The eyes of small humanoid creature slowly opened, taking a second to gain its bearings, it squints its eyes as the blinding light, slowly adapting to the sudden change in environment. As it's eyes regain vision it sees a group of Hyena-like humanoid monsters dancing, and communicating in a language it can't seem to understand huddled around a large bonfire.
*Ding* "Your race 'Gnoll' has granted you [Monster Language]"
"...Monster Language? What the hell does that mean??" The small Gnoll shook its head scanning its body, finding its body covered in a dark grey hide with black spots, the dingy greenish olive color of its skin shocked it causing to jump. "Jekekekekeke the lost runt is a bit jumpy" another creature screamed with laughter from the side. Sizing up the thing in front it thought to itself, "So that's a Gnoll? And I look like that? Why does that feel so off?"
"So your names Yaren, ehh Runt?" Asked Skrid. "To be honest I didn't know what to say when everyone surrounded me earlier after I had awoken. I don't remember anything, not my name, family, or upbringing. I kind of just made it up on the spot." Said Yaren. "Everything feels strange. I seem to have knowledge on certain elements of this world, such as knowing that we are Gnolls, and I know of other races such as Humans, Elves, and Goblins. However I don't recall a single thing about myself at all." Skrids eyes narrowed at the mention of goblins, spitting through seething teeth he started "Those fucking insects are nothing. Humans compare us with those trash, can you believe it! The know nothing of our races evolution." He paused, glancing at Yaren "Sorry, it's personal with those fuckers. But that's some story there, we found you half dead by the lake in the Grove. Not a single thing on you.. but listen here Runt your furs are unique. Crimson mane, Dark grey hide. It's a first." He said with his eyes raised. "I almost mistook you for a higher evolution, but your energy is pitiful. Barely better than a newborn whelp." He shrugged "I'd become your servant if you were ever to hit your second evolution at this point." Yaren looked at Skrid with confused eyes "Evolution? Energy, what are you talking about?" He asked Skrid. "Jeeekekekeke, are you serious Runt?" His eyes turned serious " Listen Runt. There's not much I can teach you about Divinia, after all we're just a small pack in the Urus Midlands. I don't know why you have no memories but you need to learn the basics in order to survive for any length of time."
"You have just awoken in Divinia. Learn the basics of survival to increases your odds of living."
(Requirements: Learn the basics of survival. Last for one week.
Rewards: Arrival gift)
"What the hell is this?" Yarens eyes went wide. "This is... a.. system? Why do I know this? Why do I have this?" Yaren thought to himself. Skrid seeing Yaren deep in thought decided to leave for a while thinking Yaren was remembering something.
"A system huh? I didn't notice earlier when it notified me of learning the Monster Language. How do I use this thing?" He pondered for awhile before deciding to focus his mind on opening something. Suddenly within the corner of his vision the system opened up.
Evolution: First Race: Gnoll Class: None Bloodline: [???]-Locked Traits:[True Fervorus Body], [???] -Stats- Hp: 100 Energy: Fervor - 0 Mana - 40 Strength: 5 Vitality: 3 Dexterity: 5 Agility:10 Intelligence:3 Skills: Monster Language, Violent Rush, Zealous Fervor > "These are my stats I guess." Yaren thought to himself, rubbing his chin he inspected his traits. "A locked trait? And True Ferverous Body?" [True Ferverous Body] <"A unique physique, tempers the body through zealous warfare. The more intense the combat, the greater the damage, and the bloodlust from battle will enhance one's strengths according to their fighting style. The higher the Fervor the user displays in battle, the greater the Enchancement."> "So I'm basically a natural born dog of war huh?" He chuckled to himself. Glancing at his skills list. He ignored [Monster Language] as that was self explanatory. [Violent Rush] Lvl1 <"Lunge forward with Primal ferocity. deals 150% of users physical damage. 50% increased pentration"> [Zealous Fervor *Trait Skill* ] Lvl1 <"Draws upon the user's Bloodlust & Battle Intent. The higher the potency of energy of user the greater the increase in stats." +40 to all stats except Intelligence. +15% Physical damage output and Damage Reduction. > Yaren leaned back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling deep in contemplation. "Intresting, my Physique seems to have granted me a trait skill. It's rather powerful for being level 1 as well. The other seems to be a rushing attack skill. That will help me close the distance between enemies." His eyes narrowed as he glanced at the quest he had recieved. After stretching, and getting used to the movement of his new body he took a few swings with his claws out. "Gnolls are a type of humanoid monster so this doesn't feel too outlandish." He kicked his feet off the ground, rushing towards the ceiling at surprising speed. "Woah!" He exclaimed. "Wow I'm surprisingly agile. Also I feel as if I could tear this hut down in a few minutes with my strength." He thought to himself with a grin. After a moment he shook his head, growing serious once again. "Now is not the time to be picking fights Yaren. Although I do feel eager at the thought of having a fight." He thought to himself. Giving his arms a final stretch he turned and stepped towards the doorway. He squinted his eyes as he emerged from the small hut, the roar of the great bonfire burning with immense heat, gave off a brilliant light that illuminated the entire camp. Looking around Yaren noticed a total of 13 huts, including a much larger, and well constructed building hosting a small arrangement of strange symbols and carvings depicting worship. The was a large group still huddled around the campfire, "There's a surprising amount of Gnolls in this camp." Yaren thought to himself. Taking not of several others scuttling between huts. Some held baskets, and others were hanging crudely made garments out to dry. "I wonder how many other strange creatures there are in this world." He thought. Suddenly, a piercing pain rushed through Yarens head causing him to stagger and wince. A sudden vision appeared in his eyes, " You will remember eventually...The Legacy remains, though shattered. Walk Slowly.. Va..." Yaren regained his stability as the vision receded "What was that voice saying? It didn't make any sense, and who the hell was that?! Although.. at the end.. I feel like he was calling something. Why does it seem so familiar??" He shook his head as he looked around, worried that someone had noticed him. Relieve washed over him as he saw that he was fine, he continued looking around, noticing Skrid sitting at table with another man and a woman. Deciding there's no sense in waiting he walked over to the group greeting them with a small smile. "Skrid, I found you." Yaren glanced at the others at the table "Hello, I'm Yaren." The Female Gnoll looked at Yaren with eyes that seemed to swallow him whole. She was an average looking woman, by Gnoll standards. Attractive enough for some poor guy somewhere would attempt to court her. "Yarennn~~~ she said said in a sing-song voice "Hoh, He is every bit as unique as you had described his Skrid." She said playfully. "Although, he seems.. Pathetically weak don't you think?" The man sitting next to her let out a gruff snort, taking a large swig from the mug in his hands before slamming it on the table. The man crossed his arms and closed his eyes as if he was alone. "Jekekeke well.. yeah. Give the guy a break. We found him practically dead by the water. He has no idea who he is or where he came from. He also just woke up. I'm sure his body isn't in its prime condition." Replied Skrid. Unbeknownst to the others, Yarens body was actually relatively fine. "While I am a bit sore, it doesn't feel like I was on the brink of death like Skrid had mentioned they found me in." Yaren thought to himself. "I could use a warm meal though that's sure." he grumbled inwardly. A smug smile slowly forming on his lips, he glanced at Skrid, "Hey Skrid, I'm interested in getting to know this area bit more, and I was wondering if you could guide me through what I need to survive he for the time being." Skrid crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows as he thought to himself. "Sure thing Runt. I have some free time these next few days. Come on, I know someone who cooks a mighty meal." Skrid said happily. "Ohh? Yewbed is cooking is she? Allow me to join you." "By the way, my name is Redmill." The woman sitting in the chair said. Suddenly the other man stood up, nodded at Skrid and Redmill, and walked away without saying a word. "Don't mind him, He's always like that." Redmill mused. Skrid just chuckled and started to walk towards a hut closer to the bonfire "lets go, Yew should probably just be about done." He said.