Li Shen's gaze swept across the endless shelves of the Archive, their contents stretching beyond what his eyes could follow.
Fu took note of his persistent curiosity in the Archive. It was quite flattering for another person to take interest in his works. After all, a visit like this was unprecedented, let alone having one person returning three times in such a short time. He couldn't help but growing fond of Li Shen.
He stroked his white-trimmed beard. "It preserves crucial moments throughout history. The system chose its vessels at random across different eras, different lives." His ancient eyes settled on a leather-bound tome. "Each time an owner died, their records sealed within these shelves, and the cycle began anew with another chosen vessel."
"But I have died already-" Li Shen's words trailed off.
"Your situation was unprecedented." Fu's robes rustled as he moved between the shelves. "You were not chosen by the system."