Chereads / Ntr System Essence (Cuck-Netorare) / Chapter 18 - Chapter 16

Chapter 18 - Chapter 16

Hello, welcome 👋 again, sorry for the misspelling, English is not my native language, if you notice any untranslated paragraph, do not hesitate to let me know so I can correct it.

Criticism and suggestions are welcome.

Any fantasy or fetish is welcome, just comment what you want to see


The hours pass. The bell rang and I went to open the door. There was Dana, beautiful as always, with a tight top that left little to the imagination and a skirt so short that she barely covered her buttocks.

Dana: Hello honey. He said in a Melosa voice, giving me a kiss on the cheek. Then he entered as if nothing and dropped on the couch, crossing his endless legs

Hey, I had to tell you. My grandfather comes to stay here for a few days. I said suddenly, nervous. I didn't know how I would react to the perspective of having that old man nearby.

Dana opened her eyes big, surprised. But then a naughty smile curved his lips: really? How exciting.

He leaned forward, making sure he could see well inside his neckline: I hope he is an interesting man. I would love to meet him.

I approached Dana slowly, with her eyes nailed in her tempting neckline. When I was in front of her, I leaned until our faces were very close.

It would be exciting to see you with him, Nena.

Dana groaned softly, her eyes darkening with desire.

Dana: mmm, what things do you say ... but you are right, it would surely be incredible. An experienced man, who knows exactly how to please a woman ...

I kiss her, hungry, savoring her. My hands toured their bare back, descending until your firm butt tightened

You are mine, Dana. I growled against his mouth: but I wouldn't mind sharing, seeing my grandfather use you in the way I want.

A sudden cough made us separate. When we turned, we saw my mother and sisters stopped there, with fun expressions.

Tamara had her arms crossed and arched an eyebrow: Go, it seems that little Dana is already anxious to meet the grandfather. He joked in a mocking voice.

Victoria clicked her tongue: sister, you have to be more discreet. We do not want the poor man to have a heart attack when you see you.

My mother clarified her throat: Now, now, ladies. If they are going to make their games, at least try to be subtle in front of the grandfather. We don't want to scandalize poor old man, right?

They all nodded, even Dana, who had blushed a bit.

Of course, mom. Tamara said: We will be angels. But I promise anything when we are alone with him.

My sisters laughed and my mother shook her head, fun. I sighed, resigned to another round of cornude. At least it promised to be entertaining.

I nodded, accepting his decision. I knew I couldn't stop them anyway it would be very successful to see them

Okay, but remember, nothing of shameless exhibitionisms in front of it, at least at the beginning. Be sweet and friendly. I said and then remember the passive ability Zephar may see her in practice in first hand I look at my sister by paying my attention again.

Tamara put her eyes blank: yes, dad. We will do what we can.

Victoria and Dana laughed.

Dana gives me palmaditas on the cheek: don't worry so much, love. I bet that the grandfather will worship us. And if we play our cards well, maybe we even get a family trio. Can you imagine?

I felt that it put me red although I couldn't deny that the idea excited me

I sigh deeply: I guess I will have to settle for that. And who knows, maybe it's not so bad. After all, grandfather is an older man, right? Surely you will not have many energies at all.

Tamara looked at me with a malicious smile: Oh, believe me brother, these old people can be surprisingly hot. Especially when they have young and burning foxes like us tempting them.

Victoria lasted his lips: MMM, I bet that he has a huge and venous penis, all tanned for decades of use.

Dana laughed: girls, please. Give poor man a chance. We would not want to scare it before it even arrives.

My mother nodded: Dana is right. Be discreet at first. But once it's at ease ... well, then leave it in my hands. I have my own methods of persuasion.

The women laughed and I shook my head:

Come on, Dana help me prepare the guest room.

She smiled and followed me up, leaving my other women laughing behind us. I knew it would be a long week.

Time passes while I was on the sofa of the room suddenly the bell sounds I went to open the main door, where I found my grandfather standing. He was an older man, somewhat fat and wrinkled, with white hair and a disagreement.

Hello grandfather, welcome. I greeted in a cheerful voice giving him a hug

Hello boy. He greeted effusively but returns the hug that almost breaks my ribs: how long without seeing us, you are done a man.

I guide him in but when I close the door before he could say more, Dana appeared behind me, becoming sensually.

Hi sir. He said while snoring, approaching him:

I am Dana, the girlfriend of your grandson welcome home.

He leaned to kiss his cheek, but he did it in such a way that he showed him the full neckline.

The old man was speechless, his eyes show confusion but unexpectedly change to lustful touring the young and voluptuous body of my girl The results of the ability are evident

The old saliva swallow, impressed: e-eh, thanks Dana. You are a very pretty girl, my grandson was very lucky.

Dana smiled flirtatious, passing a finger through the grandfather's chest: Oh, you are very friendly. Do you want me to show your room? -He said in a melosa voice: I promise to be a good host.

Before Dana could take grandfather to the room, Tamara and Victoria appeared behind him, practically bouncing with emotion.

Grandpa, welcome! : Tamara shed, surrounding him with his arms. He pressed his big tits against his side: I hope you feel at home.

Yes, yes, we are happy that you have come. Victoria added, hugging him from the other side. He scrubbed his butt on his thigh, looking at him with a pretended innocence: tell me grandfather, how was your trip? Are you tired?

Dana frowned, annoyed by the interruption of my sisters.

The grandfather stuttered, clearly exceeded by the attention of the three beauties: huh, well, thanks, girls. It was a long trip.

Then come, we will show you your room. Tamara said, taking her arm. He guided him upstairs, with victory and Dana behind.

I followed them in silence stairs, watching the scene with some excitement. Tamara guided the grandfather, who walked like in a trance, her eyes glued to the back of Victoria that she advanced slightly to open the door.

Upon arriving at the room, my younger sister leaned on the bed to hold the sheets, leaving her ass jusantly in front of the old man.

This at the same time trembles while trying to reach luggage

Dana placed himself next to El Brozando his hip: Do you need help with that, grandfather? He offered in a mellious voice, also bowing his breasts swing dangerously on the edge of his top.

Tamara pushed them both, laughing: already, let it breathe. The poor should be exhausted. Collect the suitcase and left it on the floor: here you have, grandfather. Is there anything else we can help you?

The grandfather murmured that he did not need anything else, clearly exceeded by the attention of the girls but I can notice that little by little his gaze and attitude change slightly.

The girls finally left the room, dedicating winks and giggles along the way.

Just when I was about to close the door, we heard steps up the stairs. I turned and saw my mother appear in the corridor, wearing an extremely short short that left the imagination little. His big tits almost leave the tim adjusted.

Oh, you're here, dear. He purred, approaching with sensual movements: he wanted to welcome Dad personally.

He passed by my side, deliberately brushing with his soft and warm body.

He entered the room and heard his hoarse voice greeting the old man.

Good afternoon, daddy. What a pleasure to have you here. I hope my girls have been good hosts with you.

I smiled at the double meaning of his words. He knew that the grandfather was in trouble. But, I admit, seeing my mother and sisters put it in check was perversely exciting

The grandfather cannot believe what he sees and hears. What happens to this family? He wonders. Why do all women in this house act in that way? Shake your head, confused, and try to concentrate.

Ah, thanks, daughter. Balbucea, trying to keep their eyes on his face and not in his generous neckline: yes, the girls have been very friendly with me.

Emma smiles, pleased: I'm glad you think like that. I am sure we will spend moments ... very pleasant together these days.

His voice is a snoring loaded with insinuation.

-Well, I'll let you install. He says, slowly backing towards the door: if you need something, whatever, do not hesitate to call us. We are here to serve you.

With a last flirty wink, he leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

The grandfather is left alone, his mind spinning. What has just happened? What is really happening in this house? He wonders if he came to the right house but a perverse flame ignites when he remembers the previous events.


I wandered around the house, lost in my thoughts, when I heard voices from the living room. Curious, I went there and found my sisters Tamara and Victoria sitting on the couch, with Dana among them. The three seemed very entertaining, laughing and chatting animatedly.

What do you talk about three? I asked, leaning on the door frame.

Tamara launched me a naughty look: Oh, nothing important, little brother. We are just planning how to make the grandfather feel ... Welcome during his stay.

Victoria released a laugh: Yes, and I think I have the perfect solution. Do you remember those lace panties that I gave you on your birthday, Dana?

Dana blushed a little, but nodded: yes? What about them?

Victoria: Well, I think you should use them to sleep and bet that the grandfather cannot resist taking a look if he occurs to walk around the house at night or attack you.

The girls laughed, and I shook my head, although I admit that the idea sounded well.

I deny my head: Girls, please, at least try to be discreet. The grandfather is a respectable old man, we cannot simply know. I make gestures with my hands.

Tamara shrugs, without flinching: Oh, don't be so mojigato, little grandfather may be older, but surely some parts still work and do not tell me that you have not noticed how he looked at us.

Yes, his eyes were devouring us. Victoria mocks, stirring her eyelashes: I bet he is looking forward to trying us.

Dana bites her lip, blushed but excited: girls, I don't know ... it sounds very dangerous. What if the grandfather gets angry?

Tamara releases a laugh: nonsense, baby men, whether old or young, never reject such an offer.

He gets up and grabs Dana by the hand: come, let's try those panties yours I want to see how they look.

The girls dragged Dana upper stairs, laughing and whipping conspiracy.

I decided to give them space and directed the kitchen to prepare coffee.

I finished preparing coffee and served a cup, still lost in my thoughts. Suddenly, I listened to steps and looked up to see the grandfather entering the kitchen, with nervous appearance.

Hello, boy. He greeted awkwardly, rubbing his hands: I couldn't help smelling the aroma of coffee. Would it bother you if ...?

Of course not, grandfather. I replied, serving another cup: here are

I gave it to her and invited her to sit with me at the table.

Thank you, son. He said, accepting the cup with gratitude. He gave a sip and sighed: Mmm, this is delicious just what he needed after the trip.

There was an uncomfortable moment of silence, until I could not endure more I ask what I think of:

How was the grandfather trip?

The grandfather looked at me strange by a second, but then decided to answer my question:

Ah, the trip was good, thanks for asking.

He took another sip of coffee before continuing: although I must admit that the attention of your sisters and your girlfriend have taken me a little by surprise. I'm not used to so much ... enthusiasm.

He lowered his voice, as if he were sharing a secret: I don't want to sound rude, but are you sure everything is fine with them? Its manners are a bit ... daring.

He seemed worried, as if he thought there was something wrong with my family but I didn't know that.

I sighed, knowing that I couldn't lie to him and grateful to the system.

The truth, grandfather, is that the women of this house are like that. They like it ... have fun a little. Don't worry, they won't hurt you.

I tried to reassure him, although I wasn't sure to work

You just enjoy you have worked a lot of tomato. I give a sip to coffee while I see his change of expression.

Grandfather frowned, confused: enjoy? How do I enjoy? I don't understand what you mean exactly, son

Just then, Victoria entered the kitchen, dressed in tiny shorts and a top that left the imagination little.

Victoria: Ah, here you are, grandfather! - He exclaimed happily: I came to see if you needed something. He approached us, his curves bouncing with each step: did you like the room, grandfather? I hope you are comfortable.

He put a hand on his shoulder, leaning to look him in the eye.

The old man tries to avoid but his eyes fixed on his neckline: huh, yes, the room is perfect, thanks

I felt that my mouth dried to see Victoria get to grandfather, her tits almost leaving the tiny top.

The old man seemed hypnotized, slightly drooling while admiring his curves.

Victoria flirts about her lips to her ear

I hope you like the rest we have to offer you, grandfather. snapped with a melious voice: we are here to give you ... all the pleasure you need

Lift an eyebrow, surprised by your boldness. But at the same time, I could not deny that the scene excited me. Seeing my family seducing the poor old man was more than I could endure.

Tamara and Dana entered the kitchen, both dressed in a provocative way. Did we interrupt something?

Tamara joked seeing Victoria with the grandfather: it seems that someone is already working hard to welcome the special guest.

At that time, my mother entered with a great source of food

The dinner is ready, guys! . Announced happily, completely ignoring the situation: come, daddy, let's eat. You must be hungry after the trip. The girls reluctantly separated, allowing the grandfather to accompany my mother to the dining room.

We sat around the dining room table, the atmosphere was loaded with sexual tension. I noticed how Dana slipped into the chair next to the grandfather, "accidentally" his leg with his under the table.

Tamara and Victoria sat in front of them, launching seductive looks at the old man.

My mother was in the head, smiling complicity while serving the food.

Daddy, do you like pasta? Emma asked in a mellious voice, leaning to fill the plate. His neckline opened slightly, revealing the edge of his lace bra:

I have prepared your favorite, I hope you like it.

Oh, I'm sure he will be delicious, grandfather responded, swallowing saliva. His eyes were stuck to their neckline for a moment before looking away

During dinner, I noticed how Dana was getting closer and more to the grandfather. First it was the casual rubbing of his legs, then his hand "accidentally" brushing his low thigh on the table.

Finally, while serving the wine, I take the opportunity to put my hand directly in his lap.

The elder rested, spilling some wine on the tablecloth.

Oh my God, I'm very sorry! Dana exclaimed, pretending innocence: let me clean, grandfather.

He grabbed his napkin and began rubbing the stain on his pants, his fingers deliberately stroking his crotch.

Tamara and Victoria laughed concealed, exchanging complicit looks.

My mother maintained a neutral expression, but there was a mischievous shine in her eyes.

I could barely hide my erection, fascinated by the audacity of my girlfriend.

As dinner continued, I noticed that Dana did not stop her advances just like her her gaze changed now without hiding her enjoyment and satisfaction. Under the tablecloth, Dana's hand moved discreetly in her lap. The movements were increasingly fast and pronounced

Tamara and Victoria looked at each other with complicity, trying to hide their giggles. My mother maintained a neutral expression, but there was a mischievous shine in her eyes while pretending not to realize.

Finally, I saw that Dana took the grandfather's cock under the tablecloth. Although they tried to hide, the semi-right member was visible through the transparent fabric. However, we all act as if nothing was happening, continuing the casual conversation as if we did not have an old man being masturbated under the table.

Dana continued masturbating grandfather under the table, her most frantic movements. Suddenly, I noticed that he gave a drowned groan, his rigid body.

A moment later, Dana withdrew her hand, evidently covered with the semen of the old man. Without losing his composure, he brought his hand to his mouth and licked his fingers slowly, savoring the seminal fluid.

Mmm, this paste cream is delicious

Dana said naturally, as if he had just tried a gourmet delicacy: grandfather, do you like? He asked with a pretended innocence, although we all knew he was not talking about the sauce.

Tamara, Victoria and my mother pretended not to realize anything, continuing the trivial conversation as if it were the most normal in the world. I was stunned, my mind spinning excitement

The grandfather thanked the food, clearly ashamed and nervous about what had just happened under the table: this has been delicious, thank you very much

Fart, quickly getting up from the chair: now, if they apologize, I am quite tired of the trip. I think I will retire to my room.

Tamara, Victoria and my mother nodded, pretending not to understand her sudden hurry: of course, grandfather. Rest well. They said to chorus. Dana dedicated a spicy smile, flashing her lips.

Once the old man left, Tamara let out a laugh: fuck, that was intense! Did you see the face you put? He said, giving Victoria a elbow.

I ignore all the conversation while I left for my room.

I climbed the stairs and entered my room, closing the door behind me with a sigh.

I lay on the bed, my mind still processing the image of Dana masturbating the grandfather under the table, savoring her semen as if it were a dessert. My cock was hard like a rock, throbbing in my pants.

With a groan, I started to masturbate furiously, imagining my women seducing the old man in a wild orgy. I ran quickly, imagining Dana riding the grandfather's cock while Tamara and Victoria rode him from both sides. When I finished, I was lying there, exhausted and then closing my eyes.

My mother's acute voice takes me out of a deep sleep. Confused flicker, trying to guide me.

He is standing next to my bed, his face illuminated by an expression of excitation barely contained.

Get up! You have to see this! demands, mom pulling me.

Stunned, I follow her to the living room. Upon entering, I am speechless at the scene in front

My dear Dana is curled up against grandfather's lap.

The grandfather denies his head, pushing Dana's hands from her lap: no, I can't do this. You are my grandson's girlfriend.

But his words are weakened by the way in which his wrinkled eyes cling to Dana's curves.

Dana simply laughs, her mocking voice: boyfriend? Oh, he can't satisfy me as I need.

While watching horrified and excited, I feel a touch on my arm.

I turn my head to see my mother, her hand sliding down my biceps

Look how good it does, son. Your girlfriend is a real whore. Murmure, my mother her hoarse voice: Doesn't it excite you to see her with another man? His fingers dance by my chest, sending chills through my spine.

The grandfather finally yields to temptation, his rough hands grabbing Dana's waist: you are a very bad girl, seducing a poor old man. He growls, his tense voice of desire.

Dana laughs, a hoarse and seductive sound: I know, grandfather. I love being bad. "

They begin to kiss passionately, the humid and obscene sounds filling the room. I observe, hypnotized and sick, while the grandfather handles Dana's body.

My mother's hands become more daring, stroking my package:

Look how you enjoy it, love don't you want to see more? He whispers in my ear, his hot breath against my skin.

The grandfather pushes Dana down, forcing her to kneel between her legs: show me that talented mouth of yours, slut. Order, unbuttoning your pants.

Dana smiles, her pink tongue coming out to lick her lips: with pleasure, grandfather

He grabs his flaccid member and introduces him in his mouth, sucking him avidly. He groans around his cock, the evident vibrations in the trembling body of the old man.

My mother rubs my throbbing erection through my pants, whispering dirty words in my ear: look how everything eats it. I would bet that you know better than you.

Lust swolve inside me, my mind clouded by prohibited excitement.

Grandfather's wrinkled face is contorted with pleasure while Dana works her cock with her talented mouth.

The dripping slide of the corners of his lips as he takes it more deeply, his throat is boldly bulging.

The wet sounds of sips fill the room along with the grunts and groans of the old man.

Meanwhile, my mother's hand sinks more, hollowing my tense erection through the tel

That is, my child. Look at your little whore to give a show. Ronronea, squeezing gently: I bet you would like your cock that was sucking, huh? Too bad you are too small and weak to satisfy it.

His mocking words combined with the degrading scene before me send twisted excitation via body, even while humiliation burns my cheeks.

That is, slut! Tragatela all. Rage the grandfather, his white knuckles as he grabs Dana's hair:

I bet you prefer my old and fat cock instead of my grandson's little thing. Push her head down, forcing her to take her even deeper member.

Dana's eyes are blank, their swollen cheeks around the elder's wrinkled meat

My mother laughs cruelly behind me: listen to that, honey. Your girlfriend likes grandfather more than you. You are so pathetic.

His hand slides inside my pants, pressing my throbbing erection.

Say yes, cornudo. Sisea my mother, squeezing my erection strongly: admits that your girlfriend prefers grandfather. Dana lifts her eyes, her dark eyes shining with excitement while the grandfather fucks her wild face

With a mixture of disgust and lust, the words come out of my lips: yes ... Dana prefers the grandfather's cock. It is bigger and better than mine.

Grandfather's eyes light up with lust grabs Dana's hair more strongly, forcing her to take it deeply in her throat: Ahhh, fuck, yes! Breat my cock, little semen fox! Ahogate in it as the useless fox that you are!

My mother's nails are nailed into my throbbing axis, twisting cruelly:

Do you see how much you love to use real men? He doesn't need a pathetic loser like you.

Dana makes arcades and farforla around the grandfather's member, tears escape her eyes, but she doesn't stop. In any case, degradation seems to feed its lust, making it suck stronger. Obscents of meat hitting the meat resonate in the room.

With a strong groan, the grandfather reaches its climax, pumping load after burden of hot and thick sperm directly to Dana's throat:

Take everything, greedy sperm whore!

He growls, holding his head while she swallows convulsively, trying to swallow every drop of her powerful seed.

A little drips on the sides of his stretched lips, slipping through his chin and neck in stream.

Dana takes away her worn cock with a panting, panting heavily. Saliva and semen threads connect their mouth with their softened member

My mother continues to stroke my rigid member through my pants, her voice drips with fake sympathy: poor thing. It seems that you will have to look at you while the men really satisfy your wife properly. Maybe if you are lucky, let's let you clean our disaster later. Would you like that, honey? "

Nodding weakly, I confess my mother my depraved wishes: yes ... I want to see more. I want to see how they use Dana as they please.

My voice is tense for shame and anticipation.

Completely ignoring our presence, Dana gets up and begins to undress slowly, making a private strip for the grandfather.

The blouse and bra, revealing her perfect breasts crowned by pink and rigid nipples.

Turning, leans and removes the skirt and panties, giving the old man a perfect view of his bright pink folds.

Do you like what you see, grandfather?

The grandfather looks at her with lasciviousness, her wrinkled hands move to caress her butt: fuck, yes, girl. I will stretch this little and tight pussy of yours.

Dana groanly, opening more in invitation: do it, grandfather. Flore me strong with that great old cock of yours. Make me shout! "While they go to the bedroom

My mother takes me by the hand and guides me around the hall, our steps cushioned by the carpet.

He stops in front of a door that is in his room he would swear that he had always been closed, and using a key, opens it by revealing a small dark room.

Lighting the light, reveals a surreal scene: a great complete mirror with a King Size bed and heavy furniture.

A bidirectional mirror that allows you to see grandfather's room.

Welcome to the observation room, love has not used it for a long time. My mother says with a conspirator smile:

From here we can see everything that happens in the guest room without being detected. Perfect to see your girlfriend and daddy.

Grab my erection and rub it slowly. Ready for the show?

What is this, mom? Why do you have this room? I ask stunned, pointing to the spy window.

My mother smiles mysteriously, guiding me inside.

Emma: Don't worry about that now, honey. The important thing is that we have a seat in the front row for the show that is about to begin.

Just then, we hear noises from the other room.

You are a very bad girl, seducing a poor old man. The grandfather growls, his wrinkled hand connecting with the buttock in a sound slap.

Dana Gime, a sound half pain, half pleasure.

I know, grandfather. I love being bad.

The scene becomes more violent, grandfather punishing Dana for his infidelity.

He whips his red butt, leaving reddish marks on his pale skin.

Take your punishment, whore. Learn to respect your true lover. Dana twists under him, crying, but there is no doubt about lust brightness in her eyes.

Meanwhile, my mother presses against my back, rubbing her body against mine. Look how he enjoys, honey. Your girlfriend loves being treated as the fox that is betting that her pussy is soaked.

His hands slide around my torso, mocking my need.

Dana begs for more, her hips desperately turning against the grandfather:

Please, folla me hard. Punish me for being a bad girlfriend for your grandson.

The old man growls from lust, taking out his semi-right member.

I will destroy this tight pussy of yours.

It is positioned at its entrance and pushes, burying deeply in its heat.

Dana shouts of ecstasy, its internal walls being around the intrusion:

Yeah! Fill me with your seed, grandfather! "

Behind me, my mother begins to undress, her mature but toned body exposed:

Poor, everything alone and excited. Let me help you with that.

He turns and leans on the table next to us, presenting his firm butt: Flore me while you see your girlfriend receive his deserved.

Drunk by lust, I grab my mother for the waist and turn to face her. My hands find their breasts, kneading their soft meat:

I need to fuck you now. Gruño, pushing my erection against his belly.

She smiles seductively, wrapping her legs around my waist: then do it, honey. Show me that cock of yours.

I guide my member at his entrance, pushing inside his slippery heat.

A groan getaway from his lips, his nails sticking on my back. He began to ram it, lost in pleasure, while the obscene sounds of the next room fill the air

The grandfather is buried to the hilt in Dana, his wrinkled body tensing while approaching the climax:

Dana groans and shouts of ecstasy, her body convulsing while the grandfather fills her with her seed: Yes! Ahh ... ahmnn..Oh God yes! Fill me, grandfather! Your cock feels so good inside me fuck me

His body arches under the assault of the old man, his tits bouncing with each lunge.

Suddenly, his mouth opens in a scream of ecstasy his pussy clencing the grandfather's cock: fuck, yes! Crown into me! I want to feel your hot semen filling me!

His dirty language is combined with the obscene sound of skin hitting skin, creating an erotic symphony.

Ahhhh, take everything, whore! Receive my load as the fox in heat you are! He roared the grandfather, his balls tense while preparing to download in the depths of Dana. His legs close around his waist,

The show and my mother's feeling squeezing me lead me to the limit: shit, I'm going to run. I warn, accelerating my lunge.

Are you going to run, honey? So soon?

He mocks my mother, his walls squeezing me mockingly:

Don't tell me you're running because you saw your girlfriend being fucked by grandfather. You are so easy to excite, like a Virgin.

His mocking laugh sends chills through my column.

In addition, its cock is much larger than yours. I would bet that Dana would prefer to have him fucking her every night instead of your little thing.

Move your hips, squeezing my throbbing member: but I suppose I will have to settle with you. Now, be for me, baby. Fill me with your seed, even if it is little.

Yes, I run. I am ashamed, feeling my orgasm approach quickly due to humiliation and stimulation: Dana prefers grandfather, her cock is bigger and knows how to use it better than me.

My mother laughs cruelly: that's what I thought. Now, be for me, honey. Fill me with your seed, even if it is little. His words and the image of Dana being fucked by grandfather take me to the edge. With a strangled groan, I run inside my mother, filling her with my seed.

In the other room, the grandfather continues to fuck Dana with renewed vigor, his bodies colliding in a frantic rhythm.

That is, slut. Take my cock. I bet that your little boy has never made you feel so well. The old man mocks. Dana only groans stronger, her internal walls milking her member while she reaches another climax.

The grandfather roars of pleasure, getting deeply in Dana while running hard. His body is tense, pumping a jet after jet from his hot seed directly in his uterus:

Take my load, slut. He points well, I want to see that belly of yours and swell with my baby.

The old man growls. To my surprise, even after running, grandfather's cock remains hard and erect inside Dana.

My mother realizes and points to the window with a mocking laugh:

Look that, honey. Your grandfather's cock remains hard as a rock. I would bet that I could continue fucking it for hours, filling it again and again with its semen.

Dana is lying under the grandfather, panting by air.

His body is covered with sweat and semen, his pussy is dripping with the combination of both.

More ... please, grandfather. I need more plea, Dana moving her needy hips: I want you to fill me until I can walk

My mother rubs my balls gently, her mocking caresses: look that, honey. Your grandfather's cock remains hard as a stone. I would bet that I could continue fucking it for hours, filling again and again with its semen. She cruelly laughs at my reaction: it will be a long night, that sure. And your girlfriend is anxious for more. Look how to pray on grandfather's cock

Dana is lying under the old man, her body is trembling with need:

Please, grandfather. I need more. I want you to fill me until I can walk. She begs, moving her hips in search of attention.

The grandfather recovers quickly, his cock still hard inside Dana. He begins to move again, following her slowly. I will give you more, fox. I will give you so much that you can not sit tomorrow. You will be full of my semen for days.

promises the old man, increasing his rhythm. Dana's groans fill the room once again, her body is receiving every inch of her hard member.

Look how he groans, begging for more cock. As if you didn't have enough to offer you.

My mother mocks her, her fingers mocking my erection: your cock can be hard, but it is not enough to satisfy a fox like Dana. She needs a real man, one who knows really to fuck.

She laughs cruelly before my embarrassed expression.

Don't worry, honey. You can always see us in action and masturbate while dreaming of being good enough for us. Maybe if you practice enough, one day I can pretend that you are a good lover.

My mother gets out of me, leaving me with a hard and sore cock and lies in bed opening my legs by seeing her pussy with semen: now she sees the disorder. When we finish there are some drops of semen for you with Dana. It would be a shame to waste it, right? She laughs as she sucks in her pussy

The night progresses, full of the constant sounds of Dana's ecstasy screams and the crunch of the bed frame.

The grandfather keeps her full and satisfied, her resistance seems infinite compared to mine. I stay attending mom and listening and imagining, my own hand working furiously while trying to find relief.

To be continued.....


Lust Points: 225

Routes: Bully

Essences: ∅∅

Scenarios: ∅∅