Chereads / I'll be with you, every moment / Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: A wolf in sheep's clotheing

Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: A wolf in sheep's clotheing

They arrived at the bar. They parked their cars in the parking lot. This time there were a lot of people at the bar. Tim had reserved a table for them and took them straight there. The waiter brought the menu and they selected drinks. They were having a great time. Midterms were over and they had nothing else to worry about.

The last time they were at the bar, it was boring because it was just them, but this time there was a more lively atmosphere.

The bar door opened and three customers entered. Tim saw it and immediately stood up from his chair.

Tim: "Whatever happens, don't interfere. Especially you, Willy"

What the hell is going on? Does he know them? Why shouldn't I intervene? Willy thought.

Tim immediately went to them.

Tim: "Oh, you dare to see me after so long, Connor?"

Connor didn't say anything and punched him straight in the face.

Seeing this, Willy and the others stood up. Tim gestured with his hand for them not to interfere.

Tim: "Interesting. Is this a new greeting?"

Connor: "You fucking bastard. How dare you be here and have fun?! I told you to get out of here. No one can save you now."

Tim laughed at his words.

Tim: "Do you think I'm afraid of you? You haven't changed at all, you're still as stupid as you were as a child. There is one positive side to being stupid, that's why you're still alive. Smart people die early, Theo, Vincent, and Damian are examples of this."

Connor punched him in the face again.

Connor: "Aren't you ashamed to say their names? You should have died instead of them."

Tim started laughing.

Tim: "You're not the first person to tell me this, but it's not my fault that I'm too smart and not as stupid as you."

Connor became even more angry at Tim's response. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at Tim.

Seeing this, Willy tried to go to Tim, but the others stopped him. 

Tim couldn't hold back his laughter.

Everyone was looking at him in amazement. They couldn't understand what was happening.

Tim: "Just a minute.... I'm trying not to laugh, but I can't.... How can a person be so stupid? Hahahahahahah"

Connor: "Why are you laughing?"

Tim: "If you're going to shoot me, aim for my forehead or my heart. But don't miss it, because you won't get a second chance."

What is he saying? Is he crazy? There was a whisper in the bar.

Willy: "Tim, what are you saying? You can't see him pointing the gun at you, so don't try to anger him."

Connor: "Oh, your friends are worried about you, but do they know you're a fucking murderer?"

A murderer? Is this true? People in the bar were whispering to each other.

Tim: "Let me think about it. No."

Connor: "So I have to tell them everything about you."

Tim: "Start telling the story from the beginning."

Connor tried to approach them, but Tim blocked his path.

Connor: "Okay, I'll tell you the truth from here.... This bastard killed his brother, uncle, and cousin. He probably killed a lot of people after that."

Tim: "I won't say anything about my brother and cousin, but your father was definitely worth killing. Do you know what his last words were? "You? It's impossible." You should have seen the fear and surprise on his face. I will never forget."

Connor: "Stop talking!"

He pointed the gun at his forehead.

Tim: "Why don't you want to hear these stories? That's what you're here for. Oh, I completely forgot. Tell your friend that there's no point in filming all this. You still can't use it to arrest me, and the judge won't accept it as evidence either. 

How forgetful I am. I forgot to introduce my friends. Say hello to them."

People sitting at tables stood up and pointed their guns at Connor and his friends. There would be at least twenty or twenty-five armed people in the bar.

Connor and his friends were scared.

Tim: "You really are stupid. Did you think you could just walk into my bar and point a gun at me and I wouldn't do anything? I knew you were watching me all this time, I knew you would be here today, and I know all about your plans. You have a real gun, but you don't know how to shoot hahahaha. Ten points for bravery, for daring to come to me. Minus a thousand for the plan. Too bad, your plan failed. I'm letting you know that you failed the test, try again later. If you want to kill me, don't be such a fool. If you want, I can share some tips with you."

Connor: "Have you finished your speech? Do you think I had this plan alone?"

Tim: "What time is it?"

One of Tim's people: "It's half past eight."

Tim was happy.

Tim: "New people will be joining the party in five minutes. Isn't that right, Connor?"

Connor was speechless, unable to say anything.

Tim: "Do you know what's going to happen in five minutes? I'm offering you two choices, the first - never bother me again, the second - I'll send you to prison. You decide which one you prefer."

Connor: "First. Because they're here to arrest you, not me."

Tim laughed again.

Tim: "You really are stupid. They can't arrest me because they don't have evidence. You'll be caught easily. Wave your hand at the cameras that were recording everything. It's a public place, my bar, and these cameras are installed for security purposes. I'll explain it to you simply. I can sue you for assault because you threatened me with a gun and beat me. I have proof with your help and of course my cameras."

Connor: "You little fuc...."

Tim: "Are you wondering if my people will be caught? The answer is no, because my bodyguards protected me from you. Do you still have the same answer, or have you changed your mind?"

Tim sat down there and happily looked at the clock.

Tim: "Time flies, Connor. Tick tock."

He pointed to the clock and waited for his decision.

Connor: "I'm not changing my decision. You will definitely be caught."

Tim kept his eyes on the clock.

Tim: "3, 2, 1...."

The door opened and the police entered the bar.

Tim: "They arrived on time..."

He came to greet them.

Tim: "Oh, hello, investigator. How many years has it been? Did you catch the culprit? If you had, you wouldn't be here. You must have missed me."

Investigator: "Enough joking. A complaint has been filed against you, and that's what we're here for. We need to search your bar."

Tim: "Do you have a search warrant?"

The investigator did not answer anything.

Tim: "So you don't have a search warrant? You know better than I do that you have no right to come in here. Bring me the search warrant and then do whatever you want."

The investigator and the police officers were about to leave.

Connor: "Wait, aren't you going to arrest him?"

Tim: "Investigator, I will answer for you. They have no evidence, if they arrest me now, they would have to release me within 48 hours. They don't have a search warrant and they won't get one, so they're not taking the risk of arresting me. Also, they are afraid of my lawyers. Isn't that right, investigator?"

He was right, they couldn't arrest him.

Tim: "Wait, I know you don't want to see my lawyers, but they will come to the police station today."

Tim looked at Connor.

Connor: "My friends and I are leaving. We don't want to get into any trouble."

Tim: "That's a shame, I thought you were going for a ride in a police car."

Connor and his friends left immediately.

Tim: "It's really sad. We'll meet again, investigator, but now I have to leave you. I have to call my lawyers."

Investigator: "We will meet again. Trust me, you won't be that happy."

Tim: "Oh, I'm scared. You tell me that every time we meet, but I'm always happy."

The investigator left with the police officers. Tim immediately returned to Willy and his friends.

Tim: "I'm sorry for getting you into all this, I had no other choice."

Al: "What the fuck was that?"

Seb: "Is what he said true?"

Logan: "Are you okay?"

Everyone was talking together. It was no wonder, because they were scared.

Ethan: "Tim? Tim Grant? Are you the Tim I knew as a child?"

Tim: "I'm fine, I'm used to all this. Are you okay? Ethan, yes, it's me, your childhood friend."

Ethan: "Why didn't you tell me before?"

Tim: "I thought you would be scared."

Ethan: "You're stupid. Why would I be scared? You're my best friend and I know you well."

Willy was quiet and said nothing. Tim is most interested in what Willy thinks, but he is afraid of his answer.