Here you go, a new chapter hope you all enjoy.
Also, sorry for the late update.
I would really appreciate feedback, comments and power stones from you guys. I would really like to read all of your comment to see if I am doing well. Please enjoy
**WARNING, PLEASE BE ADIVSED** This Chapter contains Dark, Blood, Gore, Attempted rape and Post rape scenes ahead. There will be a second warning before the scenes start.
A week later;
True to Hiruzen's word and promise, Naruto's journey to the fire capital to complete his two C-rank went smoothly without any complications much to Tsunade's relief and Naruto's boredom.
The first mission was to escort a merchant caravan back to the fire capital. The journey toward the capital took four days with civilian speed while taking a quarter of that time for the team of three ninjas to return to Konoha.
Naruto's team was consisting of him and two chunin, a young man named Ebisu and a pretty young lady named Kurenai Yuhi.
Naruto couldn't know what their abilities were as they didn't engage in any combat on the way to the fire capital and Naruto also couldn't strike a conversation with any of them as they kept a bit of distance between them only talking to him when necessary. From what he sensed, Naruto know that both of them have a low to mid chunin reserves of chakra and that is it.
Ebisu heard all the rumors surrounding Naruto, like him being the jailor of the Kyuubi and his record graduation from the academy. But the one that stood up to Ebisu is the rumor about Naruto killing a jonin while making another one helpless at the same time. So he followed his mind and kept distance from Naruto through out their mission fearing trouble.
Kurenai's situation is a bit compicated. On one hand, She would have wanted to meet Narutp as she has heard a rumor between kunoichi that he is the son of her idol, Tsunade senju. On the other hand, She heard that the boy is also the Jailor of her father's killer, The Kyuubi. Her father, Shinku yuhi, died on the night of the Kyuubi's attack, leaving Kurenai alone as her mother died long ago.
Kurenai couldn't interact with the boy knowing he hosted her father's killer. She may formally introduce herself to Naruto later on, but at the mean time she is still cooping with her father's death a few month ago and knowing she can't do anything to his killer isn't making her feel any better.
After returning from the mission in the fire capital, He reported to his sensei, who also taught him how to write a report as Hiruzen is busy very often. After Hiruzen received the report on Naruto's first two C-rank missions, He told Naruto to take a Day off and then come back for more missions.
Currently; In the hokage office;
"Saru-sensei, please assign a proper C-rank mission to me. The last one was even worst than those D-ranks. At least I can finish D-ranks quickly then start training." said Naruto in a deadpan tone.
Hiruzen sighed before saying: "The last two missions I assigned to you was to get your mother off my back. Now, I can assign you more challenging C-rank missions." making Naruto sigh with some relief.
Hiruzen looked at one of the Hidden Anbu and said: " Call Tokubetsu Jonin Genma Shiranui to come and see me" making the Anbu operative leave in a body flicker to fulfil the order.
A couple of minutes later, there was a knock at the door.
"Come in" Hiruzen called out
"You called for me, Hokage-sama?" asked Genma as he entered the office before closing the door behind him.
Naruto took a quick glance at the special jonin. He raised his eyebrow slightly as he saw the man chewing on a senbon. It isn't every day that you see someone chewing on something used as a weapon or laced with poison.
"Yes, Genma. I want you to go with Naruto-kun on a C-rank mission. You only need to supervise him from a far and see his performance. only interfere when there is a need to." said Hiruzen as he Handed the mission scroll to Naruto.
"It shall be done Hokage-sama" Genma agreed to the order.
"So what is the mission, Hokage-sama?" asked Genma for details as Naruto opened the mission scroll
"Bandits extermination" Hiruzen said simply making Genma nod and Naruto's hand to tighten around the scroll as he read its contents before giving it to Genma.
"I know you already had your first kill, Naruto" said Hiruzen in an even soft tone making Naruto look at him before continuing to say: "But Killing in self defense and having the intent to kill are two different things. This mission's purpose is to fully integrate you to the Shinobi life-style." to which Naruto nodded slowly.
"That all, you both are dismissed" said Hiruzen
"Get ready for the mission and meet me at the village main gate in an hour, genin Naruto." said Genma as he proceeded to leave.
"Ok, Genma-san." said Naruto as he followed Genma to exit the office.
An hour later; At the Village main gates;
"Before we leave there is somethings that I need to clarify" said Genma as he approached Naruto who was waiting for him.
Genma looked at Naruto's choice of clothing and mentally nodded. Naruto is wearing dark clothing mostly consisting of Dark blue and black with his black headband on his forehead keeping his growing hair from reaching his eyes. Genma appreciated Naruto's sensible choice of attire. He had seen some people choices of brightly colored clothing as if they are going to a festival and not a shinobi mission.
"First, are you ready? and why don't I see a backpack on you?" asked Genma
"Yeah, I am ready and I have all I need in a sealing scroll." Said Naruto as he patted his Ninja utility belt around his waist. He already has everything in there and he also left a note for his mother telling her where he is going as he couldn't meet her due to her being busy and the short time for Naruto to get ready.
"Good" said Genma with a nod before He started briefing: "The mission is a C-rank bandit extermination. Hokage-sama told me to supervise you, so we will travel and meet the client together, other than that you are on your own. I won't interfere with anything except if there is something unexpected or if there is a need to. Is that Understood?"
"Yes" replied Naruto
"Then lets move." said Genma as he signed out both of their names with the gate guards before leaving.
Hours later; on the edge of a bandit camp in a forest clearing;
Naruto crouched on a high tree branch over looking the bandits below. He had met the client, who is the chief of a small village, to get more details about the mission. At first, the chief was very skeptical about Naruto. Despite the headband, Naruto's very young looking face was enough to fuel the Chief skepticism.
Only with Genma's reasurance, The Chief started answering Naruto's questions. The bandits didn't only take money, valuables and food, they kidnaped women, children and even entire families when men tried to protect their own. When the men tried to defend their families, they were either killed or knocked out and got taken away.
Genma told Naruto that women and children are usually sold as slaves or worse, while men are usually sold to be slave labor.
"are you ready, Naruto?" asked Genma
" I am, Genma-san. I can sense about 40 individuals But I also sense a chakra signature in the camp." said Naruto with his eyes fixed on the few movement he could see in the camp below while constantly keeping his emotions in check due to him sensing the sickening amount of negative emotions coming from the camp.
This got Genma's attention as he proceeded to ask: "can you tell how strong it is?"
"It is relatively weak, mid-genin chakra capacity at best." said Naruto.
"Then it can be a bandit with his chakra unlocked or a genin level rouge-ninja." said Genma analyzing the situation before continuing: "This makes this mission a high level C-rank or a low B-rank. can you handle it?" asked Genma
"Yeah, I can." said Naruto with confidence.
"That is good. If nothing unexpected comes up, I will only be observing from here. Meet me back here when you are done." said Genma as he leaned against the tree trunk which got him a nod from Naruto before he disappeared in a burst of speed.
At the edge of the bandit camp;
Naruto appeared in the shadow of a tent at the camp's edge.
'Most of the signatures I sense are in the middle of the camp with no gaurds on the parameter which is weird considering they just raided a village and they should expect some sort of retaliation. Either they are that confident or plain stupid.' thought Naruto.
Naruto then moved stealthily between each tent on his way towards the middle of the camp. He took quick glances inside each one noting that the either contained supplies, goods or small and empty futon beds.
When Naruto reached the last tent before reaching the middle of the camp, He had to take a deep breath to calm himself down as he felt a sickening amount of negative emotions oozing from inside the tent. He hesitated for a second before reaching out to the tent's entrance cover.
**WARNING, PLEASE BE ADIVSED** Starting Now, Dark, Blood, Gore, Attempted rape and Post rape scenes ahead. To those who can't see these scenes, please skip the rest of the chapter.
When Naruto opened the tent cover, His face twisted to disgusted look mixed with alarm as he was hit with a smell of blood and another smells he couldn't identify but it sickened him nonetheless. But when he looked inside his eyes widened in horror.
Nothing would have ever made him prepared to what he is seeing. In the deep end of the tent, He saw a metal cage that contained five children, the oldest is no older than twelve with the youngest seems to be 6 years old, huddling together away from the cage's entrance looking at him with frightened crying eyes as his eyes looked at their shaking forms.
Looking at the right side, He saw two women laying on the ground naked with teared clothing all around them. Their bodies are full of bruises with their faces beaten and bleeding as they had a blank, hollow and broken eyes looking up at the tent's cealing. He could also see a strange looking white liquid covering their bodies, especially their lower abdominal area.
He then turned to the left only to see a group of six clothed women, shacked to the ground and huddling together looking at him with absolute fear and dispair.
Beside them, He saw a shackled woman and very young girl in her arms, both crying and calling to a man who is shackled in front of them but out of their reach. The man's body is bleeding heavily with cuts and stabs along with bruises all over his body. Naruto would have thought the man was a corpse if he didn't notice the man's chest moving up and down ever so slightly indicating he is still alive if barely.
Seeing the man's dire situation, Naruto forced his emotions to calm down as he made four shadow clones startling the tent's occupants. He could hear a commotion and cheers coming from outside which made him want to check what was going on quickly.
"You four tend to the people here, especially the man and the two women. Also keep them quiet and calm. I have bandits to take care of." said Naruto which made the clones move quickly to tend to the poor people as Naruto himself left the tent.
Naruto found a concealed spot over looking the center of the camp. The scene that meet him made his blood run cold.
In the middle of the camp, There was two bandits holding down a struggling man in a seated position with another bandit doing the same to two young children, a boy and a girl.
These bandits were making the three look at another four bandits who held down a woman. Three bandits held down the woman's limbs a she futilely tried to struggle while the fourth was tearing her clothes off.
Naruto did a quick mental count of the people he is seeing. Counting the four civilians out, Naruto could see 19 bandits in the clearing with one he could sense nearby doing who knows what. Naruto also spotted a middle aged man among the bandits with a headband around his arm. He could tell that this man is a rouge shinobi from Amegakure due to the slashed rain like symbol on the headband.
The bandits laughed with sickening grins on their faces as they looked at what is happening. The laughter was mixed with shouts and frantic cries to stop from the struggling man.
"You should have stayed quiet and let us have fun with those women. Now, We are going to make you and your children watch as my men take turns having their way with your wife." was what Naruto could hear from the rouge ninja as the bandit finished tearing the woman's clothes and started taking off his own pants with a sick smile as he took his time making sure the husband can see every move, much to the husband's utter despair and helplessness.
'So that was seminal fluids on those women' Naruto thought about those two women in the tent. Naruto only knows the medical and clinical concept of intercourse and reproductive organs. So he could easily figure what is going on.
(A\N: Tsunade made sure that Naruto knew about Intercourse reprouduction from a pure medical prospective only, She wants to keep her baby pure and innocent forever if she could)
'How can this be humans' behavior?' thought Naruto.
'They are no longer human, Kit. They became something vile long ago.' said The Kyuubi in Naruto's mindscape with a deeply disappointed tone. It has seen this happen many times before.
Naruto's line of thoughts was already making his blood boil with rage while hearing what the Kyuubi said. He reached his limit when a thought flashed in his mind 'what if his own mother was in such a situation' .
Naruto with silent fury, quietly made six shadow clones and with a quick nod to each other, Naruto and his clones sprang to action.
He is now out for blood and he will hunt them for it.
End the Chapter.
'100 power stones if you want an additional chapter with next week's release.'
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.
I would really appreciate feedback, comments and power stones from you guys. I would really like to read all of your comment, I would like to know if I am doing will and you enjoy what I write.
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