Chereads / Odyssey To Dominion / Chapter 73 - 73. Epic Duel: Old vs New

Chapter 73 - 73. Epic Duel: Old vs New

A few days later, in the monster realm. Nytri stands in the middle of a large plain with her clones surrounding her. The plains is covered in black grass and blue glowing flowers as a soft breeze blows over the plain. Nytri grins as she sees the growth the clones had gone through. "Good work Me's, honestly it would be impossible for me to grow this much. Skill proficiencies are so high I think I can fight anyone 50 levels above me without a scratch." She looks at her clones as they're bustling with power.

Nytri raises her hand about to unsummon her clones so she will gain their growth. "Hold it one moment." Clone 5 stops her, every Nytri is surprised and clone 5 continues. "Unsummoning us now is right since we will gain our godly physique the next time you summon us but…." Clone 5 grins. "I wonder, can the old version take the new version on and win?" The other clones seem to buy that idea and so does Nytri.

Nytri grins wide, "I just had the same thought. So how about a mock battle?" The clones nod at each other to agree, "Oh and no summoning others. It won't be fair for me to defeat you just for you to summon yourselves."

"Hah." Clone 8 grins, "You speak as if you will win." The clones create a distance for Nytri as she stands in the center, ready to battle.

Nytri grins, "OH I will wi- right, I'm fighting myself." *BOOOOM* Nytri jumps out of a dust cloud, she notices the runes that is below the place she stood. Nytri doesn't follow rules in a fight, so obviously neither does her clones. "I guess it's my fault for missing that." Nytri disconnects herself from the DATA LAKE so she doesn't pick up on their plans but they are her after all.

4 Clones charge at her like blurs from 4 sides, Nytri looks around her then she focuses on the 26 other clones far back plotting only Nytri could guess. Nytri gets ready for combat as time moves slowly, rather her stats AGILITY starts to show as she now sees the clones charging at her.

Nytri looks at the 26 clones far away from her and smiles. "TELEPORT." Nytri vanishes, Clone 13 whose far back smiles as she activates ARMORED SHELL and makes a spear from it. Clone 13 thrusts the spear behind her as she turns around grinning. "HUH?" Clone 13 finally turns as her spear thrusts into a stone version of Nytri. "Shet we've been had!"

Nytri appears 5 meters before Clone 13 and speeds off. Clone 13 makes a bow, "Trap her!" she gives chase but can't keep up, "Tch. BERSERK." Red aura bursts from Clone 13 and the other clones as the distance being made by Nytri stops but doesn't close either.

Nytri looks behind her, "Interesting. The old Me's are able to keep up with my speed with the berserk skill. I'm not running at my full speed but doing that will make it hard for me to detect any traps they might send my way. Well, ABYSS MAGIC > BLIZZARD." A gust of wind spreads from Nytri as ice starts to cover the plains, the wind blows hard causing a blizzard. "This should make visibility hard for them."

Nytri turns as she slides back. "ARMORED SHELL > 2 LONG SWORDS." 2 longswords appear in Nytri's hands as she runs back towards the pursuing clones. She sees a dark figure in the blizzard. "PHYSICAL ENHANCEMENT > SPEED." *ZOOOM* Nytri's speed increases like a burst as she's right before the dark figure and swings her right sword. *SLAAASH* She finally sees the dark figure, "A Snow man? Below!" She swings her left sword down as Clone 13 is seen with her eyes wide open as she's moving right into the sword. *SLASH* Clone 13 turns at the last second as a cut run from her cheek down to her chest. The snow man explodes, *BOOOOM*.

Nytri is still in that enhanced speed so she evaded the explosion but, *WHOOSH WHOOSH WHOOSH* Arrows pierce through the snow aiming for the area of explosion. "ENERGY GENERATION > BARRIER." Nytri makes a barrier around her, *CLANG CLANG* Arrows bounce of her barrer. Clone 22 appears over Nytri as she swings her axe down. Nytri rolls as her leg hits Clone 22 in the gut midair *BOOM*

Nytri places her hands on the ground, "What?! 80 movements detected?! Tch." Nytri raises her head as a wheel blade passes right before her face. "CANCEL BLIZZARD." The blizzard immediately cancels as everything comes into view. 3 Clones have surrounded her while the rest are behind her. The clones turn to Nytri, "Gotch ya." The clones behind Nytri fire multiple arrows at her. *VWOOOM* Nytri speeds up.

Clone 8 is before Nytri, she fires arrows at her as she runs towards her. Clone 8 clasps her hands together and opens them as a ball of compressed fire forms in her hand. It grows to be as big as a truck and throws it at Nytri. Nytri stretches hand towards the giant ball of death coming her way, "ENERGY GENERATION > CONVERSION." The giant ball of death turns into air as Nytri manipulates it allowing her to pass through without resistance. Nytri arrives behind the ball of air as Clone 8 swings an axe at Nytri aiming for her neck.

Nytri stops as the axe lands right before her, Clone 8 molds the axe and she swings it at Nytri through the ground. Nytri jumps and lands on the axe as it takes her around clone 8, she jumps and uses the momentum to create more distance. The rest of the clone burst through the ball of air as they give pursuit.

Nytri runs ahead of them, "Was it always this frustrating fighting me?! Damn!" Nytri runs fast as the clones chase her, *WHOOSH WHOOOSH WHOOOSH*. They move like blurs across the plains, the clones aim at Nytri with their bows and fire but they actually run pass the arrows leaving it behind.

Clone 2 is behind Nytri with only 10 meters separating them. "Everyone, gather." Clone 2 vision changes as a part of her brain moves to the DATA LAKE. "This is bad, our speed is making it hard to hit her. Gotta come up with a way to hit her." The clones think over it as they chase Nytri at high speed.

Clone 19 speaks up, "We need a weapon, one that relies on a burst of speed and small so it has little resistance." Clone 27 makes a prototype hologram of a crossbow, "I think this is the advanced form of a bow, but it won't help. Let's use this as a base and adjust it till, we get a good design." The clones nod as the take the holographic crossbow apart and add parts to it.

A new design comes into view, it's still a crossbow but the bow part is now vertical. Clone 15 looks at it, "Naa guys." Clone 16, "I know right. There's no way this thing can keep up with our speed." Clone 27 tilts her head, "Then how about we make it smaller, streamlined and rather than a string to fire, we make it an explosion." The clones nod and get to work. Soon a gun comes into view, Clone 2 observes the gun. "This looks reliable enough. What should we call it? It's not a crossbow anymore." The trigger is pulled and a sound is simulated.

Clone 8 rubs her face as the cut she got is still there, "It sounds kuh so a gun." She shrugs. The others nod their head in agreement and resignation since no other name came to mind. Clone 2 stretches her hand, "Gun it is."

Back to reality, the clones stretch their hands at Nytri as they all have guns in them. Nytri is still running as she glances back, "That's odd. It's too quiet." *BANG* Nytri feels a tingle on her ear as she turns. She sees a bullet pass right before her eyes, "What is this?!" *BANG BANG BANG BANG* Nytri starts to move haphazardly as she gets more tingles around her body and she moves them to evade.

A mountain to the West comes into Nytri's view as she turns west at full speed now. The clones use skills and ARMORED SHELL > BERSERK MODE to keep up. The mountain ahead is coved in a lush vegetation with a stream flowing around it, a beautiful sight. Nytri intends to use the trees to break their formation and pick them off.

Clone 1 sneers, "Well, I didn't expect you to tuck your tail between your legs and run like this."

Nytri chuckles, "Run? I'm only getting a better view." The Nytri's get closer to the mountain, Nytri gives a wry smile, "This is a beautiful place. It's a shame we have to fight here."

Clone 14 retorts, "You're the one who wanted a fair fight. Don't get sentimental now."

Nytri glances behind her, "How is 30 against 1 a fair fight?!"

"Hahahaha" Clone 14 laughs, "What do you mean 30 against 1? I'm your opponent." Clone 17 cuts in, "No, I'm your opponent." Clone 5 chuckles, "I'm your opponent." All 30 of them say it yet they're all attacking Nytri.

Nytri shakes her head, "Of course, I'm fighting my selves after all. It's 1 vs 1 from their perspective but 1 vs 30 from mine. Well, I can manage."

Clone 3 notices the cave in the mountain before them. She speaks with the others in the DATA LAKE. "Mountain up ahead, split up and trap her." The clones agree as 10 of them split off from chasing Nytri, the rest put in more effort so Nytri couldn't notice 10 others missing.

The sun starts to set as they approach the cave, there's a warm orange glow over the landscape. They're still a bit of a distance away from the mountain.





- Clones are capable of using 60% of the originals ability if their number is 30. The lower the number, the stronger the clones. With each clone defeated, the surviving clones' strength inches closer to the original's strength.