The masterful crafting of Eiker fascinated everyone except Nil who had seen it a million times already.
"Wow, who knew rune crafting was such a delicate process!" Nyssa commented as she got a little too close almost bumping into Eiker.
"Yea that's what I said when I first saw him work," Doric responded nudging her out of the way carefully.
"How can you write so small? Does the magnifying glasses really let you work with all that detail?" Skia wondered as she tried on a second pair of glasses. She took them off right away after surprising herself with how close she was looking at the floor.
"It takes a lot of patience and a steady hand. These glasses help quite a bit with making sure that each stroke of the quill meets it mark. I am almost done with the second dagger. Once I finish that let me take a crack at that crossbow of your Nil. It looks like it could use some love." Eiker exhaled a chuckle as he finished the dagger.