Charlotte wailed like a child throwing a tantrum as she held her bloody nose, while Maya stared down at her like a cold queen.
"What just happened?" Dalton blinks his eyes, puzzled. He stared at Maya in awe. It's as if she is a completely different woman. He has never seen her physically hurt anyone. The punch is berserk. The spitfire flickering in her eyes was hypnotic. Her stone-cold face is intimidating.
And he is not going to lie: her sudden fiery behavior is turning him on.
"She has broken my nose!" Charlotte shrieks like a banshee, forcing Dalton to cover his ears.
"Dalton, look what she did! Your girlfriend is insane!" Charlotte ran to Dalton, arms wide open, expecting a consoling hug, but Dalton took a step back, and she stumbled and fell on her ass.
She burst out crying like a child.
"Christ, she is such a crybaby." Aiden cringed, he was standing in a corner with the twins. "You are a grown woman; get your ass off the floor!"