Chereads / Harry Potter: The Crying Child / Chapter 4 - New Friends and Hogwarts

Chapter 4 - New Friends and Hogwarts

The days went by quickly, Norman and Elizabeth quickly found out that they liked spending their time in the Burrow. Norman spent most of his time practicing or reading most of the new books he got for school. When he wasn't doing that he was either helping Mr Weasley with one of his 'muggle artifacts' or he was teaching Ginny how to play with his keytar who begged him for it after she accidentally overheard him while he was passing the time in his new room. She was a fan of a band called the Weird Sisters which apperantly really similar to muggle rockbands.

Elizabeth tried to look around a bit, but she noticed that after going too far from Norman she started loosing color and became more and more ghost like so much so that she couldn't even been seen by anyone other than Norman after a while. She decided to just follow Norman around or stay inside him and laze around. Sometimes she and Norman recived letters from Charlie who managed to get out of her comfort zone and make some new friends around her age.

Norman and Elizabeth however decided to test out some of their less than savory abilities inside the chest to avoid alerting anyone in the house or in the Ministry since they can apperantly monitor what spells are used around underage wizards. Elizabeth took an apperant liking to the feeling that Crucio produced when she cast the spell. Similarly Norman liked it as well, but only when he was also casting Sanare, he felt like he was in balance that way and he wasn't slipping into madness or bliss either.

They also accidentally found out that while Norman is seemingly immune to the effects of Sanare and most likely Crucio Elizabeth isn't. They found this out the hard way when Norman accidentally hit her with it and she desintegrated amidts pleasure filled moans and groans. It didn't help that seemingly everything that Elizabeth felt came back to him in a lessened form, so he ended up passing out due to his own pleasure overload. This was the way they found out that Sanare can be just as dangerous as Crucio if it's overcharged. After half a day Elizabeth managed to reform, but Norman couldn't look her in the eyes for a few days due to his shame.

Just the day before Norman and the Weaslyes with Harry had to start their year at Hogwarts, he and Elizabeth managed to make a breakthrough in their little sideproject. Norman managed to stabilise and combine Crucio with Sanare. The new spell he promptly named Sensus allowed him to dampen, amplifie or control anyones emotions and senses he hit with the purple lightning the spell produced. He tested the spell on Elizabeth after she agreed, he didn't use his wand only his hand since he could use the three family spell of his with much less power than his wand.

The test worked flawlessly and Elizabeth managed to stay in one piece. They celebrated all through out the day much to the amusement and suprise of the Weasleys. The family celebrated the new school year with a lavish dinner Molly made, it even got better when the twins lit fireworks inside the house and asked Norman to play a song for the celebration, everyone enjoyed their time. When at last night came everyone went to bed early, since they needed to reach the train to the school early in the morning. According to Fred and George there wasn't a single year where they didn't run into a problem and came narroly close to missing the train.

Early in the morning when most people woke up there was pandemonium. Everyone was running around like headless chickens. There was an almost literall fight for the bathrooms, Ginny and Molly managed to take them first and they have been in there for close to 30 minutes. The Twins were contemplating breaking down the doors and unlike every other time Percy didn't try to stop them. Mr Weasley was packing the car with the trunks of the kids, except Norman's since he decided to keep his trunk and school supplies inside his amulet.

When everyone was finally in a presentable shape they headed to the car. Harry didn't understand how they could fit all the lougage inside and expect everyone to fit in as well. Norman noticed this and quickly explained that Mr Weasley upgraded the car with an extention charm, they were sushed down by him in order to avoid accidentally giving this information up to Molly. They all managed to sit comfortably inside the stretched car. Mrs Weasley even commented on the enginuity of muggle technology. Finally they started the and began their journey... for exactly 12 seconds when they had to turn back since George forgot his magical fireworks. After that they had to go back again, since Fred forgot his broom, next it was Ginny who apperatly left her personal diary.

Norman and Harry saw how they were already late and it seems that Mr Weasley was of the same mindset. "Molly please could we..." Mr Weasley was trying to plead with his wife. "Absolutely not!" She denied already knowing where he was aiming at. "But we can't even be seen, this is button is the invisibility generator I installed. With Norman I even managed to fix the overheating problem. We could be there in less than 10 minutes!" Molly just huffed annoyed. "I said no, Arthur!"

Finally the family managed to arrive at King's Cross Station with less than 10 minutes to spare. Everyone was rushing towards the passage way where the Hogwarts Express was stationed behind. "There is the 9 and 3/4 platform we still have time to reach it!" Percy shouted and pointed at a seemingly normal archway between two platforms. "Alright we still have 5 minutes, Percy you go first!" He nodded and walked through the wall with his trunk which Mr Wheasly carried after him. Next it was Fred and George who followed. "Norman, Ginny you two grab my hand and you two follow right after us." Molly ordered.

The next moment Norman felt like he passed through a thin vail and just like that he arrived at 9 and 3/4 platform. The only problem was that Harry and Ron wasn't following behind them. Mrs Weasley tried to go back after them, but she couldn't. The wall was now solid and she couldn't leave. She called her husband to help her sort things out. When he arrived and asked what is wrong Mrs Weasley just put her hand on the supposed secret passage. Mr Weasley realising the gravity of the problem took out his wand and began inspecting the wall.

Molly then turned towards Norman and Ginny. She tried to hid her worry, but it was bleeding through her words. "Look you two have less than 2 minutes to reach the train, so don't wait for us just go we will sort this out somehow." She gave a gentle nudge towards Ginny and Norman, then she turned towards the mallfunctioning wall as well. Norman not wanting to upset Molly grabbed Ginny's trunk with the help of Elizabeth and began making his way towards the train, Ginny in tow.

They managed to get on finally after a lot of pushing and showing. They unfortunately weren't able to find an empty cabin, so Norman finally getting tired by carrying around the large trunk opted for the closest one which wasn't full. They eventually found a cabin, inside of it was only 2 girls, one was a bushy brown haired girl who was reading a book with intense focus and a straggly dirty-blond haired girl who seemed to be lost in her own world both of them seemed to be around his and Ginny's age. When Norman opened the door the two inhabitants noticed them.

"Hello, sorry to bother you, but could we sit with you? Almost every other cabin is full already." The bushy haired witch just closed her book and smiled at them. Norman noticed that she had cute buck teeth which reminded him of a bunny. "Of course! Wait let me help you a bit." She took out her wand and pointed at the lugage and said: "Wingardium Leviosa" The next moment it started floating out of Norman and Elizabeth's tired arms, onto the storage compartments above the seats and next to the luggage of one of them.

"Thank you so much! I have no idea what I would have done without you." Said Norman. Ginny had already took seat next to the aloof girl and started chatting with her. Norman decided to sit next to the girl who helped him, he reached out towards her with a handshake in order to intoduce himself. The girl happily recipricated it. "My name is Norman Afton, it's nice to meet you." She shook his hand once before she let go. "I am Hermione Granger and it's nice to meet you as well." Next it was the dreamy girl who spoke up. "I am Luna Lovegood. You seem strange to me Norman, there are no wrackspurts around you, yet there seems to be something up with you." Norman couldn't really understand what she was implying, but she didn't seem to mean anything bad by it, so he didn't get offended.

Hermione and Ginny wanted to come to the defense of Norman, but he just smiled back at Luna and shook her hand as well. Finally Ginny introduced her self to Luna, which seemed strange to Norman. "Wait I know that you are Ron's sister, but what is Norman to you? Is he your boyfriend, I thought you liked Har- mumbg!" Hermione was promptly shut up when Ginny in her panic pulled down one of her socks and stuffed it in her mouth.

After a bit of back and forth between Hermione and Ginny the cabin calmed down and Norman could finally explain himself. "So you are telling me that you are like a lost cousin of the Weasley's and that you only found out about it when Professor McGonagall took you for shopping?" Norman just nodded along the abridged version of his story. "I am assuming that you will also get sorted into Gryffindor right? I think every Weasley went to Gryffindor at least that is what Ron told me."

Norman shrugged a bit lost in the beautiful scenery and his own thoughts. "I don't know, but I honestly don't care either. The founders of Hogwarts are set to be the greatest witches and wizards of their time right? I doubt any of their houses would be bad." Hermione gained a frustrated red tint on her face, due to the memory of a particularly annoying Slytherin boy who she has the misfortune of knowing personally. "Well as long as you are not in Slytherin I guess there isn't a big downside to any of the other houses."

"And what is the problem with Slytherin? If I remember it correctly Merlin went there, my grandmother went there well most of my family on her side went there, so I don't know what is the big problem." Hermione scratched her head not really knowing how to answer without mostly baseless accusations that Ron used to tell her. Before she could come up with her own answer it was Ginny who spoke. "The problem isn't with the house or what it originally represented, no the problem is the people who went there. A really large part of them are the children or other family members of dark wizards. They put more emphasis on Blood purity and influence than actual talent."

She saw how Norman furrowed his eyebrows, so she tried to backtrack a bit thinking she might have offended him. "But that doesn't mean that you or your grandma were evil!!! I just think that you would have a really hard time there, especially since most of the pureblood family's sees us as blood traitors. If it got out that you are closely related to us while you are in that house... It wouldn't be pretty that is for sure." Norman contemplated everything he learned. A part of him didn't want to believe it, he himself is supposed to be a descendant of Slytherin himself if the test was correct.

The whole situation left a really bad taste in his mouth, but he couldn't exactly deny it without proof. He decided to see for him self what actually happened to the prestigious house of his ancestor, but he would also keep a healthy distance from it if he could help it. "Hey Ginny, do you think Harry and Ron managed to get on the train at last?" She made a puzzled face at first, but she quickly gained a panicked look on her face. "Oh Merlin! I completely forgot!" She jumped out of her seat, but Norman quickly pulled her back down.

"Where do you think you are going? Do you plan to look through out the whole train to find them? They are probably fine, I doubt the school would just do nothing about them. They aren't needlessly reckless and idiotic right?" It was the moment where Hermione and Ginny stood up in sync and went out of the cabin to search for the two boys. Incredulous, Norman just stayed in the cabin with Luna and they both just read in silence for a while.

It was getting dark outside, the girls have both returned after a while, but they didn't manage to find Harry or Ron. After that the 4 of them were just talking about the school in general. Hermione shared how she became friends with the boys and she even told them that the three of them spent most of their free time figuring out a conspiracy, but she didn't tell them what exactly happened. Luna talked a bit about her fathers magazine the Quibbler and Ginny talked about her love for Quidditch and anything that has to do with flying.

Eventually Norman was kicked out of the cabin, so the girls could change into their robes. Outside he met the twins who suffered a similar fate as him. "Oh, hey Norman! Got tossed out as well?" They came over and put their arms over Normans shoulders. "Don't worry we got you! Our friends Oliver and Lee will get us a cabin like always." The two of them led Norman around the train for a while until they arrived in front of a cabin where two older girls were coming out of.

"Katie, Alicia! It's good to see you! I guess the captain is already inside with Lee right." The two girls turned towards the twins and Norman. "Hey George, hello Fred. Yes, you are right they have been waiting for you two. Who is your new friend? I didn't take you two as someone who is interested in random first years?" The twins pushed Norman forward like they were presenting a toy towards their friends. "This little guy is Norman Afton, he is a lost cousin of our family. We found him kicked out of his cabin, so we decided to bring him along."

After the explanation the girls warily waved by to the group and headed towards the back of the train were Norman and the twins came from. "Did I do something wrong? The girls didn't seem to particularly like me being here." The twins waved of Norman's concerned and gave him devilish smiles. "Little Norm don't worry they weren't against you being here. They were just concerned about you being with us!" Stammering a bit Norman asked. "Why would they get concerned about you? Other than some harmless pranks I didn't see you two do anything dangerous." They led Norman towards the cabin as they laughed in glee. "You have absolutely no idea! We will definitively have to rope you into some of our adventures!"

Inside the cabin there were two older boys around the age of the twins. "Fred, George you two are finally here! We thought that you two would never show up!" The taller one of the two started scolding the twins not even noticing Norman's presence. "Good to see you too Wood, but could you back of a little? We will accidentally squeeze Norm to death if you get any closer." Fred pointed out as he and his brother were almost backed into the door of the cabin with Norman behind them. "Norm? Who in Merlin's beard Norm here?" That was when he noticed the two eyes of Norman peaking out from behind the twins.

To not be seen as rude Norman reached out his hand between the twins for Oliver. "It's nice to meet you I am Norman Afton, Fred and George invited me to change here I hope I don't bother you two." Wood returned the shake with a firm grasp. "Not at all I was just surprised that's all. However let me give you a tip for your stay at Hogwarts, don't get too involved in the twins or Lee's shenanigans or you will deeply regret it." Wood was promptly elbowed in his sides by the twins and he got a smack on the back of his head by Jordan. "Hey Wood, don't try to ruin our reputation in front of our cousin! Besides he already agreed to help us, so you are too late!"

Norman didn't really understood what he was getting himself into, but the die was already cast. Oliver and Lee had already half finished changing so they didn't too long and the twins managed to quickly throw on their school robes without an issue. Norman however realised the grave mistake he made. 'For the love of God! All my school supplies other than my books are inside my amulet! How the hell am I supposed get them without anyone noticing?! This is literally the only thing Mr Weasley asked me to do!'

The twins were the first ones who noticed Norman's unusual undecidedness. Even though they have known him for just a short while they already understood the basic traits of his personality. "Hey, bud you okay there? If there is something on your mind you can tell us! I mean three of us are the biggest trouble makers in school and Wood is an overly obsessed and paranoid Quidditch captain, so you can at least know that we can keep our mouth shut or hunt down any snitches eh-eh!" George tried to reason with Norman and it mostly worked. He took a deep breath and explained bits of it to test the waters.

"So the thing is I completely forgot that I don't have my change of clothes right now with me, I promised to your dad that I wouldn't just show this secret of mine to anyone I don't trust fully. He said I could get into a lot trouble for it if the Ministry finds out about it, and I-" This time Fred stepped forward and held up his hand in front of Norman. "Say no more Norm, we get it. We all have secrets we would like to keep to our self. Lee, Oliver we should just sit out this one okay? Look Norman just knock on the door when we can come in again okay?" With that note Fred and George grabbed Jordan and Woods and led them out of the cabin.

After he made sure that the cabin was secure Norman took off his necklace and made it transform back to it's chest version. He looked around for one final time than he headed inside it. When he arrived at the bottom of the ladder he found everything the same as last time, so he took out the robes he bought during his trip to Diagon Ally and he also grabbed his nicest shirt and pants he could find amongst his clothes in order to not look completely stupid with his regular jeans and jumper underneath his robes.

He took one last look around the subspace before he left and he got an idea when he looked at the puppets, but he quickly snapped himself out of it, since he didn't exactly have all the time in the world. He left the chest and returned it to it's concealed state before he knocked on the door, so the others could come inside. "Done? Alright Norm just get changed, so we could take you back to your original cabin." Norman was quickly throwing around his clothes in a hurry, he was already done with his new pants, but when he was about to put on his shirt and tie Fred caught his hands above his head.

"Norman what is this?" His voice was icy cold, Norman could feel the worry coming from him. "What is what?" Norman put down his shirt and tie for now, so he could actually see what they were talking about. Fred poked Norman's chest and raised his eyebrows when he felt an electric sting in his finger after. "Oh this? I have no idea, after I woke up today it was on me. I planned to find out more about it when I got to Hogwarts." All the older students were frowning while they tried to make out what was actually on Normans chest.

"Well I don't know what this is specifically, but it's certainly not great. Me and George are better in potions than any other classes, so I don't really see anything distinct, Lee any ideas?" The twins friend scratched his head before he snapped his fingers. "That is an Ouroboros, in mythology it's supposed to mean an eternal cycle. Also I think whatever it supposed to do it must be extremely powerful." As Lee pointed towards the snake, Oliver stepped forward as well. "Those symbols drawn into the snake, we learned about them in Astronomy and Divination. They represent the celestial bodies in the solar system. They are drawn in order, but it's especially strange that while the Sun is in the snake's head and the Earth is located near its heart, but the Moon is in front of the Earth eclipsing it."

George than spoke up his face similarly serious as his brother. "Also try to count guys, Arithmancy remember? Magical numbers, the Snake is a zero representing infinity, there are three stars which represents balance and the stars are seven pointed ones making them magically the most powerful they can get. All together it's twenty one which invokes luck. Whatever this is I don't think there is any way it can be removed. It's structure is as solid as you can make it." Fred than pointed out something strange. "But wait, the most inner star has something inside it as well, this invalidates your whole point, since it breaks the number cycle!" George just shook his head and pointed at the stone in the middle. "Look again, that thing in the middle of it changes it from a regular star to one that is in another dimension. It makes it look like the Tesseract from mythology a fourth dimensional object."

 They were all baffled at the intricacy of the design. "What was it tattooed on with? The whole thing shimmers in the light despite it being almost pitch black! It's so mesmerising like the night sky it self!" Lee said mesmerised. "It's made up of three or four things at least I think. The dragon is more crimson, the outlines and symbols are shining black like you mentioned, the center of the last star look's more segregated there is a shimmering white and green ink surrounding half of the core while the center of the matrix translucent gray with a purple-ish tint. That is at least three, but most likely four ingredients that make up the ritual matrix." Fred and George pointed out after some back and fourth.

While the boys were arguing Norman was having a fierce battle within his mind. {You are telling me that you know what is up with me, but won't tell me!?} He heard a scoff in the back of his mind. {This is exactly why I won't tell you anything! You always overreact over the simplest things!} At this point Norman was seeing red. {Simple things, SIMPLE THINGS!!! If even half of what they say is true I am stuck with a powerful magical tattoo that I know nothing about for the rest of my life!} After that only silence greeted Norman. {All right if you want to be an ass about this than that is fine with me, just know I this is not over and I will remember this.}

When Norman returned his focus to the boys they were still bouncing around ideas, so he just took a deep breath and decided to finish dressing up. The talking finally stopped when Fred noticed that Norman had a pretty dark expression on his face as he was dressing. He just nudged his brother and motioned to him to stop Lee and Oliver. Than he walked up to him and bent down. "Hey Norm, ready to go back?" Norman let out a sigh and just nodded.

The twins with Norman said goodbye to their friends and left the cabin. "Norm I know you might not want to talk about it, but we are here for you if you need us." George spoke up, but he only received a headshake from Norman at his declaration. "I'm afraid you misunderstood me, I am not that bothered by the tattoo if it was on me to hurt me than I don't think I would have made it here at all. It has been almost two weeks since I woke up with it and I don't feel anything wrong with my body. The only thing that bothers me is Elizabeth she knows something, but she doesn't want to tell me. I don't like it when people try to hide things from me especially her, since she literally uses my body as a house. I love her, so I usually try to ignore these things, but we got into a fight over it this time."

"So sibling problems eh? Oh me and Fred can relate, we love our family, but due to our unique personality we have some less than stellar conversations with them. Don't worry I think this will blow over for you two. Just make sure that you two won't cross the line, it's much harder to repair a shattered relationship than one that only has cracks." After George cheered up Norman a bit he and Fred joked around with him until they arrived back to their original cabins where they parted their ways. Norman took one last calming breath than he stepped inside to join back with the girls.

First it was Ginny who noticed his return. "Oh Norman, you're back! We were getting a little worried, Hermione was just about to go look for you." Luna just gave him a small smile and a wave. Hermione was visibly relived, but she than shot Norman a scrutinising look. "And where exactly were you? When we finished changing and went out to call you in, you had already vanished!" Ginny had to pull back Hermione since she was starting to get too close to Norman for her comfort. "Sorry I didn't say anything, Fred and George invited me to change with them and their friends, so I went with them. Things didn't exactly went as planned, so it took more time than I expected." Hermione massaged her forehead in frustration and Ginny gave a sheepish smile.

"Well I hope they didn't cause you any harm, they are hardcore jokesters, but they usually stop the joke before something truly bad or irreversible happens to their target." Ginny prodded him carefully. "Don't worry they both helped me out and took care of me, so no harm was done to me or any other students at least as far as I am aware. They even gave me advice after I had a fight with Elizabeth." To say Ginny was shocked would be the understatement of the century, she couldn't even begin to fathom the possibility of her two brothers being actually helpful once in their life however before she could ask for more details Hermione cut her of. "Wait who is Elizabeth?"

She got her answer when just like last time an arm popped out of Norman's side just like last time in a greeting manner towards Hermione. In her shock Hermione jumped back almost hitting Ginny and Luna. "Wow that's just rude, I have feelings too you know!" Elizabeth manifested her head next to Norman much to his annoyance. "Damn it Elizabeth could you stop doing that! This is at least the third time when I had the displeasure of getting a mouthful of your hair. And just because I dropped our previous argument don't think that I have forgiven you just like that."

When the shock wore off Hermione bombarded the two of them with questions that Norman had to answer without giving up too much sensitive information. He didn't like that some of the more uncomfortable questions seemingly gave Elizabeth a huge grins and sometimes blushes. Norman had already dreaded what Elizabeth had in store for him. The impromptu interrogation came to an end when the train finally stopped it's long journey. Norman at first wanted to help carry Luna and Ginny's trunks, but Hermione stopped him and explained that everyone leaves their trunks on the train, and later some of the staff will move it into the castle.

She than said goodbye to the group, since the second years take a different route into the castle than the first years. The three of them amongst other students were led to some boats by a gigantic man. The sky had already turned black, but the castle was lit up by countless lights that gave it a truly magical image. The lake was also beautiful the moon and the stars reflected of off it's surface giving it an other worldly feeling. The entrancing sight was only broken by some of the new students who accidentally fell into the lake, so the gigantic man had to save them.

When they finally docked, everyone was led up from the boat house to the castle on long and steep stairs. The group was greeted by a familiar person to Norman in front of the main gate. "Welcome to Hogwarts everyone. This school will serve as your home for the next seven years, so make sure to forge great friendships and memory, soon you will be sorted into the different prestigious houses of our school. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. If there are no questions, than everyone follow me inside in an orderly fashion!" Norman joined the line with the girls and followed McGonagall into the great hall.

It was truly breath taking, Norman and even Elizabeth were speechless at the beautiful and enchanting view. The floating candles and the clear night sky filled with stars, even if he had a whole day to come up with something that comes even close to this Norman wouldn't be able to. Unfortunately the tranquil moment was disrupted when the group came to a stop in front of a stool with an old hat, since it started to sing a god awful song that was painful for Norman and Elizabeth especially. The two of them had been learning how to sing and play instruments since they were three, so they felt like this was a special kind of torture made for the two of them. 

Thankfully the song ended before Norman decided to jump out of one of the large windows with the help of Elizabeth. Next McGonagall walked next to the hat and started reading out names. The first one who was called out was an overly exited boy called Colin Creevey when he sat on the stool the hat was placed on top of his head and after some time the shouted out "Gryffindor!". His robes changed into his new house's signature colors. Colin was greeted with enormous amounts of cheers when he took seat next to his housemates.

One by one the new first years were sorted into the different houses, but Norman didn't really pay attention to most of them, since he was really antisocial most of the time. The only names he perked up for was Ginny who got sorted into Gryffindor just like her brothers and his new friend Luna who was sorted into Ravenclaw. Eventually the small number of first years dwindled down to just a couple of students. Norman was sure he was going to be called soon, since there was already two kids who's names started with N, so it was only a matter of time.

His guess was correct as McGonagall turned towards him, but what came out of her mouth shocked Norman and for some reason some of the students and teachers as well: "Norman Peverell-Prewett!" as soon as his name was said out loud the hall fell into a strange silence. Norman could see that the apparent headmaster of the school leaned forward a bit forward in his chair and watched him with intense twinkling eyes. Eventually the hat was placed on his head and he could feel a new presence inside his mind that was different from his own and Elizabeth.

{You are right my boy, but don't worry I was made with safeguards, so I can't tell anything I found inside anyone's head. Your and your sisters secrets are safe with me. Now where should I sort you... Curious! You are the heir to both Slytherin and Gryffindor houses. You could do well in all four of the houses actually, since you possess all the required traits for them, but it's hard to say if it is because of your sister or your self. Unfortunately I can't see the line between you two's consciousnesses.}

The hat has been sitting atop of Normans head for now close to seven minutes and the murmurs started getting loud, the teachers were also curious about the hat's hesitation, since it is exceedingly rare for a hat stall to occur. The last one was actually McGonagall her self, so she especially wanted to find out where did the hat found it's difficulty with Norman. Meanwhile Norman and the hat were still struggling to come up with a solution.

{I can exclude Hufflepuff, since you don't hold it's values as high in regard as the others. Gryffindor can also be counted out, since you lack some of the traits it's associated with. The problem is between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, you have an insatiable drive for knowledge and an incredibly creative mind, but you also have a certain pride in your self and you are one of the most determined persons I have ever seen.} Norman could understand that the hat most likely couldn't decide due to him and his sister having mostly different outlooks on life. He decided to help out the old hat and suggest an answer:

{If you cannot decide due to me and Elizabeth being so different from each other, than I would like to choose Ravenclaw, since I already have a friend there and most of my family is in Gryffindor, so if I got into Slytherin it could sour our relation ship with them.} The hat stopped his pondering and decided to ask Norman for confirmation to be sure. {Are you sure? That kind of thinking is exactly in line with the shrewdness and self-preservation that Slytherin's are known for. It would also be a shame if you didn't get into any of the houses you are the heir of. Even with all of these points you still want to be in Ravenclaw?}

After thinking it thru one last time Norman nodded and confirmed, since he believed that he chose the right house. The hat stopped talking in Norman's head and he felt it leave his mind. "Very well, let it be Ravenclaw!" The hat shouted into the air. The students from Ravenclaw welcomed Norman the record breaking 13 minute hat staller into their ranks. He quickly sat down next to Luna who welcomed him. Unfortunately it seemed that Ravenclaw only got four new students this year and three of them were girls, so Norman couldn't really socialise.

An older Ravenclaw student called Cho Chang explained that Ravenclaw always has the least amount of new students and that most of them are girls, but she did say that she has never heard off of new students with such small numbers. She was kind and helpful, but she had to leave her explanation incomplete due to her apparent popularity around the house. Eventually the sorting finished and the headmaster stood up from his throne and made his way towards a podium near the high table. He made some announcements, talked about the forbidden forest and the quidditch games. When he was finished he looked right at Norman one last time, before he made a gesture with his hands and food magically appeared on the tables.

He saw that Luna lunged towards the chocolate puddings before anyone else had the chance to even think about getting to them. Norman himself decided to try out some of the food for him self, since it looked really appetising. He grabbed some chicken drumsticks, with some mashed potatoes to try out the food at first, but before he could lose himself in the delicious food he felt some movement in his palm than he felt it started to tickle him a bit and his palm was getting increasingly wet. When he took a closer look he noticed that the hand he used to hold the drumstick to eat now sported an amused eye. When he turned the half eaten chicken over he noticed that it's other side was just as chewed up as his own.

Inside his palm he now could see a smirking mouth that was casually chewing on his chicken. Since he didn't want to make a scene Norman only stuffed a paper towel in Elizabeth's mouth, but he didn't say anything out loud. The mouth quickly disappeared and in it's place was the now pissed of eye of Elizabeth. She also realised that she couldn't do anything without gathering too much attention to her self and just simply arguing with Norman in his head was counterproductive, since she was in the wrong in the first place, but suddenly her eye gained an evil glint as it disappeared as well.

Norman not caring about Elizabeth's schemes at the moment continued eating since he was really hungry after an almost full day of travel. The sudden surprise came when he was about to try out the pumpkin pastries and suddenly he felt another tongue inside his mouth fighting for the same bite as his. Apparently Elizabeth manifested her mouth on the top of Norman's mouth. When Norman tried to get rid of her it didn't work. When he tried to push her back with his tongue he got bit, when he thought about reaching in with his hand he realised how strange it would look, so he decided to go with the nuclear option.

"Sanare." He murmured under his breath and the next moment he pressed his fingers into his body. Due to this he managed to transfer the effects of the spell without anyone noticing directly into him self. Since he was immune to it's effects of the spell he only felt some tingling, but just like last time Elizabeth let out a pleasure filled groan before she retracted inside Norman fully. Thankfully Norman kept his mouth close, so the moan wasn't heard by anyone. What wasn't so great was that Elizabeth kept cussing at Norman while he finished his dinner.

When Norman was about to finish his dinner he noticed that McGonagall had hurriedly left with the headmaster out of the blue. He also couldn't see the gloomy professor, so he probably left as well a while ago. Eventually a small man and a plump woman stepped up together and ordered the prefects to bring their houses students back to their respective dormatories. Norman had already heared a ton about them thanks to Percy, so he was not suprised that he was the first of the prefects who started ordering around his house mates.

In Ravenclaw the first prefect who took charge was a girl called Penelope Clearwater. She was friendly and cheereful, so Norman had no problem following her orders unlike with Percy who was so stuck up that even the first years looked down on him, his sister was no exeption. Eventually Penelope with the other prefects led the Ravenclaws towards their own tower. The group was led up multiple confusing staircases until they reached a large door with a bronz eagle knocker. "Welcome to Ravenclaw you four, this is the entrance to the common room of our house. In order to get in you must answer a riddle which is asked by the knocker on the door."

Just as Penelope explained she stepped closer to the door and knocked on it. The knocker came to life and asked: "What has many keys but can't open a single lock?" She turned towards the four of them and spoke once more. "Well any of you have an idea?" When Norman saw that nobody wanted to step or knew the answer he steppet forward and simply said: "It's a piano." Just like that the door swung open and most of the students went inside. Penelope clapped and awarded Norman with 5 points, before she led him and the other first years around the common room.

She showed them the house library, the fireplace where most people like to study and finally the segregated dorms. Apparently the boy and girl dormatories were separated in order to avoid in her words "unscrupulous behavior", the boys literally can't even go up the stairs leading up the girls dormatories without being attacked by enchanted armors. It baffled Norman that girls apperantly can go to the boy's dorms without any problems, but he was quickly reminded by a still pissed of Elizabeth that the castle is ancient, so of course it would have some outdated rules it's a mirracle that Hogwarts doesn't have some crazy backwards rule about woman or slaves in her opinion.

Norman couldn't find any holes in her logic, so he didn't argue. Eventually Penelope left the first years after she made sure that they understood everything and they recived their timetables without a problem. The two girls left Luna and Norman alone, since they apparantly made some friends with some of their upper classman during dinner. Feeling akward Norman excused himself and headed up to his dormatory.

When he arrived he relised that he was all on his own, he didn't have any roomates or supervisors. It felt exilirating to him at first, but now he just felt lonely. Even after Elizabeth came out in her full form the room still felt a bit lifeless and dull, so Norman decided to decorate. He took off his pendant and made his chest appare in front of his bed. Next he spent an hour or two moving out his stuff from the chest and rearanging his room to fit his needs better. He tried to use the same spell to move around the beds that Hermione used on the train, but they were too heavy for him since the frames were made out of stone.

He decided to use one of the two bunk beds as storage, so he would have more space around the shelves and tables. He moved the two large desks to the center of the spacious room, so he could use it for either thinkering or his DnD campaigns he didn't make a conclusive decision yet. He hid the chest atop of his own bunk bed, so he could have an easier access to the seemingly infinite space inside of it. He set up his musical instruments against a wall where one of the tables once were. Luckily he managed to figure out that Solitas in it's low output state can actually charge elctronic devices, so he didn't have to work on a makeshift solution for now, but he didn't like being a living battery for multiple hours a day that is why he started looking into other ways to make it happen.

When he was finished the room was now separated into distinct parts: His personal living quarters, the entertainment sector with games, the center with the wartable, the study infront of the massive bookshelves and the storage where all the items needed for quick access end up in. He was mostly proud about his achivement, but the room still looked a bit baren for now so he planned to innovate and decorate it, since you keep your room for the whole seven years you are learning at the school.

Eventually when they realised how late it actually was Norman and Elizabeth went to bed. Norman wanted to complain about his sister using his own bed, but he realised he shot him self in the foot with the current setup. He decided to change it tomorrow, but as he would find out very soon his sister didn't exactly support his idea and he would have to share his bed for the rest of his school years, but that is a story for the future. 

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