil your command." She raises her head, "My lord Agreth, may I ask a question?"
The old man looks at her, "You may."
Nalassa looks at the ground, "Why do you wish to make Nytri your champion?"
Agreth raises his head, "She's a survivor." Nalassa is confused, Agreth continues, "The first time I saw her was when she fought a troll, a little girl barely 5 years old fighting a monster like that. It was then I knew that she would survive anything, especially against the other champions. Indeed, she's a little child and a weak one at that, but she has come a long way. She survived everything and grew stronger, she's the perfect candidate to stop this pantheon from colluding with the devils." He looks at the ground as his breath slows, "I don't know how she ended up in my dungeon, but I promised myself to help her anyway I can. It takes more than wisdom to survive, it takes the will to. And she has it."
Nalassa looks at Agreth as his breath slows down and he slumbers. Nalassa bows one more, she takes off her cloak and wraps it around the old man as tears threaten to fall from her eyes. She takes up a strange cup as she slowly pours water into his parched throat, she takes her cloak as runic circle appears over it. She links the rune circle to the door so the cloak is destroyed when anyone opens the door.
Nalassa walks to the door as she becomes a shadow and passes through it, she is making her way out of the prison. Her thoughts, "Lord Agreth, you always did care about the weak. You took a weak goblin like me, made me a champion then a god. You saved my village and people. I will protect Nytri with all I have." She clenches her fist as she moves as a shadow until she exits the prison, she moves swiftly till she's out of sight.
Back in the mortal realm in the Abyssal Sanctum, the new sub-race Azurites have gathered at the 128th floor. The Azurites look no different from Azurians except the difference in height, so a people of about thousands are gathered here. Before the people is a man and a woman, the woman is taller than them all since she's an Azurian. This Azurian is the 'Nytri' Nalassa saw in the Abyssal Sanctum, this marks the start of a long misunderstanding.
Paxius addresses the Azurites, he stands before his minions as they all bow. "This is truly an impressive sight. Never did I think we would be like humans." He grins, "Be glad my kin, no my people. For we have become like the champion who conquered this dungeon, we are stronger, faster, more powerful than before. We are Azurites!" Cheers fill the floor as it shakes the floors above.
Lyra smiles at this sight before her, she's even blown away by the morale. Paxius continues. "We have evolved and become smarter than before." He gazes at some of his people, "As such we need to form a structure, and work as she did. I, Paxius will now bestow titles upon you as I received my name, those worthy, will be given charge of some of you. We will grow stronger and more powerful, so when our champion returns, we will be her protector." Cheers fill the floor again as Lyra tilts her head in confusion.
Lyra's thoughts, "I don't think that makes any sense. Who cares, they seem ready for anything."
The Azurites listen as Paxius calls those who will be put in charge as they march up to him. They from a line starting from the greatest to the least. Paxius looks at the line before him, "STATUS." A screen appears before him.
NOTICE: New Skill: KINGCRAFT > BESTOW activated. Titles can now be bestowed.
- Duke/Duchess: This is the highest title under KINGCRAFT. Dukes/Duchesses are responsible for leading armies and controlling territories. They gain a significant boost to their combat abilities and have the authority to command all lower-ranked Asurites. = +70% to all stats
- Marquess/Marchioness: This title is just below that of Duke/Duchess. Marquesses/Marchionesses are responsible for managing smaller territories and leading smaller armies. They have a moderate boost to their combat abilities and are granted some autonomy in their decision-making. = +60% to all stats
- Count/Countess: Counts/Countesses are responsible for managing specific regions and assisting their higher-ranking superiors in their duties. They have a minor boost to their combat abilities and are granted a small territory to control. = +50% to all stats
- Viscount/Viscountess: Viscounts/Viscountesses are responsible for managing smaller regions and assisting their higher-ranking superiors in their duties. They have a minor boost to their combat abilities and are granted a small territory to control. = +30% to all stats
- Baron/Baroness: Barons/Baronesses are responsible for managing specific towns and villages. They have a minor boost to their combat abilities and are granted a small territory to control. = +10% to all stats
- Knight: Knights are responsible for leading small groups of soldiers and assisting their superiors in combat. They have a moderate boost to their combat abilities and are granted some autonomy in their decision-making. = +50% to Physical stats
- Captain: Captains are responsible for leading small squads of soldiers and assisting their superiors in combat. They have a minor boost to their combat abilities and are granted some autonomy in their decision-making. = +40% to Physical stats
- Lieutenant: Lieutenants are responsible for assisting their superiors in managing soldiers and territories. They have a minor boost to their combat abilities and are granted a small amount of authority. = +30% to Physical stats
- Sergeant: Sergeants are responsible for leading small groups of soldiers in combat. They have a minor boost to their combat abilities and are granted some autonomy in their decision-making. = +20% to Physical stats
- Corporal: Corporals are responsible for assisting their superiors in managing soldiers and territories. They have a minor boost to their combat abilities and are granted a small amount of authority. = +10% to Physical stats
- Squire: Squires are the lowest rank in the Asurite Kingdom. They are responsible for following orders and assisting their superiors in combat. They have no special abilities or territories to control. = +5% to Physical stats
NOTICE: KINGCRAFT > PROMOTION unlocked. PROMOTION grants the higher ranks all the bonuses of the lower ranks and allows a rank to be raised.
Paxius grants them titles as this gathering becomes a ceremony and stretches for a day or 2.
- This marks the start of dungeoneers, the history of Azurians. The Azurites are discovered when they move around the upper floors and some even leave the dungeon due to curiosity.
- Azurites, unlike Azurians have no issue mixing with other races. Azurians just dislike every race because of Nytri's childhood, this got etched in the bloodline.