A short time later the group sat around a table, filled with an array of different foods. "I hope you enjoy my cooking" a young woman said coyly. She was Yewbed, the wife of Skrid. "Thank you" the group said one after another "So, Yaren you plan in sticking around the village for a bit huh?" Asked Skrid. "Yeah, at least until a can get a better understanding of the world again. I also want to try to train my strength." Yaren replied. "You're strength?" "I should have pegged you as a fighter. Although you're definitely weak, I can't help but feel like you still give off a ferocious aura." Skrid said with a pause. "Anyway there isn't much to say about our small camp here. It barely meets the standards of a village. The locals call it Yinnsk Village though. There an Inn at the village entrance, most of the homes as well as the Chiefs hut is in the middle by the Bonfire as you saw. There are no jobs per say here in Yinnsk. But several young Gnolls take Bountys left by passing merchant, and attempt to sell the good of monsters to those who pass by. Besides that most people just ask for what they need and trade for it. If you need some meat, I might need some firewood. So you'd chop some wood and we would exchange. The only place that accepts money are the stores within the Inn and the Inn itself. Those officials of Norn City only pay in coin through the Inn keep." He explained.
Yaren spent the time listening to Skrids explanation by devouring several bowls of food, eating nearly half the banquet himself, much to the surprise of the others. "Mmpaaa~ that was Delicious Yewbed." Said Yaren. After taking a moment to digest the information he had just recieved, Yaren scanned the hut, noticing a set of plain looking armor, and Longsword resting on a hook. "I see" He paused " its seems like this a small community on the outskirts of town. I'm surprised you guys don't use currency more often. I'm sure it's the best way to get goods from merchants, no?" Yaren inquired. Skrid seemed to look over Yaren once more as he studied him for a second. "You know, you're pretty knowledgeable and well spoken for a guy without memories, you know that right? I hope you remember your memories soon because I get more and more curious as I talk with you." "Anyways, while there are plenty of exceptions, most people view us Gnolls as simple monsters. The view us as barbaric, warlike fiends with not Intelligence!" Skrid snarled. "The only reason Yinnsk hasn't been subjugated is because the Chief reached the Third Stage Evolution, Beast King. The Chief is also a rare evolution, The Ferrous Thorny Gnoll."
Yaren gave a slight smirk at the first comment from Skrid. "I don't know either. I feel like I actually know quite a lot. At least general information." Yaren paused as he grew serious. "You have mentioned Evolution twice now. What does that mean? Third Evolution Gnoll? A rare race? I know of Gnolls but nothing of a higher race or anything." He glanced at Redmill and Yewbed "I feel like I have many questions but this doesn't feel like the right time. I would just like to know more about this Evolution." He said. Yarens blood started to run faster at the mention of Evolution.
Skrid finished his meal before kicking his legs onto the table. "Alright Runt listen here, First Stage Evolution monsters are called Beasts. You being an exception it seems, most of them have little intelligence, and mostly follow instincts. While they can be commanded, there is little hope of having a conversation such as we are now. The Second Evolution are High Beasts. Most have some sort of intelligence, and a rare bunch are intelligent like yourself and I, Some even unlock traits or skills. The Third Evolution are Beast Kings. Intelligence monsters across all species, many start to unlock their Bloodline, and new racial traits. Although it's said that the Evolution of each creature differs between environments, diets, and a bunch of other factors. These monsters are considered powerful by mortal standards. It would take a party of A rank adventures to take one down. The Fourth Evolution is when a monster begins to be labeled as such. All Evolutions lower than the fourth are considered Beasts. I don't know much about it as a fourth evolution is capable of destroying a city easily. I only know that the Fourth Evolution is Monster, the Fifth Evolution is Monster King, and The Sixth is Monster Lord. There are legends of a 7th Evolution but the Chief said that only once us monsters reach the Third Evolution will we understand what being mortal really means. I'm just a Second Evolution Mountain Gnoll, but I'm close to my Third. That would make me the fourth Third Evolution in the tribe." With a sigh he looked around the room to see the ladies dozing off "well we can continue this another time, for you to start off I would recommend checking the Board in the Inn. There are many requests from the villagers and a few quests from Norn City. If you want I can train you the next few days as I'm free anyways."
He glanced at Redmill "Hey you lazy mutt, you live alone right? Have Yaren stay with you for a few days until he settles his feet."
"huh..? Huh..? WHAT?!" Redmill stammered, "You want me to stay alone with another man in my hut?!" She said with her fangs bared. She glanced at Yaren, seeing the confusion on his face she settled down a bit. "No offense meant, it was just a sudden request is all.." She said nervously.
Skrid watched her outburst with an amused expression, "Ohh wow, the fiery Redmill shows such a tame side?" He said with a sly grin. He scoffed and glanced at Yaren with the corners of his eyes, "Besides, that Runt seems so weak, I'm sure you could easily handle him. I could hardly imagine the wild Redmill, The Flare Hound herself falling danger to a whelp back from the dead, as healthy as he may seem."
Redmill squeezed her eyes shut so hard it looked as if she had eaten a whole lemon at the jab Skrid had given her. "SHUT UP! You raggedy bastard, I'll show you just like those fucking poachers the other day." She exploded, the temperature of the room rising with her fury. She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Fine, I suppose it won't hurt, I do have an extra bed anyways." She looked at Yaren and tossed him a bone in the form of a key. " I'm going to sleep now. It's the Hut three doors down to the left of the Chiefs Hut. Come as you will, just don't steal from me. I will know." She warned with narrow eyes. "Thank you. I will remember this." Replied Yaren as he waved to her. "Pleasure meeting you." Yawned Yewbed as she rolled over and proceeded to fall into a deep slumber.
After a while of chatting about the surrounding area, some friends of the other in the village, and of training for some time Yaren and Skrid decided to part ways. "Well that's the jist of is, that should be all you need to know to get by, even if I'm away on a quest. Just don't wander too deep into the Midlands. I will see you in the morning to train." Skrid stood up and walked towards the door. "Thank you, I truly appreciate this. I suppose I'm lucky you found me." Yaren replied standing up. "No worries, there aren't many in the village I can have an intelligent conversation with without some hassle" Said Skrid "Consider us friends now!" He said with a smile as he stuck out his hand. "Agreed!" Yaren said steadily as he shook his hand and walked out the door.
Yaren looked around the Center Bonfire, seeing just a few guards keeping watch. He wandered over to Redmills house, peering up the night sky before heading inside.
*Ding* "Quest [Gather Knowledge] has been completed."
"That was a fruitful first day." Yaren said to himself as he opened the door to the hut and stepped inside to end the night.