The night was surprisingly peaceful for the group. That did not stop all but Nil from getting a good night's sleep. All three of the newbie spelunkers stayed up most of the night preparing for an assault that never came. When Nil awoke from his slumber he saw Nyssa and Skia on watch.
"Did no one wake me for my watch?" He asked a bit groggy from the excess sleep he received.
"No, we had it covered," Nyssa said quickly almost mumbling from the sleep deprivation and high stress she felt all night.
"Nothing showed up all night. We were really lucky this time." Skia mentioned, she also looked really worn out. Her eyes were slightly bloodshot and her hand shaking a bit from the constant adrenaline.
"It was like we were invisible to everything, or they just did not come this way last night," Doric mentioned. He looked normal but then again he was also a floating flaming skull so it was hard to tell when he was exhausted.