Chereads / Mass Effect: Cry Out For a Hero / Chapter 7 - Book 1, Chapter 7 - Shepard and the Mature Crime Boss

Chapter 7 - Book 1, Chapter 7 - Shepard and the Mature Crime Boss

The path to Feros in the Attican Beta cluster was an absolute pain in the arse through the relay network. Those who didn't travel in space didn't understand that a mass relay didn't just send you to wherever you desired. A mass relay had dedicated paths that might send you to only one other cluster while others could send you to any surrounding clusters. The best example is the Serpent Nebula Cluster, which is linked to ten other clusters. Our local cluster is linked to six others. Yet only the Maroon Sea cluster is linked to the Attican Beta cluster. I know there has been research into this phenomenon, but so far no one has figured it out and I doubt anyone is going to go messing with the mass relay network.


At least the journey time gave us time to organise ourselves, keep fit, spend time training, and continue to get to know each other. I'd been happy with our mission to Noveria. We'd gelled as a team rather quickly though I knew certain people would likely never get along. I think Wrex tolerated Garrus, the turian rather oblivious to the attitude of the krogan in return. Ashley's suspicions had diminished though she still remained wary about Garrus. Again, he was oblivious though I'd heard them talk about the First Contact War, surprised that it didn't devolve into an argument. Even Garrus admitted that it could have been handled differently.


Kaidan generally kept to himself though I knew he would speak to Ashley from time to time, and he was in the med-bay every day as Doctor Chakwas looked after him. I generally spoke to most of my crew every day, even if it was simply to touch base and make sure everything was going well. Boredom was the one concern whenever we were heading from one place to another.


It was during our journey that I received a call on a secure channel though it wasn't the Alliance or Council. I was left wondering who it was though accepted the call. I had it moved to my cabin, making sure the door was locked before I accepted it.


"Commander Shepard. My name is Helena Blake. I was hoping to meet you on the Citadel during your last visit, but I didn't get the opportunity to speak to you."


"How can I help you, Miss Blake?"


"I'll cut straight to the chase, Commander. I work for an organisation that would be considered to participate in criminal activities. But that isn't the reason I'm calling you as that would just be incriminating myself. My concern is, and I believe it might be something that would concern you too, is that two of my business associates have started participating in crimes that would draw undue attention to myself and my crew, and I will admit that I am aghast at the fact they are committing these crimes."


"And these crimes are?"


"Ever heard of red sand?"


I felt my fist clench as red sand was just another in a long line of addictive drugs that had destroyed people, families, entire communities. Many formerly illegal drugs had been legalised back on Earth, and I was aware that certain colonies that had fallen outside Alliance jurisdiction would legalise whatever they wanted. A soldier formerly under my command had turned into a red sand addict after suffering an injury. It was similar to those who became addicted to painkillers.


"Anything else, Miss Blake?"


I heard the sigh before she replied, "They've turned to slave trading, Commander. I've received disturbing information that they are working alongside batarian slavers…" I barely heard the rest as memories of Torfan flooded my mind. I only came to when I heard her asking, "Commander? Are you still there?"


"Give me the coordinates," I demanded, "But I will add this, Miss Blake. I'm not stupid. You're obviously aware of my history. You've called me out of pure self-interest, aware that once I heard words such as 'batarian' and 'slavery' that I was only ever going to agree to help you."


"You might be correct, Commander, but I also believe that wiping this filth off the face of the galaxy would benefit us both. Wipe out these two people and those who are willingly serving them, and I will reward you handsomely. You will have my contact details now. Please call when the job is complete, and I will give you the coordinates of where we could meet."


I couldn't put Feros off forever, but I'll admit that I let my personal feelings guide me in this instance. I headed straight up the galaxy map and didn't miss the glances in my direction. Even Pressly looked ready to come and ask when I opened the galaxy map and changed our destination.


"Get us there pronto, Joker," I almost growled.


He had the good sense not to question. "Aye, Commander. Inputting new route. I'll let you know when we're in orbit."


I called my squad together to gather in the mess to detail them of the new mission. All of them could sense my fury as I described the details that Miss Blake had told me, and I'd heard my omni-tool chime to inform me that I'd received messages. I figured they would be dossiers of the people that I would be looking for. It was only after I dismissed the group that Kaidan and Ashley approached me in my quarters.


"You okay, Commander?" Kaidan asked.


I did appreciate the concern. "She knew which buttons to press," I admitted, "Soon as I heard a few key words, that was it. Feros was going to be delayed."


"How will we play it?" Ashley wondered. When she met my eyes, both of them nodded. "And Miss Blake in the end?"


"That I'm not sure about. She's said that I will meet her afterwards. I'll decide when we have the opportunity to speak in person."


"Team on the ground?"


"Everyone, Lieutenant. I'll read over the information that I've received and might fiddle with that, but I have a feeling that we're going to be meeting groups with firepower and numbers. Add to that they'll no doubt be dug in and fortified, the only advantage we'll have is the element of surprise. Or that's the hope."


Kaidan was satisfied and walked out after saluting. Ashley remained until we were alone, giving her a curious look as she gave me a cute little smile before stepping towards me.


"Now I might be reading this wrong, Commander, but a certain very cute asari has been incredibly bashful around you the past couple of days. But I can read women… Well, asari, and that asari is giving you such longing looks, and the desire in her eyes, it almost saddens me that you haven't just taken her onto this bed and fucked her silly."


"Trying to change my mood, Chief?"


"Definitely as seeing you enraged… I don't like it. I'm speaking from a personal viewpoint as a friend."


"You know my record, Ash. Miss Blake knew what she was doing. Once I heard they were dealing in slavery, there was only ever going to be one response."


"Let's get back to Liara and why she's looking at you like she does." She stepped closer to me, her hand immediately on my chest. "Did something happen between you two? Give her a little treatment?"


"No, Ash."


"Then what did you do?"


"Fucked Benezia."


She leaned back, searched my eyes, and then burst into laughter. "You are incorrigible, Shepard. You fucked her mother?"


"Fucked her enough times that she was bouncing on my dick while we were relaxing on Kira's lounge when Liara walked in and saw us. She sat next to us and watched her mother cum on my dick before I filled her pussy."


"And Benezia is okay now?"


"Kira called in a matriarch from Thessia to help."


Ashley smirked before she asked, "And I bet you fucked her too, right?"


"I fucked two matriarchs in one day. And a matron."


"Got a thing for older asari, Shepard?" she teased.


"I'll tell you one thing. Tessia knew how to use her pussy and work my cock. Jesus, she was just milking my cock for all the cum I could give her."


That aroused Ashley and the fact we were soon making out probably didn't surprise either of us. She ended up pressed against the wall. The only reason we stopped was her hand on my chest and I felt the pressure. A universal signal to stop and give her space. I pulled back to see her smiling at me.


"That'll relieve at least a little of the tension," she said, "Want to work out together later?"


"Absolutely. I'll read over the information and make sure that we know what to expect. I'd rather we didn't go in blind. It'll probably mean going to ground in the Mako. I wouldn't be surprised if they're hiding out on virtually uninhabited planets."


It was much later that evening when there was only a skeleton crew keeping the ship flying that I wandered down to the gym and found Ashley was already building up a sweat. She was working with weights, watching her as I warmed up for a few minutes before I walked over and assisted her. Her form was excellent. You could see the definition in her arms, legs, back and arse. Anyone could see that she'd honed her body into a wonderful physical specimen.


She turned her head as I stood behind her, keeping my hands at her hips as I felt her press back against me.


"I did need some help," she whispered.


"I have enjoyed the company of a few very fit women in my time. The one thing they've all shared is stamina," I said as I rested my lips near her ear, "Do you have stamina, Chief?"


"I think we'd love to find out how much stamina we both have, Commander."


We spent the next ninety minutes working out and teasing each other relentlessly. I was working bare-chested, and her hands would run all over my body. When she was working out, I ran my hands anywhere I could, and I earned more than one light moan of appreciation. She finally turned around after her final set and there was no hesitation in removing her bra. Her breasts were around a C-cup and her nipples were hard enough to cut glass. I latched onto one immediately and earned another moan.


"Fuck… That's feel so fucking good, Shepard."


Her hands moved down to my shorts, feeling one of her hands slide inside and she gasped when her fingers grasped my cock. I moved away from her nipple to kiss her as I growled into her mouth. She gently stroked me before we broke the kiss.


"You're fucking big, Shepard."


The only reason things came to a shuddering halt was the sound of someone laughing. We both turned around to see Wrex looking at us. Ashley didn't hide herself away as she moved slightly to look at the krogan.


"Enjoying the show, Wrex?"


"I was just wondering if you were going to end up fucking here or in his cabin. Garrus is feeling terribly embarrassed right now."


"I'm just lying here keeping to myself," the turian muttered, "What they do isn't any of my business."


"Nice tits by the way, Ashley," Wrex stated, "I've seen naked humans in porn before. Nice to see a pair in real life. Still, you're all far too soft. Like the asari. Sure, they're fun to fuck but… Well, they can't handle a krogan for too long."


He continued to chuckle as he turned and walked away towards the area where he usually slept. Ashley grabbed my chin and we resumed making out while my hand moved up to cup one of her breasts. She pressed into my body and moaned into my mouth as my other hand snaked down and slid into her lycra pants, feeling her spread her legs just enough so I could feel her for the first time.


She shuddered almost immediately as she broke the kiss and gently bit my shoulder as she released a moan. "Shepard," she whimpered.


"I want to make you orgasm… But I guess we can't do too much here."


"I love the teasing, Shepard. Tease me for ages until we finally fuck."


"Can you handle that?"


"I'm going to love every second."


I found her clit and she cried out when I gently rubbed it, needing to kiss me again as she shuddered again and again when I slid a finger inside her. I backed her up until she was pressed against a stack of heavy crates, her hips moving in time to how my fingers were moving. I eventually stopped and kneeled to drag down her lycra pants, throwing them away before I resumed what I was doing. She spread her legs a little more as I basically fucked her with my fingers.


She didn't bother being quiet any longer, one arm around the back of my neck as I felt her other hand slide back into my shorts.


"Oh fuck, Shepard," she moaned, "Haven't had someone else make me cum in ages."


I then thought 'Fuck it' and lowered myself to my knees. When I latched my mouth onto her pussy, she cried out even louder, feeling her hips move and push down into my mouth.


"Eat my pussy," she moaned, "Oh fuck… You're gonna make me cum…"


"That's the point!" Wrex yelled out.


"Like my pussy, Shepard? Like how I taste?"


I stopped long enough to reply, "I'm thinking that I make time to eat your pussy from now on."


I think we were both thinking that it was about time we did at least something together as we'd felt the sexual tension rather quickly. Her head eventually rolled back as she released one moan after the other, one of her hands holding my head in place as I sucked and licked at her pussy and clit. I slid fingers inside her again and that made her cry out loudly.


Then she orgasmed, needing to use my other hand to keep her steady. Her moans and cries turned into whimpers as I wasn't going to stop. The only reason I did stop was that she quickly moved us over so she could lie back on the bench. The sight of her with legs spread and pulled back was so erotic that I was tempted to just fuck her, but while this was beyond teasing, I knew that making us wait would make it even better that first time.


By the time she did cry enough, my chin glistened with her juices while she collapsed to the floor off the bench, laughing to herself as I crawled around and lay next to her. When she looked at me, the satisfaction in her eyes made me feel wonderful. She shuffled closer and I wrapped my arms around her.


"You want to come and sleep with me?" I asked.


She leaned back in surprise. "You mean that?"


"Of course."


"Just to sleep? Part of me wants to fuck right now, Shepard. Part of me…"


"We can wait. Let's be honest, I'm having a lot of sex. And I don't want to rush you. And to be honest, that's why I'm not leaping on Liara."


That made her smile at me before I received another hug. "I really want to, Shepard, and I just love what we've done. But there's that small part of me… It's been so long that waiting just a little more doesn't bother me. And just hearing some of the stories of what you're up to. I had no idea that I'd find it so arousing."


Getting up off the floor, Ashley didn't even bother dressing as we walked to the elevator that would take us up to the next level. We showered together in the small cubicle, continuing to make out as I took great delight in washing her down, my fingers following the muscles that defined her body. She wasn't built like me, but nearly every area of her body was toned to perfection. Little wonder that I nursed an erection the entire time.


She noticed and asked, "What about you?"


"Ash, I came so often while I was on the Citadel…"


"Don't want to leave you with blue balls, Shepard. And I've been told that my oral game is pretty good."


She backed up her words a few minutes later as I watched my cock disappear inside her mouth and her head quickly bobbed eagerly up and down. I came rather quickly from the sheer excitement of a new lover, and Ashley swallowed every drop of cum before she stood up and turned around, asking me to wash her back. That ended up with her pressed against the side of the shower as I gently teased her relentlessly.


"You are beautiful, Ash," I whispered into her ear.


"Thank you, Shepard. A girl always wants to hear that she's beautiful."


Walking out of my cabin the next morning didn't provoke much of a reaction. When Wrex asked if we fucked, it was Ashley who told him exactly what we did. The krogan grumbled before he handed credit chits over to Garrus.


"Hang on, when did you bet?" Ashley asked.


"When you walked naked to the elevator," Wrex replied, "I bet that you were going to fuck. I know he ate your pussy, and you sucked his dick, but that's not actually fucking."


The laughter that caught my attention was from Doctor Chakwas. I met her eyes from the other end of the table and I didn't miss the twinkle. "I remember what I was like at your ages," she explained, "I'm just glad things have changed enough that no one is so completely hung up on sex nowadays. Yes, it can be serious when you're attempting to start a family, but I'm glad that people just enjoy the experience nowadays."


"Talking from your own experience, Doctor?" Kaidan asked.


"Lieutenant, I would make you more than blush with some of the stories I have to tell you."


"Colour me intrigued, Doc," I suggested.


"Let's just say that more than one young soldier has done his best to capture my heart." She sipped at her coffee before adding, "But what I remember most is the fact that the sapphic arts can be just as enjoyable with the right lover. The best thing we ever did was discover the asari."


"Really, Karin?" Liara asked, "Why's that?"


"It was the discovery of you that threw off the final shackles of humanity's prudish qualities when it comes to anything sexual or that was sexualised. Things like nudity used to freak people out when all we are is human and we have bodies with all their wonders and faults. It also helped us realise that we're all human and our minor differences mean nothing in the grand scheme of things."


"I've got no problem being nude as I know my body is fantastic," Ashley stated confidently, "And Shepard enjoyed it last night. I've got great tits, don't I, Commander?"


"Perfect tits, Chief."


"That's right. And he definitely loved my pussy as well."


Kaidan chuckled to himself. "What we talk about at this table sometimes."


"You getting any, Lieutenant?" Ashley teased.


"Probably not as much as our Commander, but I've got a couple of sweet things that I keep in contact with. It's just… You know, it's not easy for us."


Ashley and I both nodded as we understood. Even in the modern age, relationships were not easy for the serving man or woman if they found themselves away from home for months on end. The Alliance did their best to help and given that the galaxy was considered to be at peace, although service people were required for a few months at a time, the opportunities for R&R were considerable.


The next week was spent eliminating the two crime bosses provided to me by Helena Blake. The first was found in the Gemini Sigma cluster. Arriving there, it was a short journey to the Han System and then locating the planet of Mavigon. It was a bitterly cold, snowbound hellscape. Eerily similar to Noveria in many ways though the temperature on the surface was below minus one hundred degrees Celsius. How the Mako didn't just immediately freeze in place defied logical explanation.


I'm not sure if they knew we were coming, but their base was mostly underground with considerable defensive measures. Eliminating those took first priority before we found a place where we could park the Mako, leaving Tali and Garrus on board to keep the engine and system running while the rest of us headed inside to take care of business.


Now they knew we were coming and had dug in, setting up numerous barricades to prevent our progress. We could hear a loudspeaker imploring those defending to kill us though those orders fell on deaf ears, particularly once those trying to stop us were dead. It was a maze of corridors, some of them darkened in an attempt to lay traps.


By the time we made it into what appeared to be an office, we were greeted by a human which wasn't any real surprise.


"Did Helena send you?" he asked.


"She did."


"I knew that bitch would sell us out eventually. But what if I were to cut you a deal? I give you a share of the profits from our red sand operations and…"


I shot him in the head. "Fucking hate drug dealers," I muttered.


No one said a word about that. Wrex chuckled and suggested that we should handle most of our enemies like that going forward. No need for conversation. Let our bullets do the talking.


We then had to fly our way to the Hades Gamma Cluster and a flight to the Dis System. The constant travelling all over the place was a little grating at times, but my squad understood the reasoning and my determination to have this sorted quickly. The planet of Klensal was another bitterly cold planet though not to the level of Mavigon.


There was no doubt that the base on Mavigon had sent a warning as they were ready for us. What filled my heart with joy, and I only mean that partly sarcastically, is that we would be fighting batarians this time. Once we took care of the outside defences, their base was inside what must have been a disused mine.


We descended carefully as I knew that they'd be lying in wait and would have set up considerable defences. And if they knew who exactly was coming for them, the batarians would know that there was no chance that I'd be taking any prisoners.


It's fair to say that humans and batarians don't like each other… Scratch that, humans and batarians hate each other. We hadn't forgiven them for Elysium. And I know for a fact that the batarians were itching to get us back for Torfan. Ask many humans, and they'd be honest about one thing. The only good batarian is a dead one.


Kaidan, Ashley and I lived up to that mantra as we cut them down. Liara and Wrex could have almost sat back and just watched as the three of us made short work of most of them. We found the leader of this group in a separate area of the mine shaft in what he'd tried to convert into some sort of office with suggestions of comfort. Unlike his companion on Mavigon, he knew that he was a dead man and did his best to survive… At least for a few more minutes. He claimed that he'd contacted the Batarian Hegemony and that assistance was coming.


"Good. Let them come. More batarians to kill," I taunted, "Let them know the Butcher is waiting for them."


He finally took enough damage that he ended up slumped against a wall of the cave. I walked up to him, and before he could taunt or threaten me in return, I left a few bullets in his head.


"Fucking batarians," Ashley muttered before we walked out together.


We'd been back on the ship for a few hours. I was taking time to calm down. I knew being enraged while on mission wasn't a great example to those under my command, but I knew the human members of my squad would understand. They were alive when Elysium was invaded. They also understood the response of the Alliance when it came to Torfan. After Elysium was attacked, there was talk of declaring war on the Hegemony and fighting all the way to Khar'shan, the batarian homeworld. It was only the Council who were not so subtle in their suggestion that going to war wasn't the best idea.


It was after our attack on Torfan that the batarians appealed to the Council, found their appeal rejected, and that began their retreat from Citadel space. Given the increasing power of the Alliance, the batarians were now with few allies and increasingly isolated. It also meant that tensions remained and we knew the batarians were planning something.


I gave it until the next morning after breakfast before I called Helena Blake.


"Commander. I'm pleased to receive your call. I hope that you're calling with good news."


"I'm sending you evidence of the two operations I've ended. Your former companions are no more. Whether it puts a dent in the prevalence of red sand, I don't know. But I will happily put a halt to any batarian slave operation."


"I'm pleased to receive this news, Commander. I know it has taken some of your precious time, but the galaxy will be a better place for it. Now, I promised you a reward and I would be delighted to meet you in person. You will find me in the Horse Head Nebula cluster. Once you arrive there, head to the Fortuna System and you will find me on the planet Amaranthine. I will give you coordinates of where I am. Just one thing for when you arrive, Commander. Come alone."


"And what if I'm stupidly walking into a trap?"


I heard her laugh. "Commander, you have done me a tremendous favour and I am not your enemy. I merely wish to meet, discuss matters, and then we can part as friends. I will be completely alone here. I prefer it as it keeps me safe."


"Very well, Miss Blake. I'll head to your location immediately. I'll give you a final call when we're in orbit so you know it is me approaching."


"I look forward to your arrival, Commander. See you soon."


Kaidan did express reservations about me heading in alone. So did Garrus and Liara. Although I had no reason to trust this woman, I wouldn't be going in without arms and armour, and although I had no reason to trust, there was something about her that made me believe her. It could all blow up in my face, but I'd also worked alone plenty of times before.


The good thing is that the energy remained high as did morale within the squad. The crew of the ship seemed happy with our mission. I would stop and speak to most of the enlisted men and women most days, just to gauge their temperament. A happy crew is an effective crew.


Arriving in the orbit of Amaranthine, I sent a message to Miss Blake to notify her that I would be on the ground shortly. It was only before I loaded up on the Mako that Ashley stopped me and kissed me, sliding her tongue into my mouth as she pressed her body into mine. It was one hell of a public kiss, the first she'd shared in front of the rest of the squad.


"Just don't do anything stupid, Commander."


"I'm sure it'll be fine. Trust me."


Liara then stepped forward and hugged me too. I heard Wrex and Kaidan chuckle as I gently wrapped my arms around Liara in return. "I'm not explaining you getting injured to my mother or Kira," she said softly.


"Well, I'd hate to disappoint all the asari that apparently lead my fan club."


Getting behind the wheel of the Mako, I only worried about landing safely and then heading in the right direction once I had wheels on the ground. The only time that I'd ever landed a Mako solo was during N7 training. We had learned to work as a team half of the time, and then learned to survive in the harshest of terrains by ourselves the other half.


I had the coordinates of my destination in the Mako computer. I'd been dropped far enough away that it would take a few minutes to get there. It would give me a chance to assess the information and change tactics if necessary. But as I approached my destination, the building the only man-made structure anywhere on the planet, or so it seemed, there was nothing to indicate any danger. No turrets waiting to blow me up. No gaggle of heat signatures to suggest that an army was waiting for me.


Parking the Mako, I stepped outside and walked toward the entrance. There was a console with a blinking light that I pressed.




"Yes, Miss Blake."


"Welcome to my home, Commander. Please come in. I will be inside to meet you."


I heard bolts unlock before there was a loud click and the door opened for me. I stepped inside into what felt like a foyer, walking through into a decorated and warm living area. Plush couches and armchairs. Warm paints. Artwork on most walks. A bar area was nearby which appeared to be fully stocked.


From another room strode a woman wearing a gorgeous mahogany dress. Her silver hair hung down to her shoulders. Faint make-up on her face. Without the heels, I figured she would have been considerably shorter than me. The surprise was her face lighting up with a smile as she approached me.


"Thank you for coming, Commander."


"You can dispense with the title, Miss Blake. Call me Shepard."


"Then I insist you call me Helena." She stopped before me before leaning up to kiss both of my cheeks. "Thank you, Shepard. Care for a drink?"


"I'd love one. What have you got?"


"Whatever takes your fancy. I'm partial to a good whiskey myself though only if it's from Scotland. You?"


"I'll have what you're having."


I watched her arse shake as I followed her over to the bar. She selected a bottle aged fifteen years from the large selection. A single ice cube was placed in a tumbler before she was generous with each pour. She handed me a glass and we clinked them together before I took a sip. It was wonderful stuff.


"Damn, haven't had anything this good in ages," I suggested.


"Come sit with me, Shepard."


We sat together on one of the comfortable couches. She slid off her heels and curled her legs, her body turned towards me. If I picked her age, I would have guessed at around that of Doctor Chakwas.


"I've done some reading up on you, Helena. C-Sec are incredibly interested in you."


"And what are you planning on doing because of that?"


"Nothing right now. But as I'm sure you read up on me, I've done my research in return."


"I asked you here for two reasons, Shepard. One is that I knew you were the right man for the job to deal with those two. The two is something more personal. By eliminating them, I've put myself in the crosshairs of many influential and powerful people. Word will eventually reach those in my syndicate who may wish to make an example of me. And the Hegemony will learn of my treachery and will do anything to find me, capture me and… Well, I'm sure you can imagine what they'd do to me."


"Do they know where you are now?"


"The Hegemony? No, they won't know. But some of my associates? Of course. I've hosted them here numerous times. I know my time here is limited."


"What do you need me to do?"


"Help me get away. Council Space isn't safe for me. I know that. I can't return to Earth or any of the colony planets. I'm not exactly a wanted woman, but the idea of spending the next few decades behind bars doesn't appeal. No, there is one place that I know that I can be safe. I have the loyalty of many people, but I need someone stronger to find safety with."


"Where's that?"




"Omega? Never heard of it."


"To be honest, Shepard, you getting me there alone is fraught with risk to you. Omega is in the Attican Traverse, somewhere the Council species avoid like the plague, and the Alliance are generally careful in their exploration. I've already put out feelers and I believe that I will receive a welcome there. Not exactly a warm welcome, but I'll be safer there than anywhere else."


"You will continue your career?"


"In a fashion. I'll be breaking with my current syndicate but I'm sure with my experience that I'll find work elsewhere."


I placed the glass down on the table in front of us before I turned towards her. I made her cry out when I pulled her closer, staring into her eyes. She stared right back.


"Thirty percent," I stated.


She smirked and took a sip of her drink before placing her glass down when I tightened my grip around her again. "Fifteen," she retorted.


I snorted. "Please, you take me for a fool. You know my record, Helena. You know what I used to do. Small fry compared to what you're doing now but think about it this way. You will have a friend who is also a Spectre. Who could perhaps help you out from time to time and I won't be questioned."


She searched my eyes, no doubt judging my sincerity. "Twenty," she finally said.


"Twenty-five. I think that's fair, particularly once you're set up on Omega and rolling in credits."


I moved my hand down to her leg and ran my fingers up under her dress along her thigh. She glanced down before her eyes lifted up and I saw the amusement in them.


"Shepard, I'm definitely old enough to be your mother…"


"I fucked two matriarchs on the Citadel the other week. You being double my age is nothing in comparison to that." She blushed brightly as my hand caressed her thigh. "I think it's safe to suggest that older women definitely hold an appeal."


She leaned in closer and kissed my cheek. "You would seriously consider sleeping with me?"


"Well, what better way to seal our business arrangement and trust in each other than ending up naked and having a little fun."


She laughed and I smiled as she threw her head back. "I'll admit that's the first time that any man has offered sex as a way of sealing a business arrangement."


"Then there are a lot of stupid men out there." I continued to stroke her thigh and felt her move subtly. I moved my hand further and felt the outline of her panties. I kept my eyes on hers as I slid those out of the way and felt the heat of her core. "Very stupid men," I whispered as my lips brushed against hers.


"You know this is madness," she whispered back, "And you're so much younger…"


"Don't care."


She whimpered as I kissed her while at the same time my fingers brushed against her slit and I could only imagine how hot her pussy would be once I was inside her. I felt her hand on the back of my head as I slid my tongue into her mouth, earning another whimper as I continued to run my fingers along her slit. Her hips moved slightly and when I felt them rise slightly, I grabbed her panties and dragged them down and eventually off.


"Shepard," she whispered as my fingers resumed playing with her, "It's been quite a while for me."


"As I said, very stupid men," I replied as I felt her legs widen slightly more, "And they must have been blind."


That made her snort as she met my eyes, my fingers teasing on sliding inside her. "I'm old…"


"We live to one hundred and fifty nowadays. I doubt you're even halfway there."


"I'm not, but still… With age comes experience. I've learned that with some much older asari…"


I made her gasp when I slid a finger inside her, feeling her pussy immediately clinch around it as she kissed me hard. To my surprise, she then broke it immediately and moved away. She smiled at me as she stood up, grabbed her drink and then took the bottle that was sitting on the bar. Without looking back, she walked away towards the nearby hallway.


Figuring that she wanted me to follow, I grabbed my glass and followed her. I eventually found her in a large bedroom with her back towards me, her glass and the bottle on a nightstand to the side of the bed. I stood behind her and placed my hands on her torso and slowly ran my hands up and down the front of her body.


"I'm so nervous, Shepard," she admitted, "I know who you are and what you've done. Yet you're now in my bedroom… I'm a wanted woman, considered dangerous by some."


That made me snort. "If you're dangerous then what am I?"


I felt her shiver as I moved a hand to her back and lowered the zipper. She turned her head and smiled as I helped move the fabric from her shoulders, the dress lowering down her body until it was around her feet. That left only her bra, a simple black number that I unclasped and tossed on the floor just as quickly. Now naked, I ran my hands up her front again towards her breasts. She gasped as my fingers brushed over her hard nipples.


"I can't believe this," she whispered, "You're really here with me… And you want to make love?"


"I like dangerous and beautiful women."


Before she could get started on helping me out of my armour, my omni-tool chimed. It was Joker.


"Commander, they're asking what the situation is on the ground?"


As Helena focused on my armour, I replied. "We're in the middle of some intense negotiations, Joker. There's more than meets the eye regarding this operation. We're talking galaxy-wide implications. I might be a while yet as we'll need to discuss options with other interested parties."


"Any time frame on how long you'll be, Commander?"


"At this point in time, no. I'll inform you when I believe there's a breakthrough and I can return to the ship."


"Copy that, Commander."


Thankfully my armour was easy to disassemble, leaving me in a t-shirt and shorts. Once I was as naked as Helena was, I pulled her to my body and kissed her again. I felt her hand snake between us, her eyes widening as she felt my hard cock for the first time. She smiled while kissing me and I felt her stroke it before I moved us back onto the bed.


She shuffled back as I stalked her, making sure she was comfortable before we resumed kissing. I felt her hands run over the muscles and scars of my body. Hers was generally soft with an undertone of fitness that suggested that she maintained a relatively healthy lifestyle. Moving down to her neck, she moaned softly as I continued moving south to her breasts. As I focused on her nipples, which earned louder moans as they were sensitive, feeling her hips move as I had a hand between her legs again, gently fondling her pussy.


"Oh god," she whispered, "Are you going to, Shepard?"


"I love eating pussy."


"I'm thinking we remain here for a few hours then as I definitely want to see that we ensure this partnership is rock solid."


Kissing down her body, I felt her shudder a couple of times as I arrived at the triangle of pubic hair above her pussy. That was still the colour black, inhaling her scent and growling as I looked into her eyes. I then teased her by kissing down one thigh and then the other. Both of them were nicely toned which suggested that she liked to run or cycle. Probably had a home gym somewhere…


"What will you do with this place?"


"Let things die down over the next few years… Might send someone to collect a few pieces for me, at least."


"Maybe I could visit Omega in the future?"


"Just to fuck. I won't care if it's just to fuck."


Licking up and down her slit earned such a whimper of need that I considered just fucking her straight away. But when she lifted her eyes towards mine, I knew that she wanted what I was doing now. I spread her legs wider, running my fingers up and down them while my tongue was hard at work. She moaned constantly, something I always enjoyed. I much preferred vocal loves, and I found it a turn-on when they were a little demanding. At least I knew that I was doing something right and it would probably make them cum in the end.


"Clit, Shepard… Clit… I love it firm…"


Doing as she asked, she almost jolted off the bed after I ran my tongue over it a couple of times. She swore like a soldier and I knew she was getting close to climax. I continued to run my fingers across her smooth skin. Definitely in her sixties, I reckoned, and she was still hot as fuck in my eyes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I'd always been attracted to older women anyway. Younger. Older. I didn't care as long as I found them attractive.


"Oh god!" she cried out as she enjoyed her first orgasm. She whimpered again and again as she managed to moan out that she wanted me to keep going. Wrapping a hand around one of her thighs, I kept her in place as my tongue continued to work her clit. Her next orgasm arrived almost immediately, watching her back arch slightly, helping keep her arousal sky-high as she started to play with her nipples.


"Fuck… Oh fuck… I can't wait until you fuck me…"


"Want me to stop?"


"God no. I want you to keep doing this forever. No man has ever eaten my pussy like this before."


"Incredibly stupid fucking men, Helena…"


I lost track of her climaxes after a while and only stopped when she was almost crying for me to fuck her. I kissed up her body until we were at eye level, easily sliding my cock inside her. I groaned at how tight she felt, how hot she was, her legs immediately moving to wrap around me, feeling her ankles lock as I began to thrust inside her. She didn't hesitate to kiss me, tasting her pussy on my lips and tongue.


"That's some mature pussy you're having right now, Shepard," she moaned, "Old enough to be your mother, you naughty young man."


"I fucked an asari who was over eight hundred years old and her pussy was still hot and tight. Just like yours."


Her fingers dug into my back and I didn't waste time pumping her hard. She kissed me before pulling my head down to rest next to hers, hearing her moans and whimpers in my ear as she begged me to keep fucking her. Her legs tightened as she no doubt sensed that I wasn't going to last long this first time. I'd been so turned on towards the end of eating her out that I worried I'd cum almost immediately once I was inside her.


"Can't believe… Commander Shepard… Is fucking me…"


"Well, Commander Shepard thinks you're beautiful," I growled into her ear, "And he definitely wants to fuck you again in the future."


When I did finally cum inside her, I buried my cock and groaned into her ear. I think I heard her choke back a sob as her arms clutched at me, her legs refusing to let me go so I kept pumping her slowly. I knew my cock wasn't going to go down quickly as I was far too aroused. Realising that I hadn't gone soft a couple of minutes later, she tapped my shoulder and gestured. I rolled onto my back with my cock still inside her, feeling my eyes light up as she didn't waste time starting to rock herself on my cock.


"I'm not sure how many more times I can cum before I pass out," she said softly as one of her hands caressed my chest, "But this is so much better than masturbating."


She was able to handle a couple more before I released another load inside her. But she admitted that it was too much for her and she happily slid off my body and snuggled into my side, her hand continuing to caress my chest while I wrapped an arm around her.


"Never sealed a business arrangement like this," she said, chuckling to herself, "I think I've been missing out." She kissed my cheek before adding, "I'd always imagined you as some sort of boy scout."


I snorted. "Not with my record. I generally do the right thing, but you also did the right thing by contacting me. I'm not sure what you're involved in otherwise, and frankly, I don't care. On the grand scale of things that you could be doing, if it's moving some dodgy shit around, then as I said, send some credits my way and I'll look the other way."


"And you'd like to fuck me occasionally?"


"That's your choice but I won't say no considering what we've just done."


"I think you'll be leaking out of me for days to come, Shepard. Wow…"


I turned to meet her eyes. "Helena… Trust me on this, I was as hard as I was because of you. I wasn't thinking of anyone else. I stayed hard while I was inside you. I think that should speak volumes."


"When do we need to go?"


"Do you need to pack your things?"


"I would like to take a few things."


I called Joker and ordered the Normandy to be prepared to pick us up at a designated time. I could sense Helena was hesitant to get up and start packing. I guess it was the reality of the situation hitting home. I knew she hadn't lied about her life now being in danger. I have no idea who her bosses were, but if she'd taken out fellow members without authorisation and they discovered her involvement, then I guess it would be bad news. If they wanted to be stupid, they could come after me.


I'd just destroy them and everyone else involved.


Helena eventually got up and started to prepare. She remained naked and was incredibly distracting. Despite what we'd just done, she noticed my cock harden and started to blush as she knew it was because of her. She joined me on the bed again and kissed me.


"Fuck it," she moaned as we rolled together and I slipped my cock back inside her, "We've got time and I want to enjoy this."


"I'll probably last a while this time," I mentioned.


We were another couple of hours before we both thought it would be best to get dressed and I helped her pack a few of things. It was mostly just clothing and supplies that would keep her going while on the way to Omega. I asked who she could meet when she arrived on the planet. She explained that Omega itself wasn't a planet but an asteroid which has been turned into a space station.


"If I'm fortunate, I'll be able to meet with the leader of Omega. She's an asari and I've heard rumours that she can be benevolent though rules with an iron fist. I'm a nobody in comparison, but I know she does keep up to date with matters across the galaxy. She might know of my name at the very least."


When she was ready to depart, I sensed that she was a little upset to be leaving her home behind. Walking her outside, she exclaimed surprise at seeing a Mako instead of a shuttle. I explained how my ship would collect us and could see that she was amused. Her laughter rang out in an otherwise silent atmosphere.


Back on the ship, we stored her things in the cargo bay, holding her hand as she rested her head against my shoulder, riding the elevator up to the main level. When we walked out together, I found my squad in the mess enjoying their dinner. I had to check the time and chuckled to myself as I had been on the planet for a considerable number of hours.


Eyes moved from me to Helena at my side and I sensed how she was looking at me. A woman who had just spent a few hours making love.


"Fuck. Off," Wrex exclaimed.


"Pay up, Wrex," Ashley said with amusement, "I told you that he'd fuck her."


"They take bets?" Helena asked with a chuckle.


"He's got that sort of reputation. If you're human or asari, and definitely an attractive woman, the Commander here will definitely want to sleep with you," Kaidan replied.


I was surprised that Wrex handed credits over to Ashley. "Wrex, I'm hurt that you didn't believe in me. Ashley, I'm pleased you were."


"I bet she enjoyed your big dick as well," she teased.


"I did. It was wonderful," Helena said before kissing my cheek, "I'm not sure if you know me, but I am delighted to meet you all. Shepard has proven to be an incredibly helpful and understanding individual."


"Shepard, I will never doubt you again," Wrex joked, "Garrus was smart enough not to bet. He can't figure it out yet. He'll learn eventually."


"Where are we going?" Kaidan asked.


"We'll be dropping Helena off on Omega." My human companions didn't recognise the name. Nor did Tali. But the others did.


"Are you sure that's wise, Commander?" Garrus asked, "An Alliance ship entering the Terminus Systems could cause all manner of problems."


"If anyone wants to cause trouble, I'll announce that I'm a Spectre on a journey of neutrality. And we'll just take it from there. We'll arrive silent and only announce our arrival when we're near Omega otherwise."


"You've got a quad, Shepard, I'll give you that," Wrex added.


After letting Joker know the destination, I was pleased to see that it wasn't going to be a terribly long journey as it would only take a couple of relays to make it to the Omega Nebula. I wasn't worried about showing Helena around the ship before I asked Joker about the journey time. When he told me how long we had, I escorted Helena to my quarters, finding a cheap bottle of liquor that I kept stashed away.


"What's your mission?" she asked while we sipped at our drinks.


"I'm hunting a rogue Spectre. He's rather stupid in that he wants to see the galaxy destroyed."


"Oh… So nothing too serious then. Almost enough to make me feel guilty for asking to help me."


"It's fine. I was happy to help."


"Do we have enough time to enjoy some more time together, Shepard?"


"I can ask Joker to take a longer detour if you want."


I ended up eating her out again and she was eager to take my cock in her mouth for the first time, lying on my back as she rubbed her pussy against my mouth while her head bobbed up and down on my cock. She got me off while I got her off a few times before she spun herself around and lowered herself down on my cock. She was riding me through an orgasm when the door to my cabin opened and Ashley walked in. Helena glanced back and blushed though she didn't stop riding me.


"Damn, she looks good on your dick, Shepard," Ashley stated, "And you've got a great body for a mature woman."


"Thank you. I just had to have his dick inside me again."


"I haven't had that feeling yet though that's me wanting to wait. I know once I do, that's it. I'll be distracted all the time."


Ashley grabbed the chair near my desk and sat down to watch Helena ride me. I gave Ashley a curious look but all she did was shrug before she undid her trousers and pulled them down with her underwear, opening her legs to start masturbating.


"Going to join us?" Helena asked.


"Nope. He's all yours. But I just wanted to finally watch him fuck someone as I knew it would be hot."


I rolled Helena onto her back and really started to pound her. Her ankles ended up on my shoulders and the surprise was her almost demanding even more. Ashley was enjoying the show so much that I heard her cry out in orgasm, both of us glancing to see Ashley sitting there, still rubbing her pussy with a satisfied grin on her face.


"I want your cum leaking out of my pussy when we arrive on Omega, Shepard. So you'd better get climaxing."


"Oh, I like her, Shepard."


By the time Joker reported in that we were on approach to Omega, Ashley had left the cabin while Helena was urging me on to deposit a third load inside her. She got what she wanted a few minutes later before we knew that we couldn't lie back and cuddle. We got up and dressed though I noticed she left the panties that she'd been wearing on my bed. I dressed in my Alliance uniform and escorted her up to the flight deck. I could just about see the space station in the distance, Joker reporting in that we were running silent and wouldn't be picked up on any radar or tracking systems until we made ourselves known.


"Okay, Joker. Open a channel."


"Got one for you, Commander. Think they'll be happy?"


"Probably not." I cleared my throat and spoke with authority. "Omega Control. This is Commander Shepard. Council Spectre. I am approaching your station in the Normandy. It is an Alliance-registered frigate. Requesting permission to dock. I have a civilian on board who wishes to meet with the asari in charge."


"Normandy, this is Omega Control. Alliance vessels nor Spectres are welcome in Omega space. Please hold in your current position and wait for authority to proceed. We do not have you on radar, but we will open fire should we receive visual contact of your ship."


"Omega Control, the Normandy will hold in its current position."


I could sense the nerves of those around me, particularly Helena. She probably had other options, but although I'd done absolutely no research on Omega, Helena had stated her confidence in being allowed access. It was then dependent on her as to how her life would progress. The only one who remained calm and confident was yours truly. Well, perhaps Joker as well. Though being completely honest, I think the only thing he genuinely cared about was the ship.


"Normandy, this is Omega Control. Permission to dock has been authorised. Only the civilian wishing to remain will be allowed boarding of this station. Any Alliance personnel stepping foot off your ship will be shot on sight. Although our benefactor would like to meet you, at this current time, she does not believe that will prove a viable course of action. Your instructions are to dock, open the airlock and allow your guest to depart. You are to then leave the dock and head for the nearest relay."


"Copy that, Omega Control. We will follow your instructions."


Once we were visible, Joker immediately reported in that we were being guidance-locked. I just ordered him not to give them a reason to fire at us, following the requested flight path into the dock. Once the ship was clamped, I had Ashley, Garrus and Kaidan guarding the airlock from our side as I didn't trust any of them on the other side.


Helena hugged me one final time before we shared a passionate kiss. "I can't remember a time like this with someone," she said softly before kissing me again.


"I think it was memorable for both of us."


"I will remember this fondly. Thank you, Shepard. You are… You are something else."


The airlock opened and I noticed weapons being aimed in our direction. Wheeling her suitcase behind her, Helena walked forward with her head held high towards a batarian. They conversed quietly before he seemed satisfied with her responses. Before she disappeared, she glanced in my direction and smiled.


"Where to next, Commander?" Joker asked when we'd departed the station.


"Feros, Joker. No more delays. Saren is still out there somewhere, and we need to find him."