Chereads / Bleach: Death God of Orario / Chapter 7 - Mobilization Part 2

Chapter 7 - Mobilization Part 2


Now that Lili was now officially part of Hestia familia, There seemed to be one newcomer as well.

Mikoto Yamato was her name, and she was the most Japanese (Aside from Takemikazuchi) Ichigo had ever seen in Orario.

"Welcome to my humble estate, Mikoto." Ichigo said, as Mikoto kneeled.

"Thank you for having me, Ichigo-sama." Mikoto said.

Her armor clacked around when she moved, and she carried a standard Katana.

Ichigo found it amusing at how uptight she was. A little Uryu.

Regardless, The death god had witnessed several growth improvements within the next four days. Bell could now block and parry and even counterattack Ais in one of her most powerful forms. 'Tempest'

Bell's 'Firebolt' had increased in power, and now had the same destructive output as a low level Shakkaho fired by a 6th seat.

Welf was more accurate and resourceful in his swings and strikes with a sword.

Overall, They were ready. Their stats had gone up tremendously, and were on the cusp of leveling up once more. Only after the war game tomorrow, they will find out.

The determination on their faces told Ichigo that he and Hestia had nothing to worry about.

Mirba on the other hand...

Ichigo could notice that day after day, after dinnertime, her face falls once she walks to her room.

She's depressed. He knew that much.

"Lord Ichigo. May I speak with you in private?" Acero said. This was unusual. The elf never asked for anything. This was the first time he's made an effort to speak without an invitation.

Ichigo's head perked up, and said "Sure, Let's go outside."

Ichigo motioned for Acero to follow him, as they went outside.

The night sky was darkened with clouds, and a particularly chilly breeze swept Orario. Ichigo and Acero stood under the tree that overlooked the entire field.

"What's the issue" Ichigo asked, crossing his arms.

"My Lord. I do believe that Captain Mirba's going to be more than able to participate in tomorrow's war game."

"What makes you say that?" Ichigo asked, crossing his arms.

"She has the capacity to fight, and fight well with little effort. Her emotional breakdown with you will not happen in the face of the enemy. Her head will be clear, and her sword will be unhindered. Don't deny her this." Acero said, Surprisingly invested in Mirba's state of wellness.

"Hm." Ichigo said, putting a hand to his face to think. "Well, Acero. I'm going to assign you to keep a lookout over her, during the game. If she's about to be wounded, try whatever you can to prevent it." Ichigo said.

"You don't trust her to keep herself guarded?" Acero said, crossing his own arms.

"..." Ichigo felt his cheeks redden.

Did he truly not trust her? He understood her combat prowess, but...After what happened last time, There's always something more that's bound to happen. Just because she's able to fight well...Doesn't necessarily mean that she's able to defend well...Maybe it did, but Ichigo didn't want to see Mirba hurt.

"Lord Ichigo. She's proven herself to me. We've sparred."

Ichigo looked up at Acero, and raised an eyebrow. "Every night when you're asleep. We'd go here, and I'd test her on various things. Including defense. She's impossibly well guarded now. She's able to parry attacks that she couldn't see coming...Her reaction time is impressive, as well as her combat awareness." Acero pleaded.

"..Alright. Just...she better come home. Got it?" Ichigo sighed out, as he put a hand to his face.

Acero looked relieved, as he breathed out a content sigh.

"Of course."

"C'mon. Let's go tell her the good news. I think she's waiting by the door." Ichigo said, sensing Mirba trying to overhear the conversation by barely looking out the door.

'she sucks at being sneaky...' Ichigo stated internally.

The duo walk back to the mansion, just in time to see everyone gathered nearby...Damn did they plan this?

Acero walked forward to stand next to Mirba, and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Everyone's face was lit up with hope.

'Damn! They set this up! and now they want me to tell em?' Ichigo thought with annoyance.

Ichigo chuckled, as he crossed his arms.

"Mirba's officially re-instated as Person in charge of tomorrow's War Game."

Mirba's face lit up with joy, as she tackle-hugged Ichigo.

"thankyouthankyouthankyou!" She yelled into his chest.

Everyone cheered in congratulations, as Ren started to talk about going to the Hostess for celebration.

"Nah, No hostess this time. Y'all need to cut it out with all of that constant celebration! That's like...The what, Fourth time you would have gone out for drinks? Not today. Win the war-game, then we'll talk. Kay?" Ichigo said, still getting nuzzled by Mirba in appreciation.

"...Okay, sorry hah" Ren said, rubbing the back of his head.

Ichigo nodded, and pried himself off of Mirba.

Slowly but surely, Ichigo noticed that he was becoming more and more comfortable with physical contact, and that he was becoming more and more invested in this new world.

Mirba pouted, But granted her lord's request for space nevertheless.

The night was carried by a quiet atmosphere and light snoozing.

Ichigo sat in his office with an intense scowl that was a stark contrast to the immense joy that was felt earlier.

Apollo Familia had set out for the castle nearly 4 days ago...The same day Luan had been captured, and put into one of Miach's sheds outside of Orario.

Ichigo would be taking everyone to the castle via Flash step, and would not take any longer than thirty minutes.

"Alright, Apollo. Let's see what kind of bullshit you'll pull tomorrow." Ichigo said to himself, as his eyes darkened.


Gathered on the 30th floor of babel, were various gods of ranging popularity and wealth.

Hestia and Hephaestus sat next to each other.

The door flew open to reveal Apollo, Who's face was twisted with pure cockiness, and confidence.

Calm, were his strides over to the trio, and when he sat down behind them, he said

"lovely day for victory, is it not? Have you had a chance to say goodbye to Bell, Hestia?"

"Goodbye? To who? To you?" Hestia said, slightly falling to his bait.

"Oh, ho! How presumptuous a statement, Hestia!" Apollo said.

"Tch!" Hestia crossed her arms under her bust, and sighed to look at the raised pedestal in the middle of the floor.

"Great Ouranos, May we have permission to use our abilities, to use the 'Divine Mirror'?" Hermes said, Interrupting Hestia before she could say anything back.

"You are permitted." Ouranos's voice said, ringing through the city and into the tower.

"Thank you." Hermes said, bowing slightly, as above the pedestal a small bubble of energy formed, before it flattened and expanded into an oval.

A castle shown itself, and the War Game was officially live.

"This War Game is Now Live. BEGIN!" Ouranos announced.

"where is Ichigo?" Hephaestus asked, searching the screen for him.

"He dropped the familia off, He'll be back-"

"Now." Ichigo said from next to Hephaestus.

"Eep! What the hell!" Hephaestus said, Hitting Ichigo's arm lightly.

"Sorry." Ichigo laughed out.

"No, I'm sorry, Ichigo. Your captain is gone. I heard about that, rather nasty incident. I wonder who you chose to replace her?" Apollo said, with a grin.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Ichigo spat out.

"Hah. I'm sorry, you're probably still mourning. Aren't you?"

"Hey, Knock it off! What's the big idea, Huh?" Hestia said to Apollo, but was calmed with a hand to her shoulder.

Hephaestus shook her head, and sat her seething friend back down.

Apollo looked absolutely pleased with himself.

(With the War game)

"BEGIN!" Ouranos's voice rang out through the rocky terrain and castle signifying the beginning of the bout.

A singular figure was seen standing in front of the castle gates. It was Acero.

"What the hell?" An archer said, gathering his fellow wall-guards.

"Already? They're attacking already?" Someone from further inside the courtyard called out.

In the Elf's hand was a long, white-colored handle with a long chain connecting to a smooth ball at the end.

"It's just one, the fool. Fire!" The archer in charge ordered, as they took aim and fired their arrows.

Something just swiped every arrow out of the air, and protected Acero.

It was Acero's flail. The ball was unremarkable, and looked rather plain.

"[Geokinesis]" Acero spoke out, and held up a hand parallel to the castle walls.

"Huh? What was that?" An archer posted on the southern gate said, knocking an arrow and taking aim.

"...He's casting a spell!" Someone from further in the courtyard said.

That sent panic through the archer's backs.

A pillar of earth shot up about fifty feet behind Acero, launching something towards the castle at high speed.

(Play: God shattering star)

The projectile was another elf, One who wielded two magic swords. One fire and one wind/electricity.

The archers took aim and fired to the best of ability, but the airborne elf slashed downwards with her sword, letting loose a cascade of fires that incinerated the arrows and damaged the walls.

The elf woman was still airborne and kicked upwards, sending her down to the ground.

Before she landed, she got into a position to where she could stab the ground and then promptly did so, creating an explosion of great magnitude.

Knocking 15 people out, and wounding two.

"! You're an elf?" The elf named Lissos called out to 'The Gale'

The gale stood up, and readied herself. Her flame sword crumbled to dust, as she brought her Electricity one to the front in ready.

However, Instead of rushing towards Lissos, like he had thought, She threw the sword like a spear to the wall 40 feet behind her, punching a hole into the wall. There was now an opening.

Through that opening, Mikoto rushed through while quietly chanting something.

"Quick! She's heading straight to Hyakinthos! Hurry, Go get her!" Luan called out from inside the castle opening.

"Right!" Called out at least thirty people, as they were quick to give chase.

Mikoto disappeared over a rampart, as did the thirty chasing her.

(With Ryuu)

"As an Elf, you DARE use magic swords? The ones that burned our people and homes? You should be ashamed!" Lissos said, swiping at Ryuu. The eight other defenders created a circle to let these two battle.

"..I care little for our race's hatred." She said, Unsheathing her wooden sword in time to intercept Lissos's slash.

Blocking again, and jumping over his head, she continued to say "However, If helping a friend is shameful, the I'll be as shameful as I have to be!"

She extended her movements and swung her sword at the man's face, and with a heavy *CRACK* he was knocked out.

'Don't spew such idiotic things in the middle of battle. Fool.' Ryu thought, as she walked over the unconscious form of her former adversary.

Ryu looked at all of the remaining combatants, and assessed that by their forms and facial dispositions, they were AT MOST level two.

"She's strong!" one defender said, and another tried to bolster courage by saying "Don't falter! We'll get her now!"

She grinned beneath her mask, and decided to keep these children company.

(With Ren)

Luan chuckled slightly in the castle, as he ran to the eastern exit.

Getting outside, the pallum said "Guys! What are you doing!? The Southern courtyard has been breached! Hyakinthos ordered 10 of you to go outside and defeat that Elf outside on the rocks! It's just one, go outside and come back! Easy!"

"Ten? That's all of our outdoor front!"

"Besides! We were already focusing on someone out here!" Another defender called out.

Luan's face dropped, and said "A-another one?! What do you mean!"

"I-" Before the defender could finish his statement, A man with dirty blonde spiked hair appeared over the wall, carrying an unconscious archer.

"It's not nice to talk about someone who's listening." Ren's grin came into view, as he threw the unconscious archer into three gate guards.

"! G-Get him!" Luan said, and sped back into the castle...with a smile.

Three people rushed him, and about four fired magic/arrows at him.

"Weak...Incredibly weak." Ren said, dodging blasts of fire or wind, and catching arrows mid-air.

"{Prevolt}" Ren said, as his eyes turned black and his face fell into a state of confidence.

Every strike he received was immediately intercepted and countered. With each attack he would have thrown at him, atleast seven more were returned.

It was over after a period of six minutes. This, was no doubt the quickest skirmish of the war game.

Ren stepped over the thirty unconscious and brutalized defenders, and walked into the cool feeling castle.

Not once were his daggers unsheathed.

"Is this all the Apollo Familia has?!" Ren called out once he reached the stairwell to the throne room. His voice echoed up into the upper echelons of the castle, Hurried steps were heard, and three more defenders came into view. All seemingly level two.

'Finally...A challenge'

Ren unsheathed his daggers, and charged forward.

"{Emperator!} Ren called out, and fire exploded forth from his body, giving him a cloak of fire that spread to fabric, even stone!

Within minutes of fighting, the western entrance was a fiery hell-scape with two figures remaining. Two of the defending level 3's had been knocked out and tossed outside to avoid being incinerated.

"Just you and me." Ren said confidently.

The Defender grumbled and raised his battle-axe in defense, and said "Shut up! Come on!"

"As you wish." Ren responded, and began to assault the defender with everything he had.

Two abilities active at once, was very tiring to the man. Not counting the several slashes and blows to the torso he'd taken previously.

Needless to say, Ren was nearing the end of his part of the assault...He just needed to take out this last person.

But, combined with his fatigue and low Mind reserve, Ren was beginning to falter.

Slash and stab were avoided, but in turn, he was hit and knocked about.

The defender wasn't fairing too well either, Several parts of his armor were on fire and beginning to sear his skin...But he HAD to make sure this man didn't get past him. If it did, it meant defeat...But damn was this armor hot!

"C'mon...Give up. I know you want to!" Ren taunted.

"Shuddup! You don't look much better, You give up!" The defender said.

Ren and the Defender traded attacks and each not faltering in the offense. It was a duel in the most true sense.

"{Frost aura}!" The Defender called out, as the fire on his armor was extinguished, and the metal began to frost up.

On one side, Fire and it's intensity. On the other, Ice and it's calming frost.

The air was heated and cooled at the same time, and artificial wind was created by the rising and dropping of air.

"Haha! This is the first challenge I've had since coming to that stupid city. What's your name?" Ren asked, his own fire beginning to feel warm around his body.

"Jordas, Jordas Kassardis. What about you?" Jordas said, gaining a grin, while removing his helmet and throwing it to the side.

Jordas' face was shown, and revealed a young man who's jet-black hair was tied back into a spikey ponytail.

His face held several scars, and his eyes were ice-blue. His skin was frosted with ice, but fine nevertheless.

"The name's Ren Mori. Don't you forget it!" Ren said, his own grin widening.

"Well met, Warrior! Come then! Let's make this the last!" Jordas said, raising his battle-axe.

"Yes, Lets!" Ren said, and sped forward with everything he had. Jordas did the same, and in an instant, both weapons exploded from the force in their strikes.

Standing opposite from each other, but facing away, Both stood silently...

Ren's fire went out, as did the fires in the castle, and stood straight, unconscious.

"Heh..So that's the power of Ichigo Familia..." Jordas said, Collapsing slowly.

(With Acero, and the archers)

"More! Fire MORE!" The archers said in a panic.

Acero would raise a slab of land and flick it slightly, sending thousands of shards of earth sailing at the castle.

The gates/walls were full of dents and craters from Acero's ranged assault.

The elf sighed once again, as he grabbed an arrow from mid air.

He looked down at the arrow, and ducked.

The arrow was poisoned with magic.

Acero chuckled, and looked at the archers.

From further away, Ace could see Bell, Mirba and Welf enter a gate opened

'So..It's begun.' Acero thought to himself, as he snapped the arrow in his fingers.

Acero Jumps up from his perch on raised up rocks, and dashes towards the wall. To the archer's dismay.

"{Do'me Quia}" Acero whispers, as his movements become a blur.

The ball of his flail turns into war-hammer's head, and Acero begins to take longer and more powerful strides.

Every second, was another arrow he dodged.

Every arrow, was one less to be fired.

Soon the archers were out of ammunition, and began to curse the fact that Hyakinthos ordered the removal of mages from wall-stations.

"Hurry! Do any of you have magic?" One archer said, and garnered a wave of heads shaking in the negative.

"Damn!" The head archer said, as he looked at the incoming Elf, who was leaving craters with his steps, and shaking the earth. as well as the determination of his enemies.

"To arms!" One archer said, pulling out a short sword, and jumping down to charge Acero.

four more jumped down, albeit scared, but still charging the incoming danger with horrified smiles.

The head archer cursed his cowardice, and looked at Acero's unamused face, as he made short work of the impromptu interception force that the archers created.

Gaining momentum, and power with his swings.

The archers on the wall of the castle were in full panic mode. What in the world was this elf? And why is there so much wind coming from the castle?

Acero reached the wall of the castle and with a single hit, shattered the wall and blew a house sized hole in it.

The archers screamed as they fell, and were rained on by the falling rubble and debris.

However, Acero would knock the more fatal looking rocks away from the unconscious archers, as he pressed on. His flail's ball turning into the head of a 10 edged flanged mace.

Acero's eyes met Ryuu's and he looked down at the unconscious defenders, and said

"Good work. Status?"

"Ren is apparently finished taking out the second strongest, Welf and Mirba are already in the upper echelons of the castle, and Bell's getting into position with operation 'surprise flare'. Mikoto is holding 30 defenders with her gravity magic, however it seems it's about to end soon. Lili is spreading false information disguised as their informant, Luan." Ryuu said, standing up and walking out of the hole Acero blasted into the courtyard.

"Understood. Where are you going?" Acero said, his red hair being moved around by the wind.

"My part is done. I'll be returning to Orario. Good luck." Ryuu said, as she disappeared into the corner of the wall.

"..." Acero said nothing, and turned back around, then looked up to a tower to hear the sounds of people yelling.

The Elf sprung upwards, and stabbed his long handle into the wall. Using this as a leverage point, He quickly spotted Mikoto.

True to Ryuu's word, her magic had worn out.

She was worn-out to the maximum, and her enemies were barely phased. Sure they stretched, but they were essentially just laying down with force.

(With Mikoto)

Mikoto had been standing under all of that pressure in order to keep the magic active.

"You're finished!" One defender said, as he rushed the tired girl.

"Dont be so sure." An unknown voice said, as the closest adventurer was intercepted with ball of steel that was attached to chain.

"A-Acero!" Mikoto said in surprise.

"It's nearly over. They're inside the castle and should be ending the captain soon." Acero said, and readied his flail.

"I see" Mikoto said.

"Still, this should be entertaining."

Mikoto went to ask what he meant, but couldn't because he was no longer with her.

He was already in the center of the 29 defenders, striking and defeating with ease.

Mikoto's eyes widened in awe, then decided to go and join in.

()()()(With Mirba, Welf, and Bell)()()()

"So...Everything up to the sky-bridge is clear? Thanks to Ren?" Bell asked, gaining a nod from Mirba.

"Yeah. He apparently went crazy. Everything here is burnt." Welf said, gesturing to the charred tapestries and carpets and fabrics.

"..Yeah" Bell said with a surprised face.

"I haven't seen those people who dragged out of the Guild yet." Mirba said, her hand twitching towards her sword.

"...Me neither." Welf said, Worried about Mirba.

They continued upwards through the spiral staircase, and eventually, they entered the entrance of the sky-bridge. There, A red haired Adventurer named Daphne stood giving orders to the eight other adventurers. Four had bows, three had wands and one with a painfully familiar barbed spear.

"You!" Mirba shouted, causing every defender on the sky-bridge to focus on Mirba.

The spear woman's face went pale, as if she saw a ghost. She started to shake, and it looked as if she hadn't gotten proper sleep for a couple weeks.


"How what, exactly!?" Mirba shouted, ripping her sword from her sheathe in fury.

The spear woman began to sweat profusely.

"How are you alive? I saw her spear go into your head. Your brain should be mush." Daphne said, Finishing for her clearly mortified family member.

"Don't worry about how I'm alive. Worry about if you're going to be the same!" Mirba said, Disregarding Welf's protests to 'Stick to the plan'.

Mirba sprinted towards the piss-scared spear woman who had already dropped her spear, but was blocked with a sword from Daphne.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

An explosion rang out from behind Daphne, and she turned to look.

Every mage's staff had exploded with the tell-tale signs of 'Ignus Fatuus'.

Her eyes widened, as Mirba took the opportunity of distraction, and swept Daphne's legs out from under her.

While falling Daphne looked at the irate Blondie and was immediately kicked in the face. Sending the woman into the doorway.

"Now...For you." Mirba said, stomping her foot down, garnering another scream from the impossibly frightened woman, who crumpled onto the floor.

"Mira, Don't." Welf said.

"Shuddup, and go see if what's her face is alive." Mirba snapped at the man.


"Come on, welf! We have to hurry!" Lili said, remembering that Bell rushed in after the mages exploded.

"...Don't do anything Lord Ichigo wouldn't." Welf said, causing the woman to scowl, not unlike Ichigo.

Mirba's face darkened, as her furious shaking lessened, and welf pressed onwards.

Quivering in fear, the spear woman began to cry slightly.

"What the hell do you have to cry about?" Mirba said in a dark voice.

"I-I-I'm s-s-orry!"

"So now that I'm about to beat you to a pulp, you apologize? Look at my face. Look at my left eye. Tell me that sorry is going to fix it! If it weren't for my lord's intervention, I would have died! Look at me and tell me you didnt *Kicks spear into the woman's knees* Fucking mean to!" Mirba's hands began to shake, as her left eye began to feel warm and tingle uncomfortably probably due to the high blood pressure.

"Eeek!" The spear woman's meek voice shouted out.

Mirba used the tip of her sword to force the woman to look at her face.

Once that happened, the spear woman looked down in immediate fear, cutting her face in the process.

"I'm that ugly? That you'd cut your face to look away?" Mirba said, her voice began to shift into a watery double tone.

Mirba sheathed her sword, and grabbed the other woman by her chocolate brown hair, and lifted her up to force her to look at the Irate One-eyed captain face-to-face.

"Don't kill me!" She screamed.

"You didn't have any qualms about killing me, so why should I think twice" Mirba said, raising her sword to the woman's neck.

"Please!" She screamed again, tears spilling out of her eyes in renewed fashion.

"Disgusting." Mirba said, Throwing the woman at the wall, creating a small indent in the rocks.

"...P-Please..." The woman said, blood running down her face.

Mirba said nothing, as her eyepatch began to feel uncomfortable on her face. She walked forward, and re-equipped her sword.

Her eye was lifeless, Full of hatred and anger, but somehow unresponsive.

"It... was an... accident.. Please believe me..."

A strange white liquid began to pour out of Mirba's eye, nose and mouth, and rushed underneath the eyepatch. From under the eyepatch, a solid white object formed, on one side of her face. It looked like a half mask, but had neither a mouth hole or eye hole.

Mirba seemed to lose her ability to think, as she rushed the fallen woman with her sword in hand.

"...Whatever...I'm ready." The spear woman said, realizing that talk is no longer viable. "...Hurry." She said, The pain from her nearly broken body was beginning to be too much to bare. Who knew being sent into quarried and re-enforced rocks would hurt so bad?

(Mirba's consciousness)

'It's so dark in here...' 

Mirba couldn't see her body in this place, and couldn't hear her voice when she tried to speak.

This didn't make any sense, What exactly is happening?

A small window of light shown from Infront of her, and she could see herself running at the downed woman with a sword outstretched. Like watching a third person account.

Why did she feel so guilty?

...Her god wouldn't needlessly murder anyone...So neither should she...

She didn't want to kill anyone...Did she?

Why was there whispering? Who's whispering?

Her eyes were wet, she could feel.

No, that didn't make sense, She only had one eye...But she could feel both?

A hand flew to her left eye, only to feel something blocking the way. It felt like smooth stone, and was seemingly attached to her face.

upon trying to pry it off, a shrill and horrifying voice rang out through her head.

"Leave it be, or you'll never get your revenge"

Mirba froze, but kept her hand on the object and unconsciously began to pull.

"Don't interfere! You'll never become equal to Lord-Ichigo playing the goodie two shoes!" the voice spoke out again.

This struck a chord in Mirba's head. How insulting..

"You don't know me! I refuse to take life because I'm angry! You just stay out of it, alright!" Mirba shouted at the voice.

"You dumb ass! You have no clue what will happen if you reject me!" The voice said.

"Who said anything about rejection?! Besides, I was never going to kill that woman, only rough her up just a lottabit! I'm alive, Pissed nine ways from yesterday, but I'm alive! As long as I'm alive, I'll always be with Lord Ichigo, and that's enough for me!" Mirba said, finally regaining her sense of orientation.

'Don't do anything Ichigo wouldn't...' Welf's advice rang through her head, and images of Ichigo's face, especially his smiles flashed in her memory.

"...You're a damned fool." The voice said, as the object on her face became a hundred times easier to pull, but before she could, she was yanked from that dark place, and put back into the waking world.

Mirba's eye re-opened to the world, to see her sword mere inches from the woman's head.

But...That thing was on her face out here too, it seemed.

It fell from her face, and clanked around on the floor below.

Mirba looked at the half-mask and picked it up.

Its surface was nearly polished, as faint flecks of dark red littered the entirety of the material.

The woman stowed the mask away into her breastplate for later examination, as she looked down at the nearly unconscious woman below her.

When Mirba kicked the spear into the woman's knees, the spear actually fractured the woman's kneecaps.

Kneeling to look at the woman's drowsy face, Mirba sighed and put a hand out Infront of the woman and said "[Greater Healing]"

" were going to kill me?" The woman said, confused.

A bright pink light enveloped Mirba's hand, and then spread to the wounded Spear woman.

"Explain yourself." Mirba said in a curt manner, glaring at the woman beneath her.

"...Right..." she said, feeling better by the second. "I...Was sent by Apollo during the inital war-game go and rough you guys up a bit...But Something went wrong. I threw my spear at you, but I was aiming for your arm. Something...altered my spear's course, and before I knew it...Before my very eyes...I had committed murder." The spear woman said, the cut on her scalp healing.

"Mhm. Go on." Mirba ordered.

"After that, Everyone back home began to try and make me feel better.. about killing someone else. They said 'She's from a lesser familia. It means nothing' or 'They were enemies anyway.'...b-but I never looked at it like that.. Sure I thought you were my enemy, but you didn't deserve to die for that!"

'Damn. She's rather talkative.' Mirba thought with an eyeroll.

"okay. You didn't mean it...Whatever." Mirba said. "I still lost an eye. I'll have to deal with stubbing my toe for the rest of my life." Mirba said with a downcast expression.

"...Are you sure?" The woman said, not believing her eyes.

"The hell do you mean 'Are you sure?'? It's my eye, Isn't it? Here! I'll show you!" Mirba said, Outraged that such a blatantly stupid question would be asked, when someone with an eyepatch was in-front of her.

Mirba reached upwards, and removed her eyepatch.

Only to recoil at the impossibly bright light that shown itself.

"Gah! What the hell?" Mirba gasped, confused.

Mirba couldn't believe it, neither could the Spear woman. It was true, just a couple minutes ago her eyepatch was flat, and serving it's purpose...But now it was bulged, and looked out of place.

"...Impossible." Mirba said, peeling the eyepatch away once more... and began to cry slightly.

It was back. Her eye was back! And it's vision was...Extraordinarily crisp. Not a single detail of anything went unnoticed by her new eye.

The colors were way more vivid, and brighter too. Even in the castle interior, her original eye would have trouble seeing without a minor light source, but her new eye...All was revealed. Every shadow could now be peered into. She felt that she no longer had a need for a lantern!

Maybe that was an exaggeration, but tonight will tell.


"A miracle!" The healed spear woman said.

Mirba chuckled, and then laughed in happiness.

"HAHA! Lord Ichigo! If you're listening, We're going to spar again sometime soon!"

Oddly, The spear woman chose to sit in the rubble that was formed to her body.

"...Why don't you get up?" Mirba said, once again collected.

"...It's comfy." The spear woman sighed.

Mirba rolled her eyes.

"This is still a war game..." Mirba said, drawing her sword and aiming it at the woman's face.

"...I surrender"

Mirba nodded and began to walk into the stairwell leading to the throne room.

()()(With Hyakinthos)()()

"What a failure!" The Apollo captain said. "How can I face Apollo-sama?"

"Captain! Captain, Please Run!" Cassandra, the familia's prophet advised in a hurried tone.

Hyakinthos, however, was having none of it. He stood up and said "Alone he's not a threat!"

"Please listen to me! You need to run! Ple-"

"Shut up!" interrupted the man as he slapped the insolent female away, and muttering a harsh curse at the woman, he looked back up to the remaining people in the room and said

"When he shows up, we take him down fast! But dont kill him...I'll finish him."

'FIREBOLT!' was faintly heard, as the floor Infront of the doors began to spark with orange lightning, and the ground glowed a vibrant yellow-orange.

(Play "B03" from Bleach)

Immense heat was felt, and suddenly, the entire room exploded.

"What the hell is this!?" Hyakinthos said, as dust covered everything.

The throne room was now exposed, and the light of day was revealed.

Nothing was spared, the entire roof of the room was practically obliterated as smoke and dust filled the air.

Only Hyakinthos was left barely standing.

He blocked his eyes from the sun that was now bearing down on him.

'Just what the hell happened!' The man internally screamed.

From out of nowhere, came Bell who charged through a wall of dust, his knives pointed outward.

Forced to defend or get cut, Hyakinthos ripped his sword from it's sheath, and blocked Bell's initial strike, but missed the second, as it slashed his chest.

Bell gave the man no time to recuperate, and rushed him with harder and harder attacks.

Hyakinthos's wasn't equipped for this amount of damage from a vastly superior weapon, being the Hestia Knife, and was broken in two.

The upper half of the sword flew over the tower, and into the courtyard below.

'How the hell did he get so fast!' Hyakinthos thought internally, as his chest stung.

"How are you so fast! You're nothing like you were before! Who the hell are you?!" He yelled.

Bell disregarded, and charged forwards with intent to end it.

Suddenly, a loud "Noooo!" Was heard from his right, and Bell was tackled and held in place by Cassandra who emerged from the rubble just seconds prior.

Hyakinthos took this opportunity to gain distance, and use a magic spell.

Holding up a hand he began to chant his spell's activation phrases..

"Get off of me please!" Bell pleaded, but this girl's strength was pretty impressive...for Bell anyway. He didn't want to hurt her, so he chose pleading as the next best option.

"My name is love, beloved child of light! I offer my body to my son!"

"Move away please!" Bell said, seeing a disk of light form above Hyakinthos.

"I unleash a ring of fire! Let the cardinal winds come!"

The ring grew bigger, and as he threw the ring, he said "Aro Zephyos!"

Bell's eyes widened in fear, but before the ring could hit, Lili appeared and tackled Cassandra out of the way.

"I will not allow you to stop Bell-sama!" Shouted the pallum.

Bell offered an internal thanks as he dodged out of path of the disk...Only to find out that it's following him.

'Its homing in on me?' Bell thought in panic as he was forced to dodge out of the way.

Hyakinthos re-gained his aura of cockiness as he put on a grin not unlike his gods, and said "You can't escape!"

Bell was getting tired, really tired, and as a borderline last ditch effort, tried to cast firebolt at the opposing magic.

It wasn't very effective.

"It's useless!" Hyakinthos called out seeing the desperate struggle Bell was giving.

However, before the disk could slice Bell's arm

"RUBELE!" Hyakinthos shouted, and the disk exploded with great magnitude, sending bell into the ground.

"Bell-sama!" Lili screamed in shock

A strange green necklace broke from Bell's neck, and shattered onto the stone.

What's curious, is Bell's entire body was racked with bruises and cuts now, even his clothing was torn. He most definitely broke a rib, and fractured his shoulder...But he had no choice. He refused to leave Hestia. He refused to.

Even now, He got up. With nothing but sheer determination and will at this point.

"You survived that...Huh.." Hyakinthos said, loosing his grip on his anger.

Tearing his spare sword from it's sheathe, he decided that 'The little Rookie' was no longer worth keeping alive.

Bell dropped he hestia knife, his hands too fatigued to hold on any longer.

"I don't care what Apollo-sama wants anymore! Die!" The man said, charging at Bell to finish him off.

Bell's mouth opened, and exhaled his breath. He steeled his nerves, as Hyakinthos made to kill him.

'when someone sees an opening, their movements become easy to predict. That is what I was taught.' Ais's voice flowed through Bell's mind.

'A finishing blow is the closest thing to letting your guard down.' "and just when you've almost been beaten is when you truely have a chance!" Bell thought to himself, Finishing Ais's sentiment internally.

Hyakinthos arrived to bell, and thrusted his sword at Bell's face...But bell bent backwards and kicked the knife upwards.

Sending both the knife, and Hyakinthos's arms upwards and out of range to defend.

Quickly capitalizing on this new opening, Bell re-gained his orientation and with perhaps the most effort in his life, he threw the nastiest left hook at the man's exposed face, sending him flying backwards with his skin indented.

It takes alot of effort to make a temporary indent on someone's face...

Hyakinthos lie on his back with his head turned to the side. Twitching, and incoherent.

An announcer's voice rang out, after Hyakinthos was prone for a couple minutes.

"The battle is over! Hestia and Ichigo familia have prevailed!"

Bell nearly collapsed with relief, but was caught by none other than Mirba.

"I have you. Take it easy." She said, as he relaxed.

"Good work, Bell. You've outdone yourself, I'd say." Acero said, landing atop some rubble with Mikoto in hand.

She was unconscious, but okay nevertheless. Acero on the on the other hand, was slightly scratched with parts of his armor being chipped off.

"If you fell, He would have had to go through me" Mirba said, turning to look at Bell.

Bell's tired eyes widened as he saw her regenerated left eye.

"Y-Your eye!" Bell exclaimed tiredly.

"Yep." Mirba chirped.

They shared a laugh, as the two familias made their ways to the front gate to await the carriages, or Ichigo to take them back.

Speaking of...

()()(30th floor of Babel.)()()

Apollo was shaking, How? How could this happen?

He had the numbers, the wealth, the strength! How did two nobodies come through?!

"Apollo..." Hestia said, standing up.

Apollo jumped in his skin

"You know what happens next...right?" Hestia said, turning to face him. Ichigo did the same thing, except his grin was much more prominent.

"I-I'm sorry! It's just that your children were so cute and I-"

"Shut. Up." Ichigo growled out, through his disturbing grin.

"ALL of your property is confiscated and divided between Ichigo and I, and is now under main control of Hestia Familia!" Hestia said, jabbing a finger in his direction.

"Your familia is disbanded, and You are banished from Orario, Never to return!" Ichigo said, and was relishing in how utterly destroyed Apollo looked.

Ichigo was pleased at how dramatic he could be sometimes. Damn, Drama class was a good idea after all...

"Y-You can't do this to me! I'm Apollo! Apollo damn it!" Apollo said, tears stinging his eyes.

"Why are you still here?" Ichigo said, his smile widening with Apollos distress.

"Y-You! It's your fault! You never sealed your powers! It's unfair!" Apollo said, stepping towards Ichigo.

Ichigo shrugged and looked away. Acting dumb.

Apollo stepped forward even more, and grabbed the death-god by his shihakusho and brought him close.

"Don't play coy with me!"

Ichigo's smile dropped, as his right fist blurred forward and hit the god in his face, stunning everyone around.

"Like I said. Why are you still here? You were banished, right? Get the hell on! Before I Kick your ass myself!" Ichigo warned, scaring the god further, and with blubbering wails, he left the room.

Ichigo sighed out the remnants of his anger, and then turned back to Hestia and Hephaestus.

Both looked at Ichigo in awe. Hephaestus had a blush on her face.

"...What's up?" Ichigo asked. Hephaestus didn't answer, instead she chose to reach out and grab Ichigo's hand.

()()(Later that day)()()

Ichigo had helped Hestia move Bell's, Welf's, and Lili's things to Apollo's mansion, where they legally changed the name to 'Hearth mansion'

Their new Insignia was drawn out as well, that featured a flaming bell. The fires meaning Hestia and The Bell representing...Bell.

Setting down the bed in the main hall, Ichigo noticed all of the self righteous portraits and statues and livery of Apollo through every part of the mansion.

Hestia sat down in a chair and sighed heavily.

"Say, Hestia? What are you going to do with these things that Apollo had, like the paintings and statues?" Ichigo said, Leaning on a wall.

"Probably sell them, and then make renovations to the place. It's kinda boring, dont'cha think?" Hestia says and looks around the place.

"Yeah, well...I'd sell them, but hold off on renovations until you can at least afford to make them." Ichigo said.

She looked at him and asked "What do you mean?"

Ichigo shrugs and says "I dunno. I just think it'd be safer to save the yen you get from selling these things."

Hestia had a look of realization, as she nodded thoughtfully.

"Ahh. I gotch- What's yen?"

Ichigo froze and silently cursed internally.

"Uh...I bit my tongue, Sorry, I meant vallis."

Hestia narrowed her eyes at Ichigo, but shrugged again nevertheless.

"But...yeah that's what I'd do if I were you. At least wait until Bell and the rest go into the dungeon again." Ichigo said, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Uh huh. Well, Ichigo...Thank you. For everything..." Hestia said, Bowing.

"Eh...Don't mention it." Ichigo said. "By the way, Give Lili my regards. She was the MVP of the entire thing." Ichigo said, walking out of the newly established 'Hearth Mansion'

"Yeah, of course! Come back any time!" Hestia said jovially.

Ichigo smiled and used flash step to return home. Who knew that sucker-punching an asshole deity would be so stress relieving?


Alright lads, I haven't shown em yet, But here's Ichigo's familia and their status forms!

Mirba Tuganis. Age 18

Her hair is long and blonde, Her face is heart shaped and due to hollow regen, Her regenerated eye is a glowing golden pink(rose gold), with the sclera being black. She is very pretty with a well manicured appearance. Her toned psyche is nothing to scoff at either. Her great strength was often covered with a very bubbly and outgoing personality, and she's known to be very easy to get along with. Many times was she proposed to and many times has she rejected. She becomes a nigh unstoppable force when angered (or drunk), and is said to jump a level temporarily when consumed with Wrath. She is also considered to be somewhat of an airhead with a love for anything sweet or pink colored. She carries a white broadsword that had pink flowers etched into the blade with the fuller hollowed out into battle.

Her theme is (Ragnarök Online 2 OST : Intro Theme)

Mirba Tuganis, Lv3

Human, (?)

•Strength: B 747

•Endurance: C 690

•Dexterity: B 773

•Agility: C 649

•Magic: B 790


{Supernova} A magical attack of great explosive magnitude focused around the caster, That is only available when in Mortal danger.

{Stallius} An ability that grants great strength when carrying heavy objects. May activate when distressed emotionally, granting enhanced physical strength.

{Wrath} An ability that cloaks Mirba's face and arms in dark pink energy that does heavy damage to whatever it touches, combined with {stallius} has a chance to trigger a berserker effect that sends Mirba into a rage and will brutalize any hostile being in her immediate radius. So far, Only Ichigo, Ren and Acero have the capability to stop her in this state.

{Unknown Entity} AidjnwJA ASJne ndieA AKJWNFf fNeaoie ShiROkmeaHc bAJE?! IJE


[Greater Healing] Healing magic.

[Focus Boost] Negates the mental side effects of Adrenaline

[Instant Regeneration] A foreign born, passive magic that instantly heals any damage Mirba may take, at the cost of her mind reserves.

-_-Ichigo Familia-_-

Ren Mori age 17

He's a seventeen year old, 5'7 tall man, With a relatively light complexion. His hair is dirty blonde and a bit spikey.

And his eyes are emerald green and while build is fairly bulky. He had a pair of Dual swords at his hip and wears well worn leather light armor. He's a brash man who can be quiet in some moments, and the life of the party in the next. He cares deeply for his familia and will take whatever measure to make sure their well-being is protected. Due to the loss of his previous familia, He has a form of PTSD from witnessing his familia, the Benzaiten Familia, being slaughtered, and cannot look at brutalized and mangled bodies for prolonged periods of time. Curiously, He is and avid meat eater and has no signs of being bothered with blood. His development skill "Devourer" allows the man to consume anything. Whether it's edible or not. His other skill "Hunter" gives him the ability to target and track anything, as long as he has a piece of material or DNA related to the target.

His theme is (War to War - Nier: Automata)

His Dual swords are both stark white with spiked guards, but were constantly cold.

Ren Mori, Lvl 3


•Strength: C 610

•Endurance: C 634

•Dexterity: B 717

•Agility: D 519

•Magic: F 397

•Devourer: D

•Hunter: I


{Emperator} Must be shouted in order to work- Wreathes the user in flames that spread instantly. If active for longer than ten minutes, The user is harmed by the fires. Once de-activated, all fire started by {Emperator} Is extinguished.

{Prevolt} An ability that grants great strength and speed when fighting. All senses are hightened to inhuman levels, and cannot be interrupted by any normal magic. Is only de-activated by loss of mind.


[lesse] Healing magic.

[Li kindrest] Mind is not affected for the next thirty minutes at the cost of falling asleep after the magic wears off.

-_-Ichigo Familia-_-

Acero D'atagne Age 1,005

the Familia's newest recruit. He's a thousand year old High Elf who's surprisingly effective with any weapon he can get ahold of. He has tan skin with long red hair that was braided. He also has a pretty muscular build, and Ichigo was pretty elated that he was a level 4. Acero is very quiet unless asked a direct question. Something the Substitute found out when walking back to the mansion. Ichigo nearly considered making him the familia captain, But figured that at the size of the familia, he should keep Mirba as captain because she joined first, for now until the Familia grew in size. Then he would probably use stats.

His weapon is a white colored long handled shape-shifting flail. The smooth ball at the end could change to whatever form Acero desires, and is enchanted with the power of electricity and fire. His development skill "Longevity" Was activated the first time he used his {Chron'oa Aura} on himself. "Mysterious" Was activated then, as well. It allows Acero to control what his status says on paper, and on Falna. "Lurker" Was activated when he acquired [Spacial Manipulation] from a grimoir in the far north.

His theme is (Escaping the ship- Man of Steel ost)

Acero D'atagne, Level 4(?)

High Elf

•Strength: A 867

•Endurance: B 792

•Dexterity: B 790

•Agility: D 530

•Magic: F 304

•Longevity: A

•Mysterious: S

•Lurker: S


{Do'me Quia} The user's weight and sense of gravity is cut in half, making him faster than sound. Can leap extreme distances with very little effort, and is able to do combat midair at the cost of high levels of mind usage.

{Emi-Ei Utas} A buffer skill, that increases his attack speed when using spears and other pole weapons. It increases attack damage with flails and chain weapons. Swords/Axes/Hammers are not effected. Combined with {Do'me Quia}, his attacks are invisible and undetectable. With both active, he can strike and still appear as if he hadn't moved.

{Chron'oa Aura} When Acero activates this skill, his fists become wreathed in a bright crimson colored fire, and spreads to whatever weapon he wields. The fire is highly corrosive to anything Acero deems to be a threat, and is also poisonous. The fire turns into a highly dangerous nerve agent that shuts off communication between cells of the tissue the fire comes in contact with. It can either accelerate or reverse the aging process of whatever it comes into contact with by a magnitude of ten times the normal rate. Thirty minutes of exposure can accelerate a person's body thirty years older than what it actually is. Acero has used this ability on himself for centuries in order to attain a state of extended longevity. This ability was mastered after 454 years.

{Do'me Quisei} The only known counter to {Chron'oa Aura} Instead of a red fire, a far more vibrant blue mist forms, and reverses the effects of {Withering Aura} And even heals to an extent. After the ability is shut down however, mind depleats to near zero.



Is able to shift the earth according to his will.

[Spacial manipulation]

Acero can cast, bend, and even block light from anything except light from other magic. Ideal for stealthy insertions. He can also cast a barrier that makes an area invisible and mute from the outside, It can also serve as a force field. (I.E, Sounds emitted from inside the field will not be heard ourside the field)

-_-Ichigo Familia-_-

The patron. Ichigo Kurosaki, the God of death.

Apon entering the seperate universe of Tenkai and Gekai through the use of an empowered Hogyoku, Ichigo's unique hybrid soul was subject to Reiatsu emitted from Materialized gods, One part out of five needed for him to become a Deity. The others, are a human's worship, which he quickly gained as soon as he withstood an attack from Loki, who's power was released, and Reiatsu from a Hollow, Shinigami, and a Quincy.

The God Reiatsu merged with his own, and a chain reaction happened unbeknownst to him and his spirits, But his soul was fundamentally changed, and is now Immortal. The Hell power granted to him by the soul king is now his own, and through the power of the ambient Deity Reiatsu, can now control his own seperate dimension of Hell.

It is not known if he could return to his mortal body anymore, if it is still alive.

So far, The only ones who know who Ichigo truely is, is Hephaestus, Welf, Hestia, Tsubaki (Partially) Eina, and Ouranos. Everyone else thinks he's a regular Shinto god.

Not sure if I've made it apparent, yet, But Ichigo's been in Danmmachi for a total of 6 and a half months, at least. Due to altering the canon timeline, everything happened a little later than in the show. If I gave a timeline in the last couple chapters, This is the correction.

Mira = Mirba's nickname from Welf.

Fi = Hephaestus's nickname from Hestia.

I will be editing the chapter over the course of the next couple days and updating it consistently. Dont worry if you see something amiss, I've probably already fixed it.

Special thanks to BlueShard20 on for their extraordinary help! I appreciate it!