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What's your final guess?

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author note: I'll update all the chapters I published until now then I'll keep publishing. Ray and his faithful friend Bara just landed on a big planet that was wandering in the cold void of the space, but IT is actually not a planet but an enormous living being with wills and feelings. Ray has to guess a number and like him some other individuals do too, fate has chosen them and to them has been promised great power, will Ray be able to see it to the end?

Chapter 1 - The unluckiest creature

"Whoo-hoo, my friend! You truly are a menace when driving, and I mean literally a threat to my own life, hahaha" Those words came from a guy that was sleeping on his bed on a little spaceship. 

 Used to his friend's sleep talking, the driver answers "Please, you have to be awake 1 minute, and 45 seconds, or we might be in danger". Bara, his friend on the driving seat was nervously fidgeting with his diary and his camera.

"challenge accepted, but… what… I… get… Hugh" Ray's confused words were the only thing that could be heard aside from the almost silent whir that came from the engine of the spaceship.

"I guess... that you may survive from what's coming at us, Ray please, if you don't care about keeping alive your own skin at least do it for your dear friend" Bara saw coming from the planet ahead of them a huge piece of land that would destroy the spaceship.

"I… can… not… die…". While Ray kept mumbling, the little spaceship was reaching the marvelous planet before them. But that thing wasn't exactly a planet but rather an enormous livinig being that was attacking them, the planet's name was the Great tractor.

"Ray, Gosh, that's a hell of a beautiful sight, if we fail our mission and we die here I might not mind it… and, by the way, what does it mean that you can't die? Are you drunk by drinking sparkling water or what?"

The spaceship consisted of only one room that was as a classroom, in the back of the ship, Ray was slowly waking up from his sweet nap feeling the light coming from the planet "Sparkling water? Ugh drink that shit yourself".

Bara looked with a fascinated face out of the windows "Oh, this place is really colorful, even if just some instants ago looked like a little gray dot. Gosh, another tentacle is attacking us, hold on tight." The spaceships turns so fast that Ray ends up on the floor, still asleep.

"Ray it has been already 1 minute and 33 seconds! I already avoided the main danger, but I won't be able to do this forever" The planet had living moving parts over and inside itself, and it was attacking how it could the spaceship.

Ray turns to the other side and says "Bara postpone 10 minutes", Bara didn't let him finish that a yell came out of his mouth "I'm not an alarm clock, you can't postpone me! Wake up!" Ray slowly opens his eyes and he lets out a very long yawn.

He proceeded to stretch a little bit, carelessly "Ray, it's over, prepare to the impact, be ready to fly". Ray opens his eyes that feel still sticky but what he sees is, an arm shaped piece of the planet destroying the whole spaceship.

"Oh... I had a very relaxing nap, by the way is everything ok?" Ray is now fully awake and while falling on a planet with his friend looking at him with an expression of disappointment, they are also forced to see a tentacle swallow the whole space ship.

Ray looks around with a satisfied face and says "don't worry, It was all my plan from the beginning" under them the colors blended in huge spirals and there was an oval gray zone at their feet, that looked like a forest.

"How can this be all your plan? What's the benefit?" Ray looks at him smiling his arms are wrapped around the back of his head like he's still enjoying himself in his own bed but in a kind of different way this time.

"How can you not understand why I did it? Don't you feel such a fresh air over your skin? Isn't this one of the most beautiful feelings that you could ever feel in your life? I'm feeling sooooo good, let's enjoy this until we can, it'll get a while until we reach the ground"

Bara looks at him without any hope of having a serious answer anymore "look at the ground! It's moving it looks like moss, but that thing for how giant it is it's deadly, dammit". They were able to see a lot of structures from there like an enormous fuchsia cone.

Bara then continues saying "We could get on the ground in an instant if we only wanted to, and also get up here again too how much times as we wanted, what's the point in destroying my badass ship"

Bara had lost his camera and his diary that was basically everything that he owned at the moment, and because of this he was still looking at where the space ship was completely shattered, Ray notices it and makes a smirk.

 "I didn't know you were so fascinated by this kind of feeling but after we get to the ground we got business to do, you should rather understand that in life it's important to enjoy everything as you do it even when doing boring stuff"

"cut short with your philosophical crap I didn't mean any of that. Anyway, I lost my stuff in that spaceship, that there was also no need to bring with us, but you said that it made sense since it'd be like some sort of vacation. I'll make you buy me a lot of stuff when we get back home."

All of a sudden Rays takes by the right arm and says "you know what I had enough let's go down!" and as he said it a red line appeared on the sky, because of the friction with the atmosphere, this caused a very loud noise that could probably be heard from all of the rest of the planet.

Then he stopped before hitting the ground because he'd destroy half of it and than he successfully landed on the planet. "What a spicy move, I like it, but I couldn't even make a video, such a pity"

Ray gets a little bit of dust off his clothes "You can still look for you camera somewhere il that direction, it'll probably be already turned into dust… but… it isn't that bad, you can fix it! I believe in you! But now, back to business, I'll tell you what we're here for, we're after one of the numbers"

Bara interrupts him saying "there was no doubt about this, neeext" the land under their feet turned literally into a mass of plasma, and Bara looked shocked at the ground that was being regenerated as they were speaking.

"ok, so… our target it's on this planet and this whole plant it's his own ally, he invited us and also other guests, some of whom are already here and other will get here soon, naturally it's a provocation rather than an invitation since he'll try to get my digit".

The enormous amount of land that they destroyed was already back to normal and that made Bara realize "We're in his territory, and the Gray tractor is an incredibly strong ally. But he can't risk to accidentally kill you, since he'd lose the digit" 

Ray while checking that his capsules are ok and that he didn't forget any answers "it is indeed a powerful being, but even Chrono was killed even if he was the god of time, we'll manage don't worry.

Bara realized that this might turn into one of the Ray's massacres since he thinks that leaving an enemy behind means backstabbing yourself. " that might be the first time, that blowing off a planet will make you a murder, hahahhh hhh hh"

Following Bara's silent laugh "Yeah but lots of time there'd be living being on the planet, but… anyway, this marvelous being has oceans and continents but each of them actually has their own function"

"The oceans of this planet are made out of water, or at least it looks like it but the color of the water it's weird and also the oceanic currents made the water look very weird, it felt like it had a totally different texture, but I couldn't think that it wasn't water since there were clouds made out of water in the sky and they had to come from somewhere but I could tell at least tell that the cloud were perfectly normal so I don't really know what to think about it" Ray satisfied looks at him and tells him "your analysis it's truly amazing, indeed that isn't normal water and actually all the ocean have a different kind of 'water' and each of them has a different kind of purpose" then all of a sudden his face turned serious and he continued saying "I have to tell you also that behind this biological fact about this being there's something really disgusting and I'm very sorry for what this Gray Tractor has to go through" "ohh I see, I see" so says Bara after understanding Ray's words but even if he did now what he meant, Ray anyway explained himself like if there was somebody other than them that could hear their conversation "clouds are made out of water that evaporates from the oceans, everybody knows it, but since this is an enormous living being this fluid actually serve a biological purpose, so naturally they contain other substances in it like in the human blood, saliva, urine, sweat and so on, and when the water evaporates the concentration and the level of saturation of this substance in the water gets higher and higher, and you can't even imagine what kind of smell do they produce, also I checked and this being has some olfactive structure, it's actually more complicated than that, but this planet it's forced to feel his own bad smell for sooo much time, NO, actually he never stops hearing it but sometimes it's more and sometime it's less intense" "but, ok , it isn't something too terrible since it's probably the same with the good odors that he produces too, so it's less bad than you make… it… seem" as he was talking Bara noticed where was the problem about what he was saying. "So you noticed… yes it's like you thought, this planet, well if I'd have to describe its emotional state I'd use the word rotting, IT is neither living but it is neither dead, he feels that for him it's impossible to feel good and have a life that is enough satisfying to be even worth living, but it's not just about its bad smell but also about the PAIN of his own body constantly dying, decomposing and the regenerating, because well, yes, that also hurts since IT is an enormous being and creating new part means moving others, but physique works differently in microscopical and macroscopical environments" "when our skins creates new cells the force it's minimal and in general in microscopical environments any force has a very smaller impact that's why an ant can carry thousands of time its own weight and don't die, and also because insects aren't actually flying in the air but rather swimming in it, the pain suffered from this planet it's probably unimaginable" Bara said all or this in a single breath as he was starting to realize what Ray meant. "There's more though, this being is a very smart one, it's not a living being like an animal or a plant, he possesses intelligence that surpasses by a lot the average human intelligence, it probably has a level of intelligence and of complexity that no human will be able to understand.

As he says it the land under him shakes a lot and them are forced to move somewhere else, if they didn't want to destroy anything nearby, than Ray makes a very weird face that Bara notices but still he decides to not say anything about, it he's a shy guy but can be very open when he feels like it, but he is not enough curious to ask Ray about what was that face about. Ray's face that's always almost shining because of joy, happiness and satisfaction is now very tense, it brings back some very dark memory in Bara's mind, memory of terror that Ray felt and that changed him forever, his face was indeed terrified at that moment, but he didn't know why, anyway everything went back to normal in a couple of seconds so he considered everything to be alright. The land under their own feet stopped shaking and Ray's smile was back in an instant, and Bara thought that when that smile will fade forever from Ray's face it'll probably be the end of the universe.