-Bayonetta War Room-
Three brothers sat at the head of an U shaped table, with the remaining seats being filled with cabinet members dressed in a variety of suits and robes. All the eyes were on the individual who was just welcomed into the room, Henrik MontClair. The man was well built, not too large, but an athletic muscular. He had a sharp mustache that gave off an air of privilege. Besides the three brothers, the aura of this man was 2nd to none in the state, with a resume to prove it.
'You called' questioned Henrik. He had been preparing for this evening ever since his wife got captured during his lost campaign. He has spent the last few months being punished for his failure's, working menial jobs for the army. Yet, he was too valuable to be kept in that position and today he would finally get his orders to return to the battlefield.
'Sraco's Keep will be the most influential battlefield in the coming war, the stronghold has lasted for centuries. With it currently residing in Reva Rai, Sraco's Keep wouldn't be expecting any attacks, Reva Rai has remained neutral since Highbrook split in 5, protecting our history and magical teachings. Yet, if we can capture the Keep, we should be able to ascend into the Fifth tier.' The first brother spoke.
'Not only is the Keep built within the Reva Mountain, it is also perfectly position to attack both us or Tyrn, as well as easily fortified. We will need this to be a stealth mission, ideally, you need to gain access to the Keep unnoticed, with a small force. Luckily once you are in, I should be able to assist you in their capture, as I know of an artifact located in the depths of the keep. It was placed there by our Great Grandfather, Gregor Highbrook. As his rightful heirs, we will use its power to crush Tyrn and Reva Rei in one stroke.'
'As you wish your lords, I will capture the neutral city of Sraco and the keep with it in the name of Bayonetta.'
'Do well, and we will increase your land in that direction Henrik. We are hoping to draw out Wayland's killer. When this happens, I will gladly join you in Reva Rei, because I want to kill that bastard myself.' Spoke the youngest brother. He was still fuming from anger after the death of his ground dragon, the Bayonetta Wyrm.
- Tyrn High Council's Room -
'Have we any update on the whereabouts of the summoned hero?' - Said the head of internal affairs, and right hand to the king, Charles DeGuay
'None sir. We have received plenty of tips, or evidence that he is still alive, but we have made no contact, nor do we know where he is traveling too' Said a faceless man wearing a dark black mask and robe.
'Tell me what you do have, gosh damnit.'
'We collected the Ground Dragon's Head, it was delivered to our team of experiments, and the report will be given to the king during tomorrows meeting on its death, and which body parts will boosts are armies power. Unfortunately, the Hero did take the beast core and has yet to sell it. By the size of the Ground Dragon, it was an upper tier 4 beast like we suspected, making him just as strong as his three brothers, as the oldest is still bottlenecked. We had a tracker follow the hero from where we found the ground dragon, and it looks like he headed towards Ravenaire Guild House, yet from there we lost it. We are asking around every day for those who have met him. I told them to look for a strong man, with an intense aura, but with little knowledge of the world. Sort of like a green recruit. We will be notified with any new leads. So far none have checked out, but we did gain a new knight, after meeting a worthy adventurer. '
'Keep looking, I don't have anything to report to the king right now, and the current cease fire wouldn't last long. We need this man trained and prepped for the next phase of battle, expend all resources'
- Princess Nia's West Wing -
Princess Nia was looking down on the two women kneeling, dressed in all black from head to toe in, including their face that was hidden in the suit. Jason would classify these people as ninja's if he saw them. Behind Nia stood two other women, one who was slightly older than Nia, around 22, and dressed as a Maid, the other was figiting with a ring on her hand, with a haunted look, but yet she was well dressed, wearing a long purple dress, with her hair all done like she would be attending a ball, this woman was the previous prisoner, Countess MontClair. Due to the ring of servitude on her hand, Nia's handmaiden could never betray her, or those close to her without dying a painful death. Nia seemed to smile at the misery on her face.
'So, did you guys do as I told?' Nia asked questionably
'Yes your highness, we went through each of the new registers from the Guild since the day of the Ground Dragon's Death, and then searched for the one as you described - The most handsome and heroic person, who see no distinction in race, or status.'
'Good Good' muttered the princess,
'HAHA you can't actually think this will work do you? There must be hundreds of new people registered, and you are just going to choose based of looks? you are so foolish' Blurted out the Countess, she was displeased with her current position, she was a mature women, who still had plenty of good years left as the most powerful women in Bayonetta, yet here she was babysitting a lovestruck princess. How low could she go. Yet, with each passing day, Genevieve's feelings towards her husband grew harsher. How could they leave her here. He was stronger than almost everyone in Tyrn, and he still has yet to rescue her. Her heart was broken, and the last thing she needed was Nia going on and on about the love of her life, a man she hadn't even met yet.
Yet, everyone in the room ignored her. It seemed this was not her first outburst.
"Yes, his name is Jason Adler, from what we have heard, he registered at the Guild house as a Beast Merchant and Tamer, where he quickly proved himself taming the infamous Red Raven that circled Ravenaire. Yet, on his first mission he went to find a lost elven caravan, who were peddling goods onto the continent. They were severely injured and outnumbered, but yet when he arrived the tide shifted, and he was able to kill a High Tier 3 Gorhino."
Nia grinned from ear to ear, she knew her hunch was right, she already knew the type of man her husband would be, so this was no surprise but still brought great joy to her.
'From what we have heard, one of the fairies joined his party, becoming his soul spirit. This makes his party a total of 4 magical beasts. We asked the elves where his next destination would be, and they mentioned that he was heading to the Capital! He is looking for some blacksmith's daughter! He should be arriving tomorrow!'
The lady speaking thought that saving the best news for last would surely earn he praise from the princess but what followed...
"WHAT?!?! TOMORROW... Why did you not lead with that?" She demanded "Ugh, what am I going to do! what am I going to wear. This is not enough time!" The princess was getting stressed, she had been spending weeks preparing, but for her to find him so suddenly, and for him to be so close was not in her plans. Yet, Nia would not let this opportunity be wasted. He would fall in love with her tomorrow!