Chereads / The End of a Story / Chapter 17 - Saviours in another world - Pt 1

Chapter 17 - Saviours in another world - Pt 1

(Present Day around the afternoon)


Throughout the past couple of days, I've gotten to know the two as we sparred tirelessly through day and night.

Aoi Shigure comes from the world called Aegis Prime, a world of superheroes. Here on Earth, they call her, "The Grand Diva of the Universe" or "The Goddess of Guns," dubbing her the "strongest" of the idols. I was quite skeptical of her title, especially since Hikari was called the "Strongest," but after bullet hell after bullet hell in our many brutal training sessions with Aoi these past few days, I was wrong to be skeptical. I even asked, "Ice mode" Kazuma, about her being the "Strongest."

"Hikari was given the title, 'The Strongest,' because she was the strongest of her idol generation that consisted of Fujiwara Kane and Toma. Meanwhile, Aoi is the strongest of her generation AND of all the idols in the company. The only one who we'd consider to be stronger than her would be Arhat Gotami."

Then there was him. Kazuma Arashi. Just as Aoi had stated, he really is a boy born with two souls. His slightly timid yet slightly serious personality contrasts with his Fire Mode's arrogant and unserious nature. All I know is that he was the result of a science experiment gone wrong. He doesn't really talk about his origins other than him also coming from Aegis Prime. Even when I ask him in his "Fire mode," he still dodges the question and lights my pants on fire.


We were currently having a lunch break in the evacuation room where apparently it was a place to evacuate everyone in. The cool yet ambient environment we were training in these pass few days, passed by swiftly. Aoi was cheerfully talking to Kazuma (Ice mode) as he ate sweets. I swear every time I see him, he is always eating sweets. Mostly ice cream.

"So Asol. Why'd you decide to join the KAC? I know the CEO gave you a choice."


Aoi appeared next to my side sporting a curious face. Kazuma, who was eating ice cream in front of me also gave me that same look.

"Ah... Well..."

I said nervously as they stared at me in suspense.

"I joined because I didn't want anyone else to experience what I went through. Losing your family, losing your friends, losing your world? It's something that anyone shouldn't have to experience. If I can stop that, if I can prevent that from happening to this world, then joining the KAC is the only option."

I turned to Aoi who was tearing up. Her posture usually lacked seriousness, now she seemed to be more attentive as her face tensed. I watched as a tear fell from the side of her eye. Was it what I said?

Kazuma reached to pat her back lightly in response.

I wonder if Aoi experience something like this too? 

This was the first time anyone has asked me that question.

"It's beautiful...! You're such a hero...!"

Aoi cried out full of tears as she hugged me.


"Uh- No. Don't- call me a hero..."

Tears stopped flowing from Aoi's eyes as she stared at me in disbelief. Kazuma turned away as if I said something that even he can't save me from as she asked me another question.

"Then why do you want to save Fujiwara Kane?"

"Save Fujiwara?"


I've been undergoing immense training sessions with Toma, Aoi, and Kazuma...

I've never thought about it, but why do I want to save her? Throughout the time I've spent with her, I've gotten to know her bit by bit. Even to the point where she's even told me of her past with the CEO.

But that just can't be it right? Me wanting to save her just because I got to know her. Or was it because she looks like Belle? Perhaps because she looks like her, me wanting to saving Fujiwara is a way for me to atone for being the reason she died...

Maybe that's the reason why...

"Are you alright Asol? You're thinking about this pretty hard..."

I almost forgot Aoi and Kazuma were right next to me...

"I- I don't know why I want to save Fujiwara... But..."

I make eye contact with Aoi.

"I just have to. And I will."

Aoi and Kazuma gave each other a look of satisfaction and grinned towards me.

(Later in the evening)



I haven't gotten a lot of sleep these past few days. The raid on the Saviour's place of operations will take place tomorrow. Rest is needed.

My job during the raid is to take on the three figures of the Saviours. The elemental guy, that Patrick guy, and the Leader. The CEO putting me up against the three of them is my death sentence. I swear...


There is always a reason he does these kinds of things. Maybe he saw in one of infinite possibilities that me fighting the three of them is what saves Fujiwara? Heh... Thats impossible right?


I'm standing right in front of the door to Fujiwara's home.

Its open?

As I put my guard up, I gently pushed the door open and enter through while observing my surroundings for anything unusual until the door slammed shut behind me. The furniture seems to be normal.

"Is someone here?"

As I walk into the living room, I see a robed figure sitting patiently on one of Fujiwara's couches. I would recognize the intricate design that the robe adorned.

It was-

"The Leader of the Saviours..."

The figure chuckled.

"Why yes... Yes I am, Asol Ansaldo..."

Why is he here? How did he even find this place? Fujiwara's home is concealed in a barrier by she herself...

Only me and her can enter...

"If you're thinking about how I found this place, don't be surprised by how I know your name. Well then, come sit down. We have much to talk about."




(5 minutes later)

I was sitting face to face with the man that calls himself the Leader of the Saviours. The usually light atmosphere that filled the house was now a tense and darker one. Questions still linger inside me as the Leader pulls a cup from one of his sleeves and drinks out of it.

"Hm? You want some? I can spare some..."


I said in a stern voice.

"How are you here in Fujiwara's home?"

I then ask as I stare daggers into the Leader's body-

"Why are you here? What do you want with me?"

The Leader's body language then switched from a laxer and more uncaring one to one that showed curiosity towards my questions as he then responds.

"Why? Well, why can't I? It's not like I like you or anything?"

He says sarcastically as he clutches his body and laughs hysterically.


The tone of his voice darkened as he leaned towards me.

"I just came to warn you..."

Warn me?

"Warn me of what?"

"You don't have what it takes to defeat me and my people. I know of your CEO's little plan to raid my base. And I know that he wants you to fight me as well as my two most trusted subordinates. Why? I have no clue. But be that it may, you will lose. There is not a single chance that you can win. Nor is there a chance of you saving Fujiwara Kane."

He's right. With my lack of experience manipulating Aura, I stand no chance. But, do I have to win?

"You're right. I probably can't win. But all I have to do is save Fujiwara. And I will stand by that."

Even though I can't see the Leader's face due to his hood, I can sense a devious smile coming from him. But his Aura...

Back on the day of Fujiwara's concert, I couldn't feel it because I was so far away. But now that I'm sitting in front of him...

It's powerful...

Just sitting in front of him is nauseating.

The Leader, with a knowing smile, stood up as a portal opened beside him and said as he turned to it-

"I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I can't wait to see how much you've improved since last time. Especially after witnessing you somehow resisting my [Planar Collapse] after a short amount of time. Well then... Looking forward to our battle tomorrow."

He says in a tone of satisfaction as he proceeds to step through the portal.

I still have questions...!

"Why... Why are you doing all this? Why go through all this chaos and destruction just to achieve your goal?"

The Leader froze in place, thinking for a moment, and then turned to me. I can sense the tension in the room increasing. He mumbled-

"Sigh... You remind me of my partner... He was a good man who did things in order to better Humanity. I'm just continuing his work in my own way. Now then. I expect good things from you tomorrow."

Although I couldn't see it, he's smiling. Whether if it's out of arrogance or just for kicks, it wasn't one that boasted the best of intentions. And with that, he was gone. I would've liked to follow him through that portal, but I don't think it was a smart idea...


I can relax now...

This could've gone bad if I just attacked him. But with that Aura he possesses, I don't think I could've even touched him. Shudder... Just thinking about it makes me nervous.

Did he really just invade the house just to warn me? There had to be something else he wanted other than telling me I stand no chance against him. The fact he also knew of the CEO's plan to raid their base. Is there someone feeding him information? Or is he that smart to anticipate the plans. There's no way he knows of the CEO's ability to see the future of countless possibilities. I gotta see the CEO...

(Some time later)

"So they know. Interesting..."

I'm sitting across the CEO as he rests his head on his hands on the desk. I already told him of everything that had happened earlier, and he seemed indifferent about it.

"What are we going to do about it, Mr. CEO?"

I can see the CEO thinking long and hard. Sweat rolled down the side of his head, but they weren't because he was nervous. He was smiling. Was he anticipating this? He responded-

"If that is the case, then we will continue with the plan. If its a trap they want us to walk into, then we will. We will come out as victors. But what did you learn from him?"

What? He's still going to proceed with the plan? Perhaps he saw this as well in his visions. But what did I learn from the Leader? I stared intensely at the table that separated me and the CEO as I answered.

"I'm not strong enough..."

The CEO smiled in response to my answer as he continued.

"Good. You can still get stronger than the Leader and his two most trusted men."

I'm not sure what to think if it's a compliment. Was he trying to cheer me up?

"Because there is something I need to show you."

"Something you need to show me?"

The CEO stood up from his chair signaling and leading me to the elevator. As we entered it, he pressed a button that wasn't visible to the naked eye. There were usually four upper floors and two lower floors, the last floor down being the training room. The button he pressed took us way down past the training room.

I turned to the CEO who was standing patiently still in silence.

"Where are you taking me? What are you trying to show me?"

Silence was his answer until we finally made it to the deepest room. As the doors opened, we were met by an eternal darkness the seeped into the light of the elevator. Not even the lights themselves could light up the darkness.

I turned to the CEO who stepped into it.

"Wait! Mr. CEO!"

I quickly followed in pursuit. Wherever this was, whatever this was, the energy that I can feel is nauseating. So much more than the Leader's Aura. Something is down here. I continue wading aimlessly through the darkness until I hit a solid object. It was spherical from how it felt, made from rocks.

Remembering stories of the Shibuya Incident from Fujiwara and the CEO made me think of something.

Was this-

"It's just as you think Asol."


Without warning, the CEO appeared next to me out of nowhere.

"Geez, how long were you there?"

"I always have been."

I shuddered at just the thought of him being there the entire time. Was he just going to follow me walking around in this darkness aimlessly? He continued-

"It may be dark, but it is what you think. It's The Rock. The darkness that you've been traversing in, is it exuding Aura it absorbed to nourish itself. It doesn't come from the rock itself, it comes from whatever is inside it."

I could barely make out the full size of this object but if I were to estimate it's size, it'd be comparable to the average three story building. But nourishing itself? If this darkness is Aura and it's not coming from the rock itself, then what's inside it? It's like a huge egg. Yet, it feels familiar. This dark Aura. For some reason its calming.

I turned to the CEO.

"Is this the Saviours plan? Are they trying to awaken whatever is inside this thing? Why haven't you destroyed it?"

"I would if I could. It's properties... It may exude the dark Aura we are standing in, but it doesn't possess it. This thing inside the rock... It's beyond our understanding of Aura. No matter how many times we try to damage it, it remains untouched. Undamaged."

"Then how are the Saviours going to awaken this thing if its beyond our understanding of Aura?"

The CEO, still facing the Rock, then turned to me.

"You may recall Fujiwara having the ability to see Aura in its purest state."

Right, Fujiwara can see Aura in its purest form unlike others. The Aura that we normally see is a projection of our limited understanding of Aura. But what's that got to do with her being able to see it? The CEO continued-

"The Aura that we can sense, see, and interact with are but a projection of our understanding. There is still much we haven't discovered. Like what are its full capabilities? Is there something more to Aura than what we can achieve with it? And what is beyond just Aura itself? Where did it come from? Fujiwara Kane may hold the answers to those questions. And the Saviours know the answers."

"I'm not following?"

The CEO continued as he traced his fingertips along the outer layer of the Rock.

"Fujiwara Kane, even though she is not fully aware of it, can access a deeper level of Aura. A higher level of power that no one can ever achieve. The Saviours know how to activate her abilities. And they will use her abilities to awaken whatever is inside that rock. And it will be catastrophic."

This- This is overwhelming...

I thought I knew what the Saviours were capable of, but I didn't think they were capable of this. Its- Its... I need to defeat them. I need to defeat them!

As the CEO finished a lap around the rock, I approached him with a determined face.

"I will defeat the Leader."

I can't see it because of the poor visibility in the darkness but I can sense he's smiling. He's already planned something hasn't he?

(The next day)

Today is the day. The highly anticipated raid that everyone has been working their butts off for. All just to save Fujiwara Kane and stop the Saviours from creating more havoc than they already did.

There were fifty high ranking KAC members excluding Toma, Hikari, Aoi, Kazuma, and I. The CEO is set to lead the KAC members alongside my peers towards the Saviours base which is located in the ruins of Shibuya. As for me, I was ordered to stay behind and guard the Rock. The others insisted on staying behind with me, but the CEO gently told them off.

And so now I am alone deep underground with a Rock that spells the end of the world all around its outer shell, waiting for my opponents to make an appearance.

It may be dark down here but as I stand in front of the Rock, I can't help but wonder about its familiarity. Its not the rock itself, but that dark Aura it exudes. It's almost like-


I turn behind me and through the dark Aura, I see a bright portal opening as figures come out from it. Three figures-

The Leader. He stood at the center.

That Patrick Jane guy. He stood to the Leader's right.

And that Elemental guy. I would assume he would be the one to the Leader's left. I recognize the patterns on his robe from that day.

There was an object behind them that looked to be a huge block of ice containing...

"Fujiwara? What did you do to her!"

I yell out in anguish.

"Don't worry. Hehe! She's just taking a quick cold nap! You've got nothing to worry about!"

I would recognize that voice to belong to the Saviour I fought that day to be the Elemental guy. I hope they didn't do any harm to her. The Leader who stood in the middle stepped towards me.

"Well, well, well... It has been some time since we last spoke to each other. Surely, you've gotten stronger?"

With a condescending tone that the Leader boasted in the attempts to intimidate me, I respond back with a firm tone.

"I don't need to get stronger. All I need to do is to defeat you and save Fujiwara."

The Leader and the Elemental guy start laughing hysterically for a moment until the Leader signals him to stop.

"Sigh. Yes. You don't need to get stronger. Because you'd already be dead by then. But then, the Kaijus wouldn't appreciate your death. Especially if I'm the one who does kill you."

"I won't die. Not until I save Fujiwara and defeat you all."

The Leader chuckles to himself in amusement.

"Heh, well then... Shall we get started?"