Chereads / Jojo's : A Bizarre Journey / Chapter 9 - # 9 - Once Again, Planmaking

Chapter 9 - # 9 - Once Again, Planmaking

Maybe I'm being exaggerated.

But I'd like to be completely safe, so I'll have to change fate a lot

If I leave it like that, I will remain a normal human.

So I'll eventually have to go back to the torrent of fate that is the main plot.

There are 3 ways that I can get stronger.

The first: Hamon 

Hamon it's reall op, even if almost forgotten.

Lisa Lisa was able to read Suzie Q's mind with it, And Tonpetty saw Zepelli's destiny with hamon too, more over, the ancient hamon tribe made a profecy that stated that if the Pillar men were to get the aja they would be unstoppable.

I can confidently say that I have good Hamon talent, I need to do some effort, but most people can't even do it without training.

Still, my creativity and my body are my best weapon at this.

All i need for that is time.

The second: Vampirism.

Yes, yes, it sounds contradictive, but it really isn't, Hamon let's you concentrate sun energy in your body, If I become a vampire and don't use Hamon, then I'm fine.

Sure, I'll lose mastery, but I'm not planning to become a vampire for too long, I'll become a vampire, then almost inmediately after, I'll go Ultimate Life Form.

I have seen the Stone mask in the mansion, No one really pays attention to it, neither will they until Jonathan becomes an Archeologist to find out more about the legacy of his mother.

It doesn't have the part where you should put the red aja, so I'll have to get the special stone mask.

It's not any less doable though.

The pillar men wake up around 1940 yeah?

That gives me a lot of time before they wake up, not that i'm planning to use even half of it, they were in rome too right?

The third: Stand

I would like to leave this at last.

Araki said many times that skills like Hamon, Spin, Vampirism and others can and will have an interconection with your stand, like how Gyro got Ball Breaker after mastering spin.

So Imagine my stand if i get it after becoming ULF.

Maybe I could even get something on a Wonder Of U level.

If i need to get one, then i will, but i will leave it as a last option

Now, there is a question that i *really* need to adress:

Can I get one?

Not as in "Enough will", or "Potential"

Will Fate allow me to?

Stands are a manipulation of cosmic energy, and everything that can tap into this cosmic energy. 

Since matter and energy are somewhat interchangeable, this cosmic energy can have many forms, but there is also a force that draws all energy together, creating fate. (Gravity)

To manipulate this energy on a large scale is to manipulate fate, but there is no being strong enough to change it in an extremely meaningful way. Heaven attained Pucci manipulated gravity enough that he could reverse the universe back to it's singularity point and create a new one.

Knowing all of this, then could i get a stand?

With a stand I would be able to directly manipulate this cosmic energy.

I already knew how fate works here, but since fate doesn't accomodate me...

Maybe I could be getting into the lion's mouth by myself

If stands are the manipulation of this energy, i have to get in contact with it.

So it would have direct access to me, the same way i would have access to it.

Would it try to erase me?

Would it try to interfere with me?

What if i get my stand through an arrow that i got from the ticket vouchers?

Too much questions and too little knowledge.

Whatever. That still leaves hamon and vampirism.

And another thing too, allies, specifically, Jack.

I can definitly use him, and i won't feel bad since he's already specially related to fate.

Yep yep.

He definitly has the willpower to awaken a stand, and i can teach him hamon under the guise of martial arts, saying stuff like "It's so that you can protect yourself from the bullies"

Once I'm at my physical prime, and have enough mastery of the hamon, I'll steal The aja from Straizo.

Everything will go according to the plan.

I stand up from my desk and grab one of my books, not a book actually, but a Diary.

George gave it to me as a gift for my birthday.

I didn't knew my birthday, so i said that it was 3 days before i arrived at the mansion.

So he gifted it to me.

It made feel bad, like why are you so good to me.

Don't get me wrong, I won't stop lying to him, but Jesus Christ can you not make me feel like a piece of shit.

Anyways. In this diary I will put every part of my plan, Obviously I will change some words.

I won't be using "Heaven, Requiem, Stands, Vampires, etc"

But still, it's nice putting down my ideas, in case i forget them

I'm also writing the locations of most things, like where did they found the pillar men, the requiem arrow, cape canavera?, the place where you need to be for the full moon.

I finish writing and stand up to look at my current arsenal.


- Inventory 

 - 3 [Item tickets - Tier 1]


One for helping Jack and two for extra stuff, it's not everyday that i can help someone.

Now, i need to know the limits of this.

I grab one and try to use it.

Something that 100% won't give me

"Heart of the saint's corpse" I say 


I felt a slight pull, but it was directed towards the item.

I also instinctevely felt how much tickets i needed for the heart

"3 tier 5s and a tier 4..."

If it follows as I think, then i would need 56 tier 1s for the heart

It probably doesn't follow as i think, because helping 56 people would be to easy to get something on the level of D4C

Now, the next test...

"An Omnitrix"

No pull.

"A Senzu Bean"

No pull.

"...Master Roshi's sunglasses?"

No pull.

Agh, So i can't get anything from another verses.

Well, Maybe that would have been too much.

I think I'll finish here, and draw conclutions.

My objectives haven't changed too much, but they have been put forward.

-Get my Hamon Mastery to a good degree

-Make Jack a proper fighter 

-Get the special mask and steal the aja from Straizo

If i left Jack alone, would he become the ripper?, or would he live a nice life?

I have no way of knowing, but I'm not the type to leave things to fate.

If i leave him alone, there's a good chance he runs into Jojo, as he does in the main story.

So I'll have to include him in my crusade against fate.

*Knock Knock*

Hmm? Someone's knocking my door

"Who is it?"

"It's Maria, sir, the lord has sent me to let you know dinner is ready."

"Tell him I'll be there soon"


Maria, one of the servants of the house.

Did the servants appear in Jojo?

I don't think so, she would have died anyways when the mansion comes burning down.

I was done here anyways so I should take this chance to eat and relax

Who knows how many times I will be able to do that in the future.