Chereads / Naruto, The Perfect Shinobi / Chapter 14 - CH.13 The days Proceeding The First day of the Academy

Chapter 14 - CH.13 The days Proceeding The First day of the Academy

I am back guys and girls.

Here you go, a new chapter hope you all enjoy.

I would really appreciate feedback, comments and power stones from you guys. I would really like to read all of your comment to see if I am doing well.

Please enjoy


Early in The next morning;

Tsunade and Naruto are seen eating their Breakfast. Mito has already been fed and cleaned, now she is sleeping peacefully in a cradle near by.

"What are you going to do today, Naru?" asked Tsunade breaking the peaceful silence.

"I am going to train outside for today. I thinking about training in the training grounds on the outer permitter of the village." said Naruto after a moment of thinking. 

Even though the Senju compound is larger that the Senju home in the fire capital, It isn't surrounded by endless forests like in the capital. It is surrounded by other budlings and other clans compounds making the everyday morning run inside the Senju clan compound become boring for Naruto. Running around in circles in a relatively small area compared to what he is used too became quite limiting to him.

Tsunade thought about it a little before nodding slowly before saying: "That is fine. But please take care of yourself and don't do anything reckless."

Tsunade knows that her son is very intelligent and could take care of himself, but she can't help it. What kind of mother doesn't worry about her children even if everything seems to be fine?

"Don't worry mum. I will be extra careful, so don't worry." said Naruto with a reassuring smile. He then asked: "What about you mum? what are you going to do today?"

"I will go and meet sensei to finish the procedures of your enrolment to the Ninja academy. Then I will go to the Hospital to retake my position as the head director and see what has been going on since my absence." Said Tsunade making Naruto nod.

Tsunade has been the Hospital's Head director since the Peak of the second shinobi war. After the war's end and the death of all her family and lover, Her sadness and grieve became too much for her to bear while also working at the hospital.

At the time, She asked the Sandaime to leave the village for sometime to make peace with herself which her sensei reluctantly agreed to. He also told her that her position is open to her when ever she comes back as there was no better doctor than her.

"Are you going to take Mito with you?" asked Naruto.

"No, I will leave a shadow clone to take care of her. Leaving the little cutie in the secure compound is the best option." said Tsunade with a smile warm smile.

"That sounds fine, mum. I will also leave a clone. Just in case." Said Naruto as he returned to his food. 


About 20 minutes later; in the hokage's office;

Hiruzen is seen battling his arch-nemesis, The paperwork, when he heard a knock on the door.

"Enter" said Hiruzen with a sigh of relif as he look up from his desk towards the door.

"Good morning, sensei." said Tsunade as she entered the room with a paper in her hand.

"Good morning, Tsunade. What made you come by my office?" asked Hiruzen with a small smile.

"I just came to inform you that I would be taking back my position as Head director of the hospital." said Tsunade.

"That is good news. It good to have you running the hospital again, Tsunade." said Hiruzen before he added: "Anything else?"

"Yeah, I am here to give you Naruto's application to the ninja academy." said Tsunade as she presented the paper application to Hiruzen.

"That was fast. The Academy will open its doors again in two weeks, I thought you would need sometime to encourage Naruto to enter." said Hiruzen in a slightly surprized tone as he took the paper and looked at its contents. 

"Naruto already wanted to see what the academy to offer, so when I told him that you want to enroll him, he agreed without much difficulty." said Tsunade with a shrug. 

" That is good, Tsunade. Just tell him he will have to attend in about two weeks from now." said Hiruzen making Tsunade nod.

" That is all I wanted to tell you, sensei. If you want anything, you can find me in the hospital." said Tsunade as she was leaving the room making Hiruzen nod in acknowledgment.

Meanwhile; at the edge of the village;

Naruto is warming up to go on a run around the outer edge of the village so it would be unlikely that he would meet anyone. The warm up is necessary as Naruto has recently increased the level of his resistance and gravity seals. After an intensive warm up, He started with a light jog then increased in speed gradually.

As he ran, he appreciated the scenery around him. He really appreciated the the nature around him with no negative emotions directed at him.

As he was finishing his first lap around the village, He felt a chakra signature approaching him from behind on the same path he was running on. He wasn't alarmed as he didn't feel any ill intentions in it.

After a few minutes into his second lap, A young man gradually came up running until he was running beside Naruto on his right.

"Good morning my youthful friend. Nice to see someone exercising hard in the morning and appreciating the power of youth." said the young man with a wide grin that showed a two rows of sparkling white teeth.

"Good morning to you too." said Naruto with smile thought he felt a bit awkward.

Naruto looked at the young man beside him. The young man seemed to be between 13 to 15years of age. He has a bowl cut hair with the thickest eyebrows that Naruto has ever seen. He is wearing a bright green full body jumpsuit with the leaf ninja insignia as a belt and two bright orange leg warmers that seems to cover leg weights. He is also wearing a dark green flak jacket signaling his rank as a jonin Ninja.

"Lets race my youthful friend, lets see who would run the fastest." said the young man as he increased his running speed.

Naruto was a bit perplexed, The man just made a race between them without waiting for Naruto's reply.

Naruto smile a small smile before increasing his speed to catch up to the young man. Naruto's competitive nature can't let him lose to anyone. Maybe in the end he might make his first acquaintance in the village, even thought that young man might be a bit quirky.

One hour later; in a forest clearing beside a training grounds;

The young man is seen standing while talking a couple of deep breaths. He was a bit winded form the extremely high speed run. Beside him, Naruto is laying with his back on the grass panting heavily. His body is screaming for air and rest.

'I am spent.' thought Naruto. Usually, an hour run would be a piece of cake for Naruto. But the new level of the resistance and gravity seals accompanied by the insane running speed left him exhausted. Also, Naruto is sure that the man is wearing some sort of extremely heavy weights as there is no way a jonin would be winded from an hour run. 

"That was a youthful race my friend" said the young man with a wide grin.

"Yeah.... it was..... who" Asked Naruto while panting. He still needs some lungful of air before regaining control on his breathing.

"I am Might Guy, The noble green beast of Konoha and its upmost Taijutsu expert. Nice to meet you my youthful companion." said Guy with a sparkling wide smile and a thumbs up.

Naruto was able to relax a bit and get his breathing under control. He then sat up and looked at Guy and said with a polite smile: "Nice to meet you, Guy-san. I am Naruto Senju." 

It was the first time Naruto has told his full name to a stranger. That would seem stupid from him, but his sensory abilities is telling him that Guy is as honest as a ninja could come.

"Nice to meet you too, Naruto. It is nice to meet such a youthful young fellow." said Guy with a smile.

Naruto smile back at Guy. He felt that Guy's prospective of him didn't change even though he told him his full name.

(Author note: Guy is so bad with Names that he Even forgot Madara, who almost Killed him at some point.😂😂😂😂 So it is completely normal that he doesn't know what the Senju name is. He just see Naruto as a hard working young man.)

"That run should be followed by some youthful exercises, don't you think Naruto?" said Guy with a smile.

" Yes, I think so" said Naruto. Some exercises won't be so bad.

(poor soul)

At lunch time; in the Senju compound;

Tsunade has just walked past the main gate and entered the compound. She left a shadow clone to over see the hospital in her absence. She is going to have lunch with here son and then return.

As she open the door to the main house, she was surprise to see Her son laying on the floor after the step that leads into the inside of the home.

Seeing her son like that made her panic. She rushed to his side to see what is wrong with him.

She relaxed a bit when she saw him just sleeping and breathing normally but the state of his clothing would say otherwise. His clothes were roughed up with grim, dirt and sweat covering it.

"Naru, wake up sweety. Are you ok?" said Tsunade as she shaked Naruto gently.

It took a couple of moment before Naruto opened his eyes. He said in a rough sleepy voice: "Yeah, mom. I am fine." as he slowly sat up.

He look at his mother's worried expression and then look around him. He was surprised to see that he was asleep in the house entrance.

"I have never been so exhausted." said Naruto in a rough voice is he slowly stood up making Tsunade stand with him.

"What happened Naruto?" asked Tsunade with a bit of a stern voice as she saw Naruto starting to twist his body in several places making several audible cracking sounds.

"Nothing bad happened mum. Just met a training maniac." said Naruto with a chuckle.

"So, You are telling me that you are in this miserable shape because you trained with someone?" asked Tsunade in a bewildered tone.

"Yeah. His name is Might Guy. I thought that I trained hard, I was wrong. That guy is on a whole other level." said Naruto with a chuckle.

"Even though the Training is very intense. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I will have my physical training with him from now on." said Naruto with a small smile.

Tsunade sigh. She heard about Guy before but never met him in person. Now that Naruto met him, Naruto's competitive Nature won't let him be outpaced By Guy.

"Just take care and don't over do it. when I saw you laying on the ground, you almost made my heart stop." said Tsunade in a scolding tone. 

"Sorry mom, I overdid it a bit trying to keep up with Guy-san. I will make sure that I won't burn out like this again." said Naruto in an embarrassed tone while scratching the back of his head.

He remembers finishing the training with Guy and dragging his exhausted body back home. He was able to enter his home before blacking out of exhaustion. 

"You better. Now, go and take a bath while I prepare lunch." said Tsunade with a hand on her hip and the other pointing at the bathroom door.

"Yes, Ma'am" said Naruto as he gave his mother a mock salute before going toward to the bathroom making his mother smile.

Tsunade is quite relieved that her son had made a somewhat of a friend/sensei. She thought that after what happened to him, he would close himself off from interacting with anybody new.

"Naruto" called out Tsunade as she remembered that she needed to tell him something.

"Yes, mum?" replied Naruto with his head peaking out he bathroom door as he was about to close it. 

"Sensei said the Academy will reopen in two weeks. So be ready." said Tsunade.

"Ok, mum. Thanks for telling me." said Naruto before closing the door.

About two weeks later; about 8 in the morning;

Naruto is standing in front of the Ninja Academy with his mother by his side. Today is going to be his first day in the academy. The academy was already running before the Kyuubi attack. But the magnitude of the attack's devastation forced the academy to close for about a month.

In Naruto's hand was an enrolment letter, written by Hiruzen, and his mother was carrying a copy of his application slip which Hiruzen is keeping the original of.

What is interesting is that in the application slip his Name his written as Naruto Senju but in the enrolment letter he was referred to as Naruto Uzumaki.

This is something Hiruzen, Tsunade and Naruto agreed upon. Naruto's status as the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki is already leaked, though not verified to the masses and other villages. So to keep Naruto safe and until he is strong enough he is known as Naruto Senju in official documents and to those he trusts. But to everyone else he is known as Naruto Uzumaki. 

"Go on now Naruto. I will meet you here at the end of the day." said Tsunade to Naruto with a smile.

Naruto nodded and smile back at his mother while saying: "See you later, Mum." before walking towards that entrance of the academy.

As Naruto enter the academy, he found the reception desk empty so he walked towards his assigned class while recounting what has happened the past two weeks.

His studies and most of his training stayed the same with some visits to the hospital with his mother to train and increase his experience in the medical field. He also met and got to know his mother's student Shizune who adored him very much.

The highlights of those two weeks were his early morning physical training with Guy.

Naruto trained with Guy every morning and after a week Naruto started to call him Guy-sensei which Guy appreciated very much making him shed manly tears.

Guy even gave him a jumpsuit identical to his which Naruto received as a sign of respect but never wore. Naruto didn't want to wear that thing at all. Even the Kyuubi threatened to kill him if he wore it.

Naruto have also invited Guy to eat in Ichiraku Ramen several times out of appreciation as Guy was never asked or required to train Naruto.

Naruto's line of thoughts was broken when he reached in front of his assigned class. He knocked on the door and waited for a bit.

After a couple of seconds, a chunin teacher open the door. His eyes widened when he saw Naruto.

Naruto could feel the hatred and fear from the chunin which made him sigh. He silently presented the enrolement letter to the Chunin.

The chunin took the paper with a slightly shaking hand and read it. After reading it he looked at Naruto with a complicated look before returning to his place in front of the class leaving the door open.

"Ok class, Hokage-sama has added a new student to this class. You all are going to have a new classmate, so settle down so he can present himself." anounced the Chunin teacher with a forced smile making the class fill with muttering noises.

"You can enter now" said the chunin as he looked at Naruto

Naruto entered the classroom and wrote his name on the board then turned around and look at his new classmate.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I hope we get along well." said Naruto

As Naruto presented himself, He could feel that most of the children his age are looking at him with fear, some were even looking at him with hatred. Very few looked at him with a normal intrigued look.

'I am starting to regret ever coming here' thought Naruto as he sighed

If the situation stays like this, he will have no choice but to graduate even earlier than what his mother agreed upon with The Sandaime. 

End the Chapter.


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

I would really appreciate feedback, comments and power stones from you guys. I would really like to read all of your comment and know if I am doing will and if you are enjoying what I write

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