Chereads / Olethros / Chapter 17 - OPERATIONAL OVERSIGHT II


Daniel was in his office with Daddy V and Mike. Daddy V was giving a report on the black axe and their activities.

The black axe was a gang that controlled almost all of Sol' leaving just little for other gangs to fight over. They dealt on human trafficking, illegal gambling, extortion and drug dealing for most part. They also acted as a hit squad for several business men and politicians.

Daddy v then presented several pictures of the gangs senior captains, lieutenants and the boss.

Daddy v had turned out to be really good at his job .

Daniel looked over the pictures, the he said to Mike " I want you to put one of our guys on the councilmans tail , there is no doubt that he's behind this. Also get another group to scout the black axe location so we can plan for the next course of action."

He then decided to go out for his next meeting with the textile manufacturing company.

This was a just a small company valued at §5 million but was in serious debt of double the company value. The original owner of the company had passed away years before and the children spared no effort treating the company as their personal bank account thereby plunging the company into debt.

In the restaurant where the meeting was being held he met with the founders two children who were incharge of the company and gave them an offer; he would be purchasing the company and it's debt for § 17 million, two million more than what it was worth, he would be keeping all employees and equipment.

After looking through the documents they signed happily without any complaints , the company was bought under KNEIF incorporated and renamed KNEIF textiles.

Councilman Anas flung away the newspaper that was in his hand, he had expected to see a front page news showing Daniels death instead it was a middle page article showing the executed bodies of the hit team that had sent. He then turned to his aide and asked " I hope this incident won't be traced back to us "

"I took all necessary precautions sir" the Aide replied.

" Good let's wait for things to calm down for now , we'll try again later".

Daniel had now returned to his office where he handed off the appropriate documents to the human resources and management departments so that they would be able to include the new acquisition in their managerial duties.

He also called a meeting for the public relations and media teams. In the meeting, he asked them to prepare for an extensive political campaign for someone running against Councilman Anas.

He also asked them to get a list of people who had spoken out against the councilmans policies. He needed someone to run against the councilman who had been running uncontested for over a decade .

Corruption is a regular occurrence in most political circles but telling a businessman to forgo profits and then attacking when you get rejected is just a cardinal sin .

Politicians in Syldavia were often used to being coddled and feeling like they were sacred cows , Daniel planned on using Anas to define rock bottom.

In the evening Mike brought in a report from the scouts in charge of surveying the black axe base. There were three different hold up spots in Sol' that the black axe liked to hang around. The black axe also boasted of about fifty active members, quite big for a city like Aines.

"Mike make preparations with the guys , we are going to perform a surgical strike on the black axe gang tonight and I'll be joining you."

Mike had no problems with going after the black axe, but he seemed to take issue with Daniel joining the mission.

" Sir , don't you think you should sit this one out, it could be dangerous."

"Let me guess, you think that I'm too young to have blood on my hands " Daniel asked jokingly. "Just don't worry about it let's just do it ".

By eleven pm Daniel was gathered with fourteen of the guards instead of fifteen as one of them was still trailing councilman Anas.

They separated their selves into three teams, five on each side and given a photo of the black axe boss , he was the only one who was to be left alive. Also after the mission every single valuable should be stripped off and the place should be burnt down.

After the briefing they left for Sol', there were few people on the streets as it was already late . They then separated at a point to go after each of their objectives . Daniel was on the third team and they were to move to the last hold up spot.

When they started approaching the area , they turned off their headlights and cruised slowly towards the building. There were about ten sentries posted outside the building so number wise they were already at a disadvantage.

" Okay boys we are highly outnumbered, equip suppressors and make each shot could" Mike said as everyone was final checking their weapons.

Receiving the signal everyone opened fire from two hundred meters each person firing between two and three shots each, and due to the distance the noise was relatively low .

After making sure that the surrounding area was clear , they made their way over to the single entrance into the building in preparation for a breach.

After making sure that everyone was ready the breacher pumped two shotguns slugs at the door before breaching . The building was a warehouse so there was little cover area both for Daniels team and the black axe guys . But Daniel still had the element of surprise so as soon as the door was breached they opened fire on the dazed gang members who were busy counting cash , they didn't even had the opportunity to pick up their weapons. The team moved about to make sure that everyone was dead shooting everybody again just to make sure.

With no threats in sight the team moved about to strip the building of any valuables. There were some sports bikes and expensive cars that were not touched by bullets plus the cash lying around.

Daniel was still observing the area when someone called out " sir we may have a problem, there are civilians here?"