Chereads / Sword Art Online: Aincrad's Hollow Fragment / Chapter 24 - Chapter 23: Exploring Serpentis

Chapter 24 - Chapter 23: Exploring Serpentis

December 3, 2024

Floor 76: Arc Sophia

"Well, that's the thing. I don't know what I expect to find in there. But if there is something that could help me, help us, conquer this game faster then it's worth checking out. Besides, I won't be alone there."

I was currently sitting down with Agil and Klein talking about the Hollow Area. They had taken an interest in it ever since I returned the first time. Klein slammed his hands down on the table with a huge smile on his face.

Klein- We know, we just think that all the stuff you said about the Hollow Area was really interesting. I mean, everyone knows that hidden areas are just full of cool stuff, waiting to be picked up. There must be loads of people over there already, right? We need to act fast, or we'll miss out on the good stuff.

"You go ahead. I need a moment to think."

Klein- Everything ok buddy?

"Yea, just wanted to try and confirm a few things."

Klein- Well alright. I'm going to go find my guild and head over to the Hollow Area. You and that treasure hunter of yours should join us if you can.

"I'll think about it. Just be careful, remember that me and that treasure hunter did battle with a skull reaper. Granted, it was way weaker than the one on Floor 75, but it's still not an enemy to mess around with."

Klein's face went from excited and joyful to one of nervousness and worry. He rubbed the back of his head as a bead of sweat rolled down his head.

Klein- Right, I forgot about that. Maybe I'll just go out and do some recon. That should be enough for the day.

"I handed off a bit of map data to Argo. Find her and she'll hand it over to you."

Klein- Got it. See you around Kazzu!

Klein sprinted out the door, leaving me and Agil alone to talk. I sighed as I rubbed my temple.

Agil- Ready to talk now that he's gone?

"That would be much appreciated."

Agil- Go ahead kid, what's on your mind?

Agil started pouring me a drink as I relaxed and rested my head down on the bar counter.

"Where to start? The Hollow Area, Strea, clearing the game and trying to keep my relationship with my family secure. It's... a little overwhelming."

Agil slid the drink over to me, joining me with a drink of his own.

Agil- Well let's take things one topic at a time. Start with the Hollow Area.

"After Yui confirmed that the system being unstable may be what caused the Hollow Area to appear in the first place. Thinking back on it, I remember me and my father working on such an area during the beta test. It was supposed to be an expert level player area, rewarding players with more money, experience and stronger skills. The idea was scrapped after the last day of beta testing due to a majority of players getting upset that they couldn't get rewarded for the quests they cleared in that area."

Agil- You think it will be the same now that it's made a reappearance?

"I don't think so. I think the reason why those players couldn't access the rewards was because they didn't meet the requirements to access those rewards. When me and Philia beat the Skull Reaper, a weird symbol appeared on my hand, which gave us access to an administration area. Looking over the area, there was a terminal that had a checklist of tasks to do. I believe that checklist has the key to gaining the rewards players couldn't access before."

Agil- You'll never know unless you get that checklist started.


Agil- Now what's bothering you about Strea?

I shouldn't tell him that she's another one of my A.I.'s, but how would I word it?

"Strea is a special case. I'm not sure where she came from or how she came to be but whenever I look at her, I get this feeling of both comfort and uncertainty from her."

Agil- You aren't falling for her, are you?

"No! No, I'm just at ease around her but at the same time, she makes me feel uneasy. It's not enough for me to push her aware, but just enough to keep me on my toes."

Agil- So you see her as a threat?

"An unknown variable. I don't want to jump to conclusions yet so, for the time being, I'll treat her as an ally and see if that gets me anywhere."

Agil- Sounds like the best plan of action. Now what about clearing the game? You think we can do it?

"I'm not sure. We have the manpower to face the bosses but what matters are the abilities of the players. If they have no skills, they are on the same level as cannon fodder, and I don't want to risk anyone's life if they can't handle themselves in a fight."

Agil- Won't having them train with your inner circle help them with that? I thought that was the reason you formed it.

"It is, but training against an ally is different than fighting a floor boss. I want to make sure these people get out of here alive. I don't want anyone else dying to fix my mistake."

Agil- It isn't your mistake Kazzu. Your father put us in here, remember?

"I still feel guilty for it. I plan on making it up to everyone. You, Kirito, Sinon, Leafa, Kiyo... Ashtry..."

Agil- And why would you need to make it up to Ashtry?

"Because... I feel like I'll be leaving her all alone if we make it out of here. There will be a lot of trials for me to go through to prove my innocence and I'm worried she won't be with me through them all. I just want her to be happy and if that means she's not with me if I'm declared guilty, then that'll be fine."

Agil- Is that how you really feel? Would you really be ok if she left?

"If she was safe from me and happy living her life, then yes. 100% yes."

I took my drink and downed it in one go, the sizzle and fizz of cider crawling down my throat and into my stomach. I let out a soft sigh as I stood up and handed Agil a few Col for the drink. He hesitantly took it as I grabbed my gear.

"Thanks for the talk, Agil. It feels nice having that off my chest."

Agil- No problem Kazzu. I still want to talk to you about these things, but I can see you want to leave it there for now. I won't push but if stuff like this is bothering you, please let me know and I'll be more than happy to lend you an ear.

"I promise Agil, I will."

As I walked towards the door, Klein busted through with an annoyed expression. His eyes darted over to me as I looked at him, confused.

"That was quick, Klein. Was there a hard monster right as you went over there?"

Klein- What are you talking about!? I haven't been anywhere yet! The Hollow Area's not available as a teleportation destination!

I looked even more confused as I stared back at Agil, who just gave me a shrug.

"Um, yes, it is. I checked it once I got back the first time and it was definitely active."

Klein- If you don't believe me, come and see for yourself!

Klein gripped onto my arm and started dragging me out of the shop and towards the teleport gate. I looked back to see that Ashtry and Kiyo were walking down the stairs for a second before the door to the shop closed. I sighed and went along with Klein to see what he was talking about. Once we got to the teleport gate, he shoved me over in front of it. He joined me as he stood on top of the gate.

Klein- The "Hollow Area Administration Area.", right? That's where I'm trying to get to?


Klein- Then let's try again! Teleport: Hollow Area Administration Area!

As soon as he shouted out the destination, he disappeared for a mere second, reappearing back at the teleport gate with a confused face.

Klein- See? Nothing.

"Weird... let me try."

I walked up towards the teleport gate and held my hand out, the glowing symbol materializing on my hand.

"Teleport: Hollow Area Administration Area."

December 3, 2024

Hollow Area: Administration Area

It wasn't long before I spawned inside the Administration Area, empty of all life and the console in the center still active. I looked around to confirm my location.

"Well, it looks like I made it."

Not a hide or hair of any player was seen inside, not even Philia.

"Philia's nowhere to be found. I could look around for her later. I need to figure out why Klein can't use this teleport gate."

The symbol on my hand started to glow once more as I approached the teleport gate. I looked down at it, confused as to why it only showed up here.

"Could the reason behind it have something to do with this symbol?"

I shook my head as I walked over to the gate and stood in the center. I looked down at my hand to see the glow of it brighter than it was ever before.

"Teleport: Arc Sophia."

December 3, 2024

Floor 76: Arc Sophia

I landed back in town where Klein was waiting to meet me with a shocked face.

Klein- What? But...

"I had no problems going over there and back."

Klein- I see that but what does that mean?

"I'm not sure. I'm going to see if I can find Yui and get her to tell us..."

Yui- You called?

I looked down and noticed Yui along with Kiyo looking up at us with confused smiles. I chuckled as I knelt down and patted both of their heads.

"Yes, actually. Klein and I are stumped as to why he can't access the Hollow Area. As far as I'm concerned, he should be able to go in without a problem, but the gate won't let him access the area."

Yui walks up to the teleport gate and observes it for a second before looking down at my hand, noticing the symbol disappear slowly. She grabbed hold of my hand and raised it to the gate, bringing back the symbol.

Yui- Interesting. Kazzu, could you pull down your party menu and invite us to it?

I did as she said and added the four of them to my party and tried to teleport to the Administration Area again. Nothing happened.

Yui- Now get rid of Klein.

Klein- Hey! Why me!?

Yui- Relax Klein, we just need to experiment with it a bit.

I did as Yui told me and tried the teleport gate again, resulting in the same outcome.

"Nope, nothing."

Yui- Now get rid of Kiyo.

Kiyo- Will you two be ok if it does teleport you? There won't be a strong monster?

"No little pup, it'll be ok. The Administration Area is a safe zone."

Kiyo nodded as I removed her from my party, lifting my hand up one more time and commanding the gate take us to the Administration Area.

December 3, 2024

Hollow Area: Administration Area

Surprisingly, Yui and I were teleported to the Administration Area, still empty and silent.

Yui- There we go!

"So, I can only bring one person with me? That's a little dangerous."

Yui- I agree. If this area is as difficult as you say, a team of two could hinder progress."

"But if it's all I got, it's better than going alone."

Yui- Shall we head back and inform the others?

"Yea, let's go."

December 3, 2024

Floor 76: Arc Sophia

Reappearing back in town, Kiyo and Klein gave off a sign of relief as we walked up to them.

"So, I can only bring one person with me at a time"

Kiyo- One at a time? So, me and mama can't go with you at the same time?

"I'm afraid not little cub."

Kiyo- That's pretty harsh...

Klein- Will you be able to fight properly in a party of two?

"I don't see why I couldn't. Me and Kiyo were together in a party for the longest time, and we had no problems getting through dungeons. Plus, the girl I met over there seems to be managing all by herself, so I'd say it's possible."

Klein walked up and whispered in my ear.

Klein- Listen Kazzu, you can't tell anyone about this. It would cause total chaos.

"I don't see how. Most of our friends know that I can handle myself with two people in a group. I think you're overreacting."

Klein rolled his eyes and backed away, rubbing his head in the process.

Klein- Man, how unlucky am I!? I was so close to getting my hands on all that treasure. You'll be sure to bring me along with you if you decide to go, right?

"I promise you Klein you'll get your chance to go to the Hollow Area. When that time comes, I'll send a message."

Klein- You better! I'll hold you to that.

I smiled as I turned back to the teleport gate and reached my hand out, only being stopped by Kiyo giving me a hug. I knelt down and reciprocated, giving her a tight embrace in return.

Kiyo- Just be careful Papa...

"I will little cub. I won't be alone."

She smiled back at me as I stood back up, patted her on the head and teleported back to the Administration Area.

December 3, 2024

Hollow Area: Administration Area

Walking away from the gate and towards the terminal, I decided to stay and read up on anything on the console that could provide any more information while shooting Philia a message to meet me here. Unlocking the terminal, I started exploring its options.

"Let's see, how about we look at the map data."

Opening the "Hollow Map" option, I was presented with a map with multiple dots attached to it indicating locations. I decided to copy this information for Argo.

"So, it seems the area we are currently in is called the "Serpentis Sea of Trees". Good to know where I'll be located in case I get lost."

Exiting the "Hollow Map", I looked through and picked the "Element Implementation" list and scrolled down the checklist. It mostly consisted of defeating monsters in certain areas or facing a mid-boss along with earning a huge reward.

"Hm, interesting."

Philia- Find anything worth looking into?


I was so distracted by the information that I hadn't notice Philia behind me, causing me to jump back and land on my ass. Philia looked at me confused until she saw my face, earning me a laugh from her.

Philia- Geez, I didn't mean to startle you. Are you ok?

"Yea, just didn't hear you behind me."

She offered me a hand up, which I accepted, as I brushed myself off, regaining my composure.

Philia- So, you came back. Is there a reason for this particular visit?

"Mostly to gather information but it would be a shame to come all this way just for information and not try to find any rare items."

Philia- Sounds reasonable.

"Lucky for me that I have an expert right here in front of me."

Philia- What do you mean?

"Well, I've been gone for a few days, so I was wondering if there was any area you noticed would be a good spot for treasure hunting?"

Philia- I could recommend lots of places, but finding a good treasure hunting spot is hard work, and I kind of want to keep the fruits of my labor to myself.

"I understand. Sorry I asked that of you and wasted your time. I'll try to find something on my own then."

I walked back over to the terminal and checked both the map and the checklist to see if I could match a good spot to find some rare items and take out a strong monster for money and experience. I was unaware that Philia was still there as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

Philia- Wait...

"Hm? Everything ok?"

Philia- I'll tell you a place where you may be able to find some rare items.

"What about keeping the fruits of your labor? I don't want to upset you by forcing you to tell me about your treasure spots."

Philia- It's fine. Besides, it's not even certain that there are any rare items to be found there, so I don't mind telling you.

So, it could just be a trap or a waste of my time. I guess it's better than doing nothing.

Philia- The place I had in mind is called the "Antechambers of the Sacred Sword". I've been getting some pretty strong indications of valuable treasure possibly being there.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to check it out. I'm sure there's something on this checklist I could complete while I'm over there."

Philia- I'm coming with you, you know? If there is treasure there, I want it for myself. You can just be my muscle in case monsters show up.

"Wow, I feel so appreciated."

Philia- Oh don't be like that. I get my treasure, and you get stronger and any rare items that monsters drop. That sounds fair to me.

"Whatever you say, treasure hunter."

A thought came across my mind but a decided to remain silent about it. My silence was noticed by Philia as she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

Philia- Everything ok?

"It's fine, just... something on my mind."

Philia- Want to fill me in?

"It's just... have you ever been back to Aincrad? Like, once?"

Philia- No, never.

"Don't you have anyone to head back to? Any friends?"

Philia- It's not unusual for treasure hunters to disappear off the radar for several days at a time. I don't think anyone's too concerned about me.

"Well maybe you could go back once in a while just to check in, or are you not going back because of your orange cursor?"

Philia- That's part of the reason.

"Fair enough. People have views on players who don't have a green cursor. Plus, you would be attacked by the town guardian. I would know, I was an orange player."

Philia- You were?

"Yep. I attacked a green player who was planning on hurting a lot of people and I was tossed in jail because of it. If it weren't for my friends and family, I would've rotted in that cell."

Philia- And your cursor? How come it's green and not orange?

"The system allows orange players a chance for redemption by forcing them to be inactive. If the orange player behaves and remains docile for a while, the cursor will turn back to green, and you'll be allowed in towns again. Why it hasn't happened to you is a little suspicious."

Philia- Because I tried not doing anything for days before I met you and nothing happened. So, I decided to use my abilities to find a way out of here without changing my cursor. But I haven't found a way.

"Regardless, you can't stay in the Hollow Area forever. If there is a way to either change your cursor or escape another way, I'll help you find it."

Philia- While I thank you for offering your help, I already know I can't stay here forever. It wasn't my choice to be here in the first place.

"Relax, I wasn't judging you. I was just making an observation."

She huffed and crossed her arms, looking away from me for only a second before I came up with an idea.

"Is there a karma restoration quest here in the Hollow Area? Maybe we could use that to change your cursor."

Philia- A karma restoration quest?

"Like you said, you've already tried waiting around and doing nothing. You should see if you can do something about your situation while I'm not here so looking for karma restoration quest might be your best bet."

Philia- That's an interesting idea.

"Besides, you won't be doing this alone. I'll help you."

Philia- What? You'll do the quest with me?

"Of course I will. Why wouldn't I?"

Philia- Look, I'm grateful for the offer, but I can't think of why you would want to do the quest if your cursor is green. Can you really be this friendly and trusting?

"I'm not 100% sure what to think about you or this Hollow Area, but I'm a firm believer in giving someone a chance."

Philia- Well, ok. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now. Let's see what we can achieve together.

"Good to hear. Before we begin, how does your equipment look? You haven't been back to Aincrad for a while, so it's durability must be getting low, right?"

Philia- I tend to avoid battles. My equipment's durability doesn't really affect me. Although, I would like to enhance my weapon. I found some ore that looked like it would be good for enhancement while I was exploring the area.

She opened her menu and pulled out some of the ore. It had a yellow base color with some red outlining cracked spots.

"I have never seen this kind of ore before. Must only be found in the Hollow Area."

Philia- I was hoping to increase the weapons attack power so I can handle more difficult monsters in this area.

"I could take your weapon back with me to Aincrad and get it enhanced for you. I happen to know a very dedicated blacksmith. I could ask for you."

She looked at me hesitantly for a second as I gave her a small smile.

"I trusted you not to stab me in the back when we first met. You can trust me to not run off with your weapon. I promise it won't take me long."

Philia looked at her weapon and then back to me, giving me a slight nod and handing me her dagger.

"I'll be back."

December 3, 2024

Floor 76: Arc Sophia

I ran straight from the teleport gate to Liz's workshop, spotting her placing weapons on display based on weapon type. I walked up to her and cleared my throat.

"Hello, I'm looking for the owner of this fine establishment in hopes that she would enhance something for me?"

She giggled as she turned around, placing both hands on her hips and giving me a smile.

Lisbeth- Well, sir, you have just found her. What is it I can do to help you?

I chuckled back at her as I handed over Philia's dagger and the ore she wanted to enhance it with.

"I just need the dagger's attack power enhanced. Think that's doable?"

Lisbeth- Without a sweat. Just wait out here and I'll bring it back as quickly as possible.

"Thanks Liz."

She nodded and hurried into her workshop, leaving me outside to wait for her return. I kept an eye on her shop and even scared off a few people thinking they could take her weapons without giving her payment.

Kiyo- Papa!

I looked to my left and saw Kiyo run up to me while Ashtry wasn't far behind, giving me a smile. I smiled at them both as I knelt down to Kiyo.

"Hey there little pup. How are you and Mama doing?"

Kiyo- We just came back from hunting monsters on this floor. We even found a secret area and got a lot of money for clearing it out!

"That's amazing!"

Ashtry- We even found a few enhancement items for our weapons. We were coming here to get our gear upgraded.

"Funny, I was here doing the same thing with a dagger a friend gave me."

Ashtry- Silica, Sinon or Argo?

"None of the above. The girl I met in the Hollow Area, Philia, asked me to do it."

Ashtry- She can't come here herself?

"No. For some reason, she refuses to come back to Aincrad. It may be because of her orange cursor or something else holding her back. But I promised her I would restore her green cursor so she wouldn't have to be afraid of coming back."

Ashtry- That's the Kazzu I know. Always helping people at a second's notice.

I smiled for a second before looking down with a frown. Ashtry caught onto this quickly as she held my face in her hands, giving me a gentle kiss.

Ashtry- What's wrong my love?

"I feel like I've been neglecting you and Kiyo. I've just been so busy with figuring out the Hollow Area and clearing the game, that I feel like you two think I'm pushing you away."

Kiyo- Oh Papa...

Ashtry- You aren't pushing us away my love. I understand you have a lot on your plate and I'm not mad at you for not spending every waking second with us. As long as you come back to us at the end of the day, I'm more than happy.

I looked up into her eyes and smiled as I leaned forward and gave her another kiss before resting my forehead on hers. Kiyo giggled and gave both of us a hug.

Lisbeth- Oh Kazzu...

I looked behind me to see Liz with a smug looking grin, twirling the dagger I had her upgrade.

Lisbeth- As cute as this is, I finished your dagger.

"Thank you Liz. How much do I owe you?"

Lizbeth- Don't worry about it, just visit my shop soon so we can work on my smithing skills.

I gave her a nod and looked back at my family one more time, both of them smiling and waving me goodbye before they left to do business with Liz. I gave off a small sigh.

I'll make it up to them somehow.

I bolted back to the teleport gate, hoping that the enhancements were enough.

December 3, 2024

Hollow Area: Administration Area

Philia- Why did I do that? I know he gave his word, but I shouldn't have done that. What if he...?

Her thoughts were interrupted by me teleporting back to the Administration Area and handing her the newly upgraded weapon with a smirk.

"Special delivery. One enhanced treasure hunting dagger for a Miss Philia."

That earned a little giggle out of her as she grabbed her weapon and examined it, a small smile on her face as she stared at the dagger in disbelief.

Philia- You... you really did that for me?

"Yea? What, did you think I would actually run off with your weapon?"

Philia- I guess I find it hard to believe that anyone would be kind enough to go enhance the weapon of someone they've only just met. I'll be honest, I had my doubts over whether or not I would see you again.

"If that's what you were thinking, why give me your weapon?"

Philia- Because even though I had my doubts, a small part of me was screaming out to trust you. So, thank you Kazzu. I won't forget your trust in me, and I hope you won't forget my trust in you.

"Of course I will. Now how about we go searching for that treasure you mentioned to me earlier? With an upgraded weapon, we should have an easier time with the monsters here."

Philia- Sounds like a plan.

December 3, 2024

Hollow Area: Antechambers of the Sacred Sword

Philia- We are getting close. Be on the lookout for nearby monsters.

"This isn't my first rodeo Philia. We'll be fine."

Philia- Whatever you say.

We slowly and quietly made our way through the chamber, avoiding monsters and staying out of sight.

This isn't really my usual playstyle. I would prefer to take down these monsters and gain more experience but if Philia's not comfortable with fighting monsters, I won't force her.

Deciding that sneaking around in silence was making me antsy, I quietly whispered to Philia, hoping to start a conversation.

"Hey Philia?"

Philia- What is it?

"You mentioned other players in the Hollow Area. Do they have a base somewhere?"

Philia- That's... a good question. I don't really know to be honest. It's not like I ever joined parties or anything.

"I know, I just would feel better about this place if there was a town or another safe zone nearby."

Philia- Well, as far as I know, there isn't one. But I do believe that the other players have a location they all go back to.

"Yea, it would be a nice change of pace to find..."

Philia- Hold on...

I instantly shut my mouth and looked at the scene in front of us. There was a room with two walking haunted pieces of armor and one big one at the very end of the room, guarding an unopened treasure chest. Philia looked back at me with a grin, motioning towards the chest. I gave her a thumbs up as we tried to form a game plan.

Philia- Ok, so we are outnumbered but I think if we draw the attention of the two smaller knights, we can take them out and then focus all of our strength towards the giant one in the back.

"Sounds like a good plan, however, rooms like this have a trick to them. They take into account that players might try luring them out one at a time, so if one enemy gets ready for a fight, they all do. So, luring them out wouldn't work."

Philia- Damn it, what can we do then?

"I have a plan, but you won't like it."

Philia- Lay it on me.

"You get to put your stealth skills to the test. I'll take them all on while you go for the treasure. They will be too focused on fighting me that they won't care enough to attack you."

Philia- You think you can take them all by yourself?

"I've handled worse."

Philia- You better not get yourself killed.

"Aw, you do care."

Philia- S-shut up!

I chuckled, standing up slowly from the ground and drawing my sword and shield. I walked slowly into the room where, immediately, the haunted armors looked towards me and started running towards me like rabid wolves.

"Bring it on..."

The first small armor tried swinging its sword down on my head, only for it to be blocked by my shield and slashed back with my own sword. The second knight tried to lunge forward and pierce through my body, only to have the same thing happen. The giant armor leaped in the air and slammed itself back down to the ground. I was quick enough to roll out of the way, recover quickly and bash it back with my shield. With my guard open, both smaller knights took the advantage and swung their weapons at me, pushing me into a wall with two slash marks on my chest.

Sloppy... even without my maxed-out skills, I should've seen that coming.

I rose back up to my feet and held my shield out in front of me, ready to knock down anyone in my way. All three knights started to swing their weapons at me simultaneously while I kept up with them to the best of my ability. It wasn't long before I was able to get a little breathing room and slash at all three of them, shattering the smaller ones and weakening the giant one. I raised my sword up high and swung it down on its head, decapitating it and ending the fight.

"Not the best performance, but we made it out alive right Philia?"

Silence filled the room. As I turned to Philia, she was looking at me shocked as her hand was on her dagger. My eyes widened as I realized that she was ready to help me. The treasure hunter who avoided fight was willing to jump into the fray and assist me. I smiled as I walked up to her and patted her head.

"I told you I would be alright."

Philia- I-I know, it just looked like... you were in a pinch.

"Like I said, I've handled worse. Now why don't we see what's in that chest?"

She gave me a nod and motioned me over to the chest. As we approached it, it started surrounding itself in a white aura. As we lifted the lid up, the white aura materialized into a small necklace with a big dark blue gemstone. In the center of the gem was the same symbol that was on my hand.

Philia- A necklace?

"It seems like it, but I can't equip it. An event item perhaps?"

Philia- I haven't heard of any events in this area. But now that we have this necklace, I'll do another round around the area and see if I can find anything.

"Sounds like a plan. Should we head back to the administration area?"

Philia- Yea, let's get out of here before those armor sets respawn.

As we walked out of the area, I wanted to strike up another conversation with my treasure seeking companion.

"So, I know you don't know much about the Hollow Area, but I wanted to see if you could tell me anything else about it. Even the slightest detail might help when it comes to us exploring."

Philia- Well, I guess I could start with how I came here in the first place.

"It's a start, plus I've been interested."

Philia- Well, I got thrown into the Hollow Area just like you did, but no symbol appeared on my hand. I obviously couldn't enter the Administration Area either. I had to sleep in dungeons. I would just find a safe spot and try to get some rest.

"I'm sorry to hear that. It must be difficult when there are no safe zones around."

Philia- Well most of those places ended up being a lot less dangerous than some other spots I ended up in.

"Serious trouble I assume?"

Philia- There are people in this area who would suddenly attack others without warning. One time, I was trying to take a rest in what I thought looked like a safe zone until I started hearing voices nearby. When I moved closer to see what was going on, I saw this player surrounded by other players who ended up killing that lone player.

"Player killers..."

Philia- Yea. What's more is that they looked like they have done it before. That's when I realized that my safe place might keep monsters away, but it wasn't going to protect me from other players. I haven't really slept since then. I just try and keep my distance.

"Must be rough, not being able to sleep without the fear of someone sneaking up and stabbing you in the back."

Philia- That's the situation I was in when I met you.

"Well, that explains why you wanted my head on a platter when I showed up."

Philia stopped walking and turned to face me, a saddened look on her face. She was too nervous to even look me in the eyes.

Philia- I feel bad about that. Ever since we met, you've been nothing but kind to me. It's because of you that I have a place to rest in the Administration Area. You even enhanced my weapon when you could've just taken it and run.

"Don't worry too much about it. I took no offense to your situation if that's what you're worried about."

Philia- I just really wanted to say... thank you...

"Well... thank you for telling me all of that. I think that information is going to be useful in our adventures. Plus, it was nice to get to know you more."

Philia- Kazzu?

"Yes, my dear treasure hunter?"

Philia- Can I ask you something?

"Of course, what's up?"

Philia- Why do you care so much about an orange player like me? I know you stated that you were one once, but is that the only reason?

"I just figured no one should have to explore a dangerous area alone. Besides, even though we only met a few days ago, I'm starting to understand you as a person and that's a nice feeling."

Philia- Really?

"Yes. Is it wrong of me to think that?"

Philia- Not at all. In fact, it brings me relief knowing that you don't have an ulterior motive and are genuinely doing this out of kindness.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. Was that all you wanted to ask?"

Philia- Yes. I think that'll do me for now. Thanks Kazzu.

"If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask at any time."

Philia- I'll hold you to that.