Chereads / Harry Potter: The Crying Child / Chapter 5 - Meeting with Dumbledore

Chapter 5 - Meeting with Dumbledore

Norman was unceremoniously woken up by Elizabeth when she accidentally started choking him AS she moved on top of him in her sleep. Norman's head was now directly pressed into the stomach of Elizabeth since she gripped around his head and torso with her arms and legs. He finally managed to wrangle her off after a bit of a violent struggle where he literally fell off the bed just to get her off. Elizabeth was apparently not just lazy as Norman suspected for many years, but actually a really heavy sleeper who didn't have a problem sleeping in the weirdest conditions and positions.

She literally only woke up when Norman accidentally banged her head on the floor. She was at first super pissed about being woken up in such a manner, but after she noticed how Norman looked and her "borrowed" t-shirt was in such a bad condition she pieced together most of what could have happened. She wanted to help Norman out at first, but then she noticed that his neck and chest were pretty wet which made her draw some rather unsavoury conclusions especially after she noticed what was trickling down her legs. "It was one of those dreams again... Damn it!"

Before Norman managed to get him self together she discarded her shirt and panty by stuffing them in the chest atop of Norman's bed. She was too late however since Norman managed to get himself together before she could "borrow" another set of his clothes. "Jesus Lizzy, why the hell are you naked?!" Since the jig was up Elizabeth downplayed the situation to get some extra time. She moved around the room in confidence and discreetly dried her self when she had the opportunity. "What don't pretend that this is the first time you have seen me naked. You and I have bathed together countless times, sometimes even Charlie joined us!"

"Just put on some clothes on already okay!" The ever introverted and shy Norman just tried to avoid any form of visual contact. Which gave Elizabeth plenty of time to dress up in one of her brother's boxer and t-shirt she also decided to take out her own uniform that she asked Norman to get for her. "Alright scaredy cat I am dressed up you can stop covering your eyes." When Norman finally looked up he saw that even though Elizabeth was smirking at him she had decent amount of blush covering her face which is weird for him since he knows how shameless she really is in front of him.

That was when suddenly a smell hit his nose. He took a closer whiff of his shirt to make sure. "Lemon juice?" When he was about to lick it to confirm Elizabeth stopped him and took off his shirt which was then tossed in to the chest by her as well. She then promptly sent Norman out to take a bath. She merged with Norman as well, so she wouldn't have to explain who she is and why is she walking towards the boys bathroom with her brother.

Thankfully Norman remembered where the bathrooms were, since they were explained to his group by Penelope. He was the only one who was bathing at such an early hour, so he had no problem with it. Elizabeth also took a bath separate from Norman at first she thought about teasing him, but she understood that there is a line she shouldn't cross unless she wants to make Norman actually angry.

When they finished they went back to their room to get properly dressed and to pass the time for a couple of hours. Today Norman had Transfiguration, Charms, Potions and Astrology later at night. Due to the special circumstances of the school Classes usually don't start until it's at least 9'o clock. In Norman's curriculum there are seven classes currently Transfiguration, Potions, Charms.

Since currently it is half passed 4'o clock Norman decided to play some DnD with Elizabeth and read through some of his books for the time being. Hours passed and the two of them were getting increasingly bored, so with two hours till classes they decided to get breakfast, then go around the castle grounds if they still have time. When the two of them left their room they walked around they found almost no one. There were one or two pair of older students who were "reading" books and "studying" together, but it was rather obvious they were just making out thinking that no one would catch onto them.

The only person who was seemingly alone was Norman's strange friend Luna she was sitting near a window alone. Her appearance was disheveled and her shoes were missing, but she didn't seem to be bothered by this. She was just simply looking towards the giant forest with a content smile on her face. She only broke out of her pondering when she noticed Norman and Elizabeth walking towards her. "Hello Norman, who is your friend? I don't think I have seen her get sorted yesterday."

Norman awkwardly rubbed his neck and said: "Well this is my sister Elizabeth, she has a unique situation, so she needs to stay go away sometimes. Yesterday she wasn't feeling well, so she arrived later. She is staying in my dorm as well since I am alone."

"~Hmm Well yes I guess being a spirit certainly comes with some difficult challenges. No matter It's nice to meet you I am Luna Lovegood, Norman's friend." The dopey girl just revealed casually that she already knew Elizabeth's situation without a care in the world. While the similarly stunned Elizabeth just shook her hand Norman got himself together. "Uh- Wha- No matter I just wanted to invite you to do something until classes start, but let me ask you if it's not too personal. What happened to you? It looks like you have been hit by a bus!"

"Oh last night my roommates kicked me out, since they said I was too weird, so I slept here." Norman was getting a bit pissed and worried due to these sudden news. There is a well known fact about Norman that other kids keep in mind, Norman due to his close friendship with Charlie developed a deep sense of responsibility towards people who are defenceless. The only people who can get away with bullying around Norman are Michael and his friends, since they are much older and stronger than Norman. They also mainly pick on Norman due to Michaels jealousy towards his younger brother.

"We should go and tell a teacher! They should soon be in the great hall soon for breakfast." Norman grabbed the still confused Luna's hand and started heading towards the great hall. "Wait-WAIT! You dumbass! ~Smack" Elizabeth ran up besides Norman and gave a slap to his head. "Luna doesn't have shoes you will just hurt her! She won't be able to keep up with us without getting injured." Norman looked back and slapped his head as well in shame. "Hey sorry Luna I got a bit ahead of my self, could you put on your shoes, so we could talk to the teachers?"

"I don't know where they might be, I think Nargles must have taken them while I was asleep." She just tilted her in a nonchalant manner looking at Norman like he was the strange one. "What the hell are Nargles - Wait don't answer we will never get there if we are stuck at every bump on the way. Can you just get another pair of shoes from your room?" Luna just shook her head greatly souring the mood of Norman further. "I already tried, but most of my clothing and belongings were either missing or in disrepair."

"Oh for the love of- ALRIGHT I will give you one of my pairs just follow me." Norman led Luna towards his room where he looked around for a pair of shoes that wouldn't be too inconvenient for her. He also gave her a pair of socks, so the shoes wouldn't bruise up her feet. "Your room is really aesthetically pleasing, it reminds me quite a bit of my house." Luna seemed to lack any kind of survival instincts or common sense. "Well I'm glad you liked it, but we should really get going we only have about an hour and a half till classes start."

When Norman finally managed to get Luna to wear his shoes and socks he grabbed her hand. He lead her through the hallways and staircases towards the great hall. They were lucky that Elizabeth managed to remember most of the way without any help. She always had a great memory that Norman envied. When they arrived at the hall it was mostly empty, mostly only the first and second years were present. Every person was deeply engaged in either lively chatter or they were stuffing their faces with different kinds of food.

Even while hungry Norman just ignored the food and he just walked up to the large table where most of the teachers sat. He made his way towards his own head of house Professor Filius Flitwick. Once he noticed his houses colors and insignia on their robes he understood that they came to speak with him. "Good morning, Mr Peverell, Miss Lovegood and Miss... Sorry, but I can't really recall who might you be Miss." Before Elizabeth could answer Norman butted in. "We are sorry Professor it's a long story and it's a bit irrelevant to our current problem." Flitwick just returned his attention to Norman. "Very well, what might be the problem?"

"The problem is with Luna, she is getting bullied by our housemates." Flitwick's playful visage turned ice cold and he was visibly angry just by the mere thought. "Tell me everything." Norman then urged Luna to tell him what happened to her and her belongings. She didn't mind it so she went on and told everything she knew and she even shoved some proof by the obviously not fitting shoes that Norman had to loan her just to get here without hurting her feet. By the end of the explanation Flitwick was livid and almost shaking in rage.

"How dare they!" He got up from the table and made his way towards the common room. "Thank you for bringing this rather large issue to my attention. Don't worry I will sort this out at once. Miss Lovegood could you come with me, so you could identify your missing and damaged items?" She nodded and after that she left following after the professor. When Norman was about to go sit down and finally have a breakfast he was stopped by the familiar voice of McGonagall.

"Good morning Mr Peverell, sorry to bother you, but the headmaster wants to talk with you and your sister in his office, so if you could follow me I will take you there now." With an exhausted sigh Norman followed after the professor as well, while his sister was whining about her being hungry. Norman agreed with her, but he couldn't do anything about it. The professor was silent, she didn't say why they were summoned to the headmasters office, but she didn't seem worried of angry, so Norman believed they most likely aren't in trouble.

Eventually they arrived in front of an ornate statue of a large griffin. Norman was quite sure they must actually exist, since he found out during his stay at the Weasley's that most of the muggle folktales actually contain magical animals or phenomenon. "Dragon Pop" McGonagall spoke and the statue started to rise up alongside a now visible stairway. "The headmaster is already waiting for you. I will notify professor Snape that you may be late to potions, but don't worry I'm sure he will understand." McGonagall then turned on her heels and after she said goodbye she left Norman and Elizabeth on their own.

With no real choice Norman and Elizabeth headed up the stairs. In the office they saw different kinds of wacky silver instruments countless books on gigantic bookshelves and other strange trinkets. in the middle of the room there was a large desk which was surrounded by two large stair cases leading to an upper floor. "Hey bro look it's a funny looking chicken! ~Agh!!" Norman saw what his sister was talking about. It was a large bird that was rather old looking all things considered. Much to his amusement it was also currently biting Elizabeth's finger.

Before he could help her sister get away from the bird they heard chuckling coming from up stairs. "Well I certainly haven't heard that one before, but I would advise against insulting a phoenix they can be quite petty and vengeful if their pride is hurt. I'm afraid Fawkes is no different." They saw the elderly and supposedly most powerful wizard in the world coming towards them.

"Headmaster Dumbledore it's an honor to meet you, during our stay with my aunt and her family we heard lots of tales about you." Dumbledore just waved off Norman's fanboying. "It's really nothing my boy, I feel what I contribute to the future generations while I am here at Hogwarts will always be much more impactful than any of my supposed glorious tales." Norman and Elizabeth could feel it in their guts that he was speaking from deep in his heart. He was a strange man, but Norman couldn't say why he also felt a strange kind of force just kind of radiating of off him. It was like a caged beast that could be let loose at any moment.

The headmaster moved over and sat down behind his large desk. His visage turned uncharacteristically cold and tired for a moment before he regained his wise, but cheerful visage. "You two might be wondering why I summoned you here." When he received nods form the kids he continued. "There are multiple things I wanted to discuss today, some more major than others, but they should be all addressed non the less." He took a piece of candy and threw it in his mouth before he started his lecture. 

Next he motioned towards Elizabeth. "First of all Miss Afton's or I guess now Black's situation is really particular. I have never seen or even heard about a similar situation and believe me I have too many memories already. For the time being she can stay in Hogwarts and even partake in class activities, but know this any problem she will cause will be on you alongside the appropriate punishment." Norman and Elizabeth looked at each other and gave confirmation to each other. "That is already more than we can ask sir, so we will accept without a problem."

Dumbledore drummed his finger once on his desk and gave them a proud smile. "Splendid, then for the remainder of your Hogwarts years, Miss Elizabeth will be a proud member of our school and house Ravenclaw. I would normally assign her to the female dormitories without a question, but your particular situation binds my hands, so for the time being I only ask of you to not do something regrettable, alright?" Without a second of hesitation the two of them celebrated and once again agreed without any problem.

Dumbledore gave a soft cough to get their attention once again. "Next a slightly less important, but still crucial thing. You two are the heir to both Slytherin and Gryffindor houses. While this does not come with any direct benefits it's still a monumental event in the schools history!" Norman confused just said: "But sir I didn't claim either of those titles while I was at Gringotts! How do you even know I am connected to them in the slightest?" Dumbledore pointed towards some of the old banners hanging near at the end of the room.

"The banners lit up the moment you two stepped into the castle's ground and there was someone who is obligated to tell any headmaster if there is an heir present at the school." Dumbledore's gaze turned towards the sleeping sorting hat. "These were actually changes implemented by me due to a certain unfortunate series of events that happened a while ago in the school." Norman couldn't help he wanted to ask about this for a considerable amount of time. "Sir, I thought about this for a long time and it became more apparent when I arrived here, but why is Slytherin houses reputation so bad? I can't imagine the other founders being friends with Slytherin if he was anything like from the tales."

Dumbledore pondered for a bit, but his grandfatherly smile never left his face and Norman could see that he was actually happy that he asked this question. "Well my boy, this is indeed a big conundrum for most people, but there is a simple explanation for it. Slytherin's values fell victim to the claws of time, as history marched forward they were twisted by people who thought they knew better." Norman mostly understood what Dumbledore was trying to say, but he still didn't understand how he could possibly know this him self. "Sir, you said it your self, time twists the truth, so how can you be sure that you are right?"

The headmaster quirked his eyebrow in amusement, he started stroking his beard as he said: "Oh? I never said I am absolutely certain, but I have trust in my associates they wouldn't lie to me over such a meaningless thing." Before Norman could ask more he was stopped by Dumbledore's out stretched hand. "While I could tell you the whole tale, I am afraid it would be awfully long and boring for today, but I will give you a clue: The castle was made in their vision, and there are still remnants of their time present."

"For now there are only three important thing you need to know. First of all, currently you have ownership over half of the school, this doesn't mean you can do as you wish, since there were certain rules setup to avoid the greed of future generations, but this does mean that every decision that me or the school board makes must be approved by you in order to come into effect. Second you are entitled to half of the school's profits which it makes due to the different magical plants, animals and patents, but unfortunately a large portion of this money already lands in the pockets of many members of the school board due to years of negligence on different headmasters' part. Finally due to the lack of any changes of on the part of the Ministry or the Royal Family, Hogwarts and it's sister village Hogsmeade remains a sovereign state, that you have almost absolute control over."

Norman chuckled in nervousness and he fixed his collar. "I'm sorry to ask, but what does this truly mean for me?" Dumbledore handed Norman some papers from inside his desk. "Nothing too much for now outside a small fortune worth of galleons inside you vault every month, but I thought that you should know your rights in case the school board or the Ministry tries to do something you are not fond of. Also you are invited to any teacher conferences regarding the curriculum and other such things."

Norman flipped through some of the papers, they were mostly school reports about new policy changes and regulations. Norman was however pretty pissed when he saw that the school board members who sat together maybe twice a month each took home two thousand and four hundred galleons every month for essentially doing nothing. His anger was only quenched when he read the ludicrous amount he made every weak for essentially nothing as well. It was four hundred galleons each weak, with some quick conversion Norman realised he now made six thousand pounds every month.

"Headmaster Dumbledore this is too much I can't possibly accept it!" Dumbledore just gave a pat to Norman's shoulder in reassurance. "Of course you can, it's your right, besides Hogwarts has plenty of profits left every year, since I didn't let the current school board get it's hand on a single galleon of it." Norman understood what Dumbledore was trying to get at. "Could I reduce the pay of the school board or outright dispend it, 2400 galleons every month to 13 people is way too much."

"That is certainly possible for you, but what do you wish to do with the newly liberated galleons?" Norman could see the searching look in Dumbledore's eyes. "Well first of all we would have to go through everything needing a repair or upgrade, second If there is nothing really urgent we need to spend money on we could give slight raises to the school staff, we could introduce a kind of grading for the teachers about the end of the year exams. Like a summer bonus for generally good grades which could give them a nudge to become more active and engaged with their students."

Dumbledore was now writing down everything Norman was saying onto a large parchment with great enthusiasm. "Quite brilliant if I do say so my self, I honestly never thought about using the surplus galleons for anything other than school supplies and some touch ups on the more worn out classrooms and halls. Any other ideas?" Norman turned towards Elizabeth who was similarly pondering as he was. "What about paid scholar ships for the best 5 students in their year group? It could be an incentive for less fortunate kids like our cousins to study more, so they could help their families or prepare them selves for the future with a bit of a head start!"

The headmaster, Norman and Elizabeth spent around half an hour to work out everything new that could be implemented, since Norman officially filled out the paperwork to reduce the pay of the governors to 700 hundred galleons a month. At first Norman didn't know if it was a lot or not in the wizarding community, but Dumbledore assured him that it was still a very generous salary all things considered. Everything was beginning to shape splendidly fortunately for the headmaster Norman and Elizabeth were more than just simply qualified to help manage a rather large institution. Their father has been making them go through the most challenging and sometimes even overwhelming courses and schools he could find. Fortunately or not this was something that Charlie had to suffer through alongside with them.

As time passed the kids quickly noticed that Dumbledore wanted to talk about something else as well, but he was uncharacteristically nervous about it. They saw how he reached multiple times inside his pocked to grab something before he let go of it. Eventually everything was more or less finalised and the headmaster seemed to realise it as well. Ominously he walked towards one of the shelves filled with books and placed his hand upon a small inconspicuous black and white book before he picked it up and handed it to Norman.

'The Tale of the Three Brothers' before Norman or Elizabeth question him Dumbledore sat behind his large desk once more and held his crocked nose in contemplation before he spoke. "Professor McGonagall told me about your little adventure to Vault 3 not too long ago. To be honest I was excited about the possibility of meeting a member of the Peverell family, but then I remembered that due to my actions in the past this opportunity may not be as pleasant as I wanted it to be. Fortunately my worries were not proven right, you passed my test if you will. Tell me Norman what do you know about your family, your legacy?" 

"Honestly not as much as I want to. I originally didn't even knew I was a Peverell, I tried to ask around with aunt Molly and her family, but I was mostly brushed off about my family being a fairy tail or in the case of aunt Molly her self she didn't seem the most comfortable talking about the subject." He nodded before he placed a piece of candy in his mouth. "Understandable, after what apparently happened to you inside the vault most people would be uncomfortable about it especially people as good hearted as Mrs Weasley. To be honest I was just as shocked to learn what you went through at first, but as I looked through historical documents and made some educated guesses it wasn't hard to figure out what really happened and my boy I am so happy you listened to your sister or it could have been your last mistake."

"The book I gave to you will tell their tale more in depth, but you should know the Peverell brothers were famous wizards who according to a legend met Death him self. Due to this encounter they gained three powerful artifacts called the Deathly Hallows capable of defying Death. These three object are the unfading cloak of invisibility, the resurrection stone and..." Dumbledore finally pulled out a rather long and unique looking wand. "The Elder Wand." Norman would have been rather impressed with the headmaster's presentation skills, but currently he was having a rather strange out of body experience. When Norman laid his eyes upon the artefact the whole world lost it's colors for a moment and multiple ghostly apparitions of people Norman had never even seen started appearing. All of them were either grey or silver and almost fully transparent.

There was only one person who Norman could not see too well. His whole body was fully pitch black and his eyes were glowing a haunting white. There were countless chains binding him to the wand. Next Norman saw two people standing next to himself one was a woman and one was a man, both of them were fully grey and they had glowing yellow eyes. Norman could feel it in his soul that they were communicating with the dark shadow, but he couldn't hear any discernible sound leaving either of them. The next move shocked Norman quite a bit the figure grabbed the wand and took it out of Dumbledore's hand without him being able to do anything about it. He walked towards Norman and one by one each of the echoes of the people vanished from Norman's view and so did the chains from the man's body.

When he finally reached Norman he placed one of his hand a top of Norman's head and pushed the wand towards Norman's face. He wanted to scream in panic when the wand touched his skin, but he didn't actually feel anything wrong, only a pleasantly warm feeling as suddenly the wand sank into his body. He didn't feel weird or different at first, but soon he felt his head and skin start to itch all of a sudden. The remaining three phantoms seemed amused, but they soon all disappeared as the large black figure hugged the grey man.

Norman didn't have time to think about what just happened since he was soon grabbed by his sister who was shaking him like crazy. She seemed to be crying, but he didn't understand why. "It seems you are alright Mr Norman I was just about to call for Miss Pomfrey, since it seemed like you wouldn't return to our midst anytime soon... May I ask what happened to your visage?" Confused Norman stared looking around for any clues to what just happened to him. "What exactly are you talking about? Also where did the phantoms go?"

The old headmaster quirked an eyebrow before with a wave of his hand he summoned a small hand mirror towards him self from one of the shelves and gave it to him. "I don't know what phantoms you are talking about I haven't seen anyone here other than us not even the castle ghosts." While this would have definitively peaked Norman's interest any other time, currently he was dealing with another crisis.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL HAPPENED TO ME!?" In the mirror Norman didn't saw his usual appearance. His brown hair had turned silvery white, his eyes turned purple and his skin became a shade close to a radiant white color. Norman grabbed some locks of his hair and he couldn't help to groan in shame. "It's first grade all over again! I had to convince everyone that I was not a girl for months!" Dumbledore still amused just sit back behind his table and decided to just simply look over some of the paperwork once again until Norman calms down.

Elizabeth who now managed to get her self together started to caress the new hair that Norman was complaining about. "I like it! It's so silky and smooth. Plus you finally have no way to restore that atrocious abomination you called your hair." With each second Norman could feel that for some reason Elizabeth was getting more and more invested in his hair and even his face. Not amused shook Elizabeth off of himself. At first he thought that she was just joking like most of the time, but he could see that the moment she looked at his face she was getting redder and redder by the seconds.

He turned towards Dumbledore for help, but much to his shock his expression was a bit dazed. Before he could comment on it Dumbledore transfigured a sheet of paper into a mask for Norman and shoved it onto his face. His next action puzzled him even more, when all of a sudden he pulled out a couple strands of his hair and put it in a strange machine on one of his shelves. "Just as I suspected Veela hair. But how come? I never even heard of a male Veela before! Looks like you my boy is slowly becoming more and more of an enigma." Dumbledore slowly started writing down something as he silently stared towards Norman.

"Sir what exactly is a Veela and why are you calling me that?" Dumbledore stopped his writing and changed into lecture mode. "Well they are human like magical beings. There is a general rule about their species that you seemed to bypass somehow. Every children of a Veela who is a girl will be a Veela as well no questions asked. If their children are male however then it was believed that their child would not get any of the Veela traits of their mother, 8 times out of 10 they are not even magical, in other words they would likely be a squib."

"I am sure you are confused about the mask right?" When Dumbledore received a nod from Norman he continued. "As I said before Veelas are magical creatures. Just like Fawkes here they possess their very own magical abilities. Every Veela is naturally born with a charming physique and beautiful appearance that can naturally attract almost anyone, but the real trick up their sleeve is their magically enchanting presence. They can learn to control this power to a great extant lowering or increasing it's output, this magical charm usually becomes active when a Veela is around 10 to 11 years old. Ministry laws are practically non-existent on how to handle these types of situations, so usually the Veela mother is supposed to teach their children about it."

Norman was getting a bit worried about the possible implications that this news just created about his family tree, so he had to ask. "Is there any way for a male children of a Veela to pass on these traits to his descendants?" Dumbledore pondered a bit before he shook his head. "While there is nothing certain in your case, I know for sure that there was no precedent of that happening in recorded history. I take it your mother has not informed you about her blood status right? This is sadly a rather common occurrence due to the unfortunate mistreatment of magical creatures by the Ministry."

"For now we don't know anything certain about your situation, so I suggest that for the time being you should receive private tutelage from the professors. I am sorry my boy, but I can't risk the safety of the other students, so I need to ask you to limit your interactions with them." Norman just nodded solemnly, but before he could work out the details with the headmaster he noticed that Elizabeth was looking ever so slightly different for some reason. Norman could tell that Dumbledore noticed it as well, since his eyebrows furrowed together in a mix of worry and confusion.

"That is really not good." He rushed over to Elizabeth and took a piece of her hair too. When he put into the same device as before his mood didn't improve one bit. "This is worse than I thought. Norman look after your sister for a bit I need to get Miss Poppy, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape." He then turned towards Fawkes his Phoenix who flew towards him and they both suddenly disappeared in a blinding flash of flames. 

"You know Elizabeth I sometimes think that joining the magical world may have been a mistake." Norman sat down on the stairs in front of the headmasters desk and spread his arms and legs so Elizabeth could sit there like she always does. "No kidding... Do you think it's something really serious?" Her voice became weaker as she spoke. "Yes. But don't worry I will not let anything happen to you... not again."

Norman could see that his sister's strawberry blond hair started loosing it's color. The roots of her hair were slowly becoming sliver white just like his. He could feel that Elizabeth was slowly falling into a trance most likely due to his Veela charm that Dumbledore mentioned. Normally he would give her some space, so she could break out of it, but now he didn't want her to experience anything that might happen to her. The only thing he thought he could do to help was to sing her the song that he last heard by their mother when they were both little.

"~I'm a strange man~"

"~Like your angel~"

"~I'm invisible~"

"~Like a monster~"

Norman could feel him self getting teary eyed, the memories of his mother were always a sore subject for him. He didn't have any bad memories of her and this hurt him more than anything. He always felt like scum for thinking this way, but it was the truth. He felt like an angel was taken from this earth while vile monsters remained.

"~But someday you'll understand~"

"~The meaning of my life~"

"~But someday you'll understand~"

"~The meaning of these words~"

He could now see that Elizabeth's hair was completely the same color as his, next her skin also started to change. The helplessness started to crush his spirit, but he held on for Elizabeth like always. Strangely she seemed to broke out of her daze and turned around to face him with tears in her now also purple eyes. Before however Norman could continue to sing she did.

"~I'm the speaker~"

"~Of your silence~"

"~I'm the question now~"

"~To your answer~"

Slowly like an old film cassette memories started to appear in front of his eyes. They were his memories, but also not. Norman felt like him self, but it was clear that this was not him. He didn't look like that at least he thinks. He could recognize himself as Elizabeth, but he was not sure if he was supposed to be Norman or Elizabeth originally. He could only search their memories to find the truth, but he didn't get far as the song pulled him back to reality somewhat. Slowly once again he started to sing, so he could keep him self together.

"~But someday you'll understand~"

"~The meaning of my life~"

"~But someday you'll understand~"

"~The meaning of these words~"

"~But someday you'll understand~"

"~The meaning of my life~"

"~But someday you'll understand~"

"~The meaning of these words~"

Norman and Elizabeth sang the lines alternating between each other like they were communicating. They didn't even notice that the adults have arrived in the office. No matter what they did they couldn't separate or stop them. Dumbledore who seem to have understood what was happening just asked them to conduct the tests without stopping them. It was hard extremely hard, since when the kids restarted the song without fully finishing it their magical pressure increased ever so slightly and after half an hour it became almost unbearable.

After they conducted every test they could think of the teachers simply realised that they had no idea what was happening to them. With a heavy sigh Dumbledore sent them out before the pressure became too much on their bodies. His last idea that he knew deep down was the only correct answer for the kids problem was rather simple if not extremely costly and risky. He pulled out his personal expanded mokeskin pouch and pulled out a cloak that he confiscated from the one and only Harry Potter as a punishment for his stunt yesterday. At least that was the reasoning he gave to him when he snatched it from when he ran into him as he went to look for McGonagall.

The moment he took out the cloak Norman and Elizabeth's attention turned towards him. He could feel all the pressure that was radiating off of the kids suddenly concentrate on him. It almost sent him to his knees, but out of nowhere the Cloak of Invisibility stretched out in the air in front of him and started shielding him from harm. While Dumbledore couldn't see clearly anyone his twinkling eyes for a moment caught a glimpse of a fully white figure holding up the cloak in front of him. This gave him the confirmation that he needed to verify Norman's previous claims.

From the kids perspective the whole world looked different. Everything lost it's colors, the room became nothing more than shades of black and white. The only source of this change were 2 "people". One was currently held back by the grey man and woman, but he was still emanating incredible magical power by just using his glowing white eyes. The other one was a fully white phantom who's eyes were as black as the night sky.

The disagreement stemmed form a simple fact, the white figure was reluctant to join the group and give up the cloak. Before anything could escalate further the grey woman stepped between them. This seemed to calm down both sides a bit and when the grey man joined her. The two sides just stopped fighting entirely. The black figure joined them without any problems, but the white figure was still hesitant. The intimidating dark figure almost lunged at him, but he was quickly calmed down by the grey pair.

The soundless back and fourth went on for a little while longer, but the bright figure finally caved in and walked towards Norman and Elizabeth with the cloak in his hands. With each step his movements seemed to get lighter and lighter, not weight down by something invisible anymore. He draped the cloak over Norman and Elizabeth's bodies and just like the wand it slowly sank into the skin of Norman, but this time not just him, but Elizabeth fell unconscious as well.

Without words Dumbledore picked the now completely identical children in his arms and walked out of his office. Out of the corner of his eyes he could now fully see all four figures still standing in the room, but now they seemed more real, truly free. They regained their former bodies and as Dumbledore closed the door, the four of them after many gruelling years of torment, finally passed onto the great beyond.