Gordon Raemusy wanted to control all of the boundless layers. Cake layers were not enough.
He turned to a mysterious figure who questioned him about his plans.
"What are you planning to do?"
Gordon turned to the figure and scowled. "My life, my rules. My style, my attitude. You love me or hate me, I don't care. But do not play with me."
With that, Gordon, the Gordon, sat silently, staring off into the distance. He truly was a Raemusy.
A giant TV screen displayed the foreboding logo of N-Gen, also known as Двое. All of Raemussy's followers bowed to the screen before them.
"I love being a raymusy" Gordon said.
Kirk stopped dead in his tracks while walking alongside Dr. Sinn.
"Me neither."
Kirk stopped again in his tracks. He had an untied shoelace, but that's not why he stopped. In fact, It was the shoelace that he stepped on that indicated danger was afoot. You see, the aglet of the lace detected a slight rumble in the ground. The ground was tumbling. Mumbling. Bumbling. Mom's spaghetti. Then, at that moment, Dr. Dre Himself, the Dre of Doctors, emerged from the ground below. He startled the Weiler and da Sinn.
Dr. Dre stared at them intently, and began to speak in a deep voice. "You two have been chosen."
"For what?" Kirk asked in confusion.
"To win a new Iphone 17 pro. And also, to defeat N-Gen, which is led by the tyrannical rule of the Raemussy himself."
"NO WAY!" Kirk and Da Sinn shouted simultaneously.
Dr. Dre then ascended to heaven, leaving them behind. The only thing left to remind them of his presence was a gold chain that had the words "THE MATHE" attached. Kirk looked down at the shiny 24 karat magic in the air gold chain before them. He picked it up and wore it in honor of the Dead Docta Dre.
After putting on the 24 karat magic in the air gold chain, he turned to Da Sinn of sinns, and asked, "Do you notice anything different?"
Da Sinn nodded and replied, "Indeed. You are free of bounds."
"Immeasurably." Kirk concluded.