Kaguya decided to get ready for the departure to the kingdom of varin where the dragon clan was situated, the dragon clan specialized in studying dragons, hunting dragons and also protecting them if the need arose. There where also one of the top ten strongest clans on the continent of Haga.
Kaguya was assigned a cohort of the Clan's elite three there names were Mathew, Sasha, Clive. All of them being holders of the Tenagen and awakening it to the first stage, there where also of the Awakened. Despite kaguya not being appraised yet he was showing signs of being an ascended.
The day of departure had finally arrived, Kaguya was waiting at the gates of the Shirohaga village when a tall man with bronze hair approached him he was a huge man towering at the height of three point five meters. His name was Mathew, his height was due to his aspect which was mainly activated when you awakened your bloodline trait or survived the radiation of a gate but the latter was rarely the curse.
Mathew asked. "Kaguya have the others arrived yet?"
Kaguya nodded his head in displeasure and looked away, his gaze was fixated on the sky. Kaguya grimaced.
"A storm is coming....better carry your rain coats."
Mathew looked at Kaguya surprisingly, the bronze haired man had only known of kaguya from afar now he was one of the members of his cohort, though what upset him was that there leader was a nine year old boy who had evolved the tenagen to the second stage without any formal training. Mathew sighed.
' I guess nothing can bit talent'. Kaguya slightly turned his gaze to the village where two individuals had appeared from the sky.
"You're late." Kaguya lingered for a bit and asked. " Do you have your rain coats ?"
A tanned bronze haired man with a lithe body answered.
"Prince Kaguya nice to meet you...I am awakened Clive and my beautiful friend over here is Sasha, as for the rain coats we have carried them.....if I may ask ?"
Kaguya looked at Clive and said. "Sure."
"The sky is clear it is without a dark cloud and this is not the rain season so how can it possibly rain."
Kaguya answered.
"You will see now let's go those scales won't bring themselves."
There quest was to collect the primordial dragon scales on a full moon but before that there destination was to find out more information about primordial dragons from the dragon clan this was because the clan elders refused to guide Kaguya and because the previous clan leaders killed the primordial dragons that resided near the village for various reasons.
On the continent of ivay the village and kingdoms where large enough to be considered nations but most of the continent was united so there was no need to consider them nations.
After traveling for two kilometers to the north where kingdom of varin situated it suddenly started raining heavily and a grim expression appeared on Kaguya's face.
End of Chapter 13.