[Release Date : 29/10/2024]
[Release Time : 07:00PM Prime Meridian]
[© (@Febris_Gamer)]
Orignal WORK By Febris_Gamer
If You Want To Use The Work, Contact Me Through Webnovel.
Buisness E.mail : [authorfebris @ g mail,com]
There are 7 level of Civilizations, I created for this novel based on kardashev scale.
Type 0: Primordians (Pre-Planetary Civilization)
Type 1: Terralux (Planetary Civilization)
Type 2: Solarii (Stellar Civilization)
Type 3: Galactarchs (Galactic Civilization)
Type 4: Celestials (Universal Civilization)
Type 5: Infinityra (Multiversal Civilization)
Type 6: E*********s (Transcendent Omniversal Civilization), Alias for them : Deities
Type 7: ********** (Metaversal(Multi-Dimensional) Civilization), Alias for them : Omnitects
The ******** names will be revealed as the story progress.
As I Noticed Readers Having Problems with "******** ******" Type of names, I Decided to give them all Aliases Now. Happy👍.