Chereads / Naruto, The Perfect Shinobi / Chapter 9 - CH.9 The Aftermath and The Darkness of Humanity part 2

Chapter 9 - CH.9 The Aftermath and The Darkness of Humanity part 2

Here you go, a new chapter hope you all enjoy.

I would really appreciate feedback, comments and power stones from you guys. I would really like to read all of your comment to see if I am doing well. Please enjoy

**WARNING**; This chapter contains foul language and bloody scenes.


Next morning; around 7 am;

Inside the hospital room, we find Naruto just waking up from his first good night sleep in about two restless days. Naruto rubbed his eyes to wake up and remove the sleepiness from his eyes.

Many new parents will envy Naruto's ability to sleep while taking care of a new born. Naruto already had everything covered. Before sleeping, he made two shadow clones to take care of Mito.

From what he learned from his mother, new born babies daily routine for at least a few months consists of sleep, eat, cry and produce bio-waste every couple of hours. So to achieve a good night sleep and relax his mind, Naruto put two shadow zones to care for Mito's every need while he slept.

So after waking up, Naruto took a shower and cleaned himself. Then he wore the only set of clothing that he currently had which was cleaned by the hospital staff.

(The clothing he wore is the same one that Minato took him from the fire capital in. Naruto is currently broke and doesn't have anything with him in Konoha as everything he has is in the fire capital.😅)

After getting ready. He took a peacefully sleeping Mito from his two clones who looked miserable. After he dispelled them, he sweat dropped at the memories he got. He looked a the sleeping baby in his arms with a warm but helpless smile. Mito had cried for about 9 times last night. Six times or food and three times for diaper change. The clones took turns feeding her, changing her diapers, rocking her gently, singing to her and putting her to sleep which exhausted the poor clones

He really dodged a kunai by making these two shadow clones.

After he signed the discharge forms in the hospital lobby, he made his way to the Hokage building while carrying a peacefully sleeping Mito.

In The Hokage's Office;

We see Hiruzen Sarutobi drowning in paperwork with an insult being heard from him from time to time making the ANBU who stood guard sweat drop.

Hiruzen really hate being back to this job. He even cursed Minato for leaving him with this mess. Hiruzen worst enemy is no one but paperwork.

As Hiruzen was drowning in his misery, a knock is heard from the door making him look up at it.

"Come in" called out Hiruzen.

The door opened revealing his secretary.

"Pardon me Hokage-sama, The child named Naruto that you told me to except his arrival, He is here" said the secretary in a polite tone

"Bring him in" said Hiruzen with a blank face as he also dismissed the ANBU guard. He wanted the talk with Naruto to be private.

Although it didn't show on his face, Hiruzen was very happy that there is a distraction for him from the accursed paperwork.

The door opened again, only to be Naruto entering the room while carrying Mito.

"Good morning saru-jiji" said Naruto as he closed the door.

(For those who don't know. Jiji is an affectionate Japanese nickname for grandfather)

"Good morning, Naruto. Did you sleep well?" Said Hiruzen with a smile. He thought that Naruto couldn't sleep while taking care of Mito, so he wanted to tease him a little.

"Yeah. I slept quite well. I had shadow clones tend to Mito all night." Said Naruto as if reading Hiruzen's thoughts. The response surprised Hiruzen a bit but also amazed him. 'clever boy' thought Hiruzen. He didn't even think of that when he first had his children.

(Bro you don't even know it can help you do your paperwork, let alone baby sit your children.🀣🀣🀣)

"That is good Naruto. So, what do you intend to do now? Your mum should be here by tonight or tomorrow morning max." Asked Hiruzen quite intrigued about what the boy planned.

"I am thinking of taking Mito and going to look around the villiage. I really want to see what the village the was created by Great-grandfather has to offer." Said Naruto making Hiruzen nod in acceptance.

"OK that is a good idea. You can do that and if you finish early or got bored you can come here and keep me company. If your mum didn't arrive today. You are going to come home with me for tonight." Said Hiruzen.

Hiruzen would have sent Naruto to his house from the get go, but the house is currently empty as his wife died recently with all of his children being away from the village on missions as they are shinobi.

"Sounds like a plan jiji." Said Naruto with a slight smile.

Hiruzen nodded before reaching into his top drawer and got a few of thousand Ryo notes from there. He then stood up and walked around the desk toward Naruto and gave to him.

(Author note; 1 Ryo is about 10 Japanese yen. Also about 15 Ryo equals 1 freedom dollar 'American dollar'😂😂)

"You don't need to do that jiji." Said Naruto embarrassed

Hiruzen chuckled lightly ending it with a warm smile before saying: "you are going to tour the village and site see its monuments. Take this to buy lunch and anything you like. you already got enough milk formula and diapers for a few days given to you by the hospital so you don't have to worry about that, instead you can buy toys for Mito. Consider it pocket money from a grandfather to his two grandchildren."

Hiruzen had notified the hospital earlier to provide Naruto with all the baby necessities he might need sealed in a small sealing scroll so it won't be a hassle for him which Naruto is very thankful for.

Naruto smiled at Hiruzen before saying: "Thank you very much Saru-jiji"

Naruto's face saddened a bit before asking: "When is the funeral jiji?" Making Hiruzen face visually saddened.

"It will be held 3 or 4 days from now. I will announce it to the public a few hours before then. I just need to get as much information as possible about this attack before its details become public. Until then, the fewer knowing the better" said Hiruzen with a sad tone. He will have to bury his wife and his successor. Just thinking about that makes his heart ache a little.

" sorry to bring that up jiji" said Naruto in a sad apologetic tone.

"Don't be my boy, it's your right to know" said Hiruzen with as sad but comforting smile making Naruto nod

Naruto then turned around and opened the door as he stepped out and before the door closes he said: "see you in the evening Jiji"

Hiruzen stood there for a couple of momments before calling :"Hawk"

"Yes, Hokage-sama" replied Hawk as he appeared while Kneeling in front of Hiruzen

"I want you to assign an ANBU team to protect those two children from the shadows. Make sure they are always safe." ordered Hiruzen.

"It shall be done Hokage-sama." said Hawk before disappearing in a body flicker to fulfill the order.

Hiruzen turned back towards his disk only for his eyes to widen in horror and despair.

"HOWWWWW" is a yell, which its tone is filled with immense sadness and disbelief, can be heard almost all over the village originating from the Hokage building.

The paperwork on Hiruzen's desk duplicated out of thin air and without explanation making Hiruzen regret taking the mantel of Hokage again.

In the streets of Konoha;

Naruto exited the Hokage building with a sleeping Mito in his arms onto the street. As he walked through the almost empty streets he took a deep breath of the early morning fresh air. It was currently very early in the morning with almost no one in the streets. The only people who could be seen are Shinobi and very few early rising civilians.

As he walked down the street he could feel two different groups of people follow him from the shadows. He felt them follow him ever since he left the Hokage building.

He was quite sure that these shinobi were ordered to protect him by his jiji which he didn't mind considering the current state of the village which is on high alert.

But the second group that followed him caught his attention. While the first group gave him the feeling of skilled group of shinobi, the second group gave him a stronger feeling but with a significant difference. 

He could feel their chakra but not their emotions which was weird to him.

Everyone even animals had emotions. But Shinobi can train to conceal them and not make them show on their features but not from Naruto's senses. He can feel everyone's emotion around him even the first group that is following him, but the second group has the emotional state of a blank piece of paper.

He will have to ask his jiji about that later. 


Small Time-skip; about 3 pm in the afternoon;

Naruto can be seen walking through the street of Konoha with a frown on his face while trying to contain his emotions.

When he left the Hokage building early the morning he went to see the sites that Konoha has to offer first as it was still very early for shops or other attractions to be open.

He visited the Hokage monument, the forests, Naka river and other sites.

There were also some places in the village he couldn't visit due to them being damaged or destroyed in the recent attack and needs fixing.

When the time neared 10 am He went to the market see what this village has to offer. This is when his day started going sour.

The amount of negative emotions directed at him and Mito was sickening. From civilian and even some shinobi.

At first it was just muttering and pointing at him. He could hear them saying 'monsters', 'demons', 'demon fox', 'murders' and others while looking and pointing at him and Mito.

He figured out quickly that they were informed about his status as a Jinchuuriki.

But how? The Sandaime didn't make any public announcements yet. Even most of the civilians didn't know that the Yondaime have died. So how did they know about his status?

Then he tried to enter and see different shops only to be refused service repeatedly. The shopkeepers either yelled at him, closed the door in front of him or outright pushed him out.

And when it became lunch time he was refused service from restaurants in the same way.

Naruto kept walking while trying not to glare at the people around him due to their remarks. He is making his way back to the Hokage building to get some clarification from his jiji about the situation. As he was walking an nice aroma reached his nose coming from a stand a head of him.

He was pretty sure he would be refused service again but the delicious smell made him want to give it a try.

As he reached in front of it he found out it is a ramen stand.

He never tried ramen before as his mother made healthy meals for him. His diet consists of mostly proteins and vegetables cooked in variety of different ways so meals were never boring.

He heard of ramen in the fire capital market while he was there with is mum. Some people said they like it others said it is a junk food.

(Calling hand made ramen junk is blasphemous. Original Naruto would agree)

He entered the stand while saying: "Excuse me"

A middle-aged man wearing a chef uniform stood behind the counter looking at him, he smiled and said: "Welcome, have a seat."

Naruto looked at him for a moment before giving a small smile, thinking the man didn't know about him, and took a seat on the counter while putting the sleeping Mito in his lap.

Naruto looked at the menu for abit before saying: "I would like to try miso ramen, please."

"Coming right up" said the ramen.

As Naruto is waiting for his ramen to be prepared, Mito woke up and started fussing around.

Naruto held her up with a smile and said: "Hello my little princess, what disturbed your sleep?"

He neared his nose to her diaper. He smelled nothing so he looked at her with a warm smile before saying: "you diaper is clean so you should be hungry again. Or did you wake up because you missed me?" He teased her while rubbing his nose affectionately against her's making her giggle cutely.

The ramen chef looked at the scene in front of him with a smile before asking: "is that Minato's and Kushina child?"

The baby's features felt very familiar to the man.

This surprised Naruto as held Mito protectively while his eyes narrowed at the chef before asking: "how did you know that?"

The ramen chef chuckled slightly before saying: "I served those two for years they are my best customers. The baby just looks like a mix between them. Too bad they died. They were still young. "

Naruto relaxed slightly before saying quietly: "yeah."

Naruto took out a prepared bottle and started to feed Mito who immediately became calm as soon as the bottle reached her mouth. Naruto then looked at the chef and said with a intriguedtone: "then you surely have heard of me."

The chef laughed slightly as he put the steaming ramen in front of Naruto and said: "I don't care what people say. I have two eyes that can distinguish two children from a mountain sized monster."

Naruto smiled as he made a shadow clone that took the still feeding Mito into it's arms making naruto able to reach to the delicious looking ramen bowl in front of him. He was about to start eating when he heard the chef asked: "Pardon me for asking, although I can tell that you may be a relative of Kushina. Aren't you a little young to take care of an infant?"

The similarly of the red hair between Naruto and Kushina is very obvious.

Naruto looked at him and gave him a slight smile before saying: "Thank you for your concern. I am just taking care of her until my mum return to the village." Making the chef nodded in acceptance.

Naruto return his attention to the ramen bowl and took his first bite only for his face to light up in joy from what he is tasting. This bowl of ramen is one of the best if not the best thing he had ever tasted.

"This is very delicious. I will try another 3. One beef, one pork and one seafood ramen please." Said Naruto to the ramen chef with a beaming smile on his face.

The ramen chef laughed before saying: " coming right up. You are really kushina's relative." As he turned around to prepare the order leaving Naruto to enjoy his meal.

Half an hour later, Naruto walked out of the stand with a satisfied smile and a full stomach. Mito is also peacefully sleeping in his arms after finishing her milk.

Naruto made his way to the Hokage building which was about a 10 minute walk when he felt something off.

The wide street is weirdly empty.

As he kept walking he reached to his senses only to find two large groups of people starting to enter the street in front and behind him blocking his way.

Naruto's eyes narrowed at the two groups trying to figure their objectives. The two groups are mostly civilians with some shinobi among them. From what Naruto feels The shinobi are mostly genin with few chunin and two jonin. Naruto could identify the jonin from their signiture dark green flak jacket as he at the beginning thought the were lower in rank from how low their chakra capacity is compared to what he felt from his parents. They were no way near the level of his parent's chakra capacity.

The mob's emotions is so dark and negative, nothing Naruto have felt before. He could also feel something new coming from the shinobi directed at him and Mito.

Killing intent and bloodlust, that is what he could feel much to his alarm.

He felt it once when he left his mum with Jiraiya after he peaked at her. When he asked her about it she told him that shinobi will gain the abililty to use these emotions the harder they train or the more people they kill. They used it to scared and intimidate their opponents or to break weaker level opponents' will to fight.

He could see the nasty smiles and savage grins on the shinobis' faces while looking at him. And the civilians and some genin were shouting and cursing at him with various insults and threats like:

"kill the damned demon fox"

"why are you in our village demon children"

"Avenge our loved ones, kill the monsters"

"you shouldn't be alive devil brats"

Naruto's eyes hardened a bit seeing his situation. He focused his senses to find were the two shinobi groups that was following him this morning. Only to his shock and confusion, He found the two groups' chakra signatures clashing with each other. They are fighting each other with the emotionless second group making the chakra signature of the first group disappear gradually but quickly one after the other.

That meant that the shinobi of the first group are being killed by the second group.

Why would shinobi of the same village kill each other?

 Naruto's line of thoughts was cut when he saw felt a sudden movement from front and behind him. He focus his eyes back at he two groups of people only ,much to his horror, be met with a barrage of kunai and shuriken thrown at him by most of the shinobi. some were even aimed at his sleeping baby sister in his arm.

The attack was sudden that he could only close his eyes and move his body to shield his sister with his own flesh.

Due to his speed of moving his body, most kunai and shuriken missed him but some of them nicked him all around his body with a very few sinking slightly into the flesh of his back and arms.

Even though his muscles and skin stopped the kunai and shuriken from sinking deep due to them strengthening because of years of tough training, the sudden influx of pain made pained yelp escape his mouth.

Naruto's heart almost stopped when he suddenly heard Mito in his arms cry out in pain.

He opened his eyes to look at his sister. He saw the lower half of her blanket started to get stained by blood, much to his extreme horror.

"NOOOOOOOO" was a yell filled with despair that can be heard all over the street coming from Naruto as 10 Chakra chains came out of his back to form a large protective dome around him.

Naruto, with tears starting to follow freely from his eyes, started to see what is wrong with his baby sister forgetting his own bleeding body and locking out the voice of the cheering mod outside. His Heart won't handle having his infant sister die in his hands.

Much to his relief, his sister's leg got a shallow cut the he healed quickly. He then calmed himself and her by hugging her tightly to his chest to calm her crying down. 

Now that his sister not in immediate danger, his thoughts took a dark turn as he sensed what was outside.

He could hear the mob cheering and encouraging the shinobi to kill him and his sister. The shinobi are attacking the dome with what ever they got including different Jutsu to no effect.

"They attack children in broad day light. The infant kit isn't even safe from them. AND YOU HUMANS CALL ME THE MONSTER." Naruto heard the Kyuubi say in his mind. It was the first time he heard it since the sealing.

Naruto's body trembled in Rage. These people tried to kill his sister.

'No, they are not people anymore. They are monsters.' Naruto said furiously. 

Naruto made a shadow clone and handed the now sleeping Mito to it. The clone made a much smaller dome from chakra chains protecting itself and Mito.

On the outside the mob continued to attack the dome when suddenly the dome broke open outwards pushing anyone near it flying backward and crash into the people behind them.

The mob looked at where the dome was only to see a much smaller dome with Naruto standing beside it with his eyes shadowed by his hair and his chakra chains still behind him. 

"kill him" shouted one of the civilian.

Before anyone could move, a heavy pressure settled on the whole mob and the surroundings with Naruto being its source.

Naruto looked at the surrounding mob with his now Slitted blood red eyes making them tremble.

"you want a monster?" said Naruto in a quiet voice. But the surrounding silence made him heard.

The pressure increased several times over making civilians, genin and even some chunin fall to their knees with all the other start trembling and sweating in fear.

Naruto's body started to push the kunai and shuriken that hit him out and his wounds and cuts healed at almost an instant while his face had three whisker-like marks appear on each of his cheeks with his hair spiking up and his nails turning into sharp claws.

"I WILL SHOW YOU A MONSTER" Roared Naruto in a rage-filled menacing voice as he and his chains lunged towards the surrounding mob.

End the Chapter. 


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

I would really appreciate feedback, comments and power stones from you guys. I would really like to read all of your comment, I would like to know if I am doing will and you enjoy what I write

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