Chereads / The End of a Story / Chapter 18 - Saviours in Another World - Pt 2

Chapter 18 - Saviours in Another World - Pt 2

Life. Death. Love. Hate. Right. Wrong. When it comes to a fight with an uncertain outcome, all are thrown away. There is only the victor.

Deep underground where the sun doesn't shine, a battle to save one begins.

The One-Armed Wonder, Asol Ansaldo versus The Leader. Who will triumph over the other? Will Asol Ansaldo be able to save the girl who looks like his dead friend?




The CEO's PoV

Many would view my ability to see into the future as a blessing. However, I view it a curse I have to live with. Countless times I've seen the deaths of many, driving me crazy, leading me to gouging my very eyes out. But even after doing so, I can still see those images. Horrible deaths. They keep coming back. Images of everyone around me that I care for, dying. Including Fujiwara Kane.

I received a vision days before Asol's arrival here on Earth. Fujiwara Kane is going to die in my hands.

When Asol Ansaldo arrived, I received another vision. This one grimmer. Fujiwara, instead of dying, will experience something worse than dying. But to prevent that, Asol Ansaldo was to save her from the Saviours. I only know the outcome, but not the process. However, I trust him. He will do whatever it takes to save her. Whether it be losing another arm or a leg, I know he will do it. He will save Fujiwara Kane.

"Mr. CEO? Are you alright? You've been awfully quiet ever since we left HQ..."


I turned my head to a blue haired, Aoi Shigure, the same unserious and lax girl I took under my wing all those years ago. I may not have raised her from childbirth, but she arrived here just after Fujiwara Kane did from the destruction of her world.

We were currently moving through the ruins of Shibuya, and I suppose my dead silence caused her worry.

"Yes, Shigure. I am fine."

I could see what's on her mind. She's worried about Asol. Just as anyone should be. Toma, Hikari, and Kazuma (Ice Mode). They are all worried about him. They've seen the Rock and knew what will happen to the world if the thing inside it were to awaken.

"I know what you're thinking Shigure. But this must happen. I've seen it end horribly. And I don't want that to happen. We must let him fight alone."

Her face turned dark as I said that. I know what happened to her in the past. I can understand she doesn't want to lose anyone, especially someone she deems a hero. Hm. Asol Ansaldo? A hero? He won't think highly of himself, but that in itself is a blessing.

We were just on the outskirts of the Saviours base. Just as I said back in the debriefing room. Two large buildings collapsed onto each other, making a sort of triangle passage inside. The number of Saviours that were patrolling the perimeter is astonishing! To think that the Leader had gathered this much of a following is unspeakable. I must applaud him for doing so.

I know what we're walking into is a trap, but I've no choice but to lead my people into their encampment. Knowing the Saviours, they probably have Kaijus hidden somewhere for an ambush. In fact, we could be standing on one right n-


The earth beneath us crumbled as every member of the KAC involved in the mission was thrown off their feet and separated. I've always had a knack for jinxing myself during my earlier years. Aoi Shigure and the others reacted quickly and assumed their battle stances as they swiftly fought off members of the Saviours who were alerted by the Kaiju's roar.

The Kaiju itself resembled that of a mutated pig. They must have used a pig as a catalyst for its summoning. Poor thing, I just ate pork for lunch today.


I turned to Kazuma Arashi who was flaring up, smiling deviously as if he had been waiting for this moment to shine. His hair turned from its snow-white coloring to one that sported a hot red flame as he yelled proudly to himself.


Knowing Kazuma Arashi (Fire Mode), he will take quick care of this oversized pig. As for the Saviours, Aoi Shigure and the others seem to be taking care of them quite quickly. The Saviours may have numbers, but we have power. Not to mention, most of their members consisted of just street thugs who joined for such idiotic reasons.

"Hm... There's bound to be more-"



Its gotten quite hot here. I turn to where Kazuma Arashi was and was met by a sizeable scorch mark on the very earth he once stood. He's fast. Just as expected of his fire power.

I must say. This trap that the Leader set up is very underwhelming. We've already taken care of the Saviours that were patrolling the perimeter, and there were a lot. There must be more inside, but if they heard the commotion, they should have joined the fight out here. What's happening? What are you thinking, Leader of the Saviours.


It seems that one Kaiju Kazuma eradicated off the face of the Earth, was not the only one. The place where Kazuma had killed the oversized pig was glowing a dark blue hue. And before I knew it, it had fully regenerated itself as it roared once again.



The Kaiju that regenerated roared as more and more Kaijus rose from the earth around us. Twenty of them to be specific. 

Kazuma, who was a ways from me, shouted-

"Uh! Old Man! Are they meant to do this!?"


No, they aren't. Every Kaiju that we have encountered in this world, most of the time, wouldn't have a special gimmick. It seems this oversized pig can regenerate itself, and there is twenty more of that thing. Thankfully we're in the ruins of Shibuya so we don't need to worry about civilian casualty.

Asol. I think you have it easier than us.




Asol Ansaldo's PoV




If I were to compare the bullet hell that I'm experiencing right now, to one that Aoi Shigure and Kazuma Arashi puts me through, I'd say the one I'm in right now is not as bad as theirs. Though this time, they are actually aiming to kill me.

I was currently taking cover behind a piece of concrete that was ripped from the ground, but it was quickly destroyed by the manipulation of space that that Patrick guy possesses. The only thing that would keep me safe from their barrage of unending attacks, would be the Rock.

The gravity manipulation that comes from the Leader would be absorbed by the Rock as their attacks would be produced by their Aura. With me having no choice to be on the defensive, I have not choice but to wait for an opening. Not that they will give me an opening.

The Leader yelled out sarcastically in a condescending tone-

"Asol Ansaldo, why don't you come out and play with us! Stop hiding behind the Rock! We won't hurt you! We promise!"

Is he serious? There's no way I'm going out there!


Because I have one arm, I've got limited ways to attack them. During my training sessions with Toma, since she is the best martial artist, she's taught me how to fight with just that. Using the momentum of your legs to empower your punches and vice versa regardless if you're missing a limb, was an effective way to fight.

Unfortunately, I won't get to use what I learned from her in this situation. So, what about what Aoi and Kazuma taught me? They usually tend to stay away from the enemy. Their abilities are ranged base, so whenever I spar with them its hard to stick to them. The only exception is when Kazuma draws out a sword he calls, "Frostblade: Lich," a sword made from the cold hellish landscapes of Hell. Or so he says.

I clench my fist, remembering a conversation I had with Aoi.


"So Asol, what else can you do?"

Me and Aoi were in the underground training room honing my control over my Aura. From past battles, I've only been enhancing my body to increase my physical capabilities. I haven't figured out how to use Aura the way that Hikari or Aoi could. Simply put, expressing their Aura outwards rather than inwards.

The only exception was when I was locked in an Aura Clash with Hikari.

"Uh... Well that's about all I can do really..."

"Hm. So you're only able to enhance your physical prowess. Have you tried to focus your Aura into a singular point in your body?"

"Yea, though it still doesn't show the outcome I want."

The blue haired girl fondled her hair as she stared at me intensely thinking.

"You must be thinking pretty hard-"

"Yea! Yea! I know..."

Her head perked up moments after that exchange and smiled deviously towards me. She's planning something, isn't she?

"Why don't you focus your Aura towards your hand?"

"Huh? Uh ok."

I do as she says and then follow word for word as she continues. She then has me clenching my first.

"Now, focus on a clear image on how you want your energy to be shot out. Like a bullet. You know?"

I turn the opposite direction towards a wall and then close my eyes.

"Like a gun... Like a bullet..."

I pull back my arm and swing my fist, feeling the energy escape my arm. If I were to mimick a gun shooting it's bullet, the energy would have to converge into a singular point if I want to hit my target.


I could feel the shockwave, the wind, the impact. The sound of impact echoed throughout the enormous training room.

I turn to Aoi behind me as I opened my eyes.

"Did I do it?"

Though. Aoi's eyes and mouth were wide open. It's was if she was flabbergasted. I turn back towards the direction I released my energy and-

I was speechless. The material the underground training room walls were made from is called, Adamantium.

I could see Aoi's body was slightly shaking. Sweat rolled down the side of her head. Her voice quivered. It wasn't out of fear I don't think. It was something else.

"Asol. You just did the impossible..."

"The impossible?"

The CEO once told me that Adamantium is the most durable material in existence. These walls were made from that same material. For me to have destroyed so much of it in a single moment, let alone a towering wall of it. A feat like that is feat like none other.

"Kaijus aren't able to break through it. Let alone put a dent onto this material. Heck, even I can't do that. The only other person who could do what you did, is my brother."

I feel...


I looked down at my cleched first and then put it over where my other arm would be.

"I think with this, I'll be able to defeat them. I'm getting stronger."

I wonder what I should call this attack? It's destructive, it's potent, but it's dangerous to use constantly.


This pain...

Because my body is not used to exerting high levels of Aura instantly, it's practically injuring my arm. This painfully stinging sensation. I haven't felt this pain ever since my right arm was taken from me. I'll have to be careful when using this new attack.

(Present Day)

"I have one shot at this. If I want to take out the Leader and his two men, I'll have to take them out in one shot."

I clench my fist.

I can't forget about Fujiwara. The three of them are all staying close to her. I assume that they're anticipating a large attack, so they are sticking close to Fujiwara. There's no way I can pull of my new move on them.



I slammed my fist into the floor beneath me.

"What am I doing here, hiding behind a huge rock that could potentially destroy the world?"

I need to separate the three of them, but how can I do that? However if I separate just one, there's no telling what the other two will do with Fujiwara.

Which one of them knows what to do with Fujiwara? The Elemental Guy? The Patrick guy? Or the Leader? Or all three of them. Perhaps I could force a gauntlet and fight them one at a time?

Sweat rolled down the side of my head from the frustration at the situation I'm in.

"Why, Mr. CEO? Why did it have to be me?"

Sigh. Thinking about why, is tiring. Ah screw it! They'll expect me to keep hiding behind the Rock, but maybe they won't expect me rushing them head on.

"Let's do this...!"