Chereads / Ace of Diamonds x reader / Chapter 1 - Chapter 0: Prologue

Ace of Diamonds x reader

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 0: Prologue

Prologue: starting at 0

I watched Eijun pitch from the bleachers with a smile, that shining look in his eye that has always interested me. Now you may be wondering who I am and why am I watching Sawamura Eijun like a creep. Well let me introduce myself. My name is Y/n L/n, I'm a student at Akagi junior high. Now you may be wondering, who is this girl and why am I on first name basis with Eijun and i'll tell you that answer

A while ago, in another life, I was an average girl who enjoyed watching baseball with her dad and enjoyed playing softball because it was fun. When I turned sixteen me and my team went to the championship and I was the Ace. I know, crazy right? Well it gets even crazier. I've trained for a while and even played catcher in my third year which was my current year. After our game we celebrated and went out to eat and the next moment my head fell on the table and now I was transmitted into the Diamond no Ace world. I decided to hit it off with Eijun and I worked my charming magic and we ended up dating. I met his family rather quickly. They all wore their hearts on their sleeves. An amazing family, away from those shonen anime where main protagonists don't have families. 

Now anyway back to the story! I ended up spending time with Eijun more and helped Eijun out by catching for him when I had down time from softball, since I managed to create a team of my own. . How cool is that! I even managed to keep my abilities from my past life and used them here. I did manage to help Eijun develop a slightly better aim and accuracy but it seemed like it would still take the losing route from the original story. 

Anyway, enough about me, see how amazing Eijun is!

The game was tied and the ball did lag a little by anime logic and it counted as a ball. Poor Eijun, those were definitely frustrating. 

I hum and glance back towards Takashima Rei, she did look hot like in the manga and anime. So she really did some to scout for Eijun. I smiled slightly before turning back to the game. 

Though it was slightly disappointing how that other team won, what's their name anyway? I just shook my head. I already decided that since Eijun is going to Seido in the future then I was gonna go too. I sure do hope they have a softball team or I might just have to cross dress to be allowed into baseball. Though if that doesn't work i'll have to do Academics instead. 

I hummed, Japan was kinda confusing, their school system was good it was just kinda confusing to understand. 

 I shook my head and stood up knowing that it's about to get embarrassing in a moment as the teams stood to bow. I turn away awkwardly. I felt bad seeing Eijun try. Don't worry I'll avenge you with my upcoming Softball game.

I nod to myself, determined, Eijun once tried to get on the softball team before but it didn't work out too well.. I sighed, he definitely seemed interested in watching softball. I hope he doesn't seem too upset when the girls and I make it to nationals. I nod to myself awkwardly.

I stayed turned once I heard yelps and slaps.

I was still somehow roped into this when we went back to school. The teacher and principal scolded the both of us. Me, because I didn't stop him when I just turned away doing nothing. Must've thought I was being petty. I glanced at Eijun as he pouted before he glanced at me offering a grin and funny faces before getting up as Eijun excuses himself by roasting the principal. I laughed silently and followed him out.

I don't know how I ended up dating him or even how much confidence I had to even ask him and him agreeing.

I hummed lightly following after him as he talked lightly. Though he was soon surrounded and dragged away into a classroom. Better get back to class or I won't be able to go to today's game. I shiver at that thought and ran towards the classroom worriedly excusing myself to the teacher. 

It was after class and I sighed. I smiled and waved at my classmates and talked to my teammates and my catcher. Maybe I can convince her to come with me. She has such great catching abilities and rarely gets mad. What a blessing. 

I glanced at Eijun who was next to me. His mood was down. I tilted my head and asked curiously

"What's wrong Ei?"

He flushed embarrassed gathering his thoughts as he turned to me

"Nothing..i'm excited to watch you play n/n"

I tilted my head as Eijun just grabbed my hand giving it an extra squeeze."You don't have to go if you don't want to" I say softly yet awkwardly

He offered me a grin "I'd always go to your games like you go to mine" I sighed and nodded

"Just don't force yourself to go, yeah?" I stated with a smirk, He nodded and smiled, "good luck with the game, do me justice N/n

I laughed and we arrived at the gates. I waved and ran towards my team. In the dug out I got ready and smiled. I applied Icy-hot to my aching feet. Such a girly body I definitely need to change it. I shifted on my jersey, I grinned the number one on my back shining in the light. 


The game went by quickly, I managed to hit a 3 run homer which seemed to stop the momentum for the team on the other side. I could hear Eijuns cheering. I thought back to the moments where Eijun practiced with me and even claimed that I was his catcher despite me being a pitcher myself. Though I didn't deny him such fact. I mean..I could be an all rounder. I was definitely proud of that. My pitching wasn't too bad. The control was decent despite my weak muscles..I wish my control, muscles, and reaction time was on point. I shook my head. My core was strong at least. I'm so glad I taught my battery partner how to catch. 

The game was soon won. It was 12-4. In our favor. I shook my head and drank much needed water. Despite us not having a coach it worked out. My advice seemed to be helping greatly.

I flexed my back slightly feeling a pop. I sighed and grabbed my things after we bowed. I loved being petty to the audience. 

I glanced at the gate to see an excited Eijun.

"Good game n/n, you seriously need to teach me how to hit home runs!"

I just laughed and smiled, I always hit on the first pitch, why? because I like the looks on the opponents faces. I could hear the announcer voice ring out, 

"you see that folks, the Ace, number 1 pitcher for females under 18 in Japan, have made another home run, Y/n L/n. She always hits on the first pitch can she be stopped?"

He said excitedly, immediately hugging me tight. I hugged him back, rubbing his back gently.

"N/n! Why can you be my catcher like are my catcher.." 

He pouted slightly as I shift, saying softly, "you have Nobu..he can catch your pitches can't he?"

" Yeah're my catcher" I rolled my eyes ignoring it. I can catch any of his pitches with ease and I've took the initiative to start Eijun early with pinpointing the exact location and throwing it to my mit with ease.

I decided to change the topic "do you know if i could come over for dinner? I love you ma's cooking"

"You know my parents and gramps don't care and my mother loves you a lot."

I nodded and we held hands on the way to his house but I could tell he was worried about something. I tilted my head staring at his face before he noticed and flushed almost shyly before saying softly

"What's wrong n/n?"

"What's with the..face?"

" noticed this poor Sawamura Eijun is sweet!"

He said with a smile his cheeks bright pink with that idiotic smile he had when he relaxed. I shook my head. "Wanna tell me what's the matter?"

He bit his lip and said quietly, embarrassed

"All of my friends left me behind in my studies"

I blinked and giggled, Eijun whining before I just smiled. "I'll help you with them..don't worry so much"

We were at Eijuns place rather quickly. Eijun seemed to sneak past his family and into the another room. I hummed and greeted them quietly, setting my stuff near the door changing into the slippers provided. I shook my head and worked on trying to help him study. I glanced up at Eijun's grandpa as he approached and Eijun immediately looked miserable.

I shook my head as Eijun was slapped before Eijun's grandpa pointed at me.

"Help the poor boy clean up and come down stairs." Rei-chan must've got here then. I shook my head and as he whined quietly to me. I gently rubbed his cheek. He leaned into it before he grabbed my hand and led me down the stairs.

We sat at the small family table, I smiled as I sat on the side of the table. Takashima slid her card towards the Sawamura's. 

"Nice to meet you.."

Takashima Rei, currently 26 at this time and she had a bright yet confident smile. 

"I am the general manager for Seidou Highschool's baseball club, Takashima.

Eijun seemed a little surprised for the wrong reason, a slight flush on his face but his eyes stayed trained on her face giving me an apologetic smile. I just shook my head at that.


 His grandpa then snapped his focus back saying that Seidou stood out among other high schools. They played Koushien many times. I pursed my lips with interest. Koushien..amazing..I've heard of it..from America and even seen it in this manga..though it doesn't give it justice..

Eijun then asked an obvious question since he hasn't really been on the T.V. to watch them. He was a country boy and second he said he'd be jealous and want to stand on the mound then watching someone else.

What a boy I fell for..

Though Rei-chan seemed a little thrown off even sweat dropping. Though she did approve of him. I tilted my head and nudged him with my foot as he laid on his face. He glanced up at him me and smiled lightly. 

The Sawamura's were obviously celebrating for Eijun because well.. They were sure he wouldn't get invited to any other school due to his track record of slapping a whole school's middle school baseball team and even the officials.

Eijun sat up shifting a little closer to the table with a small interest but hesitation. 

"Hey now..wait a moment"

It seems he was thinking about his friends and middle school. Always so earnest. 

I watched as they went back and forth for a moment. Eijun explaining he didn't want to work in such a serious environment and go to tokyo and just play baseball on top of that.

Though the sawamura's were a little panicked and asked why and what he was trying to say and even Rei-chan seemed a little surprised. The sawamura's were gonna give him a piece of their mind for being stupid and not thinking about it

I smiled watching him as he smiled brightly saying it was a great opportunity but he still had a goal, go with his friends to Koushien.

I just smiled and under the table intertwined hands with him..always stayed true to the heart..maybe that's why I like him..

Rei-chan then looked down and said softly "I see.." before inviting him come to the school to at least see it. I giggled at her persistence. 

I added softly

"C'mon least check it out"

Eijun then looked at him for a moment and squeezed my hand tightly..and Rei-chan seemed to convince him with her words. Telling him that the the ground help the truth and that his heart and soul held into the instinctive pitch which held the essence of a pitcher. 

I was then pulled along into a family meeting. They all seemed to be asking questions not so quietly and he was suspicious of her.

Rei-chan requested that he'd come watch their game, a national game. 

I pursed my lips, maybe I could go, i'm sure my parents wouldn't care..and I don't think I have a game or practice that day..

I ended up going with him that day, he wanted my experience and tale away from it and stated that I was his catcher and needed to come with. I was apparently still his catcher. I asked permission from Rei-chan and she didn't seem to mind. I did pull my hair up and ended up making myself look boyish and I had a hoodie on so it made a slight difference. I watched them practice with interest and Eijun just looked shocked at the practicing. I shifted, the machines were high-tech and only pitcher fast balls.. I shook my head and and glanced at the players and their forms. Eijun seemed to stick close to me and asked quietly about everything. I explained everything to him easily yet calmly. I didn't really pay attention to Rei-chan explain most things, I already knew most of it. I watched hitters hit my eyes scanning their forms. I shifted slightly. Good thing I brought my glove…I still want to catch for Eijun…I know what happens in the future for Eijun due to Miyuki..I want him to have a pure view on baseball and not degrade him over Fuyura about his skills.

I could hear shouts and I zoned back in. I watched the fat guy degrade Kawakami? I think that was his name anyway. I felt my eye twitch as I turned to Eijun who seemed equally as pissed. 

I shook my head as my fists clench. 42 base hits. I had more combined in my two lifetimes. No one should treat a pitcher like that. 

Eijun then shouted angrily, "you're going to go to the pros with a body like that. I can't believe it, you should give it up! Check out that belly! Isn't he a geezer atleast above 40"

I snorted and chided in, "yeah, biggies at least in his 50's right?"

I grinned in amusement, 

"Who the hell are these guy's? They're mocking my strongest point"

"More like you're weakest point"

We both giggled, damn it Eijun making me giggle like this. 

We were both told to apologize and Eijun denied saying that he doesn't approve of players aboard baseball and said to go back home. 

I nodded in agreement.

No one should ever abuse their teammates I didn't like it or accept it and neither did Eijun. 

We both stood tall as Azuma approached. Eijun glares as their foreheads touched and Azumas stomach touched his. He glared with hatred at the both of us. My eye twitched. 

"Has this so called famous school lost sight in the importance of teammates" 

Eijun said, pissed off. Eijun was then pushed towards me as Rei-chan apologized and said we were from the country and didn't know what we were saying. I rolled my eyes at that as snorted

"Since when did i say that Rei-chan?"

I turned away and calmed myself. Azuma approached standing over us as Rei-chan said it'd be a good chance to bat. 

I sighed and patted his back and agreed

"Okay rei-chan- <3"

I winked and pulled Eijun to the side. 

"This is the time to show them what's up, yeah? You did say you were my battery partner Ei"

I say giggling as he flushed embarrassed.

"Sorry n/n..for involving you"

"It's no problem, yeah?"

I grinned and wrapped an arm around his shoulder whispering quietly

"Besides your mine. We you'll always pitch to my mitt"

I grinned, confident, he always hit my pitch. I taught him everything. 

Miyuki then approached and smiled.

"What are you doing, go change, i'm catching for you"

I sighed and said point my mit at him

"Sorry sorry..but Eijun is taken. I'm his pitcher"

I grinned, there is now I'm letting you catch for him Miyuki Kazuya. You'll get used to this feeling of wanting to catch for his pitches. I promise. I turn away.

"But you can lead us to the locker rooms"

I said, chuckling, dragging Eijun with me as Miyuki caught off quickly. A small pout on his face.

"Aw man..I wanted to catch for him, he seems so interesting…and Rei-chan said I could"

He then swung an arm over our shoulders. "Fine fine..cmon catcher and pitcher-kun"

He said playfully, leading us to a place to change. He was talking to us the whole time. I just put on the baseball uniform. Not too tight.

I grinned and dragged Eijun out excited after he was done. Miyuki seemed to hang around us a lot. I helped Eijun stretch as I put on catching gear. I put on my glove and then stretch easily. I'm so glad I'm flexible. I hummed and we tossed back and forth for a moment as we just talked quietly. 

Though Azuma seemed to agitate Eijun. I sighed and shook my head. I chopped his head lightly whispering softly, "the hell are you doing Eijun, calm down. You're my pitcher right? That means relax and I'll tell you what to do, yeah?"

I say patting his shoulder before walking behind home base and crouching down. I hummed and glanced up at Azuma. I grinned and put down my mask.