(A dog stares at a bone it cant reach)
"I sure hope you wont be an old dog Fujima, cause I taught you all the tricks I can counter" Flourishing his spear Hanzo gets angered by Fujima's remark "Like I would ever keep those party tricks of yours"
"Why you!"
Hanzo charges Fujima down intent on pummeling him and dragging him back. As he charged his guard was high expecting Fujima to use one of the techniques he taught him but Fujima wasn't there, he basically disappeared "You were always so good at that" Hanzo said under his breath. Knowing Fujima obviously couldn't fly, as the thought crossed his mind he looked down toward the dock seeing that the fish was still thrashing wildly at Keiaru and Hanzo "The forest it is" he remarked before running toward the forest. Fujima stood behind a tree believing he was hidden till a hand patted his shoulder from behind it was Hanzo. Not given a chance to speak he is forced to duck under a punch that broke through tree he hid by "weren't you going to kidnap me?"
"I'm sure they wouldn't mind a corpse you coward."
"that was clever, are you the same person?"
Fujima is grabbed by his collar and tossed to the next tree "Sure hope your "New" technique is hiding behind trees Fujima"
"And I sure hope you don't hit me every time you run out of a comeback its shameful you party clown" Fujima ducks under Hanzo's spear and tries to trip him but that was a tactic from Hanzo who counters the attempt but forgot that all of his counters were practiced on Fujima who slips behind a tree and tries to stab Hanzo's legs so he can get away from him and plan a better attack but Hanzo weaves back, though he couldn't get a chance to attack from a distance since Fujima threw the spear at him like he were a fish and even though Hanzo dodged the spear Fujima had already ran off.
As Keiaru and Renzo hid behind some ruins of a house they could hear someone shout "You Coward!" from the forest but the massive fish that was basically a sea beast with goldish tipped scales on its head brought forward a wave with the swipe of its tail and though Renzo could swim Keiaru could not so she is almost swept away deep in the river before Renzo drags her out "Are you alright"
"yea a little wave cant beat me" Keiaru responded confidently while she thought to herself "Why did Fujima go and leave me with the fish that is his job I should be fighting that bandit" she grabbed the largest stone she could find and threw it at the fish's eye "Father could you at least throw a few stones instead of sitting over there"
"Keiaru did you see that monster lift its tail out of water for long"
"No why?"
"Its gills are probably lower than they should be, so we should try getting it out of water and trapping it"
"So do we wait for it to leap and then block off the water"
"Yes but we will need something good enough to block it from crossing"
"What about a spike wall"
As their strategy forms Keiaru runs off to chop down some trees while Renzo lands heavy blows where he can. During one of his attacks he leaps off the tail of the fish preparing to hit its head but he notices a jewel like scale and when he attacks it with one of the stones he used to exorcise the flame spirit Genseki had, the fish Recoils in pain and tries to eat Renzo but Keiaru tosses a sharpened tree at its mouth "Keiaru forget the original plan! do you see that spot on the fishes head?" but she had not awakened her eyes, realizing so Renzo begins his first lesson "Do your eyes feel heavy Keiaru"
"A-A little yes"
"Good, close them"
"But what about the fish-"
"Don't worry just close them"
hesitantly she closes her eyes "what now?"
"I want you to imagine seeing your eyes"
"Just visualize them"
as Renzo takes out a few stones from a pouch he places them in a circle creating a barrier that burned the fish when ever it crossed the stones and as he sits down Keiaru finishes.
"I see them what is next?"
"Now imagine a string attaching your eyes to your heart"
"What are you talking about?"
slightly struggling to hold up the barrier Renzo asks Keiaru to "Just trust me"
"Alright" as she pauses for a moment she finally visualizes the Eyes connected to the heart and before she could asks what she was seeing a light appears between the strings "What is this light"
"That is your spirit"
"Wha- How?"
"Don't worry but before I give you the next step I do not want you to loose the image it can ruin the process"
"What process?"
"I want you to wrap the string around the light and what ever you do do not focus too hard on the light. The eyes, the heart, everything must be seen alright?"
As she imagines the string wrapping around Keiaru notices the eyes fading but when she focuses to reform them, the strings unravel "could I get a hint?"
"don't focus on the strings they don't need all of your attention and don't focus on seeing the strings wrap the light"
suddenly Keiaru comes up with an idea and begins thinking of looking out a window while two kids could be seen running in circles singing a faint song. As the children ran around, the strings twirled around the light but just before it could be wrapped one of the kids fell making one of the strings disappear but the light was wrapped and as everything started glowing the kid behind the window could be seen and it was Keiaru staring somberly but as everything faded away a red dot could be seen and when Keiaru opened her eyes she could finally see the scale.