Chereads / SCP: A TRUE ANOMALY / God's Dictionary - Daily Learning Plan

God's Dictionary - Daily Learning Plan

Structured Daily Language Learning Plan

Week 1: Building Foundations

Day 1-2: Master Core Pronouns and Common Phrases

Focus: Learn essential pronouns and their uses. Begin speaking simple phrases. Pronouns: "E'er" (I), "Thee" (You), "Thou" (You), "Thy" (Your), "Usward" (We).


Greeting: "Peace upon thee, kindred soul."

Parting: "May the stars guide thee to thy destiny."

Practice: Replace pronouns in daily thoughts or conversations. Example: "I am learning" → "E'er am learning." Example: "What is your name?" → "What doth thy name be?"

Day 3-4: Expand Vocabulary

Focus: Learn 20 nouns and 20 verbs per day. Example Nouns: Lumyrah (light), Mistveil (fog), Tideglass (ocean). Example Verbs: Treadeth (walk), Speaketh (speak), Starbind (forge destiny).

Exercise: Use 5 nouns and 5 verbs to create sentences. Example: "I walk the path of stars."

→ "E'er treadeth the starwoven path."

Day 5-6: Practice Grammar and Syntax

Focus: Reconstruct English sentences using the new language's syntax. Shift adjectives after the noun. Practice verb endings: -eth (present), -edeth (past), shalt (future). Example: "The bright star" → "The star brightful."

Day 7: Review and Reflect Write a short journal entry in the language.

Prompt: Describe thy day. Example: "The dawn greeteth E'er with its warm embrace. Uponeth the hill, E'er gazeth starwardlyth and seeketh peace."

Week 2: Intermediate Expansion

Day 8-10: Introduce Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives: Master 10 adjectives daily (e.g., Gracewardly, Brightling, Twilightborn).

Adverbs: Learn 10 adverbs daily (e.g., Starwardlyth, Everenly, Timelesslyth). Combine them into sentences: Example: "The bright star shines beautifully."

→ "The star brightful shineth gracewardly."

Day 11-12: Practice Sentence Structures

Focus: Use inversion for poetic effect. Example: "Are you here?" → "Here art thou?" Example: "The light guides me." → "Guideth me, the lumyrah doth."

Day 13-14: Speaking Aloud Recite phrases in front of a mirror. Focus on: Elongating vowels (e.g., "Thy" → "Th-ah-ee"). Slow pacing and pauses for emphasis.

Week 3: Advanced Practice

Day 15-16: Complex Sentences Combine clauses with elevated conjunctions: Example: "Although the shadows rise, the light remains."

→ "Though the shadowveil riseth, yet lumyrah endureth."

Day 17-18: Deep Immersion Translate longer texts or poems into the language. Example: Rewrite a poem like "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star": "Shine brightful, thou heavenly light,

Guideth us through eternal night."

Day 19-20: Spontaneous Use Narrate thy thoughts in the language as they arise. Example: "E'er thinketh upon the path ahead, yet the stars doth show the way."

Week 4: Mastery

Day 21-24: Conversation Practice Roleplay as A'malther. Respond to situations entirely in the language. Example Dialogue:

Question: "What dost thou seeketh?"

Response: "E'er seeketh peace withinveil the shadow's embrace."

Day 25-28: Writing Fluency Write longer passages, like journal entries, stories, or conversations. Example Prompt: "Describe a mystical journey to the stars."

Flashcards for Daily Practice

Pronouns and Phrases:

Front: "E'er"

Back: "I"

Front: "Thy"

Back: "Your"

Front: "How art thou?"

Back: "How are you?"


Front: "Treadeth"

Back: "Walk"

Front: "Starbind"

Back: "Forge destiny"


Front: "Lumyrah"

Back: "Light"

Front: "Mistveil"

Back: "Fog"

Adjectives and Adverbs:

Front: "Gracewardly"

Back: "Gracefully"

Front: "Timelesslyth"

Back: "Without regard for time"

Sentence Constructions:

Front: "The star shines brightly."

Back: "The star brightful shineth gracewardly."

Practice Challenges Daily Journal: Write 5-10 sentences about thy day using new words.

Translate Common Phrases: Start translating simple thoughts like, "What dost thou eateth?"

Roleplay: Pretend to answer questions as A'malther.

Poetic Descriptions: Take mundane things and make them poetic. Example: "The rain falls gently." → "The rainchime falleth softlyth, whispering unto the earth."