Chereads / Mass Effect: Cry Out For a Hero / Chapter 13 - Book 1, Chapter 13 - Shepard, the interview and the end of Book One

Chapter 13 - Book 1, Chapter 13 - Shepard, the interview and the end of Book One

There are few things better in life than waking up in the morning to find a beautiful asari snuggled into your side. What could be better than that? Having a second asari also snugged into your other side. They both felt me wake up and they woke up with me. Kira smiled at me before kissing my cheek, sliding off the bed as I knew she needed to shower before heading out to attend to matters regarding the Citadel and the galaxy as a whole.


Benezia's hand moved from its position on my chest down towards my cock. "I'm a little tender after last night but I can't get enough of this," she whispered into my ear.


I rolled her over and made her moan softly as I slid my cock inside her rather easily. We'd made love enough by now that it was only seconds before we were moving together, my cock sliding as deep as possible with each thrust, Benezia moaning into my ear as I pumped her harder and harder. I felt her legs lock at my lower back as she started to beg me.


"Goddess… I'm going to cum already, Shepard…"


"Sometimes you asari are just amazing."


"Liara told me… She enjoys an orgasm so fast each time that you're intimate. When she's sucking your cock and you caress her crest, she experiences what she calls mini orgasms."


"Well, you should know that I love making my girls orgasm and hearing them cry out as they do."


Kira walked out of the bathroom to find me with my cock buried inside Benezia. She chuckled as Benezia cried out louder as I knew we were both getting close.


"I'm not sure I could handle more after last night," Kira said as she slid on some underwear before leaning over to give Benezia a kiss, "Though I know you're making most of the time before we go home to Thessia."


"Exactly why he's inside me now!" Benezia moaned.


My interview with Emily wasn't until that night. As soon as Kira left, Benezia ensured that my cock remained hard for most of the day. She sucked me off. I ate her out. And we fucked up a storm around the apartment. I loved fucking her against the window with the spectacular view of the Presidium. Even within a short space of time, the keepers had been hard at work. Asari, turians, salarians and humans had arrived in vast numbers to help with the clean-up. We were too high up for anyone to watch us unless they had binoculars.


"I'm going to miss you, Shepard," she whispered when we were sitting back naked on the couch later that afternoon, "I haven't felt so much love for someone since… Well, to be honest, the birth of my daughter." She paused and I heard her laughing to herself. "Goddess, I can't believe that I'm being intimate with the same man that my daughter is with."


"I'm a little glad we haven't done a lot of melding considering that."


"I know you love her, Shepard. I know you'll always treat her right. And to be honest, you're the main reason that's helping our relationship grow closer again. She talks about you all the time. She loves you so much… I actually worry about the future when the inevitable happens."


"Because she'll live for so much longer?"


"Some asari love so deeply that first time, it makes things difficult for whoever comes after as they will always be compared to that first love."


"What about you? Liara called herself a pure blood… She explained what that meant. What happened with you?"


"I loved Liara's other mother, but that love couldn't overcome the major differences in outlook regarding our own lives and our opinions on so many other things. We ended up arguing more than talking. And let's be honest, sex is such an important part of a relationship. I'm a sexual being, Shepard. I'm sure you've realised that. My sex life with her dried up completely. With that and everything else, we agreed to part, and Liara remained with me."


"I know she loves you, and I know she had many regrets about the fact you stopped talking."


"She was my child, Shepard. I should have been supporting her, no matter what. I forgot that was my role as her mother, that I was allowed my opinions but what mattered most was her own happiness. And I guess she proved me wrong anyway. The past truly does matter. Did she enjoy your surprise?"


"She absolutely loved being back on Ilos. And I know she's learned so much already. It will really help us should the Reapers find a back door into the galaxy."


"Will they?" she asked quietly. I turned my head to meet her eyes, and I saw the fear. I understood as she'd seen the images. She'd been indoctrinated.


"Not if I can help it," I replied, caressing her cheek, "And if they do arrive, you know that I'll fight the bastards until the end."


Kira arrived home… Huh, funny that I think of Kira's apartment as one of my homes… She arrived just as I was dressing myself in my Alliance blues. My interview was going to be beamed out live across Council space. Thessia. Palaven. Sur'Kesh. Earth. All the colony worlds. It would likely be transmitted even further to the home worlds of the volus, elcor, hanar, drell. The quarians might even receive it at the Migrant Fleet. Tuchanka, the homeworld of the krogan? I guess anything is possible.


Benezia wanted to come with me and Kira to the studio though she was still incognito. I was amazed that she wasn't going stir crazy in the apartment though I knew that Lady Tessia had been a regular visitor, often bringing one or two other friends, all agreeing that they must visit in secrecy until she was returned to Thessia.


Kira was with me as I walked into the studio. Captain Anderson was there, shaking his hand after greeting each other. I'd already been told by both the Council and the Alliance that very little was considered top secret. The only thing that I wasn't to do was talk in-depth about the Reapers. They didn't want to cause a mass panic by talking about a race of sentient machines that would bring about our doom. For the moment, that would remain a secret.


As Kira and Anderson took their places in the audience, I was in make-up when Emily Wong walked in just as the lady was finishing up, sitting next to me. I glanced her way, and she dazzled me with a smile. There was no doubt she was a beautiful young woman. Doing my research, I knew she had a relaxed interview style though didn't pull any punches if she smelled bullshit.


"I'm glad you agreed to this interview, Shepard. First one?"


"First one that's televised. I did some for the print media after Elysium."


"What are you expecting?"


"A fair interview though I'm sure that you'll have some tough questions for me."


"That's about right. I'll try not to piss you off too much though I'm hoping you might agree to one thing for me."




"Dinner and drinks afterwards?"


I met her eyes again and the smile had only brightened on her face. "Sure. Are you sure that you'd want to do that after our interview?"


"I'll be interviewing you as a professional. The dinner and drinks afterwards are a purely private matter." She paused and leaned closer. "Shepard, every woman in this place would love dinner, drinks and so much more."


I couldn't help snorting though I knew what she meant. Just ordering a coffee earned me a phone number and some not-so-subtle suggestions of what we could do for fifteen minutes should I have the time available. Women were fine. It was the asari who were blunt about what they wanted from me. I'll admit that the attention was flattering, and considering most asari were gorgeous to insanely gorgeous, I could only imagine some of the possibilities should I ever call any of them.


"I'm guessing you've heard about my reputation then," I finally replied.


"This goes nowhere else. Are you fucking the asari councillor?"


"Yep. I pretty much live with her when I'm on the Citadel."


"How good is she in bed?"


"Oh, she's wonderful. Having a woman with a few centuries of experience certainly helps improve my own performance."


"Damn…" She slid out of her chair. "Right, we'll be on air in ten minutes. Nervous?"


"Nah, she'll be right."


I waited off-stage as Emily introduced the program and gave a quick news bulletin of the big events taking place around the galaxy at that time. It was nice hearing that most of the races of the galaxy were pulling together to help repair the Citadel. Eventually, she stood up and introduced me by listing off many of my achievements. As I strode onto the stage, I already knew the majority of the audience was asari. They were ever so loud in their applause, cheers and whistles as I greeted Emily with a kiss on the cheek.


"Thank you for coming, Commander."


"My pleasure, Emily."


I took a seat in the opposing armchair to her. I noticed that her skirt was short and she was wearing stockings and heels. I think she'd spoken to Jane about things that I loved to see on a woman. Her shirt was buttoned up the middle, and the top two were open to show off a hint of cleavage. Frankly, I'm surprised that she didn't colour her hair red.


We talked in general terms about my life on the streets as a kid and I answered everything honestly. Yes, I'd been a petty criminal and gang leader. Nearly all of our crimes were non-violent until the day that I did take a life. Yes, it was an accident, but I took responsibility for it. I was thankful to the Alliance for giving me a second chance.


"To be honest, I found the family that I was searching for within the Alliance," I explained.


"The Roughnecks?"


I couldn't stop the smile forming. "We all came from the wrong side of the tracks, but you couldn't have asked for a better group of comrades. And the relationships I formed…"


"Until Elysium?"


"No, until Torfan. I was only on Elysium through circumstance. I'd been given some R&R as my superiors knew that I hadn't taken any leave since I had joined up. I'm not even sure why I chose Elysium. I think it was just the closest place that would provide the entertainment that I was after."


"It's been noted that you don't think highly of the batarians, but it's been established that the person responsible was turian. Yet you seem to hold no ill will towards them. Why?"


"A turian might have organised it all, but it was batarian boots on the ground. Batarian weapons killing humans. Batarians taking slaves. Add to that, the Hierarchy has completely disavowed his actions and are working in conjunction with the Alliance to hunt him down."


"Can we speak about Torfan?"


"Of course."

"The batarians refer to you as the Butcher of Torfan. The Alliance have released more than one report regarding your actions during that mission and cleared you of any perceived crimes. But we've never heard your account of what happened. I guess that I should ask if you consider yourself as the Butcher or as something else?"


"I think the best term to use is that I was an avatar of vengeance."




"Frankly, the batarians should be glad that the Alliance restricted their counterattack to a singular moon. It was only thanks to our friends in the Council that prevented the matter from turning into a full-scale war. What we did on Torfan was just. It was correct. We went in to save as many lives as possible while putting a dent into their slaving operations. Even to this day, we have no idea how many humans are being kept as slaves. Frankly, I'd love nothing more than to go in and find out. Personal opinion only, of course."


"So the Butcher moniker?"


I stroked my cheek. "I probably earned it for two reasons. First, I gave the batarians no quarter. I wasn't the only soldier to do that. Second, most of my squad was wiped out as the fighting was ferocious." That's when I paused and glanced away. "I did lose someone special. Held her in my arms as she drew her last breaths."


I heard more than one gasp from the audience. "She was special?" Emily asked softly.


"We were both from the streets. Found something in each other. And given that fraternisation is no longer a problem… A batarian shot her in the back. I made sure I shot him back."


"You qualified as an N7 and were starting on the road to become a Council Spectre when the attack on Eden Prime happened. I understand that after that event and returning here that the Council…"


"Didn't believe me?" I managed a laugh at my own expense. "Upon reflecting back on things, I certainly can't blame them. On one side they have Saren, their loyal Spectre with decades of service behind him being blamed for an atrocity by an upstart species still looking to spread their wings and show their strength. Then there is me, who was on his first mission as a prospective Spectre, the Spectre watching him ends up dead and the beacon destroyed. They probably thought that I was a complete idiot and wondered why the Alliance had put me forward as a candidate."


"But it worked out."


"Thanks to some help from others in an investigation into Saren that proved his guilt."


"Because of the work, most of what you were up to was top secret though I understand now that the mission is complete, and Saren is dead that you can reveal some secrets?"


"Some. Not all."


"Your first mission was to Therum. What did you find there?"


"Way too many geth and…" I stopped and smiled. "That's where I found Liara."


"And she is?"


"A doctor of archaeology. A close friend and colleague. Incredibly intelligent. Beautiful."


"And your relationship with her is intimate?"


"I'd be incredibly stupid not to be intimate with her. Our feelings for each other are strong."


"She must be incredible if someone like you…" Emily paused and must have realised she was fawning. "She was by your side the entire time?"


"She's a civilian though has never wavered in her commitment to the mission. She's currently on Ilos assisting the salarians in their investigations of what we found on the planet. I can't go into further details than that. Let's just say what we discovered may change many things about what we know about the galaxy."


"What did you find on Noveria?"


"Well, first of all, Binary Helix is now being investigated by the Alliance and I believe the Council wish to add their weight. Putting it simply, they were researching a way of bringing the rachni back from extinction."


"There are rumours that Lady Benezia of the T'Soni family was involved. Is that correct?"


"It is."


"What was her fate?"


"She's alive. She was… Well, let's say that Saren had control of her in a certain way. Benezia was just one of his many pawns in what he had planned for the Citadel."


"Do you know of her location now?"


"I do though I'm not at liberty to share that. I'm sure what I've just announced will come as a shock back to those on Thessia and across the Asari Republics. It was believed as the best course of action as Lady Benezia needed time to recover from what happened to her. It was not easy on her conscience. When she returns home, she will throw herself on the mercy of her people. I hope they will be kind."


Emily gave me a curious look and asked, "You have seen her since Noveria?"


"I have. We have talked many times. She is… She is an extraordinary asari. It just boggles my mind how easily under Saren's sway she fell."


"I understand further crimes were found on Feros?"


I snorted in disgust. "Noveria was bad enough. Feros was worse. What ExoGeni was up to disgusts me to this day. Thankfully, I received reports from the Zhu's Hope colony that they are making great strides. I must give my heartfelt thanks to both the Alliance and the Asari Republics for helping them survive. If not, I don't believe the colony could have been sustained."


"News has filtered through that the Alliance is also investigating matters regarding ExoGeni. Criminal charges are pending against certain executives. Your thoughts?"


"Good. What happened on Feros was criminal, putting it simply. Those who authorised what happened should be behind bars."


"I guess we need to discuss Virmire. Everyone I spoke to has been tight-lipped about what happened there though I'm told you are free to discuss everything now that Saren has been defeated."


"It went pear-shaped from the start. An STG team had arrived, sustained numerous casualties, and had been expecting an armada to relieve them. Instead, my ship and crew arrive. Time was of the essence so we did what we could. We split into small teams and infiltrated Saren's facility. We found that he was breeding krogan there."


"How is that possible?"


"He sold the krogan on the idea of curing the genophage. It was a ruse, of course. They were just another means to an end. Anyway, I finally got close to Saren though I'll admit that he was good. And he pressed home his advantage. Before making our escape, STG and my squad knew that we couldn't leave the facility intact. So we made sure it was blown up. It was while we were escaping that…" I paused and took a moment. I just felt sad because of what happened. And I still missed him. "Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko had stayed with the bomb to prepare it. With everything that could go wrong going wrong, he sacrificed himself so that the rest of us could go. I stayed in communication with him until the final second. He died a hero. He deserves to be remembered by everyone for what he did that day."


"You respected him immensely."


"He was courageous, loyal to a fault, but had the kindest of hearts. On the battlefield, he was ferocious. Talk to him on the ship, and he was softly spoken, considerate, and a wonderful confidant. I miss him. We all do. He was a good friend."


"You returned to the Citadel and things then took a turn?"


I glanced into the audience as I knew where Kira was sitting. I smiled at her as I knew she'd be doing the same. We could laugh about it now. At the time… Well, not exactly.


"The Council wasn't particularly happy to hear that I'd detonated a nuclear bomb. It's quite the thing to do. There were some… decisions taken, let's call them, that resulted in my ship being locked down and I was told to take a back seat as others would now handle the issue. Let's just say that such a decision did not sit easily with me." Emily met my eyes, and I chuckled. "Okay, I'll be honest. They pissed me off. Particularly Ambassador Udina. He was completely out of his depth regarding this matter and interfering in things that should be left to those who know what the f…. I mean what the hell they're doing."


"And then everything happened up until you faced down Saren on the Citadel?"


"I was always one step behind Saren. That's how it felt because that's how it was, but I also felt that I was getting closer, so close. He'd been planning this for years, even decades. He was organised. He was intelligent. He was resourceful. And he was tough. I could respect his talents though he was a complete bastard. He'd have sacrificed everyone to achieve his goals."


"How did he convince the geth to involve themselves?"


"Of that, I'm not sure." That was a complete lie. I'm sure Emily would have picked up on that. "All I know is that Saren must have had one hell of a convincing argument to convince the geth to involve themselves."


"Everything led to the battle on the Citadel and some decisions. You chose to save the Council…"


"And ten thousand other lives on the Destiny Ascension, Emily. Ten thousand innocent lives. The three councillors are civilians, non-combatants, therefore they are also innocent. We sign up to serve in the Alliance knowing that we may give our lives in the line of duty. That is what those who served in the Fifth Fleet knew when they signed up. We are now part of a galactic community. Humanity proved during the Battle of the Citadel that it is willing to make sacrifices to protect its friends."


Applause thundered around the studio as most of the asari in the audience rose to their feet at the same time.


"I don't speak for all humans, but we respect the asari for their achievements. We still thank them now for entering the conflict between us and the turians. I know some humans are still bitter towards the latter, but I worked alongside a turian. They are just like us. So are the asari and the salarians. No matter the species, we still make mistakes. We love. We hate. We hurt. We bleed. But I like to think that many of us work to the greater good."


"Sounds like you are a believer in the Council and the togetherness of species?"


"It's the only way we can survive and flourish. Humanity was alone for thousands of years. We are alone no longer. We proved that we can be a reliable partner."


"Reports suggest that the Council has made a decision to accept humanity as the fourth Council species and a decision on the councillor is to be made. Has the Council asked for your input?"


I glanced at the audience again. "They have. In the end, I could have let personal feelings affect my decision. Instead, I said it was up to the Alliance. Personally, Ambassador Udina would prove ineffective on the Council."


"Sounds like you don't like him?"


"I don't. What he pulled that day when I was before the Council before I made my escape… He could have doomed us all."


"What are your hopes for the future?"


"My immediate task is to eliminate the remnants of geth still plaguing Council space. Once I've done that, I'm sure the Council or the Alliance will provide me with plenty of work."


"Have you any words for the people out there in the galaxy?"


"Of course. We earned a great victory against Saren and his army of geth. But the galaxy is dangerous. We must remain vigilant. But that doesn't mean we have to live in fear. The galaxy has so much to offer all of us. What we must remember is that while we might be different species, we are all working toward the same objective. The betterment of all our lives. And while you are all doing that, soldiers like myself will be there to protect you, to fight and even die if it means that all of you should survive."


"Commander Shepard, thank you for speaking to me tonight."


"My pleasure."


Applause again echoed around the studio as I stood up and hugged Emily again before I gave a half-bow to the assembled audience. Anderson walked up to the stage and shook my hand, Kira hanging back until most of the crowd had dispersed before she joined us, leaving a kiss on each cheek.


"I think you went easy on me, Miss Wong?"


"I know you have secrets that you can't share, Shepard. I figured that I'd let you tell your story, and you would simply share what you could."


Anderson congratulated me on a good interview, and I think he was pleased that I didn't dump on the Council or the Alliance too much. He did have a good chuckle about the fact that I wasn't shy in giving my opinion on Udina.


"He won't be the councillor anyway," he told me, "The name at the top of the list is Kyla Gromova. She's got years of experience and has already met with the Council in other matters numerous times. I think the Alliance will push her forward and Udina will be her deputy at most."


"Frankly, Udina should be sent back to Earth and spend the rest of his days shuffling paperwork in some back office in Siberia. But that's just me."


Kira hugged me tightly before whispering into my ear that I should have a good night before I followed Emily along a series of corridors until we arrived at her private dressing room. Inside, she didn't hesitate in taking off her shirt and lowering her skirt in front of me, revealing the entirely black ensemble of bra, panties, garter, suspenders and stockings. She turned and looked at me, lightly biting her bottom lip as if she needed to hear my approval.


"I'm guessing…"


"I just want what probably a couple of billion of other people would love with you, Shepard. I was professional and objective in the studio tonight. I…" I stepped forward and kissed her, pleased she kissed me right back. I barely knew the woman but that instant spark was something that I'm sure we both felt. When we broke apart, I smiled at the colour of her cheeks. "I just need to put on a little black dress and then we can go."


"What will people think?"


"I don't really care. Most women will no doubt be thinking that you'll be taking me home and fucking me hard later on."


"Is that what you want?"


"More than anything. Maybe we can make some sort of arrangement in the future?"


"I'm sure that we can work something out."


We kept dinner rather simple, and drinks were had a rather fashionable bar full of asari who barely left us alone. They realised that we were on what was effectively a date, but even Emily had to laugh at the attention that I received from others in the establishment. It wasn't particularly late by the time that Emily asked me if I wanted to go home with her.


Fifteen minutes later, we were making out as we staggered through the front door of her small apartment. She threw her handbag and keys on the couch as we worked our way towards what I assumed was her bedroom. Clothing was left on the floor in our wake as I was eager to get her naked quickly.


Her eyes lit up at seeing my hard cock appear, smiling when her delicate fingers wrapped around my shaft. I was busy working on her bra to reveal what was a perky and sensitive pair of breasts. She released my cock as we tumbled onto the bed and I focused on her nipples. That earned plenty of soft moans of appreciation before I moved down her body towards her pussy. I had to undo a couple of things before I could finally slide her panties down and off, revealing a beautifully bald little pussy, Emily spreading her legs as it glistened in the lights to either side of her bed.


"Wow," I whispered.


"You have no idea how difficult it was to remain professional tonight. I wanted to ask about your personal life so often as I know you have a lot of fun."


"But I'm here with you tonight, Emily. That's what matters."


I took my time eating her out considering it was our first time and I think we were both hoping that it wasn't the only time. She made these delightful little whimpers that only made me harder, her body writhing as I increased the tempo of how my tongue moved. When her clit made its full appearance, I quickly learned how she liked it while I slid a finger inside her.


One orgasm quickly followed another as her arousal was off the charts. Her eyes gazed down at me as I ate her out.


"Fantasy fulfilled," she whispered, "So many of my colleagues are going to be so jealous."


I kissed up her body again until our eyes met, rubbing the head of my cock against her. I teased her a few times as I felt her body press down, eager to feel me slide inside her. I kissed her again, feeling her fingers on the back of my head as her other hand grasped my cock and ensured that it was perfectly lined up. She whimpered as I slid inside her as she was incredibly tight.


"Fuck," she moaned softly, "Oh fuck, Shepard."


"Holy shit, Emily…"


"That's some tight Asian pussy you're in right now. Bet it's a difference from all that asari pussy you've been enjoying."


"Every pussy is different," I suggested as I gave her a few gentle thrusts, "It's just yours is very snug, Emily."


"And you have such a big dick, Shepard. I love it already."


I watched her face as we made love. I was used to seeing women happy and delighted when were being intimate. Emily was another in a line of them. Her eyes sparkled with arousal as we moved together. Her skin was smooth at my fingertips. She just… smelled lovely. I loved the little sounds that escaped her. Moans and whimpers while her body continued to writhe underneath me.


"Oh god," she whispered, feeling her fingers start to rake down my back, "Oh god, Shepard."


"I'm close too…"


"I'm safe. Always safe. Don't get fucked much, but I'm always safe."


"I'm sad to hear a beautiful girl like you…"


"I'm selective. And I've crushed on you for ages, Shepard."




She smiled at me before we shared another kiss. Then I felt her pussy grip my cock as she enjoyed an orgasm and that set off mine, groaning as I released the kiss as I felt my cock erupt inside her. She continued to smile at feeling my cock throbbing. We remained joined after our orgasms had ebbed away, and she giggled when I resumed thrusting.


"I'm not used to that. Most men just go soft, roll off and over then go to sleep."


"Think I'll go soft soon when I'm inside you, Emily?"


I think that simple sentence meant a lot as she looked away and I didn't miss her blinking rapidly. I gently put a finger to her chin and moved her eyes back to mine. "I think we can make this work alongside everything else if that's what you want," I suggested quietly.


"Exclusive interviews?"




She was happier a couple of minutes later when she was grinding on my cock, my hands at her hips to keep her steady as she looked ready to have yet another orgasm. Her body was exquisite, and I couldn't help myself from constantly marvelling at it. She was also a tiny thing compared to me, maybe five-two at most. A foot shorter. I was left wondering where my cock went while inside her in that regard.


After I came inside her again, I was left almost flabbergasted when she slid off my cock and took it in her mouth as I did soften a little bit. I'd cum twice and I could never retain an erection after two. I was only human and needed time to recover. Her eyes when my cock was in her mouth sparkled with mischief. It didn't take long until she had me nice and hard. She was eager to be underneath me again, her fingers running all over my body as I fucked her a little harder this second time.


"I want to sit funny at work tomorrow because they know Commander Shepard pounded my little Asian pussy," she moaned.


"Guys still go on about the Asian thing?"


"Just letting you know that I am, Shepard. I'm a tiny thing compared to you, and I bet my pussy is tiny and tight for your big cock."


I leaned down to her ear and growled, "I can only imagine how tight your arse must be then."


She clutched at me tightly as I think just that thought set her off. She whimpered and whimpered through another orgasm as I simply kept on fucking her harder and harder. She could barely get a word out after a few more minutes, holding on for dear life, feeling her legs spread nice and wide, as I really drove my cock harder into her.


"Oh fuck yes," she moaned softly, "Just pound me, Shepard. One last cum before we snuggle."


And snuggle we did after a quick shower to clean up. She spooned back against me and that's when she felt tiny against me. She held one of my hands to her chest and she sighed happily. I kissed her cheek and sighed myself. I enjoyed these moments with any lover. Lying in silence after a wonderful night of making love.


Emily made us breakfast the next morning before I needed to bid her farewell. I had work to get done and I knew once I collected Liara, I had promises to keep before I knew that I would be sent out into the fray once again.


Emily wished me farewell at the front door of her apartment. That last kiss was something else. When she leaned back and met my eyes, I knew how she felt. I'd seen it from many women already. I kissed her again and pulled her into my body. My hands ran down her back to her pert little arse, and I think we nearly gave into temptation together.


"You'll be back to the Citadel soon?"


"I'm not sure. If I am, I'll let you know."


A last kiss and I had to go. Before I boarded the elevator that would take me to ground level, I met her eyes at the other end of the hallway. She blew me a kiss just as the doors closed.




Kyla Gromova was elected as the councillor to represent humanity on the four-person Citadel Council. We were accepted by a grateful asari population. The turians lauded our elevation as we had proven ourselves as a military force. The salarians expressed hope that we could build stronger partnerships going forward. As a signal of preserving some sort of status quo, she chose Donnel Udina as her deputy. I had no idea what he thought but hoped he was left bitterly disappointed at losing out on the seat he coveted.


Captain Anderson remained on the Citadel as the military advisor to the new councillor. Miss Gromova was aware of the relationship that Anderson had with me and I wasn't blind to the hope she had of using me to her own benefit in the future. I met with her in the days after her selection and she was definitely a shrewd operator.


And unbelievably beautiful. If she was forty years old, I would have been surprised. Gorgeous red hair. Perfect blue eyes. And the sort of body that didn't belong on a politician. If I didn't know any better… Nah, the Alliance chose her because she was the best candidate.


I received some wonderful news in the days after my night with Emily. The Alliance was reopening Jump Zero. However, the past was being well and truly laid to rest. It would be named the Kaidan Alenko Memorial School for Gifted Biotics. All teachers would be asari, and it wouldn't only be children taken in. Their families would be invited along to provide a real family atmosphere. Most teachers would be in their matron years to provide the support that children would need when dealing with such gifts. I almost wept at the news as I couldn't have thought of a better way to memorialise my friend and colleague. I managed to get back to my home system on the day the school was dedicated and officially reopened. I couldn't make a speech. That was too much. Anderson made one for me in my stead.


Liara was ready to leave Ilos when I arrived in orbit just over two weeks after I'd left her. She had learned all that she could from Vigil, but the archaeological work would take decades. And she would rather be by my side. Wrex, Garrus and Tali were delighted to have her back on board, and the first night was spent in the mess in high spirits. Liara mentioned that she'd seen my interview and thought it had gone well. Then she added that she loved the words that I'd had to say about her.


The reason I wanted to pick up Liara is what came next. I'd never been to Thessia when the Normandy flew into Armali, one of their capital cities. Kira, Benezia and Lady Tessia were also on board as we docked at the central skyport.


Benezia was holding my hand ever so tightly when we stepped through the airlock to be greeted by an assembly of leaders. I could see the slight surprise that we arrived with Kira and Lady Tessia. Seeing Benezia gripping my hand tightly, every single face softened as the entire group stepped forward.


"Commander Shepard. You honour us with your presence on Thessia. I am Lady Navera. I am the leader of the Armali Council." She looked at Kira and immediately half-bowed. "Councillor Tevos, you also honour us with your presence here today."


"Thank you, Councillor. I am here in support of Commander Shepard and also for Lady Benezia."


"Lady Benezia… What brings you back to Thessia?"


Benezia stood tall next to me though did not relinquish her grip on my hand. I could feel her nerves. She tried to speak more than once. On the third time, this beautiful and brave asari choked back a sob. I pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly.


"She feels immense sorrow for everything," I told the assembled audience, "She will throw herself at your feet in hope of being shown mercy for the mistakes that she has made. She has endured much to be before you this day. My personal hope is that you can show the wisdom and patience that all asari have shown in dealing with Lady Benezia."


I didn't miss the shared glances between all the asari.


"Commander Shepard, would you be willing to release Lady Benezia into my care?" Navera asked.


"We've had her under house arrest on the Citadel. I wasn't sure what you would do with her here."


"I am aware that Lady Benezia still holds numerous residences on Thessia. The idea I have is that she would remain under house arrest here while we deal with whatever charges that might be brought against her." Benezia tightened her grip on me, drawing strength and courage from my body. "Naturally, we would ask that she meld so we can learn the truth of the situation. We would then deliberate before making a decision. At best, she may experience house arrest and confiscation of property and other material wealth. At worst… Exile."


That's when Benezia sobbed into my shoulder. I caressed her back as I knew it was now far too real for her. Tessia walked over and took Benezia from my arms, hugging her tightly.


"Councillor Navera, may I ask that you release her into my care? I will take her to my residence. You may post guards at my residence for as long as you deem fit. I will represent Lady Benezia once she has been charged."


I knew how respected Tessia was by the fact all the asari half-bowed to her. "As you wish, Lady Tessia. Lady Benezia, you are under arrest though we will not embarrass you as one might expect. What we do wish is to monitor your location. Do you agree to that circumstance?"


"Yes. I will agree."




Before they were about to leave, Liara had watched everything in silence before she cried out, "Mother!" She quickly closed the gap to Benezia and the embrace the pair shared… I knew they were both crying. It was enough that a few of the asari watching needed to dry their eyes.


"I love you, Little Wing," Benezia whispered as I walked towards the pair.


Liara could barely get anything out before Benezia let her go and walked towards the nearby transport with as much dignity as she could muster. Liara turned to me and fell apart against my chest, sobbing heavily as I hugged her. Tessia met my eyes, and I could see that she was upset as well. I'd long figured out how close she'd been to Benezia for centuries.


Suffice to say, Liara needed to make love constantly that night. When she was cuddled against me as the time approached midnight, she whispered, "I love you, Shepard."


"I love you, Liara."


I didn't know that would make her cry so hard. The next kiss we shared… Wow… I would never doubt the words expressed, but that single kiss told me exactly how she felt. Then she asked to meld and as we did, I was absolutely floored by the strength of her feelings for me. The hopes and dreams she had for us in the future. Everything she wanted… Including little asari children. That's when I knew she was blushing in bed with me later that night.


The next couple of weeks were spent traversing the galaxy as we took care of issues. Garrus was after someone by the name of Doctor Saleon. We tracked the salarian doctor to the Herschel System in the Kepler Verge cluster. I knew that Garrus wanted to deal with this issue in one way only. When we had the doctor in our sights, I got involved as Garrus made sure to deal with the salarian definitively. He thanked me from the heart once we were back on the Normandy.


"I have no reason to go back to C-Sec, Commander. I wish to remain in your service."


"You're not in my service, Garrus. You're here of your own free will." I rested a hand on his shoulder. "You're a fine soldier. I couldn't have done this without you."


He looked at me with pride. "Thank you, Commander."


Wrex had been in search of his family armour for decades as it passed from one collector to the other. It had been taken from the family home by turians after the Krogan Rebellions. We ended up on the rather barren world of Tuntau in the hopes that we would finally find it. During the mission to locate it only Wrex and I were on the ground as he wanted to handle it personally with me.


"You've proven to be a great friend, Shepard," he told me as I piloted the shuttle to our destination.


"I don't know the full story of everything that happened, Wrex, but I cannot deny how effective you've been as a companion during all of this."


"You humans are something else, Shepard. Once you put your mind to it, you won't let anything stop you. The asari play the long game. You humans play the short. I think it confuses the hell out of the turians."


"I think they're so regimented that they can't think creatively."


"They have a collective stick up their arse is their problem."


The facility we arrived at was guarded though I could see there was consternation at the fact it was only a human and krogan that walked out of the shuttle. Walking towards the two guards, we stopped as they shuffled uncertainly.


"Tell whoever is in charge that Commander Shepard, Council Spectre, and Urdnot Wrex are here to negotiate the change of collectors' items that are inside."


I was amused at how quickly one of them talked to those inside. We strolled inside after a couple of minutes, noticing the cameras watching us and the guards on patrol. We were armed though were not carrying any weapons as we continued until we arrived in an office. A lone man sat behind the desk and he looked at us with amusement.


"Urdnot Wrex. Well, I must say this is a surprise. I've had your family's ceremonial armour for the past couple of decades, yet it's only now you're here." He then looked at me. "And you bring with you our only Council spectre. You have interesting friends, Commander."


"Give me the armour and we'll leave without killing you and all your guards."


"Wrex, you do not have the advantage here. All I need do is push this button…"


Wrex took out his shotgun and fired so quickly that even I was taken aback for a brief moment. The man cried out as the arm that had been hovering over the button had disintegrated. I knew the shotgun blast would have attracted attention, taking cover behind the desk as Wrex grabbed the human and pulled him towards the nearby safe.


"Open it and you might just live. Don't and you die, and I might still open it anyway."


As some of his guards started to approach the door rather stupidly, leaving them as easy pickings for me, the as yet unnamed human did the sensible thing and opened the large safe. Wrex pushed him out of the way and looked through the contents, eventually grabbing something and pulling it out. I chanced a glance to see what looked like ancient armour. Gunfire grabbed my attention, leaving a pair of three-bullet bursts in the chest of two more guards.


I didn't expect to hear him laughing. "What an absolute pile of shit!" he exclaimed But as he moved into cover behind the desk as I shot at another couple of guards, he shot at one himself before he added, "I won't forget this, Shepard. I owe you. I owe you more than once, to be honest."


"Heading back to Tuchanka?"


"I'll hang around until you help Tali. After that… Yes, I should probably think about it. I've been away long enough."


We left the office and worked in tandem. I didn't particularly see the need to kill all the guards, particularly when we shouted more than once that their boss was dead and resistance was futile. But they were idiots, like a lot of guards, so we ended up leaving a trail of bodies behind us before we finally walked outside and back towards the shuttle.


Back on the Normandy, Wrex wanted to enjoy a few drinks that evening in celebration. He stood up more than once and saluted the crew before he fell silent though I did notice how he cuddled with Tali. I knew how much he adored her.


"Are you okay, Wrex?" Tali asked.


"I'm sad, little one. I must go home, but there's a part of me that wants to stay. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed the company of people. Good people. People that I respect. And maybe one or two charming women that make my heart beat that little faster."


Tali cuddled into the big krogan. "I'll miss you too," she said softly.


I honestly think Wrex had a tear in his eye for a moment as his arm tightened around Tali. "But duty calls and I've put it aside for far too long now. I have no idea what the situation is like on the ground, but it's been centuries."


"What set this off?" Liara wondered.


"What we found on Virmire. Saren's supposed cure. What we need is a real cure. But we won't get that until we unite and then prove we're no longer a menace."


I already knew about the enormous geth presence in the Armstrong Cluster of the Skylian Verge. More than one fleet from the Council species had been scouting the region. They knew that sending in fleets would set off a full-scale war with the geth. It was likely that these were remnants of the geth forces that had assisted Saren. I knew we had to deal with them.


Admiral Hackett contacted me in the days before we had retrieved Wrex's armour. He informed me about the geth presence and asked if I was willing and able to take care of it.


"I'm aware of the presence of the quarian on board. Tali'Zorah. Her expertise… I have a feeling her abilities alone are worth a squad of soldiers."


"You'll be sort of right there, sir. I'm in the middle of an assignment but I can head there immediately afterwards."


"As soon as you can, Commander. We are simply uncertain as to the intentions of the geth since Saren's defeat. We would prefer that we either push back or eliminate the presence of geth in any space that is not considered their own."


"I agree completely, sir. I'll report in once the job is done."


I was amused that Tali knocked on our cabin door on the night before we would arrive in the Armstrong Cluster and get to work. Liara rose to meet her, no shame in her nudity, and took Tali by the hand and led her towards our bed. It was obvious that Tali was nervous as she climbed up to the bed. Without a word, she lay down on the opposing side of Liara and cuddled into my side.


"Shepard… If we find something… Anything…"


I turned my head and tipped her head, so she met my eyes. "You don't even have to ask, Tali. I remember your Pilgrimage. If we find anything, I'll make a copy, but you will get whatever you need to take back to your people."


"Want to watch us make love, Tali?" Liara wondered.


"I'd love to. I had so much fun on the Citadel after we defeated Saren. Watching Shepard with all his lovers…"


"Arousing?" Tali teased.


"Yes… And I was sad because…"


I immediately hugged Tali even tighter, Liara moving to hug her from behind. "We'll figure it out together," Liara promised, "When you go back to the Fleet, ask whoever you can about making love without a suit. I'll see what I can find out. Do you want your first to be Shepard?"


"Keelah… More than anything… I know he'll be so gentle with me… Liara… I have a really tight pussy…"


"You're a virgin like I was. He'll be ever so gentle with you. Can I be there as well?"


"I'd love it if you could."


"What do you think, Shepard?"


"I'd love to see your face in the future, Tali. If it's anything like your personality and character, you are sure to be absolutely beautiful."


Tali wasn't ashamed about needing to cry, finding comfort from both me and Liara as we cuddled her. Any idea of sex disappeared as Tali cried and soon drifted off, her body as tight to mine as possible.


"Another reason to love you, Shepard," Liara whispered, "This girl has crushed on you for so long. And I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it is to experience all these feelings but feel trapped."


The next few days were intense as we dealt with the geth presence. Losing Kaidan had been difficult regarding our tactics. Losing Ashley only made things even more difficult. Our one major advantage was Tali. I would have worried that her hatred of the geth would have made her overconfident. But she was ever cautious against them and never put herself or the squad in danger.


We found that the geth had dug in on each planet we landed on. It was obvious that they were not going to retreat, but from what I could see, they were not planning on launching any raids either. They were in a purely defensive frame of mind. But even I knew that leaving geth to do what they wanted would only spell danger for the galaxy.


Remaining methodical in our approach, the geth barely seemed to change their tactics as we moved from one world to the other. Tali's tech attacks caused havoc each time. Although he still worked primarily as a sniper, Garrus had his own tech abilities. Nothing like Tali, but he could at least assist. Geth were always susceptible to biotics and Liara almost giggled with glee as she sent geth flying. As for me and Wrex, we gave the geth the old one-two most of the time.


Four outposts were eliminated yet it felt that it wasn't over yet. Each outpost had been well-defended, but I was expecting something more. As we flew the shuttle back to the Normandy and boarded it, I was questioning whether that was it when Joker called me up to the flight deck. He was at his controls as usual, his fingers flying over numerous holographic screens.


"What's up, Joker?" I asked.


"Once you took out that base below, Commander, a nearby system lit up like a Christmas tree. Grissom System… I think we're going to find the main base of operations for the geth there."


"Take us there immediately, Joker. We're pushing them out of this system once and for all."


Taking the shuttle to the surface the next day, Tali sensed that this was it. Once we defeated the geth forces, surely there would be something worthy to take home. We'd gathered a tremendous amount of data already, but Tali wanted something so magnificent that it would only guarantee the choice of the ship she wanted.


The geth knew we were coming. It was their last stand before their presence had been eliminated entirely. They threw everything at us once we hit them. I had the Normandy make a bombing run along their defensive lines. It made our lives easier as we approached the entrance to their base. It was within that they made their final stand. But they didn't stand a chance. We might have only been five, but we were five experienced fighters not willing to take a backward step. And to be honest, I think we all had a burning hatred for the geth after all they'd done around the galaxy.


We infiltrated their base and made short work of the final defenders. Once the final few geth hit the ground, we began our search for information. Tali was the best to look as she had an idea of how geth technology worked though she admitted they had advanced considerably in the decades since the geth had nearly exterminated her people.


What none of us expected was to hear music start to play and a beautiful voice echo in the violence. Tali immediately started to cry, walking over to sit next to her as she turned to cuddle into my side. I couldn't understand the language though I assumed Tali understood it. We all stood by her as we listened to the tune. There was no missing the mournful tone.


"What was it?" I asked.


"Ancient Keelish. A lament to the loss of our home world. Rannoch. I've never seen our home world, Shepard. I don't know if I ever will."


Once she settled down, she got to work on hacking further into their network and there was no doubt that she found a treasure trove of information. She looked at me and I figured she was waiting for permission. I took her hand and smiled at her.


"Take whatever you need, Tali. I know how important it is. Just send me a copy and I'll send it back to the Alliance and Council so they can do their own research."


As we were on the other side of the galaxy, I asked Joker to take us to Feros before we returned to the Citadel. The colonists were delighted to see us. Shiala was definitely pleased to see me, and even Liara was chuckling as Benezia's former acolyte did her best to monopolise my time during our visit. And during the evening, I had the pleasure of two asari in my bed although I didn't miss that Liara made sure that my cock spent more time in Shiala than herself. What turned me on considerably was watching Shiala and Liara going down on each other while I was buried in either of them.


I'll admit that it was a fleeting visit and that I didn't want to leave so quickly, but I knew that I had a job to do and others that needed to go home. Seeing me off at the docks, even Liara gave us privacy as Shiala and I shared one last passionate kiss.


"Next time, Shepard. I have more work to do here. Next time, I'm coming with you. You'll have two asari… I would give an oath if that was necessary."


"That won't be, though I'd appreciate the sentiment behind it."


"You've made a real habit of rescuing people, Shepard. And since making love that first time, I've spent most nights here alone… Thinking of you every night…"


I hugged her tightly and I knew she was smiling as she hugged me back. "Let me know when you want to leave and I'd love it if you joined me, Shiala."


We were on our way back to the Citadel with Liara cuddled into my side when she kissed my cheek. "She loves you, you know…"




"Don't act silly, Shepard. You know who I mean."


"I would say that she barely knows me, but I guess after melding…"


"If she does eventually join us, then it'll just be like when Ashley was with us. Although… I think you'd enjoy watching the shows that I'll put on with Shiala."


I was sad to be saying goodbye to Wrex and Tali as they had been wonderful companions. Wrex knew that getting home to Tuchanka would be difficult, but while he could eventually get home in the end, krogan were not allowed to leave their home world. The entire system was considered a demilitarised zone with a turian fleet patrolling both Tuchanka and the nearby mass relay.


Tali was leaving on the same date though on a different flight through at least a couple of planets. Quarians would usually communicate with each other to organise shuttles that would take them to the Migrant Fleet together. My companions wished her farewell first before she leapt onto me, feeling her arms and legs wrap around me. She wasn't crying this time though I felt incredibly sad to be losing her. Not only her talents, just the fact she was a wonderful young woman. The Normandy would feel emptier without her.


After their departure, I spent a couple of days in the company of Kira and Naira, the latter having permission from Sha'ira to leave the Consorts Chambers whenever I was on the Citadel. Liara spent most of her time with us as her mind to sharing the love was increasing with every day that passed. It was a relaxing couple of days and although I was ready to head off, I was wondering what to do next.


It was on my third day back on the Citadel that I was summoned to face the Council. It wasn't a surprise as I knew they would always have work for me. Kira never discussed work when I was in private with her. We only enjoyed each other's company and forgot about everything else when we were in her apartment.


"Commander, we have word of further geth incursions in the Omega Nebula Cluster. The reports are bad enough that we believe sending our best Spectre is the only course of action," Sparatus stated.


I almost smiled at the words 'best Spectre'. "Any idea what they want?" I had to ask, "We've eliminated most of their operations. They must be desperate if they're still attacking us."


"The geth are unknowable, Commander," Valern replied, "But given your experience in dealing with the threat, we know you are the best person to send to deal with them."


I almost suggested that they should have talked to me a few days before when Tali was still part of our team. But I imagined that the geth presence surely couldn't be that large. After a few more questions about what I should expect to face in addition to any other matters of business, I knew that I'd spend one more night with Kira and Naira, and I knew Liara couldn't be ignored and left out.


It was a wonderful night that I spent with three asari that I knew I loved. I'll admit that keeping three asari happy all at once wasn't easy, but I did my best. Kira loved wrapping her arms and legs around me while I gently thrust into her. Naira loved nothing more than having me lie back so she could bounce up and down on my cock. As for Liara… Well, she showed off by putting on shows for me. Then she would take my cock in her mouth before I slid it inside her pussy and filled her up a few minutes later. She'd tease me about making sure that we would have babies rather quickly. I knew that she likely wouldn't start having children until her matron years, but it was lovely to think about. I hadn't given starting a family any thought until I met my asari lovers.


We didn't leave the Citadel with any fanfare as it was simply another mission. We spent a few days scouting the region that I was sent to and found absolutely nothing. No sign of any geth. No sign of any attacks. Absolutely nothing as to why I'd be sent on a wild goose chase.


Although I was elsewhere in the ship, I was always patched into the ship's communications. We were running silent. I chuckled to myself as Pressly groused about searching for a needle in a haystack. He brought levity to many situations. A hardened veteran who didn't take shit but had a good heart.


"Three ships have disappeared here in the past month. Something happened to them," Joker stated.


"My money's on slavers. The Terminus System is crawling with them," Pressly suggested.


Everything was silent for a while as everyone carried on with their jobs. Then I heard something which even had me raising my head.


"Picking up something on long-range scanner. Unidentified vessel. Looks like a cruiser."


I could hear Joker's suspicion when he replied, "Doesn't match any known signatures."


I was immediately moving as I would rather be ready for action and on the front foot. And I was glad I did as I knew the next words meant a world of trouble.


"Cruiser is changing course. Now on intercept trajectory."


"Can't be!" Pressly exclaimed, "Stealth systems are engaged. There's no way a geth ship could…"


"Because it's not the bloody geth," I said to myself as I slid into my armour. Whoever it was, they were coming. And I was going to be ready. Liara seemed to read my thoughts at times even if we were in different areas of the ship. She slid into her armour before turning to me. We shared a passionate kiss.


"I love you," I whispered. Those three words always earned a smile.


"I love you," she whispered back.


"It's not the geth!" I heard Joker state, "Everyone brace for evasive manoeuvres!"


The ship bucked wildly as whoever was shooting at us proved accurate. Far too accurate for a ship that should have been invisible. Liara was almost thrown from her feet as I heard Joker immediately reporting in the damage. The ship firing at us tore through our shields far too easily. The ship was breached and we immediately lost our chance to fire back as our weapons were offline.


The ship fired again and again. There was an emergency panel by the sleeping pods where I could at least launch a beacon. When the third shot hit the ship, I knew we were dead in the water. I heard the drive core failing underneath my feet. I managed to get a few emergency systems going but nowhere near enough to save the ship. All I could do now was save as many as I could.


"Shepard!" Liara called, glancing back to see fires were everywhere.


"Get everyone to the pods, Liara."


"Will they get here in time?"


I glanced back at the panel. I knew the real answer. We were fucked. The Alliance wouldn't get here for at least a day. We were not going to last another ten minutes.


"I'm not leaving, Shepard," Liara stated, "And Joker is still in the cockpit."


I turned back to look at her as I grabbed an extinguisher. A futile attempt but better than nothing. Maybe… Just maybe… "Liara. Go."




"Get everyone out now. Go, Liara." She didn't move. "Go!'


She met my eyes behind the helmet. "I love you," she whispered before she turned around and disappeared.


I heard the drive core failing completely as I made my way upstairs. I heard Joker calling in a 'mayday' but I knew it was a wasted effort. The Alliance might hear us but they wouldn't be saving us. I managed to make my way to the flight deck and found the roof had been torn away. I switched my boots to magnetic to make my way forward.


Somehow, the cockpit was still intact, and I saw Joker still at the controls. I sighed as I understood. I knew how he felt. This was my ship, and I could only look around and think that a captain always went down with the ship.


But not today. Or that was my hope.


"Joker…" I said softly as I joined him in the cockpit.


"I can save her, Shepard."


"Joker, it's done. Look behind you. It's over. And it's not worth dying for."


He looked behind and saw the destruction. I could see his eyes glistening as he loved the ship as much as I did. He looked up and nodded. "Help me up, sir."


I gently grasped his forearm as he stood up. Further shots almost sent us onto our arses. I managed to get Joker safely into an escape pod when another shot sent me flying backwards. Without anything to secure me to the ground, I was left floating in air. I managed to get over to the button that sent the escape pod Joker was in away from the ship.


Then a final shot tore the Normandy to pieces, and I was sent flying out into space itself. In the silence, I couldn't help myself marvelling at the sheer majesty and expanse of space itself. Most of the time, we simply didn't take the time to stop and take notice. For a moment, I thought I had a chance of surviving. That ended when a large piece of the ship nearly collided with me and an airline came loose because of it.


I have no idea what happened after I passed out. I could only hope that they found enough to give me a nice funeral. And I was going to miss a lot of people if there was an afterlife.